31 янв. 2018 г.

Ricksy Business

Rick and Morty 1x11

Rick: "Glip glop?" You're lucky a traflorkian doesn't hear you say that.
Summer: Is that like their n-word?
Rick: It's like the n-word and the c-word had a baby and it was raised by all the bad words for Jews.

Rick: Morty, listen-- we've had a lot of really cool adventures over the last year, but it's time to relax.

Captain: Ladies and gentlemen... Don't brace yourselves.

Rick: Whoa. Not cool, Summer. This is a party. Everybody should be welcome... Oh, great. Who invited Abradolph Lincoler?

Rick: Huh. Big star in the sky. Oxygen-rich atmosphere. Giant testicle monsters. We'll be fine! Let's party!

Abradolph Lincoler: I'll handle the beast!.. Prepare to be emancipated from your own inferior genes!

Beth: I didn't peg Lucy for a rapist...
Jerry: What does a rapist look like exactly, Beth? Is it a slavic man wearing a denim jacket with a patchy beard and the scent of cheap champagne wafting over his blister-pocked lips?
Beth: What?

Birdperson: Morty, do you know what "wubba lubba dub dub" means?
Morty: Uh, that's just Rick's stupid nonsense catchphrase.
Birdperson: It's not nonsense at all. In my people's tongue, it means, "I am in great pain. Please help me."

Birdperson: My people have another saying-- "gubba nub nub doo rah kah". It means, "whatever lets you sleep at night".

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Peaky Blinders 2x1

Episode #2.1

Ada: God, do you know how funny it is that you've got chauffeurs in uniform now?
Tommy: It's just for the occasion, Ada.
Ada: Do you know how unfair it is that you've got four Bugattis when half the country's starving?

Polly: Tommy, it's a funeral, business can wait.
Tommy: Polly, if Ada was weeping then I'd stop. But she's not.

Ada: Well, I'm not a Shelby anymore. And I'm not a Thorne now, either. I'm free.

Polly: "Till the danger passes"?.. That'll be the bloody day.

Polly: Six.
Johnny: Six what?
Polly: Six questions since you walked through the door. Soon you're going to have to start being the man with the answers.
Johnny: Why?
Polly: Seven. Because when London happens, you'll have to hold up your end or we'll find somebody else who can.

O'Donnell: In all the world, violent men are the easiest to deal with.

Tommy: The King offers you a peace treaty and you start a war about it. That's funny, don't you think? A war about peace.

Tommy: I am chosen? I'm chosen. Can the chosen one smoke?

O'Donnell: From now on, Mr Shelby, you shut your fucking Gypsy mouth and listen to your instructions.

Tommy: Everyone's allowed to speak. On your feet, Esme, let's hear what you have to say...
Johnny: I speak for our household. So...
Tommy: John, this company is a modern enterprise and believes in equal rights for women. On your feet, Esme.

Esme: London... It's more like wars between armies down there. And the coppers fight side-by-side with them. And there are foreigners of every description... and the use of bombs is the least of it.

Esme: London is just smoke and trouble, Thomas.

Tommy: Any of you who want no part in the future of this company, walk out the door... right now. Go raise your chickens. For those of you with ambition... the expansion process begins tomorrow.

Polly: Your mother said, "It's his cleverness that'll kill him."

Polly: You and the boys, go and get yourselves killed.

Polly: You tell a soul in this family... and I swear I will cut you!

Arthur: I love it. Your Esme was right about one thing - you can't beat the countryside.

Arthur: Much obliged.

Arthur: It's a fucking freak show.

Arthur: What the fuck is that racket?
Tommy: This is what they call music these days, brother.
Arthur: Music?!

Tommy: I've 50 quid in me pocket. Let's paint the town, eh?

Polly: Well done, Tommy, you've picked a side. Now you're at war with Sabini.

Sabini: You take up with the Jews. Yeah, you think that's what London's all about. You can just come down, pick a side. You fucking clown! Now your life is over.

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+ Soundtracks!

Til Death Do Us Part

Lucifer 3×13

Pierce: If it were that easy to kill me, I would have been dead a long time ago.
Lucifer: Very well. Right, have you tried... grenade down the throat?.. Acid bath?.. Devoured by wolves?.. Dropped into helicopter blades?

Pierce: I've been trying to kill myself since the Bronze Age. I have tried everything. Even jumped into a volcano once.

Lucifer: So if I cut you exactly in half, would there be two Pierces?
Pierce: No. Only one side would heal. You see, I call it the, the "master molecule" theory...
Lucifer: Yes, yes, Wolverine rules. I get it.

Lucifer: Of course! Allergies. I didn't think of that. What makes us vulnerable is often right under our noses. Shellfish, maybe? Huh? Bees? Latex?

Anya: People have been getting notes for all kinds of things. Uh, loud music, parking, holiday decor... It's like Martha Stewart and the Terminator had a baby.

Lucifer: Well, don't you worry about that, Detective. Trust me, no one's a worse neighbor than the Devil.

Chloe: I have a new plan. You lovebirds ready to go back to suburbia?
Lucifer: Ah. Till death do us part, darling.

Lucifer: Um, why is that hummus so far away from the crudités?
Pierce: What?
Lucifer: Everyone knows you put the snacks next to the dipping sauce. I... Why do I feel like I'm the only one putting any effort into anything?

Lucifer: I don't have all the answers. But I hope that we can find them... together. I mean, after all, you may be the only person on this planet who truly understands me.

Chloe: Wow. Cover officially restored.

Pierce: It's just we deal with death every day, and... everybody's gonna die. Someday you'll die, and I just...
Chloe: Yeah. Losing your brother, it's still really affecting you, huh?
Pierce: Understatement of the millennia.

Lucifer: I get you.
Pierce: No, you don't. But you've been on the earth, what, five years? You'll see. It's hard not to get attached.

Lucifer: If we're gonna get revenge on Dad, we've got to be committed.
Pierce: I've already married you. I'm not sure how much more committed I could be.

Lucifer: There are so many things that we never got to try.
Pierce: .... Fine. Go get the chain saw.
Lucifer: Oh, I thought you'd never ask.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Роберт Маккаммон — Королева Бедлама (4/4)

&  – ...мне кажется, что вы склонны принимать стечение обстоятельств за дурной глаз, поскольку... Поскольку, стечение обстоятельств – вещь скучная. Это ежедневная рутина, которая вдруг разражается несчастьем. А вот если сказать, что у тебя глаз дурной – это тебя сразу ставит над толпой, выносит в царство... В царство разреженного воздуха, где обитают обладатели особой смеси жалости к себе и магических сил. И то, и другое привлекает людей как магнит.

&  – Не выпрашивайте. Это признак слабости.

&  Человек занимается делом, потому что таков его долг.

&  – Да, болтаю, как слабоумная. Это ад – стареть.

&  Мэтью быстро понял, что расположение улиц здесь совсем не такое, как в Нью-Йорке – правильная квадратная сетка, а не хаотичное нагромождение.
     Но через еще один квартал он понял, что у такого приятного расположения есть и недостаток. ... Сетка улиц – это значило, что они длинные, ровные и без препятствий, и горе пешеходу! Мэтью отметил, что кучера пользуются такой возможностью и пускают лошадей бегом.
  ... И еще глубже, в самый его центр.”

>> Мистер Слотер (Голос ночной птицы — 3)

30 янв. 2018 г.

Once Removed

Inside No. 9 4×3

Spike: Looking for a Mrs Falsham.
May: Yes, that's me. What do you want?
Spike: Handle Me Gently.
May: Sorry?
Spike: The removals company - Handle Me Gently. I'm Spike.

May: It's one of the most stressful things, isn't it? Moving house.
Spike: People often say that but, according to the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale, the top three are - death of a spouse, divorce and imprisonment. Moving home's only number 32.
May: Oh, well, that's something.
Spike: And erectile dysfunction isn't even on the list.

May: Sorry, this is Spike from Squeeze Me Tightly.
Spike: Handle Me Gently.

May: He was wondering how long a yonk is?
Viktor: Er, it's short for donkey's years, isn't it?
May: Yeah, that would make sense.

May: I can explain.

Viktor: I'm vegetarian.
Hugo: Me too. Good call, we will live longer my friend. Let them choke on their sausages, eh?

Percy: Well, well, well. If it isn't the great Julian Lloyd Webber come to see his older brother...

Viktor: I'll take care of everything. There won't be any loose ends.
Natasha: What a professional young man you are.
Viktor: I do try.

