30 нояб. 2017 г.

Sons A Witches

South Park 21×6

Randy: Sup, witches?!

Chip: I got this spell book last month. Got it in Salem, Massachusetts. They say it's real.
Randy: Chip: Like, real how?
Chip: Like from the devil himself. You guys want to try it?..

Kyle: Dad, get outta here! We're trying to deal with an actual witch. Nobody's coming after you!
Gerald Broflovski: Yes, they are, boys! And next they'll be coming after you! 'Cause you're all little sons a witches.

Butters: Oh, uh, hello, Mr. President, how are you? How... How is running the country goin'?
Garrison: Oh, it's fine. You know, just making the country great again.
Butters: Did you get rid of all the immigrants like you said?
Garrison: I got rid of, like, six of 'em so far... You know it's little harder than I thought.
Butters: Cool, and did you build that big wall you were gonna build?
Garrison: Don't be a dick, Butters. Are you just calling to shit on my Halloween?

Eric: She was dressed kinda like me but had a simple Munich dirndl from Germany.
Rick: And you didn't stop at all to think that what you were doing might attract the witch?
Eric: Excuse me? Are you actually trying to blame the victim here?!
Rick: I'm just saying that if there's a big fat witch around, maybe you shouldn't walk through the woods dressed as Hansel and Gretel.

Garrison: You wanna see real power?.. All right, take the shot.

Randy: Don't wait up, Sharon! I'm gonna party with El Presidente.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Drink the Kool-Aid

American Horror Story. Cult


Kai: ...it's easy to get men to kill for you. Any asshole with enough money or a rank in the army can get men to do that. Real power is having people loyal enough to you that, if you ask them to, they will kill themselves. They will override their natural survival instinct in service of your needs and will.
Heart Attack: Wait, are we a cult? I thought we were a political movement.
Kai: All politics is a personality cult now, Heart Attack.

Kai: The left-wing propagandists at CNN and NBC have polluted our discourse with fake news. Pornography has desensitized our young men. We've lost a generation of moms to Candy Crush! This can't go unchecked.

Ivy: I just... I-I felt... I felt like I was out of control, like there was no boundary or structure to contain me or my feelings, and... I wanted someone to come in and say, "Do this. Go there. Believe in this. Care about that."
Ally: A daddy?
Ivy: I guess, yeah. It felt so good to take my hands off the wheel.

Winter: We have to run away. It's the only way. I found this on wikiHow...
Ally: "How to escape from a cult."
Winter: They lay out 14 steps, it's all in there.

Kai: Jim Jones said...
Ally: Oh, my...
Kai: "Death is not a fearful thing. It's the living that's cursed."

Kai: "This is not suicide. It's a revolutionary act. The world will be talking about us, forever..."

Kai: Why would I kill us? I'm running for Senate. And dead people can't vote. Except in Chicago.

Kai: I'm sure your mommies do the best they can, but... they're girls. They don't know what it's like to be you.
Oz: Every family is special in their own way.
Kai: Happy families are all alike. Every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. Tolstoy.
Oz: Toy Story?

Ally: Ivy, you need to calm down. It's not good for your health. Come on. Sit down. Eat some food. Drink some wine...

Kai: Doubters get no cookies.

Kai: He's cute. Talks a lot. No filter.
Ally: Yeah. He can be a precocious little fucker.
Kai: Well, with a name like Ozymandius, kid's just begging to get the shit kicked out of him. Who came up with that?
Ally: I did. King of kings.

On the IMDb

Initiative 38

Life 2x20

Crews: ...someone came here to kill your wife. Can you think who that might be?
Amis: Yes, I can. Initiative 38.

Crews: Is it what Lisa would've done?
Ella Holden: Yes. Use everything, leave nothing.

Crews: Well, maybe what they had in common is that they had nothing in common. Do not write that down.
Seever: Might be a clue. I'm going to write it down, you may look away.

Tidwell: Four bullets, two from a 9mm, two from a.22.
Seever: Two guns.
Crews: Two shooters. Someone really wanted her dead.

Crews: And they're all carrying?
Seever: Within the confines of the building, they are well within their rights.
Crews: Lawyer and a cop...
Bobby: That all?
Crews: Olympics. Just the relay.

Seever: How you doing?
Crews: Pretty good, how about yourself?
Seever: I'm holding a bomb.
Crews: I saw that.

Seever: Hey, where are you going?
Crews: Where he's going.
Seever: And where's that?
Crews: I'll know when I get there.
Seever: And what should I do?
Crews: You... should be... here.
Seever: I am here.
Crews: Okay. Then... there you are.

Agent Liz Ray: Boys, just because you have guns doesn't mean you have to show them.

Ted: How do you know this?
Amanda: I know everything.
Ted: What's that like?
Amanda: Almost always disappointing.

Seever: I think you'd make a good mayor.
Crews: I wouldn't want to be mayor.
Seever: That's why you'd be such a good one.
Crews: Is that Zen?
Seever: Is it?

Ted: Roman not here? Charlie, where is Roman?

Ted: Charlie, what are you thinking?
Crews: I'm thinking about what I want and what I need.
Ted: What do you want?
Crews: I want a peaceful soul.
Ted: And what do you need?
Crews: I need a bigger gun.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

It's the Great Pumpkin, Phil Dunphy

Modern Family 9×5

Haley: Dad, I really want to be excited for you, but Halloween? We're almost old enough to vote.

Claire: Oh, what, you're too old for a little scare?
Alex: The scariest thing is you could be a cheap pick-up line, two beers, and nine months away from being a grandparent, and you just risked asphyxiation in the fridge.

Haley: Mom, Dad? You and Halloween have had some great times together... But it's over. You're way too old, and it's hard to look at.

Phil: As families get older, you have two options... you can force everyone together, or you can accept that traditions die and people move on... Unless you happen to have a giant pumpkin.

On the IMDb

Айн Рэнд — Источник (15/20)

&  — Дорогой Питер, люди так часто заблуждаются. Например, формула «Разделяй и властвуй». Ну, у неё есть какое-то применение. Но наш век изобрёл значительно более убедительную формулу: «Объединяй и властвуй».

&  — Я думаю, никто не вправе причинять боль другому, но и помочь сколько-нибудь существенно тоже не может.

&  — Продать душу легче всего. Большинство делает это ежечасно. Я попрошу тебя сохранить свою душу — ты понимаешь, что это намного труднее?

&  Кстати, это и есть сотрудничество, как я его понимаю... Каждый будет делать то, что он умеет лучше всего, и так честно, как может.

&  Рорку было стыдно, что у него смогло сформироваться такое мнение о человеке, чувство, лишённое даже намёка на уважение.
     Это жалость, подумал он и удивился. Ему пришло в голову, что в мире что-то неладно, если это ужасное чувство считается добродетелью.

&  ...газета постепенно, незаметно избрала определённое направление. На это ушло несколько лет. Он замечал лёгкое искажение фактов в рубрике новостей, полунамёки, двусмысленные аллюзии, странные эпитеты, непонятную расстановку акцентов, политические комментарии, данные некстати. Если речь шла о споре между работником и работодателем, факты подавались так, что виноватым всегда выходил работодатель, независимо от того, о чём был спор. Если говорилось о прошлом, то это обязательно было «наше тёмное прошлое» или «невозвратное прошлое». Если дело касалось чьей-то личной заинтересованности, она всегда была «эгоистическим побуждением» или «жадностью». В кроссворде могло встретиться определение «загнивающего индивидуума», и отгадкой было слово «капиталист».

29 нояб. 2017 г.

Hummels & Heroin

South Park 21×5

Grandpa Marsh: You see Mrs. McGullicutty over there? Whoever has the best Hummel collection is top bitch in this place, and she's got the best. She's ruthless, and she has those old lady farts. You know old lady farts, right? Where they're so loose they don't even acknowledge that happened!

Randy: Your grandpa is styling. Can you imagine being able to just sit around all day and not have to do anything but eat and watch TV?
Stan: Yeah, I'd probably go crazy and want to kill myself.

Vicky: Can I help you?
Eric: Oh, yes, hello. We are adorable children here to entertain old people.
Vicky: Didn't think we had anyone scheduled tonight... Are you with the Protestant youth group?
Eric: Yes, that's right. We are young prostitutes here to volunteer however we can.

Ms. McGullicutty: You really thought stealing my Hummels will make YOU the head bitch in this place?!

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack


The Walking Dead 8×3

Ezekiel: And yet I smile... And yet Carol smiles.
Jerry: Why, boss?

Morales: ...you're a prize, Rick. We've been told. We don't kill you, the Widow, or the King... not if we don't have to.

Jesus: No matter what they've done... They're people. There's many kinds of danger, many kinds of dying. I kill. I've killed. You do. You have. But we don't execute.
Morgan: I have.

Rick: Are you Negan, too?

Morales: Look at us, Rick... We're two assholes who'll do whatever we have to just to keep going. And the only difference is... I'm the one holding the gun. That doesn't make me any worse than you, Rick-- that just makes me luckier.

Morgan: It doesn't change. It never changes. Once you turn--

Morgan: We're the same. We're the same, so there's no choice. Everybody turns, but w-we w--
Jesus: There's war, and then there's peace. We're gonna have to live with these people after. We're gonna have to find a way to peace. Morgan...

Jesus: You want to stop now?.. Maybe not?

Morgan: I'm not right. I know that-- I'm not right. But that doesn't make me wrong.

Gregory: I went to them in-- in-- in-- you know, in the interest of-- of furthering good-faith diplomacy. I tried to save lives. Some people, without opinions colored by a preoccupation with vengeance, might call that heroic.

Gregory: Please, Maggie. We're all just human beings with faults and flaws and-- and fears!..

Gregory: But i-is this who you are? H-Have you no mercy? Have you no humanity? Have you no charity?

Jesus: But they surrendered.
Maggie: Jesus--

Rick: I'm giving you my word. There's not a lot that's worth much these days, but a man's word... that's got to mean something, right?

Ezekiel: We or they. One or the other.

On the IMDb

Still There

This Is Us 2×4

Toby: If you want to eat the muffin, kid, eat the muffin.
Kate: I don't want to.
Toby: Well, I didn't make it to be a TV hood ornament.

Toby: That right there is the healthiest poppy seed muffin you will ever eat. I made it with whole wheat, unsweetened almond milk and grape-seed oil. It is so healthy, in fact, it hardly qualifies as a muffin.

Beth: Baby, stop. Your internal meltdown is literally making the bed hot.

Beth: My mom believed... Still believes... That... how you present yourself on the outside reflects how you feel on the inside.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Айн Рэнд — Источник (14/20)

Архитектурное сооружение — это решение взаимосвязанных проблем напряжения, равновесия и надёжного сцепления противодействующих сил.

&  Он откинул голову назад, чувствуя, как напряглись мышцы шеи, и думал, что, возможно, особая торжественность созерцания неба исходит не от того, о чём размышляешь, а именно от того, что голова откинута назад.

&  — Я хочу сказать, что людей делает несчастными не ограниченность выбора, а неограниченный выбор. Решать, человек должен всегда решать, хотя его раздирают противоречия. В регулируемом обществе человек чувствует себя в безопасности. Никто не будет ему докучать, чтобы он что-то предпринимал. Ничего и не надо будет предпринимать, только, конечно, необходимо трудиться на благо общества.

&  — Для меня единственным моральным принципом является бескорыстие — самый благородный принцип, священный долг, значительно более важный, чем свобода. Бескорыстие — единственный путь к счастью. Я расстреляла бы всех противников этого принципа, чтобы не мучились. Они всё равно не могут быть счастливыми.

&  — Мы должны помогать другим. Это моральный долг идейного лидера. Я хочу сказать, что не следует рассматривать слово «принуждение» как пугало. То, что направлено на благо, то есть совершается во имя любви, не принуждение. Однако не знаю, как заставить страну понять это. Американцы такие ограниченные.
     Он не мог простить своей стране того, что, дав ему четверть миллиарда долларов, она отказала ему в соответствующей доле почитания. Окружающие с удовольствием принимали его чеки, но не принимали его взглядов на искусство, литературу, историю, биологию, социологию и метафизику. Он жаловался, что люди отождествляют его с его деньгами; он ненавидел людей, потому что они не распознали его сущности.

&  — Можно многое сказать в пользу принуждения. При условии, что оно будет планироваться демократическим путём. На первом месте всегда должно быть всеобщее благо, нравится нам это или нет.

28 нояб. 2017 г.

Winter of Our Discontent

American Horror Story. Cult


Kai: Thanks, big bro.
Vincent: Of course.
Kai: Oh, there's just one more thing I need from you... From now on, call me Councilman.

Ivy: I can't put up with this shit much longer! I'm being treated like a servant in my own restaurant. How did this Handmaid shit even happen?

Kai: "Why should we allow abortion for the health of the mother when the baby is the only part of that duo without sin? Kill the mother, save the baby."

Kai: Winter?
Winter: Kill the motherfucker.

Ally: Oh, Jesus Christ. Your sister is screwing my wife!

Winter: I can't believe I was at the Women's March three months ago...

Kai: My children. The time of anointing is at hand...

Winter: What the fuck is this?
Kai: Language, sister. This is a holy space now. And this is a holy song now... like the Lord's Prayer. From this day forward, it shall be played whenever a messiah is conceived.
Winter: Isn't the whole point of a messiah that there's only one?
Kai: Shh.

Kai: This isn't sex. This is a spiritual journey.

Ally: Dinner's almost ready.
Kai: Leftist salads with quinoa and green goddess dressing?
Ally: I'm making sloppy Joes. 'Cause a sandwich is a sandwich, but a Manwich is a meal.

Kai: There's no such thing as gay or straight. You have to lean into your masculinity. It's... it's like electricity. The positive and negative, the flow. When the circuit is complete, the power flows. You become stronger, plugged in.

Beverly: Your promises mean shit! You're a fake. You don't stand for a goddamn thing.
Kai: I'm standing up for millions of people who are finally being heard! Everything I do is in service to the greater purpose! It's bigger than anything in our lives!...
Beverly: Nothing is bigger than your ego. You don't know what the fuck you're doing from one minute to the next. You're incompetent, Kai. Just another attention whore.

Kai: Loyalty... must be absolute. Without it, we have nothing.

Kai: Let's all welcome our newest member...

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

5 Quarts

Life 2x19

Bodner: Hard to believe something so small could cause so much pain.
Crews: It only hurts when it's where it's not supposed to be.
Bodner: And where's that bullet supposed to be next?