On the IMDb

Hang the DJ

Black Mirror 4×4

Amy: Well, evidently I'm a pasta girl.
Frank: Yeah, I'm a, uh... fishcake.

Coach: Participants are not required to take any specific action.
Frank: Yeah, but I mean we can, right? I mean, people do if it's just a short time?
Coach: If that's your decision.
Frank: It's up to us?
Coach: It's up to you.

Amy: Must have been mental before the system.
Frank: How do you mean?
Amy: Well, people had to do the whole relationship thing themselves, work out who they wanna be with.
Frank: Hmm. Option paralysis. So many choices, you end up not knowing which one you want.

Nicola: Tikka masala. Just...
Frank: What?
Nicola: It's a bit tikka masala.

Lenny: So it's been great, really. Shame it has to end.
Amy: But end it must.

Frank: Well, I learned what it's like to cohabit with someone I despise. Is that useful for the system?
Coach: Everything happens for a reason.

Amy: All right, so now you're gonna say: "What if that's us and we're stuck in a simulation?"
Frank: Well, how would we know?

Amy: Have you ever had more than four or less than four?

Coach: Everything happens for a reason... The system will be assessing your reaction to the painful premature termination of a treasured relationship and will adjust and improve its profile of your eventual chosen one accordingly.

Amy: Coach?
Coach: Yes, Amy?
Amy: Count to four.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Роберт Маккаммон — Королева Бедлама (3/4)

&  – Моя работа... по преимуществу умственная, сэр.
     – Вот в том-то и беда с вами, с теперешней молодежью. Сидите на собственной... умственности и называете это работой.

&  – Шахматы ж тоже сложная вещь?
     – Да. То есть поначалу. Пока не разберешься, что какая фигура может.
     – Вот так же и с рапирой, только стремишься не заматовать короля и защититься от мата сам, а убить человека и не дать убить себя. Фехтование вот в чем подобно шахматам: и там, и там ты озабочен занятием обороноспособной позиции. Одинаково важны наступление и отступление – в шахматах это атака и защита. Ты должен все время думать над следующим ходом, следующим блоком, следующим выпадом. Ты должен иметь план, ты должен перехватить инициативу у своего противника... Давай я тебя спрошу: сколько у тебя ушло, чтобы научиться играть в шахматы?
     – Я думаю... много лет. Я все еще делаю больше ошибок, чем мне хотелось бы, но я научился исправлять их последствия.
     – Вот то же и в фехтовании.

&  Как ни либерален просвещенный Нью-Йорк, он не простит служителю божьему шашни с проститутками.

&  Ни одно дело не проиграно, пока от него не отступились.

29 янв. 2018 г.

Close Rick-counters of the Rick Kind

Rick and Morty 1x10

Beth: So, dad, guess what tomorrow is.
Rick: Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday.
Beth: No. Well, it... might be.
Rick: It is.

Rick: Yeah, most timelines have a Rick, and most Ricks have a Morty. This place is a real who's who of who's you and me.

Rick: I say the point of being a Rick is being a Rick.
Guard-Rick: Save your anti-Rick speech for the council of Ricks, terror-Rick.
Rick: Hey, save your Rick rules for the sheep-Ricks, Rick-pig.

Rick: I'm the Rick, and so were the rest of you before you formed this stupid alliance. You wanted to be safe from the government, so you became a stupid government. That makes every Rick here less Rick than me.

Rick: Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got pancakes back home with syrup on top of them. They're about to hit that critical point of syrup absorption that turns the cakes into a gross paste...

Rick: ...So, as they say in Canada, peace oot!

Rick: Oh, come on. Don't look at another man's portal-gun history. We-- we all go to weird places.

Rick: What?! That's Rick-diculous!

Pizza-1: Yeah, I'd like to order one large person with extra people, please... White people.
Pizza-2: No, no, no, no. Black people. And hispanic on half.

Phone-1: Yes, I'd like to order one large sofa chair with extra chair, please... High chair.
Phone-2: No, no, no, no. Recliner. And wheelchair on half.

Chair-1: Yeah, I'd like to order one large phone with extra phones, please... Cellphone.
Chair-2: No, no, no, no. Rotary. And pay phone on half.

Chair-Waiter: Phones à la clams and phonesghetti with phone balls.
Rick: Anything else?
Chair-Waiter: Yeah, more phone sticks, please.
Rick: Right away, sir.

Rick: You're a camouflage.
Morty: Camouflage? What are you talking about, Rick?
Rick: Ricks have a very distinctive and traceable brain wave due to our genius. The best way to hide from an enemy's radar is to stand near someone with complementary brain waves that make ours invisible. See, when a Rick is with a Morty, the genius waves get canceled out by the, uh... Morty waves.
Morty: Um... Because o-our personalities are so different?

Morty: I'm just a tool! I-I-I'm just an object!
Rick: Hey, it's your choice to take it personally, Morty. Now, for the love of God, be quiet.

Morty: You know what, Rick? I'll tell you something! I'm more than a human shield!
Rick: Yeah, that's right. You are. You're a perfect, impenetrable suit of human armor, Morty, because you're as dumb as I am smart, which is why when I say "shut up," it's really good advice.

Doofus Rick: Okay, if we add a little more titanium nitrate and just a tad of chlorified tartrate... ovenless brownies!

Killer Rick: You're crying? Over a Morty?
Rick: No, I'm just allergic to dipshits.

Morty: The Mortyest Morty...
Rick: Just don't get too big for your loafers, Buster brown. A cocky Morty can lead to some big problems. It can be a real bad thing for everybody.
Morty: Oh, yeah? How's that?
Rick: U-uh, I'll explain when you're older.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

To Sardines and Back

Transparent 3×3

Maura: You sure?
Vicky: Yeah. I want to be part of your tribe.
Maura: Try swarm.

Shelly: Who here wants to know my social media name?.. It's To Shel And Back.
Josh: I get it. It's like "To hell and back."

Shelly: I, too, have transitioned. I'm coming out. I'm reaching out. I'm a brand.

Rachel: So... I mean, do you feel it?
Duvid: The presence of the divine?
Rachel: Do you feel it all the time?
Duvid: Remember the four words. Uh... Picture them out in the world. I picture love, justice, truth, beauty. I remember them, and it's physical. I remember them around me, and I picture them wrapping me up like a... like a garment that I try on. I feel a little rush, and, you know, you get sort of a tingle on the back of your neck. Sometimes that's all God is... is that... the feeling, and from that place, I feel like I can love.

Maura: Well, one of the things I wished for was, uh, that you guys don't call me Moppa anymore.

Maura: ...And, uh, maybe you guys want to call me, I don't know, Mom.

Josh: I think I'm okay with the face. Ahem. Just... the idea of Dad's pussy.
Ali: Dad's pussy.
Sarah: Dad's pussy.

Len: Your family's the best, I love your family. I mean, they're crazy, but I love them.

+ quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat

The X-Files 11×4

"The Truth Is Out There"

Martin: I know you think I'm crazy. But it's not me. It's the world. The world's gone mad.

Martin: What is this, some kind of sick joke, Buddy?
Devil: Oh, it's no joke. And my name's not Buddy.

Mulder: I was out squatchin'.
Scully: What?
Mulder: Bigfoot hunting. I had my phone turned off.
Scully: Did you have any luck?
Mulder: No, but that's not really the point. I just had to get away from the madness for a little while.

Mulder: It seems this past year all I've done is watch the news and worry that the country's gone insane. I had to get out to nature. You know, where it's simple and uncomplicated, where it's just you and the elements. And possibly a cryptozoological, simian-like, hairy humanoid with enormous feet.
Scully: I think you just like saying "squatchin'."

Reggie: I've stumbled on the conspiracy to... to end all conspiracies.

Mulder: Confuse The Twilight Zone with The Outer Limits? Do you even know me?!

Mulder: Let me... L-Let me, let me get this straight. Wh-When it cools, it forms into three different layers, with three different textures, all from the same mix? How has this never been an X-File?

Scully: I-I have such wonderful memories associated with it. I remember my mom making it. I remember family vacations over the summer holidays, and Fourth of July, fireworks, America, God, love.
Mulder: That's some Jell-O.

Mulder: It's the Mandela Effect... When someone has a memory of something that's not shared by the majority or the factual record.

Scully: Well, this is romantic.
Mulder: Isn't it?

Reggie: No. It's called the Mengele Effect because people have a memory of Josef Mengele getting apprehended in Ohio in 1970. So, it's the Mengele Effect.
Mulder: The Mandela Effect has been an Internet meme for almost a decade. It's always been called that.
Reggie: Ah, see, you're having a Mengele Effect about the Mandela Effect.