Bodner: So are we done shooting each other?
Crews: Yeah, I think so.

Crews: There's something wrong with him.
Seever: Yeah, he's dead.
Crews: Something else. He looks... deader.
Seever: Deader?
Crews: More dead. Extra dead.

Seever: Candle wax?
Kyo: Maybe from someone's birthday cake...
Seever: You eat cake in here?
Kyo: We're like any office. Just because we deal with corpses doesn't mean we're not fun. We are fun.

Crews: A lot of people use work as a painkiller.
Seever: Me, I use painkillers for pain.
Crews: And you use work for work?

Tidwell: How exactly does the nose smell things anyway?
Seever: You don't want to know.
Tidwell: Why?
Seever: You just don't.

Tidwell: I can still smell it out here.
Kyo: That's just the particles lodged in your nose.
Tidwell: Particles? Particles of what?

Crews: You seem a little stressed. Maybe you want to try this breathing exercise I know. It's pretty easy...

Seever: You really know a breathing exercise?
Crews: Yeah. Just breathe. I said it was easy.

Santos: Do you even know what five quarts of blood looks like?

Seever: Can I ask you something?..
Crews: Is it about prison?.. Fruit?.. Zen?

Kyo: The first time [we] kissed, he said, "Lips are just a valve, but yours are sweet." He thought my valve was sweet.

Crews: Shunts.
Seever: A device used to introduce or extract fluids from the body.
Crews: Five quarts.

Crews: You all right?
Seever: I was in that 97%. I never fired my gun, except on the range.

Zen Coach: Objects are not deceiving. They are deception. What we see, what we hear, all that our senses present to us is a fiction, no more real than a dream. We can only know that which we believe. That which we believe. That... is all we have.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

The Believer

Grimm 5×16

"We are each our own devil,
and we make this world our hell."

Oscar Wilde

Rosalie: Everything okay?
Eve: Some things are. Others are not.

Eve: Do you remember when Adalind became me and I became her?
Monroe: I'm pretty sure none of us will ever be able to un-remember that.

Hank: You're thinking about smoking that hat again?

Eve: Not Adalind... Sean Renard.
Monroe: What?! I'm sorry, is that even possible? I mean, you're so, like, not as tall, not to mention he's got other anatomical...
Eve: It hurts.

Rosalie: Well, that is definitely not Juliette. Not the good one or the bad one. I mean, my God, just thinking about her little body turning into Renard's, I'm gonna have to get that out of my head...
Monroe: Yeah, good luck with that.

Hank: What is this, some kind of circus?
Wu: I think that depends on what you believe.

Nick: Does Luke know his killer?
Wu: Not according to Mark and John.
Hank: Mark, Luke, and John? Really?
Wu: I'm just the messenger. And not from on high.

Adalind: It's just... seems like no matter how badly we want something to work, too many things we can't control are in the way.

Joan Vark: That money belongs to God!
Nick: Then all He or She has to do is prove it.

Hank: Maybe he is doing more good than harm.
Nick: Except for the guy who died...
Hank: Well, none of us get out of here alive.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Айн Рэнд — Источник (13/20)

&  — Ты владеешь каждым зданием, перед которым когда-либо останавливался.
     — В каком же смысле?
     — Когда ты останавливаешься перед вещью, которой восхищаешься, ты испытываешь только одно чувство — его можно выразить словом «да». Утверждение, приятие, знак сопричастности. И это «да» больше чем ответ этой одной конкретной вещи. Это всё равно что сказать «аминь» жизни, «аминь» земле, которая несёт эту вещь, той мысли, которая создала эту вещь, и себе, способному видеть её. Способность сказать «да» или «нет» лежит в основе всякого владения. Ведь это владение твоим собственным Я. Твоей душой, если хочешь. У души одно основное назначение — акт оценки. «Да» или «нет», «хочу» или «не хочу». Нельзя сказать «да», не сказав «Я». Нет утверждения без утверждающего. В этом смысле всё, на что устремлена твоя любовь, твоё.
     — В этом смысле мы делимся этой вещью с другими?
     — Нет. Это не означает делиться. Когда я слушаю любимую симфонию, я воспринимаю её иначе, чем замыслил композитор. Его «да» отличалось от моего. Ему дела не было до меня, он преследовал свои цели. Это «да» — оно сугубо личное для каждого человека. Но подарив себе то, что хотел, он подарил мне величайшее переживание.

&  Гейл Винанд сидел за столом в своём кабинете и читал корректуру передовицы ... Фразы, как жевательная резинка, жёваная-пережёваная, прокручивались снова и снова, переходили изо рта в рот, падали на мостовые, прилипали к подошвам сапог, отправлялись снова в рот и изо рта попадали в мозг...

&  «... Если верна старая легенда о том, что люди предстают перед верховным судией и дают отчёт в своих делах, я предъявлю как дело своей особой гордости не то, что совершил, а то, чего никогда не делал в этой жизни: я никогда не просил, чтобы решали за меня. Я предстану перед Ним и скажу: я Гейл Винанд, человек, совершивший все мыслимые преступления, кроме главного — я никогда не пренебрегал удивительным даром жизни и никогда не искал оправдания вовне. В этом моя гордость, потому что теперь, размышляя о кончине, я не плачусь, как люди моего возраста, — в чём же были смысл и цель моей жизни? Я сам, я, Гейл Винанд, был смыслом и целью. То, что я жил и действовал».

27 нояб. 2017 г.


Mr. Robot 3×4

Elliot: Metadata. The story behind the data. Getting information is one thing, but how it was created... Where and by whom... Can often be illuminating...

Elliot: ...Like most pics people post on Instagram or Facebook, they don't realize they just gifted whatever social media site their camera type, phone model, name, and location, all hidden inside the photograph's metadata.

Elliot: Darlene... It's me.
Darlene: Yeah, well, that's a pretty complicated statement coming from you.

Irving: Mm. I know, I know, ribs for breakfast, but I can't pass 'em up when I'm here. You know, the key is in the moisture. Here, look. See that pink in there?.. Red Wheelbarrow understands. Mop sauce... That's their secret.

Irving: Layman's version... Two tablespoons dry rub to one cup apple cider vinegar, maybe beer, depends. Then use a brush to mop the ribs during the cooking process. Delicious.

Irving: Anyone tail you on the way here?
Angela: SDRs are now second nature to me. Did three cover stops, nothing.

Irving: Well, this is just a little Monday morning staff meeting update kind of thing.
Angela: Today's Friday.
Irving: It was a figure of speech.

Angela: I have to ask... Did Whiterose ever show you?
Irving: .... Yes.
Angela: And you believe in it?
Irving: Take a look at technology nowadays. It's mind-boggling. Hell, these ribs. You think it was even possible to cook 'em as deliciously as this a hundred years ago? I mean, who knows if this is even real meat? As tasty as they are, I wouldn't be surprised if they grew 'em in a lab. ... My point is, I think anything is possible.

Elliot: Whatever he does, it's not me.

What my partner's trying to say is you're on a path to a hell, and we're not talking the thousand virgins kind. We're talking sharing a prison shower with a few Allah-hating Nazis on the daily.

Tyrell: Well, maybe I can reason with them...
Mr. Robot: Never appeal to a man's better nature. He may not have one.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Déjà Vu

This Is Us 2×3

Kevin: Can you imagine? I'm on a movie set, saving Sylvester Stallone's life? 'Every champion was once a contender who refused to give up. You...'
Sylvester Stallone: Not so bad.
Kevin: Oh.
Kate: Oh, Lord. Ah, Mr. Stallone, how are you?
Sylvester Stallone: How are you?