Reggie: The Mengele Effect is being intentionally orchestrated by someone.
Scully: Who? And to what end?
Reggie: For the simple reasons that Orwell said. "He who controls the past controls the future."

Scully: This is ridiculous. I mean, the Mandela Effect is simp... is simply people misremembering stuff.
Mulder: But maybe... this is actually evidence of a parallel universe.
Reggie: Wait, what?!
Scully: Wait, what?!

Scully: Guys... it's faulty memory because Occam's razor.
Reggie: That's "Ozzie's razor," not Occam's. It's always been Ozzie's razor.
Mulder: Maybe in a parallel universe it is, but in still yet another universe, it's perhaps known as "Occam's ax."
- It's not parallel universes!!

Reggie: She thinks I'm just some kind of conspiracy nut. Well, you know what? A conspiracy nut is right twice a day. No, that's a broken clock. Okay, it still applies because they want you to think all conspiracies are nutty, so you will ignore the ones that are true.
Mulder: Reggie, take it from a fellow nut, okay? At some point, you're gonna have to explain who "they" are.

FBI Agent: I guess that's how things go: you start out a rebel, but then you get fat. And the next thing you know... you're deep state. Sad.
Mulder: Do you know who I am? I'm Fox Mulder. I was fighting the power and breaking conspiracies before you saw your first chemtrail, you punks. I'm Fox freaking Mulder, you punks!

Mulder: It's true, Scully, I've lost the plot. I can't find the hidden connections between things anymore. The world has become too crazy
for even my conspiratorial powers.
Scully: Maybe you've just lost your taste for it, especially after all this "birther" stuff.

Dr. They: Kids today don't even know what this means. Why should they? I mean, when's the last time someone admitted doing something they were ashamed of? Even if caught on tape doing it, they just say, "Well, that was taken out of context."

Dr. They: Who's hiding? I'm in the phone book. But nobody knows what's a phone book anymore.

Dr. They: It's my new platform: "phony fake news." It's a presentation of real facts, but in a way that assures no one will believe any of it.

Dr. They: I felt a professional courtesy to meet with you and to tell you this in person... you're dead. Oh, that came out wrong. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I meant your time, Agent Mulder, your-your time has passed.

Dr. They: They don't really care whether the truth gets out, because the public no longer knows what's meant by "the truth." ... I mean, no one can tell the difference anymore between what's real and what's fake.
Mulder: There's still an objective truth, an objective reality.
Dr. They: So what?

Dr. They: The point is, I can tell you all of this, right out in the open, because it doesn't matter who knows about it. They won't know whether to believe it or not.
Mulder: To be honest, I'm not believing any of this.
Dr. They: Well, believe what you want to believe... that's what everybody does nowadays anyway.

Dr. They: I can't control people's minds. Although it turns out you don't really have to. All you need is some people to think it's possible.
Mulder: And then you've sown the seeds of uncertainty...
Dr. They: All you really need is a laptop.

Dr. They: You know, our current president once said something truly profound. He said, "Nobody knows for sure."
Mulder: What was he referring to?
Dr. They: What does it matter?

Reggie: So you remember how, uh, crazy people used to be portrayed as thinking they were Napoleon? When did that stop? Maybe it's another Mengele Effect, right?

Reggie: Well, uh, take care, guys. Stay sane. And, um, good luck with the rest of your cases.

Mulder: Reggie. Our last case together, what happened?
Reggie: ... We found the truth that's out there.

Mulder: Is that what I think it is?
Reggie: It's the gold record. Yup. It's the Voyager. What's left of it...

Alien: Our study is now complete. We no longer wish to have any further contact with you. We have returned your music sampler but will no longer tolerate any further efforts on your part to venture beyond your realm. We are building a wall. It will be a beautiful, albeit invisible, electromagnetic wall that will subatomically incinerate any probes you attempt to send beyond your solar system. You're free to explore Uranus all you want. But we can't allow your kind to infiltrate the rest of the cosmos.
    You're not sending us your best people. You're bringing drugs. You're bringing crime. You're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people, but we have no choice. Believe me. For although the rest of the galaxies all have their share of these same problems, we fear you could infect us with the one trait that is unique to Earthlings... You lie.

Alien: To show there are no hard feelings, we've compiled a compendium of answers to any questions you might still have regarding... anything. Good luck, and good riddance.

Mulder: So that's the truth? We're not alone in the universe, but nobody likes us?
Scully: It's okay, Mulder. There'll always be more X-Files.

Scully: I want to remember how it was. I want to remember how it all was.

On the IMDb

Роберт Маккаммон — Королева Бедлама (2/4)

&  – Судя по моему опыту ... иногда вопросы, на которые легко ответить, неправильные вопросы. Иногда вопросы с легкими ответами направлены на то, чтобы увести человека в темноту. И поэтому, чтобы добыть свет ... я обращаюсь к вопросам, которых не задал бы никто другой. Непопулярным вопросам, невежливым вопросам. Наглым вопросам. Я их долдоню, я их талдычу снова и снова, и зачастую моя стратегия – доставать до печенок тех, кто не дает мне нужных ответов.

&  – Будучи работником агентства ..., вы изо всех сил будете стремиться к успеху – и несмотря на это, много раз терпеть поражение. Так устроен этот мир и такова правда жизни. Но когда вы снова найдете свою лошадь, куда вы поедете – вперед или назад? Вот это я хотела знать... Добро пожаловать.

&  – Вы знаете, что мы рядом с тем местом, откуда этот остров получил свое название? Сюда первые поселенцы принесли кувшины с бренди для индейцев, и потом был церемониальный пир. А когда поселенцы спросили, как называется остров, индейцы родили название на месте: Манахактантенк. На их наречии это значило: «Место, где все надрались допьяна».
     Он поднял кружку с элем:
     – За Манахактантенк! – провозгласил он и осушил кружку.

&  – Знаешь, как портовые грузчики в Лондоне говорят? «Не парься из за мелких ящиков. А все на свете – мелкие ящики».

28 янв. 2018 г.

Peaky Blinders 1x6

Episode #1.6

Thomas: Get home, get bathed. Check your kit, check your weapons.
Arthur: Why? What's going on?
Thomas: We're doing it today.

Aunt Polly: .... Watch Thomas. I know how he is. But he does what he does for us. I think.

Thomas: Today will be the last time, Poll. After today, there'll be no need for prayers. We'll be set.

Campbell: One thing I have learned... is that you and I are opposites, but also just the same. Like an image in a mirror... We hate people. And they in turn hate us. And fear us.

Campbell: Before the day is over, your heart will be broken... just the same as mine.

Campbell: Men like us, Mr Shelby... will always be alone. And what love we get... we will have to pay for.

Aunt Polly: Cos he knows... you have to be as bad as them above in order to survive.

Winston Churchill: Prime Minister.... I'm pretty sure he gave me a half smile. He never usually smiles unless a political opponent dies.

Ada: We named him Karl. After Karl Marx.
Arthur: Karl bloody Marx?

Freddie: Danny, you're dead.
Danny: Nah. I've been living in London. Same thing.

Aunt Polly: There's only one thing can blind a man as smart as you, Tommy. Love.

Aunt Polly: ...he might forgive you. He might take you in. You can never tell with men. They go for whoever their dicks point at, and there's no changing their minds.

Thomas: All right, men... You were mostly in the war, so you know that battle plans always change and get fucked up. Well, here it is. Things have changed. We fight them here. Today. Alone.

Campbell: Let dog eat dog. Let the beasts devour each other. And then we shall pick the bones.

Harry: You're bad men, but you're our bad men.

Thomas: She's in the past. The past is not my concern... The future is no longer my concern, either.
Harry: What is your concern, Tommy?
Thomas: The one minute. The soldier's minute. In a battle, that's all you get. One minute of everything at once. And anything before is nothing. Everything after... nothing. Nothing in comparison... to that one minute.

Thomas: To Danny Whizz-Bang. May we all die twice.

Sergeant Moss: So... the Shelbys will get away with murder. Just like they always have. Some things never change. Eh, sir?

Thomas: To Shelby. Brothers. Limited.

Aunt Polly: There'll be others...
Thomas: To the others. All of them.

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The Gathering

Outlander 1×4

Geillis: Sometimes ye find yerself on a path you never expected. Doesn't mean it can't lead you to a bonny place.

Dougal: I wanted to thank you personally for what you did for poor Geordie up there on the hunt.
Claire: In truth, I did nothing. I wish I could have helped him.
Dougal: Ye did. Ye took him to a peaceful place, and that's all any of us can ask when we pass. So thank you.
Claire: You're welcome.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Роберт Маккаммон — Королева Бедлама

<< Суд над ведьмой (Голос ночной птицы — 1)

Голос ночной птицы — 2

цитаты | Королева Бедлама | Роберт Маккаммон | Голос ночной птицы | sequel | New-York | year 1702 | detective agency | crime | serial killer
  “Давно известно, что лучше зажечь свечу, нежели проклинать тьму, но в городе Нью-Йорке в лето одна тысяча семьсот второе одно другому не мешало, потому что свечки были маленькие, а тьма – великой. ...
&  ...не предопределили ли рок и человеческая природа превращение со временем каждого Вифлеема в Бедлам.

&  – Я всю жизнь терпеть не мог вопросов без ответов. Наверное, таким родился.
     – Урод от рождения, можно сказать. Большинство людей охотно принимают простейшие ответы на труднейшие вопросы. Так ведь легче жить, не правда ли?

&  Уж если попадет человеку в кровь типографская краска, она всю жизнь будет зудеть у него в жилах.

&  – Я думаю, что вы всегда ощущаете свою ответственность. За кого или за что – не знаю. Но в каком-то смысле считаете себя ответственным перед другими. Вот почему вы никогда не были юнцом, мистер Корбетт: потому что ответственность старит молодых. К сожалению, она также изолирует человека от сверстников. Заставляет его жить наособицу, погрузиться в себя даже больше, чем просто из-за трудностей жизни. Поэтому, лишенный истинных друзей или ощущения своего места в мире, он обращается к еще более серьезным и формирующим его влияниям. Скажем так: лихорадочное чтение. Умственная работа над шахматами, над поставленными себе задачами, которые должны быть как-то решены. Без ощущения цели эти задачи могут подавить человека, взять верх, владеть его мыслями день и ночь... и не иметь разрешения. С этого момента человек встает на путь, ведущий к очень тусклому и безрадостному будущему. Вы согласны?

27 янв. 2018 г.

Bridget Jones's Baby

Mark: Bridget, an old friend.
Bridget: Well, less old, more childhood.

Bridget: So... Nice memorial, as memorials go. Almost makes one look forward to one's own.

Miranda: And anyway, it's not camping, it's glamping.
Bridget: Putting a G L in front of it doesn't make it any better. Calling him Gladolf Hitler wouldn't suddenly make you forget all the unpleasantness.

Bridget: Oh, God. I have to admit, that was fun. And you're right... What I need is a good shafting... some good old-fashioned, lie back and-think-of-England... bonking.

Bridget: Well, this isn't embarrassing at all. Mark Darcy and I at the altar with a baby.

Bridget: No, can't go back and keep making same mistakes. Must keep moving forward and make new ones.

Bridget: I am pregnant.
Mark: Right. Well, congratulations. How can I help?
Bridget: I'm three months pregnant.

Mark: Would you excuse me for just a moment.......... I think that this is quite possibly the most wonderful piece of information I have ever received in my entire life.

Mum: Oh no, Bridget. Who's the father? It's not Mark is it? Oh, do say it is.
Bridget: There's at least a 50 percent chance.
Mum: A 50 percent chance?!
Bridget: Mark and this really nice American called Jack.
Mum: Oh no, Bridget. An American?! Did you have a three-way?

Bridget: Well, how do you know?
Shazzer: You just have to have faith. You just have to ask yourself: can I see myself growing old... with this guy, and not Mark Darcy?

Bridget: Falling in love doesn't happen on paper. Sometimes you love a person because of all the reasons they're not like you. And sometimes you love a person just because they feel like home.

Dr. Rawlings: You don't really need them, you know. All they're good for is fitting car seats and blaming things on. They really just get in the way after that. You're absolutely capable of doing this on your own.

Gianni: A margarita with onion and pineapple. Number 17, thank you.
Mark: What?!
Gianni: Who is ordering onion with pineapple, huh? Some people they're crazy, no?

Jake: No, you can do this. A positive mental attitude is stronger than any drug. Okay? Just think away the pain.
Bridget: Oh, bollocks to that. No, I want everything. Gas, air, injections, morphine.
Jake: Bridget, remember your yoga.
Bridget: Fuck yoga!
Mark: Oh, I couldn't agree with you more.

Dr. Rawlings: I'm not sure how much there is to gain from you two being at the coal face if I'm honest. My ex-husband said it was like watching his favorite pub burn down. So. Your choice.

Dr. Rawlings: Think the pain away... You're pushing an entire human being out of your vagina. I'd like to see them thinking it away.

Mum: I'm so sorry we didn't get here on time. Daddy's parking the car. There's some march for women's rights. I mean, honestly, do we need any more rights?

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Demons, Sunday School, and Prime Numbers

Young Sheldon 1×11

Mary: What are y'all playing, Chutes and Ladders?
Young Sheldon: Tam is teaching us Dungeons & Dragons.
Mary: Oh.
Young Sheldon: We're on a quest to find the pitchfork of a devil named Baalzebul.

Mary: I'm worried. There are incantations in this book to summon actual demons.

Mr. Nguyen: So what is the problem with this game?
Mary: The problem is, it goes against the teachings of the church.
Mr. Nguyen: All right. Listen to me. A problem is starving to death in a Communist reeducation camp. A problem is not seeing your family for many years while you remove land mines from the Ho Chi Minh trail. A game boys play with make-believe demons, not a problem.

Pastor Jeff: Sheldon needs to start attending Sunday school. If he likes books with demons and devils, I've got one that will blow his mind.
George: What book is that?
Mary: The Bible, George.
George: Sure, yeah.

Pastor Jeff: So I'll see you Sunday morning at 8:00.
Young Sheldon: No, you won't. I cast a second level spell of invisibility on myself.
Meemaw: Well, that game isn't making him any smarter.

Mary: Shelly, why aren't you asleep?
Young Sheldon: I'm studying for Sunday school.
Mary: You're reading the Bible? That's wonderful!
Young Sheldon: I do have a question... Is there anyone in our town from the Amalek tribe?
Mary: I don't know, why?
Young Sheldon: If there is, we're supposed to kill them and their cows.

Mary: I'm actually grateful to that Dungeons & Dragons game. It helped lead him to God.

Young Sheldon: I'm done.
Mary: You finished it?!
Young Sheldon: All of it. Ask me which birds are kosher.

Young Sheldon: Jesus isn't God?
Tam: No, he's his son. But you do eat him, and drink his blood. Oh, there's also a ghost, but not the scary kind.
Young Sheldon: Like Casper?

Tam: Every once in a while, you have to confess your sins to a priest.
Young Sheldon: Not me, I don't have any sins.
Tam: Then you have the sin of pride.
Young Sheldon: Your religion is making me feel bad.
Tam: That's how you know it's working.

Young Sheldon: So Meemaw tells me you're Jewish.
Ira: Right to it, huh? All right, let's do this.

Young Sheldon: What's it like to be Jewish?
Ira: Oh, it's terrible. I don't recommend it.
Young Sheldon: Why?
Ira: Well, for starters, your life is hemmed in by ancient, pointless rules. There's a lot of yelling, and, uh, you're probably not gonna get into a good country club.

Young Sheldon: What about God?
Ira: What about Him?
Young Sheldon: Does he play a part in your life?
Ira: Well, historically, he's gotten a kick out of punishing us.

Young Sheldon: What about Jesus? He was Jewish.
Ira: Oh, we've got a lot of celebrities. Uh, we've got, uh, we got William Shatner, and Leonard Nimoy...
Young Sheldon: Kirk and Spock? I want to be Jewish.

Young Sheldon: The only sin in Mathology is being stupid.

Young Sheldon: Welcome to the Church of Mathology. Today, I'd like to talk about prime numbers, and why they bring us joy.

On the IMDb

26 янв. 2018 г.


Annie Wilkes: The swearing, Paul. There, I said it.
Paul Sheldon: The, uh, profanity bothers you?
Annie Wilkes: It has no nobility.
Paul Sheldon: These are slum kids, I was a slum kid. Everybody talks like that.
Annie Wilkes: THEY DO NOT! What do you think I say when I go to the feedstore in town, "Oh, now Wally, give me a bag of that F-in' pig feed, and ten pounds of that bitchly cow corn"? And the bank do I tell Mrs. Bollinger, "Oh, here's one big bastard of a check, give me some of your Christ-ing money?" THERE, LOOK THERE, SEE WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!