Kate: What just happened?

Kevin: I don't know.

Kate: Um, Sylvester Stallone knows my name.
Kevin: You name has never sounded cooler.

Sylvester Stallone: Explain something to me. Why do they always have to put melon and fruit and things in the water like, you know, like, there's, like, swamp animals in there. I remember when water... ready for this? Was just water. What happened?

Randall: So, what do we do? In most of the blogs I read, the kids were a bit more responsive.
Linda: Well, I'd tell you, the... the first night is the hardest part, but I'd be lying.... Just be patient, have zero expectations and... don't try to predict how a single day will turn out.

Sylvester Stallone: No, it really doesn't matter what other people think. Seriously. No. I'll tell you what people didn't think. They didn't think I could write Rocky in three days... it happened. I'll tell you something else, they didn't think I could act in it. Guess what, it happened. Sometimes, people can be real idiots.

Sylvester Stallone: In my experience, Kevin, there's no such a thing as "a long time ago." There's only memories that mean something and memories that don't.

Sylvester Stallone: Let's do one for your father.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Skin Deep

Grimm 5×15

"It is amazing how complete is the delusion
that beauty is goodness."

Leo Tolstoy, «Kreutzer Sonata»

Adalind: Nick Burkhardt's phone.
Eve: Adalind?
Adalind: Ju... uh, Eve.

Hank: So there's no way this is Summer.
Wu: Well not in a normal "no way." But I'm thinking, why would a woman who's in her... What? 90s? Come here sometime last night to put on Summer's clothes, ring, and ankle bracelet, just to die.

Rosalee: It's called a Musasat Alsh-Shabab.
Hank: Sounds like something you want to eat.

Dr. Forbes: You never answered my question... How old do I look? I'm 69 years young.

On the IMDb

Айн Рэнд — Источник (12/20)

&  На отдыхе хорошо смотрятся лишь те, для кого отдых — непривычное состояние, у них даже расслабленная поза заряжена целью.

&  Любить значит делать исключение.

&  — Самое скверное в нечестном человеке то, что он принимает за честность.

&  — Труднее всего объяснить то, что люди отказываются замечать, хотя оно бьёт в глаза своей очевидностью.

&  Только очень богатые или очень бедные горожане радуются летним отпускам; очень богатые — потому что у них есть частные владения; очень бедные — потому что не имеют ничего против запаха чужих тел на общественных пляжах и танцплощадках

&  — Не презирай среднего человека. Он необходим. Чтобы состоялась любая большая карьера, нужны два слагаемых: великий человек и человек более редкий — тот, кто способен увидеть величие и сказать об этом.

&  — Большинство людей строят так, как живут, — для них это рутинное дело, бессмысленная случайность. Немногие понимают, что дом — это великий символ. Мы живём в своём Я, а существование — это попытка перевести внутреннюю жизнь в физическую реальность, выразить её жестом и формой. Для понимающего человека дом, которым он владеет,— выражение его жизни. Если такой человек не строит, хотя и располагает средствами, значит, он ведёт не ту жизнь, которую хотел бы вести.

&  — Если хочешь знать, чего следует ожидать, вспомни, что самыми жестокими бывают религиозные войны между сектами одной веры и гражданские войны между народами одного корня.

26 нояб. 2017 г.

Valerie Solanas Died for Your Sins: Scumbag

American Horror Story. Cult


Valerie Solanas: You had too much control over my life. Down with the patriarchy. Suck my dick, Warhol!

Kai: Holy shit. I just got a retweet from Eric Trump.

Bebe Babbitt: Reunion Hotel, room 12. Give me a ring-a-ding when you're ready to hear the truth, sister.

Beverly: I'm Beverly motherfuckin' Hope, and you're gonna want to get the hell out of my way!

Bebe Babbitt: Silly girls are all stupid and doomed. History may change, but herstory always repeats itself.

Valerie Solanas: This planet will not move forward until we get our hands bloody and murder every fuckin' man on it!

Valerie Solanas: SCUM stands for the Society for Cutting Up Men. Our goal is to kill all men who are not a part of the men's auxiliary of SCUM. These include little limp-wristers like Bruce and Maurice here, who by shining, flaming example, encourage other men to de-man themselves.

Valerie Solanas: Any man present must give a speech beginning with the words...
Bruce: I am a turd, a lowly, abject turd.
Valerie Solanas: And why should we let you stay, turd?
Bruce: Because men have hurt me, too. Rejected me. Raped me in the showers in the barracks.
Valerie Solanas: Fine, gender-traitor, you can stay... for now.

Valerie Solanas: Listen to this. "The sick, irrational men... those who attempt to defend themselves against their own disgustingness when they see SCUM barreling down on them... will cling in terror to Big Mama with her big, bouncy boobies, but boobies won't protect them from SCUM."

Valerie Solanas: Remember what I told you? About where to start?
Bebe Babbitt: Couple-busting?

Winter: Hold on. David Faraday and Betty Lou Jensen? Those were the first victims of the Zodiac Killer. I've seen that Fincher movie, like, 50 times. It's my Baby Einstein.

Bebe Babbitt: Haven't you been listening, ingrate? That was Valerie's plan all along. We were the Zodiac.

Valerie Solanas: You men, so terrified of what we might do, you keep us stupid, you keep us complacent. You hold all the power. Even now, no one sees me as a writer, no one see me for my own thoughts. When they hear the name Valerie Solanas... they think "Andy Warhol." You've taken my art. You've taken my life. You've taken my motherfucking legacy!
Andy Warhol: Who are you kidding? Shooting me will be the only thing you'll be remembered for. I am your legacy.

Kai: Charisma got me in the door, but to take it to the next level, I need a philosophy, a mission statement, something they can put in the history books... preferably... With a catchy title.
Winter: So... you're gonna write a book?
Kai: No, I don't have time for that shit. I'm just gonna release something on social media. But... I was testing out titles like... SCUM. What do you think of FIT? Fear Is Truth. What about... MLWB? Men Lead... Women Bleed.

Ivy: Yeah. He deserves a victory party.
Harrison: Hey. You know what I want to make for him? The Iron Throne from Game of Thrones.

Kai: They're at their best when they're angry. Don't you think?
Bebe: Aren't we all?

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

A Manny-Splendored Thing

This Is Us 2×2

Toby: Miguel gets no love. And I feel that pain. Miguel and I, we are simpatico. All right? Two swarthy outsiders with exotic names.

Toby: And Miguel is the key to my plan to win over your mom.
Kate: My mom thinks you're great.
Toby: Uh, your mom thinks I'm a guy who has heart attacks and falls through coffee tables.

Beth: Randall, you wanted to adopt. And now you're Randalling out on me like this was my idea.
Randall: Okay, stop making my name a thing!

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

3 Women

Life 2x18

Ted: Fakes are easy. Any kid with a computer and a printer can do it... This girl I knew sent me a picture of herself once. She had this devil tail. It looked real, but it wasn’t.

Ted: Well, what are you going to do? You gotta do something. Do you want me to do something? I can do something. You gotta do something. Don’t you?

John: What years?
Crews: ’94 to ’06.
John: Atwater. ’98 to ’08.