Buster: Virginia, when you're in this car, you're not my wife, you're my deputy.
Virginia: Well, this deputy'd rather be home under the covers with the Sheriff.

Annie Wilkes: Oh, Paul, what a poet you are!

Annie Wilkes: ...And I'm on page 75.
Paul Sheldon: I guess that means it's okay.
Annie Wilkes: No. No, it isn't. It's... Oh, pooh. I can't think of any words. Would "great" be insulting?

Paul Sheldon: What?
Annie Wilkes: She can't be dead, MISERY CHASTAIN CANNOT BE DEAD!

Annie Wilkes: I thought you were good, Paul, but you're not good. You're just another lying, old dirty birdie, and I don't think I better be around you for a while.

Annie Wilkes: And don't even think about anybody coming for you. Not the doctors, not your agent, not your family because I never called them. Nobody knows you're here. And you better hope nothing happens to me. Because if I die... you die.

Annie Wilkes: I think you should light the match, Paul...

Annie Wilkes: It'll be a book in my honor for saving your life and nursing you back to health. Oh, Paul, you're gonna make me the envy of the whole world.
Paul Sheldon: You just expect me to whip something off, is that it?
Annie Wilkes: I expect nothing less than your masterpiece.

Annie Wilkes: Here. In case you think of any ideas.
Paul Sheldon: Well, I wouldn't expect too much...
Annie Wilkes: Don't be silly. You'll be brilliant. Think of me as your inspiration. I have faith in you, my darling.

Annie Wilkes: Will she be her old self, now that Ian has dug her out, or will she have amnesia?
Paul Sheldon: Have to wait.
Annie Wilkes: Will she still love him with that special, perfect love?
Paul Sheldon: You'll have to wait.
Annie Wilkes: Not even a hint?

Annie Wilkes: Misery's alive! Misery's alive! Oh, it's so romantic!

Annie Wilkes: To Misery!
Paul Sheldon: To misery.

Annie Wilkes: I know you don't love me... Don't say you do. You're a beautiful, brilliant, famous man of the world, and I'm not a movie star type. You'll never know the fear of losing someone like you if you're someone like me.

Annie Wilkes: I have this gun. Sometimes I think about using it... I better go now. I might put bullets in it...

Buster: Must get lonely, living out here all by yourself.
Annie Wilkes: Well, I always say if you can't enjoy your own company, you're not fit company for anyone else.

Annie Wilkes: You and I were meant to be together forever. But now our time in this world must end. But don't worry, Paul. I've prepared for what must be done... I put two bullets in my gun. One for you and one for me... Oh, darling, it'll be so beautiful.

Paul Sheldon: You know, when I finish, I'd like everything to be perfect. I'll need three things.
Annie Wilkes: What things?
Paul Sheldon: You mean you don't know?
Annie Wilkes: ... I was fooling, silly. You need a cigarette because you used to smoke, but you quit except when you finish a book. And you have just one. And the match is to light it. And you need one glass of champagne. Dom Perignon.
Paul Sheldon: Dom Perignon it is.

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The Last Man on Earth 4×9

Daniel: I'd like to tell you about the specials.
Karl: Oh, I already know about one of them. 'Cause she's sitting... right across from me.
Daniel: ... Great. In addition, we have a potato leek soup, and the fish of the day is halibut.

Karl: So, uh, how's your week going?

Karl: Oh, my finest work yet. It's like Matisse mixed with Shakespeare and just a little Rhea Perlman on top.

Karl: Hey, have you ever been painted?

Martinez: So... Karl Cowperthwaite. What kind of name is that?

Karl: Hi. I'm Karl.

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25 янв. 2018 г.

Something Ricked This Way Comes

Rick and Morty 1x9

Jerry: Well, traditionally, science fairs are a father-son thing.
Rick: Well, scientifically, traditions are an idiot thing.

Summer: I need a ride to work. ...
Rick: I'm busy.
Summer: Doing what?
Rick: Uh, anything else.

Mr. Needful: Tell me, Rick, what do you desire?
Rick: Eh, I make my own stuff. So, what are you-- like, the devil?

Jerry: You know, Rick's in his lab, making cyborgs and wormholes and all that weird stuff, but this is real science. A man and his boy, making planets... Hey, how about we use a ping-pong ball for Pluto? And then Jupiter--
Morty: Uh, actually, I don't think Pluto's a planet.
Jerry: Of course Pluto's a planet, son! I learned that in the third grade.
Morty: Well, yeah, but you know they changed it.

Jerry: I disagree.
Morty: You disagree?
Jerry: That's right. It's possible to disagree in science, Morty. Pluto was a planet. Some committee of fancy assholes disagree. I disagree back.

Rick: Hey, Morty, let me ask you a question real quick. Does evil exist, and if so, can one detect and measure it?
Morty: Um...
Rick: Rhetorical question, Morty. The answer's "yes, you just have to be a genius".

Rick: Your sister's boss gave me a microscope that would have made me retarded.
Morty: Oh, boy, Rick. I'm don't think you're allowed to say that word, you know?
Rick: Morty, I'm not disparaging the differently abled. I'm stating the fact that if I had used this microscope, it would have made me mentally retarded.
Morty: Okay, yeah, but I don't think it's about logic, Rick. I think the word has just become a symbolic issue for powerful groups that feel like they're doing the right thing.
Rick: Well, that's retarded.

Mr. Needful: You didn't use it?
Rick: Sure I did -- to develop this. It detects and catalogs all your "twilight zone", "ray bradbury", "Friday the 13th" the series voodoo crap magic.

Mr. Needful: Summer, you know, your grandfather's right. This store curses people. That's my business.
Summer: Well, yeah. Fast-food gives people diabetes, and clothing stores have sweatshops. Is there a company hiring teenagers that isn't evil?

Jerry: Phew. I think I know what the "a" in NASA stands for.

Morty: Why don't we just make the solar system with eight planets? It's even easier.
Jerry: Sure, sure, and why don't we just burn Galileo at the stake for saying the sun is round? Science isn't always easy, Morty.

King Flippy Nips: You really gave it to those guys at NASA!
Jerry: I was-- you know, sometimes science is about conviction.

Mr. Needful: This is the best weekend I've had since Salem.

Rick: 'Don't pay for cool stuff with your soul. Pay for it with money. You know, like how every other store in the world works?'

Scroopy Noopers: ...Mines like these suck Plutonium up to the cities, where corporations use it to power everything, from diamond cars to golden showers...

Rick: Oh, look, it's Rosemary's baby.

Morty: You said science wasn't easy.
Jerry: I said science isn't always easy. Obviously, that means sometimes it is easy. Let's not debase ourselves with word games, son.
Morty: Dad, their whole planet is dying!
Jerry: Ha! You called it a planet. Checkmate.

Morty: Dad, what did you think about the recent report published by the Pluto science reader linking Pluto-quakes, sinkholes, and... surface shrinkage to deep-core Plutonium drilling?
Jerry: Well, son, what did you think when you were five and you pooped your pants, and you threw your poopy undies out your bedroom window because you thought it was like throwing something in the garbage? I mean, I'm trimming the hedges, and these things are just hanging there. Was I supposed to think the poop bunny left them?

Rick: Hey, Jerry, you in here being stupid?

Mr. Needful: It was a long six hours, but we've overhauled "Needful Things" into the globally-compliant web 4.0, "e-nomenon", "n33dful.com", spelled with threes instead of "e"'s.... Okay, that's it. We just got bought by Google!
Summer: I'm so proud of you, Lucius.

Summer: You're Zuckerberg-ing me?
Mr. Needful: I was Zuckerberg-ing people before Zuckerberg's balls dropped. I'm the devil, be-atch!

Jerry: Morty, I'm not as smart as your grandpa Rick, but I promise never to make that your problem again.
Morty: Hey, dad. Nobody's smarter than Rick, but nobody else is my dad. You're a genius at that.

Morty: And also, knock next time, you know? I mean, I'm sitting in here, I'm 14-- I got a computer in here, you know?

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All About Her

Lucifer 3×12

Lucifer: Well, gosh, we have so much to catch up on, don't we, Kane? Or would you prefer Mr. Kane? Make it sound official?

Lucifer: Where do you think you're going? You can't just walk out on me!
Kane: Or what? You'll kill me?

Lucifer: I'll tell everyone who you really are!
Kane: Go ahead. They don't even believe you're the Devil.

Mazikeen: Testing a new blade. Making sure it's kill ready.

Mazikeen: This is that human thing where you're mad about something else but you're taking it out on me, right?

Chloe: No, I'm not having a senior moment. I'm finally accepting you for what you really are, which is an egomaniacal narcissist!

Chloe: Time to go home and be with the person you love most... Yourself.

Doctor: It's chlamydia.
Amenadiel: Excuse me?
Doctor: It's a sexually transmitted disease.
Amenadiel: Right, but I can't have chlamydia. I'm an angel.
Doctor: Not to worry. A round of antibiotics and you'll be back to your, uh, angelic ways.

Lucifer: See? Detective Day.

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Plus One

The X-Files 11×3

The Truth Is Out There

Mulder: Well, correct me if I'm wrong, Scully, and I know that you will, ...

Scully: You're saying you believe him.
Mulder: No. I'm just saying that I think the kid's too stupid to make it up.

Judy: You're nothing but a hosebag. How old are you? 40s? Past your child-bearing years. You're all dried up, not even half a woman.
Scully: You can't hurt me, Judy.
Judy: Nothing hurts like the truth.

Scully: No, it's not evil... it's mental illness. There's some kind of psychic transference.
Mulder: I wouldn't rule out ghosts...
Scully: Well... except for the fact that they don't exist?
Mulder: Of course there are ghosts.
Scully: I mean, science has proven that the stimulation of the brain's left anterior insula is linked to the feeling of a sensed presence and that repeated stimulation to an area of the left temporoparietal junction is what promotes the sense of a shadowy figure, collectively known as the Gastaut-Geschwind syndrome.

Charles 'Chucky' H. Poundstone: Top of the morning, Agent Muldoon. What's on your mind?

Lisa: Well, promises are like bananas... they're only good when they're appealing.

Mulder: Like I said before, clearly there's a dark influence set loose in this town, Scully.
Scully: Well, by "dark influence," again, I presume you mean evil, Mulder. But there is no such thing as evil. I mean, evil is a concept, like the Devil.
Mulder: Oh, the Devil is a concept? Certainly, that's not what they taught young Dana Katherine Scully in Sunday school, is it?

Scully: I can't explain it. But if you eliminate the impossible, whatever is remaining, even if improbable, must be the truth.
Mulder: No sugar, Sherlock.

Scully: What's gonna happen?
Mulder: What's gonna happen when?
Scully: When we're old.
Mulder: What do you mean "when"?

Mulder: Oh, I'll always be around, Scully. Offering bulletproof theories of genius that you fail to assail with your inadequate rationality.
Scully: And I'll always be around to prove you wrong.

Scully: Mulder, they can't hang us. We-we can only hang ourselves if we panic.
Mulder: How many letters in Scully, Scully?

Scully: My rational mind knows that you are only a... a manifest psychic ideation borne of latent hostility.

Scully: But then again... it's not out of the realm of extreme possibility.

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24 янв. 2018 г.

Peaky Blinders 1x5

Episode #1.5

Thomas: The black star day... is the day we take out Billy Kimber and his men.

Arthur: Now look, Grace, if you know what's good for you, you don't ask questions about things that don't concern you. Never. Right?

Arthur: How much, how much to get started?

Byrne: I am judge, jury and executioner. I find you guilty and I pass sentence. You deliver the guns to me or I deliver death and hell's fury to you and your little tribe of heathens. Am I making myself clear?

Grace: Are you expecting trouble?
Thomas: Yeah.
Grace: At this hour?
Thomas: Midnight is as good an hour as any.

Thomas: I will make my peace my own way. To barmaids who don't count...

Finn: The police are in the lane, Tommy!

Thomas: I know you like to be asked properly. Grace, can I have this dance?

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The X-Files 11×2

"Accuse Your Enemies of That
Which You Are Guilty"

Langly: Mulder, I-I need to know. Am I dead? If I am... they know that I know.
Scully: Know that he knows what?

Mulder: I don't know what I think. I don't know. But I'll tell you what I do know. We got to take a trip to IKEA.

Mulder: I got 14 rounds.
Scully: Eight.

Mulder: We defended ourselves!
Critical Incident Response Group Head: Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say. But, see, they were wearing body cams, so... You know how that turns out for the ones who weren't.

Scully: Skinner says surrender.
Mulder: Why should we surrender? To who?

Commander Al: Where's your phone, bro?
Mulder: Easy for Orwell to say.

Commander Al: "I want to believe"?.. Here's what I believe. We would've all saved lots of money and headaches if we only knew Americans would have been just fine losing the Cold War... if they could only make a little money off of it.

Skinner: It's Purlieu Services, an American security contractor with its headquarters in Moscow.

Scully: What are we looking for, Mulder?
Mulder: Knowing Langly, bread crumbs... Huh. His birth date is wrong. October 13. We shared the same birthday.

Mulder: March 28, 1969. Any president die that day?
Scully: Eisenhower.
Mulder: Who needs Google when you got Scully?

Scully: Mulder, do gravediggers work at night?

Skinner: The world is different, Mulder. When Scully started, it was just us. Dark forces in the U.S. government. There was barely a Russia. Now there's 17 U.S. intelligence agencies. Homeland Security, Russian FSB, Chinese MSS, ISIS, al-Qaeda, Blackwater... Private companies launch to the Space Station, and all of them are in bed with one another, while trying to exterminate each other, and that includes each of us.

Dr. Hamby: Maybe he saw Mulder in his dreams.
Mulder: Who hasn't?

Mulder: Scully, you looked so adorbs just there. All curled up in a ball in the booth of a skanky bar with your fingers wrapped around the grip of an assassin's Glock...

Richard 'Ringo' Langly: Mulder, it's like I designed heaven. I eat hot dogs and donuts all day long. No one here ever dies of cancer or Alzheimer's. ......... And I'm begging you...destroy it. We're living a lie here. It's a work camp. We're digital slaves. ...

Scully: You think we can get in there looking like this without raising suspicion?
Mulder: You look good.

Scully: I'm not uncuffing him. This guy's like Hannibal Lecter-level psycho.

Agent Colquitt: So, hon... what's your home office?
Scully: Sorry, bro. Married to the Bureau.

Erika Price: We can upload a mind now through any smartphone. No one's even aware we're doing it. We can take a piece of your mind any time you make a call. Painless. Two hours.

Mulder: So... if you upload me through my phone, I don't really have a choice.
Erika Price: Sure you do. You could not use your phone.

Erika Price: Very few have ever seen it, and those that do don't realize what it is. It's just a client-server. Wires, lights. Why do you need to see it?
Mulder: It's the closest I'll get to seeing God. In this life... or that.

Richard 'Ringo' Langly: Mulder? Mulder! They know that we know! Destroy the backup!

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Джонатан Троппер — Как общаться с вдовцом (4/4)

&  – Жизнь есть жизнь. Не бывает счастливых концов. Бывают счастливые дни, счастливые минуты. Единственный конец – это смерть, и поверь мне, никто не умирает счастливым. А за то, что ты не умер, приходится платить: жизнь все время меняется, и единственное, в чем можно быть уверенным, так это в том, что ты ничего не можешь с этим поделать.

&  Совершенство искусственно, холодно, неподвижно. Настоящая красота – электрический ток, который нужно заземлить, и небольшие изъяны как раз и созданы для этого. Необходим контекст, ориентир.

&  – Ты не похож на парня, у которого есть сбережения в трастовом фонде.
     – А у меня их и нет. Папа не хотел нас баловать. Он говорил, что, если у ребенка есть деньги, он никогда не научится отвечать за свои поступки... И все-таки я был раздолбаем.
     – Может, и так, но раздолбай с деньгами намного опаснее. Кто знает, до чего бы ты докатился, если бы для тебя деньги были не вопрос?

&  Ты клянешься себе, что никогда не станешь таким, как родители. Слушаешь тяжелую музыку, одеваешься по молодежной моде, трахаешься стоя и на кухонном столе, постоянно повторяешь «черт» и «дерьмо», но в один прекрасный день без предупреждения из твоих уст вылетают их слова, словно долго бездействовавшие агенты, которые внезапно активизировались. Ты еще молод и способен услышать эти слова ушами подростка, который сидит рядом с тобой, и поэтому осознаешь, насколько жалки и бесполезны твои усилия – несколько мешков с песком против приливной волны наследственности.

&  Трудно убить человека на середине фразы. Так Джеймс Бонд тянет время до появления коммандос: ведет непринужденную беседу.

&  – И как же ты с этим живешь?
     Она печально пожимает плечами.
     – Как всегда, – отвечает мать. – Надеюсь на лучшее.