Seever: Is one of you Charlie Crews?
Crews: I am. Who wants to know?
Seever: Janice Seever. Your new partner.
Crews: ...
John: Wanna switch places?

John: How do you know me? Hmm?
Crews: Because you’re that guy.

Seever: ...I think that’s how you like it.
Tidwell: It is. Five sugars. How’d you know?
Crews: She likes to be prepared.

— Not Reese. Definitely not Reese.

Tidwell: What’s she doing?
Crews: Speed-reading. Twelve pages a minute. I counted.
Tidwell: Maybe she’s a robot. Have you seen her blink? Robots don’t blink......
Crews: Blinked.
Tidwell: Saw that.

Tidwell: What’s he doing?
Seever: Reading. Slowly. Very, very slowly.

Seever: ...Why exactly is that?
John: Because... I’m that guy.
Seever: Which guy is that, John?
John: The guy who does anything to get by...
Crews: Who promised everything to everybody. Promised three women the world.

Reese: Crews? Sometimes things are just what they look like. Right?
Crews: Yeah, Reese, sometimes things are just what they look like.

Crews: See you, Reese.
Reese: Yeah. See you, Crews.

Crews: You know what’s a better reward than money? Doing good. You know why? Because when you do good, you feel good. When you do bad, you feel bad.

Crews: It’s still on you, what happened, what you did. Always on you. You can feel it.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Айн Рэнд — Источник (11/20)

&  — Я отдал бы самый красивый закат в мире за вид нью-йоркского горизонта. Особенно когда уже не видны детали. Только очертания. Очертания и мысль, которая их воплотила. Небо над Нью-Йорком и сделавшаяся осязаемой воля человека. Какая ещё религия нам нужна? А мне говорят о какой-нибудь сырой дыре в джунглях, куда идут поклониться разрушенному храму и скалящемуся каменному монстру с круглым животом, созданному поражённым проказой дикарём. Разве люди хотят видеть красоту и талант? Разве они ищут высокого чувства? Пусть они приедут в Нью-Йорк, станут на берегу Гудзона и упадут на колени. Когда я вижу город сквозь своё окно, нет, я не чувствую себя маленьким, но если всему этому будет угрожать война, я хотел бы взлететь над городом, чтобы своим телом защищать эти здания.

&  Ты же знаешь, как люди хотят стать бессмертными. Но они умирают с каждым прожитым днём. Они всегда уже не те, что при прошлой встрече. Каждый час они убивают какую-то часть себя. Они меняются, отрицают, противоречат — и называют это развитием. В конце концов, не остаётся ничего, ничего не пересмотренного и не преданного; как будто человек никогда не был цельной личностью, лишь последовательностью сменяющих друг друга определений. Как же они надеются на постоянство, которого не испытали ни разу в жизни?

&  — Всё очень просто. Когда факт, что некто есть не более чем пустое место и ничего более выдающегося не сделал, кроме как ел, спал и точил лясы с соседями, становится предметом гордости, изучения и всеобщего внимания со стороны миллионов читателей, тогда факт, что некто построил собор, перестаёт быть интересным и уже не заслуживает места в сознании людей. Это проблема относительного масштаба явлений. Допустимый предел максимального разброса двух сопоставимых фактов ограничен. Слуховое восприятие муравья не рассчитано на гром.

&  Сюжет был малоинтересным, банальным, но подтекст не мог не пугать.Тяжеловесные пустопорожние реплики, которыми текст пропитался, как сыростью, создавали какую-то особую атмосферу; она давала себя знать в ухмылках актёров, в вульгарных жестах, в хитроватом прищуре глаз и насмешливых интонациях. Малозначащие фразы подавались как откровение и нагло навязывались как глубокие истины. На сцене витал дух не невинного предубеждения, а намеренного вызова. Автор, похоже, хорошо знал свою цель и похвалялся властью навязывать зрителям свои представления о возвышенном и тем самым уничтожать в них способность к истинно возвышенному. Спектакль оправдывал мнение критиков: он веселил, как непристойный анекдот, разыгранный не на сцене, а в зрительном зале: словно с пьедестала столкнули божество, а вместо него водрузился не сатана с мечом, а уличный дебошир с бутылкой.

25 нояб. 2017 г.

Amanda Knox

Nick Pisa: And we have here this beautiful, picturesque hilltop town in the middle of Italy. It was a particularly gruesome murder. Throat slit, semi-naked, blood everywhere. I mean... what more do you want in a story? I mean, all you're missing is maybe, I don't know, the Royal Family and the Pope or something like that as well.

Giuliano Mignini: I am Catholic. So I believe in two things that are hard to reconcile. That God runs the world. But also that man has free will... and must be held responsible for their actions.

Donald Trump: ... I think the president should get involved. I think people should boycott Italy. They shouldn't go to Italy.
Valter Biscotti: It bothered me that the American media lectured us about the law. This courthouse, in 1308, housed the first faculty of law in Europe. In America, in 1308, they were drawing buffalos in caves.

Nick Pisa: I know people keep saying "Trial by media, trial by media," but... I don't buy that. Maybe 'cause I'm a journalist so I don't go for that, but... I think now, looking back, some of the information that came out was just crazy, really, and just completely made up. But, hey, what are we supposed to do, you know? We are journalists and we are reporting what we are being told. It's not as if I can say, "Right, hold on a minute. I just wanna double check that myself in some other way." I mean, goodness knows how. And then I let my rival get in there first before me, and then, hey, I've lost a scoop. It doesn't work like that. Not in the news game.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Skeleton Crew

The Last Man on Earth 4×3

Todd: Zihuatanejo! Oh, man, just wait till you see it. They say the boardwalk is a must-see for locals and tourists alike... The perfect spot for our honeymoon.

Glenn: Guys, I know you have your little punishment policy...
Tandy: DTC, DTT.

Pamela: No, it was a very simple e-mail. It was just The_Pope@gmail.

Pamela: This is us! Oh!

Pamela: I promise. I will bite a pillow, a leather belt. I'll put one of those black balls in my mouth... Anything I can do to earn your forgiveness.

Todd: There she is... Beautiful Zihuatanejo! You ever seen a beach like that? The sand is so white...

Carol: And I have so many decorating ideas. I mean, first of all... no brainer... get the dead bodies out of here.
Tandy: Think we might have gone to the same decorating school.

Tandy: This is what I love about you, Carol. I mean, you see potential in even the biggest pile of crap.
Carol: I don't know about that...
Tandy: Well, I do. 'Cause I'm saying that as a former pile.

Todd: You know what? I want to make a toast. Thank you, Zihuatanejo, for making me "see what an A-ho" I've been for not getting here sooner!

Todd: I love this place! Shawshank lives!

Glenn: Well, this party is BYOB, which stands for, "Bye, You Old Buttface."

Pamela: I'll have you know, I was invited.
Glenn: Really? By who?
Carol: By whom. And that whom is me.

Glenn: Pamela. Our sex was the second best I've ever had.

Melissa: You know the final scene of Shawshank?.. Well, they didn't film that in Zihuatanejo.
Todd: Get out of town, okay? Go fishin'.
Melissa: They shot that in Saint Croix... Tax credits.
Todd: Are you serious?.. Boy, damn. Damn you, Zihuatanejo! You lied to me! All of you!

On the IMDb

24 нояб. 2017 г.

The Wizard of Lies

Mark: How could you do this?
Bernie: I just couldn't stop...
Mark: Bullshit.
Bernie: It got bigger and bigger and it just wouldn't stop.
Mark: Bullshit.
Bernie: I didn't mean for it to get like this.

Bernie: I explained to them that it wasn't malicious. That when I started this problem, or... this crime, that it was something that I thought I would be able to work my way out of. But that became impossible. The harder I tried, the deeper I dug myself into a hole. But it comes down to one thing. I refused to accept the fact, could not accept the fact that for once in my life I had failed. I couldn't... I couldn't admit that failure.
Diana: And what was that failure?

FBI Agent: So you were making money off of the trades.
Bernie: There were no trades.
FBI Agent: What do you mean there were no trades?
Bernie: I made them up.
FBI Agent: Weren't there statements?
Bernie: Every month. They were fake. Purchase dates, they were fake. Shares, they were fake. Options, they were fake. Returns, they were fake.
FBI Agent: So when was the last trade you executed?
Bernie: ... Fifteen years ago.
FBI Agent: Who else knew?
Bernie: I acted alone.

Bernie: People here always ask me how come I never ran. But the truth is it didn't even occur to me. I guess it's because I never thought of what I was doing was stealing.
Diana: Well, it was a $65 billion Ponzi scheme. People lost their life savings, they lost their homes. Their lives were destroyed. You didn't think of that as stealing?

Diana: People felt safe with you. And yet, you were betraying them all.
Bernie: Well, but these people, you know, they had a little greed in them, too... and they didn't wanna look too hard. They looked just far enough. So they're accomplices in some way, too...
Diana: Accomplices because they trusted you?....
Bernie: Yeah, but there's a lack of honesty on their behalf, an unwillingness to take responsibility for their behavior...

Bernie: Now that I think of it... My greatest failure, or maybe it's my greatest weakness, is I've always wanted to please people. And that's... That's one that can get you into trouble.

Bernie: Why would you kill yourself?
Ruth: Because I'm tired of being hated. I don't even understand it.

Bernie: ... I gave you a fucking business to run. Are you not happy with that? Was that not good enough for you?
Mark: It is definitely good enough for me, Dad. I'm just trying...
Bernie: Well, then shut the fuck up and give me a little fucking gratitude! Say, "I'm... Thanks, Dad." Can't you do that?! What do you think? The whole fucking world owes you something? The whole fucking world owes you nothing! You gotta work for it, and I always say this with your mother. This is the problem with having money, an education. Nothing is earned. You want something, you gotta fucking work for it!

Judge Denny Chin: The message must be sent that Mr. Madoffs crimes were extraordinarily evil. This kind of irresponsible manipulation of the system takes a staggering human toll. Mr. Madoff will get what he deserves and will be punished according to his moral culpabilities.
    Mr. Madoff, please stand.
    It is the judgment of this court that the defendant, Bernard L. Madoff, shall be and hereby is sentenced to a term of imprisonment of 150 years.
.... As a technical matter, the sentence must be expressed in months. 150 years is equivalent to 1,800 months.

+ Quotes on the IMDb


Grimm 5×14

"The world is full of obvious things
which nobody by chance ever observes."

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, «The Hound of the Baskervilles»

Wu: What are we dealing with?
Nick: A Lycanthrope.
Wu: What is that?
Hank: Like a Blutbad on steroids.

Rosalee: I don't think there's a cure.
Monroe: Oh, no, there's a cure. It's called the parents taking any child suspected of being a Lycanthrope and burying them alive.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

23 нояб. 2017 г.

A Father's Advice

This Is Us 2×1

Randall: It is perfectly normal for a mommy to go to work and a daddy to stay at home. Women can do anything. Look at Hillary Clinton... Hmm?
Tess: She lost.
Randall: Yeah, but she almost won. Just eat your breakfast.

Kate: If you don't think this looks good, you have to tell me.
Toby: Now, the perfect situation for any man to be in.

Toby: They might not even ask you to sing.
Kate: I'm serious.
Toby: If that outfit has anything to say about it, you are absolutely going to be the new lead female singer of Yelp's 17th best reviewed wedding band in Southern California.

Kate: You actually look like a young Bruce Willis.
Toby: Don't do that. You cannot tell a man who went bald at 25 that he looks like a young Bruce Willis. It's too much.

Toby: Do you know what the... sexiest thing about you is?... The sexiest thing about you is how sexy you make me feel.

Rebecca: It's complicated.
Randall: That's something people say when they don't want to tell the truth.

Rebecca: Our marriage wasn't perfect, it's true. But none are. And your father wasn't perfect, either. But he was pretty damn close. As close as they come.

William: Sometimes, in marriage, someone has to be the one to push to make the big moves.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Majority Rule

The Orville 1×7

Lamarr: This is ridiculous, man. How the hell is anybody supposed to walk around in these things?
Kelly: I don't know, John, I think you look good in skinny jeans.
Lamarr: If I wanted to scratch my balls right now, I would have to reach in my back pocket.
Alara: Yeah, well, at least your pants are whole...

Ed: My God, you guys look like unemployed backup dancers.

Kelly: Sargas Four is a capitalist culture...
Alara: What is it?
Kelly: It's money.
Alara: What do you do with it?
Kelly: You give it to people, and they give you stuff, or they do stuff.
Alara: That's weird.

Kelly: Why are you sitting like that?
Lamarr: It's these friggin' jeans. If I leaned back right now, I'd give myself a vasectomy.

Lamarr: Hey, I'm a spaceman! You got to let me out of here!

Kelly: We haven't seen evidence of any codified legal framework. I mean, it all seems subject to public vote at any given time.
David: Captain, what she is describing is an absolute, unstructured democracy. There is no record of any previously discovered society operating in such a fashion.
Gordon: Government by American Idol...
Bortus: What is American Idol?
Gordon: That was a form of entertainment from old Earth. People competed to see who had the best singing voice.
Bortus: Why?
Gordon: I don't know. It was a dark time...
Bortus: I sing.

Lamarr: Real quick, I just want to say, all y'all can suck ass, and I'm a spaceman.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Shelf Life

Life 2x17

Bobby: What was—
Crews: Don’t ask.
Bobby: Do all detectives have to do that?
Crews: Bobby, let’s go to the beach.

Crews: What?.. What?
Tidwell: It’s just— Reese told me to—
Crews: Reese told you to what, captain?
Tidwell: Reese told me to make sure I always ask you what you see.
Crews: Ah, she said that, did she?
Tidwell: So? What do you see?
Crews: Actually, it’s what I don’t see...
Tidwell: ...She said he might say that.

Reese: And Tidwell thinks it’s about the girl?
Crews: In the United States of New York City, where there’s a dead guy, there’s a girl there somewhere.

Crews: Reese, you said something nice about me to Tidwell, huh?
Reese: No, I didn’t.
Crews: You know, Reese, with distance, you’re appreciating me more. Reese? Reese? Well, that’s just rude.

Bobby: I even talked to the human statue.
Crews: Oh, yeah? What’d he say?
Bobby: It was a girl. Said she didn’t really look at the faces staring at her.
Crews: What’s she looking at?
Bobby: Watching films in her head. Godfather III today.
Crews: Isn’t that the worst one?
Bobby: Yeah. Since she watched the other two, she likes to finish things, and—

Crews: You tried to sell him something?
Rasta 1: Big Bad Bertha... But I couldn’t get him to buy it.
Crews: You get him to touch it?
Rasta 1: I did. Always put the merchandise in their hands. First rule of sales.