У меня была жена. Ее звали Хейли. Ее больше нет. Как и меня.

&  Иногда осознание того, что абсолютно ничего не меняется, поражает, как удар монтировкой по башке.

&  Я уже не жду счастливого конца. Я просто хочу, чтобы что-то снова началось.

  ... Мы одновременно открываем двери, и в лицо нам бьет ветер.”

23 янв. 2018 г.

Jason Bourne

Jason Bourne: I remember. I remember everything.

Aaron Kalloor: You don't get it, do you? Privacy is freedom. Maybe that's something you should think about defending.

Heather Lee: What if he's not coming for us? What if it's something else?

Director Dewey: What's that noise?
Asset: Multiple fire alarms.
Director Dewey: That's Bourne.

Director Dewey: People all across this country are safer because of what you did.
Jason Bourne: I'm trying to find another way.
Director Dewey: And how's that working out for you?.. You're never going to find any peace. Not until you admit to yourself who you really are.

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Σ nostradamvs: «Абсолютно пустой фильм. Насколько первый после реинкарнации фильм про Борна был хорош, настолько этот превратился в бессмысленную шпионскую мешанину, каких мы уже видели тыщу со всем этим закулисьем и спутниковым наблюдением.»

Blood Magic

Grimm 6×10

"Nothing, they say, is more certain
than death, and nothing more
uncertain than the time of dying."

Thomas Paine

Rosalee: Getting old is no fun.
Monroe: Then I guess we're not having any fun, 'cause we're getting old together... "But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, and loved the sorrows of your changing face."
Rosalee: You just made that up?
Monroe: Yep. No, it's Yeats.
Rosalee: It's beautiful.

Wu: Coincidence? I think not.

Eve: What did I do wrong?

On the IMDb

Джонатан Троппер — Как общаться с вдовцом (3/4)

&  Он еще подросток, а это значит, что даже в лучшие моменты его жизнь – полное дерьмо.

&  – Дело в том, что люди начинают относиться к скорби как к своей собственности, практически ею гордятся. Им хочется верить, что никто никогда не испытывал ничего подобного. Но это не так. Все скорбят одинаково. Скорбь словно хищник. Она всегда поблизости и за все это время практически не изменилась. Знаете почему?
     – Почему?
     – Потому что она и так совершенна.

&  Я всегда полагал, что люди, живущие в красивых особняках за городом, богаче меня, и только попав к ним в компанию, я понял, что все это не более чем сложная и продуманная разновидность банкротства. Огромное количество денег уходит на выплату ипотеки и кредитов на кухню и ванную, два или три раза в месяц нужно платить за дорогущую машину. Сам того не осознавая, ты потратил сотню тысяч (за вычетом налогов) и не успел куска хлеба себе отрезать. Проклятие среднего класса, черт бы его драл. Они так живут, потому что представляют себе жизнь по голливудским рождественским фильмам. Жалкое существование, строящееся на шатком основании из громадных долгов: малейший просчет, скромная премия, неудачное вложение денег или непредвиденные расходы – и вся конструкция рухнет.

&  Я устал засыпать каждую ночь, страшась проснуться, но я боюсь перестать страдать, потому что это будет значить, что я обо всем забыл и живу дальше, и она уйдет навсегда.

&  – В нашей семье вагон секретов.
     – Нет. Мы лжем. В семье ложь необходима. Иначе мы не смогли бы смотреть друг другу в глаза. Но поверь мне, секретов у нас нет.

22 янв. 2018 г.


Black Mirror 4×3

Shazia: Now, I'll just hook you up to the recaller here.
Simon: It's one of those memory dredgers?
Shazia: We prefer "corroborators."
Simon: Police things, aren't they?
Shazia: Mm... Not since last year. We all have them now.

Shazia: No sipping, just take a sniff. Aroma's a great memory boost, helps anchor you to where you were.

Shazia: So, this accesses engrams, your memories of what happened. Now, they're subjective. They may not be totally accurate, and they're often emotional, but by collecting a range of recollections from yourself and any witnesses, we can help build a corroborative picture of the whole.

Shazia: Well, memories can be subjective. What we do is build up an overall average, a crowd-sourced picture of reality.

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The Way Out

Outlander 1×3

Claire: Darling, it will be all right. I'll be all right. I'm sure of it. You have to trust me on this.
Frank: Woe betide the man that stands between you and what you set your mind upon. And damned if that stubbornness, isn't what I find so attractive about you.

Frank: I should be the one leaving for the front lines.
Claire: Welcome to the 20th century.

Claire: I truly believe Father Bain would have preferred that boy die than me save him.
Geillis: Aye. I don't doubt that. A man's beliefs are how he makes sense of life, and if you take that away, what do you have left? Is it so different where you come from?
Claire: In that regard, I suppose not.

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+ Soundtrack

Джонатан Троппер — Как общаться с вдовцом (2/4)

«Как твои дела?»
     И снова первое побуждение – отречься. Губы готовы произнести: «Прекрасно», и от тебя ждут, что ты это скажешь. Все очень надеются, что ты проговоришь: «Прекрасно», – может быть, устало и грустно пожав плечами, но все-таки скажешь именно это. Люди машинально проявили заботу, и «прекрасно» – расписка об уплате ими налога. Но у тебя все совсем не «прекрасно». Тебе хреново. ... Вам кажется, что это можно назвать «прекрасно»? Сказать так – значит дискредитировать все, что тебе пришлось пережить. «Прекрасно» – это в некотором смысле неуважение к покойной жене: значит, ты недостаточно любил ее. Но никто не хочет знать неприглядную правду, а если и хочет, не очень-то удобно вот так делиться своим горем. И ты в очередной раз произносишь: «Прекрасно», и дышишь глубоко, пока не пройдет мгновенное побуждение совершить ритуальное кровопролитие.

«Я могу тебе чем то помочь?»
     Да, раз уж вы об этом упомянули. Вернитесь в прошлое и помешайте моей жене сесть в тот чертов самолет. Вот это будет неоценимая помощь. Я буду вам вечно признателен. Но коль скоро это невозможно, чем, по вашему мнению, вы могли бы мне помочь, так чтобы это решило мои проблемы? Приготовить ужин? Я потерял жену, а не микроволновую печь.

&  Что бы вы ни делали, не перегибайте палку. Не надо совать мне под нос собственные беды, словно руку для тайного братского рукопожатия. Скорби не нужна компания. Я не хочу слышать о том, что ваш отец попал в автокатастрофу, мать хватил инфаркт, а сестра медленно умирает от лейкемии. Мое горе затмевает все, и мне нет дела до ваших печалей, как и вам до моих.

&  Если вы хотите выказать мне дружбу и сочувствие, от вас требуется только одно: оставьте меня в покое. Не нужно это понимать буквально. Я понимаю: вы полагаете, что, превознося мою жену или поделившись теплым воспоминанием, облегчите тем самым мою боль. Но поверьте мне на слово: это не так. Если вы иначе не можете, знайте: простое приветствие – все, что я сейчас могу вытерпеть. Если вам так уж необходимо посочувствовать моему горю – хмуро кивните, поджав губы и подняв брови, и сменим тему. А вообще – не стоит заморачиваться...

21 янв. 2018 г.

Peaky Blinders 1x2

Episode #1.2

Aunt Polly: Sorry, I misunderstood your intention... when you pushed me to the wall.

Campbell: And when I say the boss, I mean Thomas.

Aunt Polly: Will you talk to him?
Thomas: No... You don't parley when you're on the back foot. We'll strike a blow back first.

Uncle Charlie: It's Thomas Shelby against the whole bloody world, right?

Ada: Oi! I'm a Shelby too, you know. Put my fucking film back on!

Aunt Polly: Obviously, I didn't teach you well enough! Rule one, you don't punch above your weight.

Aunt Polly: He deserves an opportunity to do the right thing. I say we give them a chance.
Thomas: For a woman who's had a hard life with men, you're still full of romance, eh?

Aunt Polly: I did it to myself... and I almost died. And he didn't come back. They don't. Why should they? You know the words. You're a whore, the baby's a bastard... but there's no word for the man who doesn't come back.

Thomas: I'm a fair man. It's a fair offer. Do we have a deal?

Campbell: Very well. But I'd prefer if we don't shake hands on it.
Thomas: .... Now why would I shake the hand of a man who didn't even fight for his country?

Campbell: Thomas Shelby is now the beginning, the middle and the end of your mission.

Grace: You underestimate me in every way.