Bobby: Tidwell called. I’m back in uniform tomorrow. ...
Crews: So this is your last day?.. Let’s go catch us a killer, then.

Reese: Everything connected, Crews?
Crews: Ah, you do miss me, don’t you, Reese?

Crews: Oh, the lie detector, huh? Do you want to know how to beat that?
Reese: You can beat a lie detector?
Crews: Sure, it’s easy. You just tell the truth.

Gus Wilvern: Our lab reports said two years’ shelf life, just like the other companies’. The war was only supposed to last six weeks. Six weeks! I mean, who knew we’d still be there six years later?!

Gus Wilvern: I changed the numbers from two to five! Who knew we’d still be there six years later?..

Ted: Don’t you just love that accent? Everything sounds so smart.

Amanda: Okay, detective. I’ve seen your wall. Now let me show you mine...

Amanda: Is that Dani Reese?...

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Айн Рэнд — Источник (10/20)

&  — Значит, есть две вещи, от которых нельзя отказываться: собственные мысли и собственные желания?
     — Да!

&  — Говорят, худшее, что можно сделать с человеком, — это убить в нём самоуважение. Но это неправда. Самоуважение убить нельзя. Гораздо страшнее убить претензии на самоуважение.

&  — Большинство людей из кожи вон лезут, стараясь убедить себя, что они себя уважают.
     — Согласна.
     — И конечно, это стремление к самоуважению является доказательством его отсутствия.
     — Согласна.
     — Следовательно, вы понимаете, что означает стремление презирать самого себя.
     — То, что ничего у меня из этого не выйдет.
     — Никогда.

Быть честным — чрезвычайно жестокое дело.

&  — Нет, нет, вас этот бред определённо не собьёт с толку. Я имею в виду тезис, что свинья — символ любви к человечеству, ибо она приемлет всё. Честно говоря, человек, который любит всех и чувствует себя дома всюду, — настоящий человеконенавистник. Он ничего не ждёт от людей, и никакое проявление порочности его не оскорбляет.
     — Вы имеете в виду людей, которые говорят, что в худшем из нас есть частица добра?

&  — Нельзя любить человека, не презирая большинство тех созданий, которые претендуют на такое же определение. Одно или другое. Нельзя любить Бога и святотатство. Не считая случаев, когда человек не знает, что совершено святотатство. Потому что не знает Бога.

&  — Что вы скажете, если я отвечу, как обычно отвечали мне: любовь — это прощение?
     — Я отвечу, что это непристойность, на которую вы не способны, даже если считаете себя специалистом в подобных делах.
     — Или что любовь — это жалость.
     — О, помолчите. Достаточно дурно даже слышать это...
     — Так что же вы ответите?
     — Что любовь — это почтение, обожание, поклонение и взгляд вверх. Не повязка на грязных ранах... Тот, кто при всяком удобном случае говорит о любви, никогда её не испытывал. Они стряпают неаппетитное жаркое из симпатии, сострадания, презрения и безразличия и называют это любовью. Если вы испытали, что означает любить, как вы и я понимаем это: полнота страсти до высочайшей её точки — на меньшее вы уже не согласны. ... В этом нет прощения, нет жалости. ...если вы пытаетесь найти сияние величия, если вы хотите больших чувств, если вы требуете Бога и отказываетесь промывать раны вместо всего этого, вас называют человеконенавистником, миссис Китинг, потому что вы совершили преступление. Вы узнали любовь, которую человечество ещё не сумело заслужить.

22 нояб. 2017 г.


This Is Us 1×18

Jack: You know, I watched him, over the years, my father. You know, whenever that man had a... choice, a choice between doing the right thing and doing the wrong thing... he always broke the wrong way. Like clockwork. Wrong, wrong, wrong... Every single time. For me, you know... I... tried to go the other way. Be respectful to women, do my part in 'Nam, just be a good man. And look where it's gotten me... When am I gonna get my break, Darryl? When? You know, 'cause they just, they... they make this too hard, man. It's just too damn hard.

Jack: This is insane. We love each other.
Rebecca: What do you love about me? Huh? What do you love about me?! Tell me! The me as I am right now, not the me that you've conjured up in your mind over the years... what do you love about me right now, Jack? So the next time you tell me that you love me, make sure you're not doing it just out of habit.

Jack: No, the kids are gonna be fine. We've shown them a healthy marriage. This is just gonna be a blip on their radar years from now. We're their parents, Bec. We do the best we can. But at the end of the day... what happens to them, how they turn out... that's bigger than us... Sometimes they'll make good decisions... Sometimes bad decisions... And every once in a while, they're gonna do something that's gonna knock us off our feet. Something that exceeds even our wildest dreams... Our kids are gonna be fine.

Jack: You asked me a question before. What is it that I love about you now.
Rebecca: Jack...
Jack: So I'm gonna start with the obvious. I love the mother that you are. I love that you are still the most beautiful woman in any room and that you laugh with your entire face. I love that you dance funny... and not sexy, which... makes it even sexier. But most of all, I love that you are still the same woman who, all those years ago, ran out of a blind date because she simply had to sing.
    You're not just my great love story, Rebecca. You... You were my big break. And our love story, I know it may not feel like it right now, but, baby... I promise, it's just getting started.

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The Explosion Implosion

The Big Bang Theory 11×4

Howard: It feels like it wasn't that long ago we were here doing this for Halley...
Bernadette: 'Cause it wasn't! Which reminds me, before we leave, let's get you a vasectomy.

Raj: Come on, you can't really be disappointed.
Howard: Hey, I barely know how to be a man myself. Now I have to teach someone?
Sheldon: As the saying goes, “Those who can't do, teach”...

Howard: Now I'm having a son? I'll have to teach him how to play sports, and-and watch sports and-and-and-and-and-and...
Raj: He just ran out of man things. He's in trouble.

Sheldon: Well, how about this, then? You quit your whining before I give you something to cry about, young man.
Howard: What?!
Sheldon: Those are comforting words my father would often say.
Howard: Did it help?
Sheldon: I turned out great. You tell me.

Sheldon: There any chance you'd be cheered up by an amazing trigonometry riddle?... Well, if you can't answer that, there's no way you're gonna get this riddle.

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Silence of the Slams

Grimm 5×13

"Give a man a mask and
he will show you his true face."

Oscar Wilde

Wu: So we're thinking this is some kind of healing stick-magic wand thing?

Monroe: I mean, we don't tell anyone.
Nick: No one.... At least, until we figure out how to figure out what it is were dealing with.

Nick: Looks like he took his face off in one piece.
Hank: This takes a facelift to a whole other place.

Rachel: To win, we think you'll need to have a family.
Renard: Are you proposing? Or are you pregnant?
Rachel No and no.

Monroe: ... I mean, then, of course, there's Moses and Aaron. Their rods and staffs had various miraculous powers during the plagues of Egypt. You know, in the book of Exodus, the--
Rosalee: And God commanded Moses to part the Red Sea, yada, yada, yada.
Monroe: Yada, yada, yada? That's Aramaic, if I'm not mistaken.
Rosalee: Actually, it is.

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Айн Рэнд — Источник (9/20)

&  Самые прекрасные слова — это те, которых и произносить не надо.