Thomas: I just put a bullet in his head.
Grace: Was he lame?
Thomas: He looked at me the wrong way. It's not a good idea to look at Tommy Shelby the wrong way.

Thomas: Family business.

Grace: Happy or sad?
Thomas: ... Sad.
Grace: OK. But I warn you, I'll break your heart.
Thomas: Already broken.

Arthur: You stay the way you are, Tommy. Remember what Dad used to say-- "Fast women and slow horses...
Thomas: "...will ruin your life."

Harry: Holy shit. It's Billy Kimber.

Thomas: It would be an honour to work with you, Mr Kimber.
Billy Kimber: Nobody works with me. People work FOR me.

Arthur: Tommy, we can't mess with Billy fucking Kimber.
Thomas: Get yourself a decent haircut, man. We're going to the races.

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Rixty Minutes

Rick and Morty 1x8

Rick: Oh, cool! Is that crystallized Zanthonite? It conducts electrons across dimensions.
Morty: Twenty percent accurate, as usual, Morty.

Jerry: Rick, would you please go back to me on David Letterman?
Rick: Infinity's a big number, Jerry. I don't remember the channel.

Rick: Infinite time lines, infinite possibilities. Including a time line where Jerry's a movie star.

Summer: It seems like when I exist, life gets a little more, I don't know... predictable?
Beth: When two people create a life together, they set aside their previous lives as individuals.
Jerry: Gimme a break! We're not heroes for having unprotected sex on prom night.

Summer: You thought about getting an abortion?
Beth: Everyone thinks about it! Obviously, I'm the version of me that didn't do it. So... you're welcome.
Jerry: Yeah, you're welcome.

Jerry: Every family on this block has to wonder if they're together by choice. Our family just has inter-dimensional goggles to show us for a fact that we're not.

Summer: I'm leaving!
Beth: You can't leave, you're 17!
Summer: Yeah, and I'm not pregnant. I'm gonna have better judgment than you guys had at my age.

Gazorpazorpfield: You dumb, stupid, weak, pathetic, white, white... uh, uh... guilt, white guilt, milquetoast piece of human garbage.

Morty: Yeah, that's pretty cool, Rick. So all that happened in this reality too?
Rick: I don't know. Just making conversation with you, Morty. What do you think? I-I-I-I know everything about everything?

Morty: Jeez, Rick. Oh my god! That's some pretty hardcore stuff, you know, for a cereal commercial.
Rick: Well, you know, Morty, I mean, you want to sell boxes of cereal, you gotta, you gotta, pump the gas a little. Pedal to the metal, Morty.

Morty: W-w-w-what?
Rick: Speaking of "w-w-what", Morty... W-w-what should we watch next?

Morty: I-I-I kind of know how you feel, Summer.
Summer: No, you don't. You're the little brother. You're not the cause of your parents' misery. You're just a symptom of it.

Morty: Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere... everybody's gonna die. Come watch TV.

Rick: Look, I don't know! I'm watching the same thing you guys are.

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Джонатан Троппер — Как общаться с вдовцом

цитаты | Как общаться с вдовцом | Джонатан Троппер | журналист | писатель | suburb | grieving | How To Talk To A Widower
  “Расс крепко под кайфом. ...
&  Скорбь, как и все остальное, можно обслуживать.

&  Даже в споре с самим собой я всегда ухитрялся проигрывать.

&  ...Но ведь для того и существует страховка, правда? Если вы ни разу не подали иск, значит, им удалось обвести вас вокруг пальца.

&  В уголках ее глаз я замечаю мелкие морщинки, раньше их не было. Тех, кого любишь, видишь такими, какими ты их запомнил, но изредка смотришь на них отстраненно, и в эти считаные секунды, пока мозг изо всех сил пытается приспособиться к новой действительности, что-то в тебе сворачивает с дороги и, вереща, кубарем катится с обрыва.

&  Иногда единственная правда, которую люди могут вынести, – та, с которой они проснулись утром.

&  Я понял: жалость – как пердеж. Когда сам портишь воздух – еще ничего, но когда это делает кто-то другой, уже нестерпимо.

«Соболезную ».
     Я понимаю, это общее заблуждение, но дело в том, что, когда тебе выражают соболезнование, подразумевается, что ты тут же должен ответить: «Все в порядке». С детского сада, с самого первого раза, когда какой-нибудь насморочный нахаленок опрокинет твои кубики, ты запрограммирован на прощение. А ведь все отнюдь не в порядке, никаким порядком тут и не пахнет, но какой-то социолингвистический тик заставляет тебя утверждать обратное. И дело не только в этом: теперь вы поменялись ролями – ты утешаешь, вместо того чтобы выслушивать утешения. Это-то как раз не страшно: от бесплодных попыток успокоить меня уже тошнит, я мужчина и привык сам себя успокаивать – напиваться и орать на телевизор, бить кулаками по кирпичной стене, плакать под душем, где слезы исчезают, едва успев показаться. Но ни при каких обстоятельствах мне не хочется стоять и успокаивать кого-то еще. У того, кто недавно потерял жену, думается мне, есть свои проблемы. Так что, когда подобное повторяется несколько раз, приучаешься в ответ просто благодарить и при этом чувствуешь себя нелепо. Спасибо за соболезнование. Да что это такое, черт подери? Еще одно наглядное доказательство бесцельности существования, практически лишенного смысла.

20 янв. 2018 г.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Merlin: How important is that dinner?
Eggsy: .... Let me show you.

Poppy: It's easy to nod, isn't it?.. I don't like easy. I like proof.

Princess Tilde: You said you've never eaten at a palace before. And Pappa is sort of picky about table manners.
Eggsy: Well, as it happens, babe, I've got this shit on lock. I know what every single one of them knives and forks is for...

Harry Hart: This is a butter knife. It's the only one you need to remember, the rest of the cutlery is easy... You start from the outside, and you work your way in with each course... And never let anyone describe you as "H.K.L.P."...
Eggsy: What's that?
Harry Hart: "Holds knife like pen." A habit erroneously believed to be upper class dining etiquette. It is quite the opposite.

Harry Hart: White wine, pudding wine, red wine, water and pop. Or whatever tipple takes your fancy.

Eggsy: Am I supposed to wait for everyone else to be served before I start eating?
Harry Hart: Only if the dish being served is cold. Or if the Queen is present. Otherwise tuck in.

Eggsy: Hey, Merlin. Still fucking spectacular, eh?.... Come on, guys, loosen up. We saved the world.

Poppy: Kingsman is crumpets. Like toast, but British.

Poppy: I got you a present, Charlie. My guys made you this. Bigger, badder, better. I call it... ARMageddon.

Merlin: There's no time for emotion in this scenario. Now... as all surviving agents are present, we follow the doomsday protocol. When that's done, and only then... you may shed a tear in private.

Merlin: Whatever's in that safe is the answer to all our problems.... Huh.
Eggsy: Is that it?
Merlin: I suppose that must be upper-class humor. I don't get it.
Eggsy: Me neither. What the fuck are we supposed to do now?

Eggsy: Merlin.
Merlin: Aye?
Eggsy: I think we're going to Kentucky.
Merlin: Fried Chicken? I love fried chicken.
Eggsy: No, proper Kentucky. Look.
Merlin: You know what else I love? Country and western music.

Tequila: You know why the measurement of alcohol content's called "proof"?
Eggsy: Oh, fuck off!
Merlin: Oh, for Pete's sake.
Tequila: See, comes from back in the old days... when pirates wanted to test the strength of their rum. They used to pour a little bit out on gunpowder. That'll make you wanna slap your mama right there, boy. And if the gunpowder, if it burnt when they set it alight... they considered it proof... that their rum was good and strong.

Princess Tilde: Well, if you save the world... you know what that means.

Charlie: Poppy, would you pass the sugar, please?
Poppy: Okay. But it's really bad for you. Eight times more addictive than cocaine. Five times more likely to cause death. But it's legal... so, you go ahead. Knock yourself out... Don't get me started on tobacco and alcohol. Peddle that stuff and you're in Fortune 500.

Harry Hart: Manners... maketh... man.

Poppy: Save lives. Legalize.

Harry Hart: When I was shot... can you guess what the last thing was that flashed through my mind?.. It was absolutely nothing. I had no ties. No bittersweet memories. I was leaving nothing behind....

Harry Hart: Just know that having something to lose... is what makes life worth living.

Poppy: It's "Viva las vegan." Get it? "Viva las..."

Harry Hart: As one of our founding Kingsman once said... this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning...

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