&  Чтобы сказать: «Я тебя люблю», надо научиться произносить Я.

&  Издатели в то время имели обыкновение гордиться тем, что их индивидуальность чётко выявляется в издаваемых ими газетах. Гейл Винанд отдал свою газету, всю без остатка, вкусам толпы. «Знамя» стало похожим на цирковую афишу по форме и цирковое представление по сути. Оно придерживалось и тех же принципов: развлекать и собирать дань с пришедших. Оно несло на себе отпечаток не одного, а миллионов людей.

&  — Люди различаются по своим достоинствам, если они вообще у них имеются, но всегда одинаковы в своих пороках.

&  Он давал людям то, чего они хотели, и, кроме того, оправдывал вкусы, которых они стыдились. «Знамя» описывало убийства, поджоги, изнасилования, коррупцию — с соответствующей долей морали. Пропорция была выверена: на три колонки преступлений полагалась одна нравоучительная.
     — Если вы направляете человека к благородной цели, это ему быстро наскучит. Если потакаете во всех пороках, ему будет стыдно. Но соедините то и другое — и он ваш. ... Сначала секс. Слёзы потом. Пусть они сначала попотеют, а потом дайте им поплакать — и они в ваших руках.

&  «Знамени» было дозволено злоупотреблять истиной, вкусом и верой — но не читательскими мозгами. Его громадные заголовки, великолепные фотографии и сверхупрощенные тексты били по чувствам и западали в сознание без промежуточного процесса размышления — так питательный бульон, введённый с помощью клизмы, не требует переваривания.

&  — Новости — это то, что создаёт наибольший взрыв интереса среди наибольшего числа людей. Это то, что убивает наповал. Чем сильнее, тем лучше, главное, чтобы этих людей было достаточное количество.

21 нояб. 2017 г.

Baby Driver

Griff: No, Doc, I mean is he retarded?
Doc: "Retarded" means slow. Was he slow?
Griff: No.
Doc: Then he don't sound that retarded to me. He's a good kid and a devil behind the wheel.

Griff: You can't just be in crime, right? Not without being a little criminal.

Debora: Sometimes all I want to do is head west on 20 in a car I can't afford with a plan I don't have. Just me, my music and the road.
Baby: I'd like that, too.

Bats: In this business, the moment you catch feelings... is the moment you catch a bullet.

Doc: So, what's it gonna be-- behind the wheel or in a wheelchair?

Baby: Are you here tomorrow?
Cashier: Sure am. Working 9:00 to 5:00, just like Dolly...
Baby: Dolly Parton. Yeah. I like her.
Cashier: Who doesn't? "Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain."

Bats: Look, here's the deal. You rob to support a drug habit. I do drugs to support a robbery habit.

Bats: ...You rack up debt, the type of debt that'd make a white man blush. Maybe you get into a little trouble. Maybe you get your hand caught in the corporate cookie jar. Maybe you leave and run off to the desert. Maybe with your favorite lap dancer in tow. Maybe you disappear into a world consisting of three things, money, sex, drugs and action... Shit, that's four. Am I close?

Doc: Bananas. "Bananas" is a code word. Whenever a deal is done with one of my clients, they call me on the phone and they say the word "bananas," and then they hang up. I did not hear the word "bananas" tonight. So you tell me who died.

Darling: This shit is bananas, Doc. B-A-N-A-N-A-S.

Buddy: You can't keep running, Baby! There's no escape!

Baby: Never. You and I are a team. I...
Doc: Don't feed me any more lines from Monsters, Inc. It pisses me off.

Doc: Well, there is some good news. The good news is you like driving, because you can't take your foot off the gas for the next 25 years.

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Hit Me Baby

Life 2x16

Deepa: Please describe your service problem to me exactly.
Crews: My phone is supposed to sync up with my car, so I can talk hands-free. It’s against the law for me to hold my phone while I’m driving, and I would hate to break the law, because I’m— I’m kind of a cop.
Deepa: Kind of? I would think that either you are a cop or you’re not a cop.
Crews: I’m a cop.

Crews: A bird. A pigeon. It flew against the window, tried to get in. That means something, right? A bird in the house after a death?

Dani: Bleach and ammonia... Make chlorine.
Crews: Make chlorine.
Dani: Antifreeze in the wine and a broken broom handle.

Crews: It’s a new situation for you. I want you think of it like you’re building a building. You got to put in a good foundation, or everything you do after that is just gonna come tumbling down.
Dani: I’ll see you in a few weeks, Crews.

Crews: Oh, they grow up so fast, don’t they?

Tidwell: ..........
Crews: Reese usually starts. Maybe you could— Why don’t I just jump in?

Crews: Do you know what a derivative is?
Tidwell: A derivative is when you don’t invest in a thing, but you kind of invest in a thing like the thing you’re investing in.
Crews: Yeah, me neither.

Crews: Don’t you think this is weird?.. You know, just us two without Reese?

Bobby: That’s so wrong. You don’t pay a pro to stay. You pay her to leave.
Crews: ?
Bobby: Charlie Sheen said that.

Crews: Do you know what a derivative is?
Bobby: Sure, it’s the kind of investment where you’re really not, um... well, it’s—it’s—it’s— it’s when you’re, uh... no. No, no idea.

Ted: Yes, I-I know what a derivative is. It’s—it’s— it’s kind of hard to explain to a layperson.

Ted: ...it’s complicated. Okay, a derivative is a financial product whose value is derived from the value of something else, the underlying. Now, because the value of the derivative is contingent on the value of the underlying, the notional value of derivatives is recorded off the balance sheet, while the market value of derivatives is recorded on the balance sheet.
Crews: I don’t understand it.
Ted: Don’t feel bad. No one does.

Deepa: You need to have a technical issue if you wish to continue this call.
Crews: Okay, technically, don’t you think it’s amazing that I’m here in L.A., and you’re in, let’s say, India, giving me tech support for my phone made in China?

Crews: You ever meet the perfect girl?... When you were sober?

Crews: Antifreeze, ammonia, bleach, broom handle, cut phone cords...

Crews: Ammonia, antifreeze, bleach, a broom handle... nail polish.

Tidwell: A hit man?
Crews: Uh, woman. Hit man woman. Hit woman.
Bobby: A paid professional killer.

Dani: And you still don’t know why she killed Jerome Rafts?... Crews?.. You’re doing it, aren’t you? You’re staring at something... And now you’re taking out some fruit, right? What do you see, Crews?

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Айн Рэнд — Источник (8/20)

&  А кстати, что значит, по-твоему, быть порядочным человеком? Уметь противостоять желанию стащить часы из кармана соседа? Нет, проблема так просто не решается. Если бы всё сводилось к этому, девяносто пять процентов человечества были бы честными, порядочными людьми. Однако, как ты хорошо знаешь, процент намного ниже. Порядочность означает способность постоять за идею. А это предполагает способность мыслить. Мышление такая штука, что его нельзя одолжить или заложить.

&  — ...Но вернёмся к любви. Личная любовь, Питер, большое зло, как и всё личное. Она всегда ведёт к несчастью. Непонятно почему? Личная любовь — акт отбора, акт предпочтения. Это акт несправедливости против всех людей на земле, которых ты лишаешь своей любви, произвольно отдавая её кому-то одному. Надо равно любить всех. Но этого благородного чувства не достигнешь, не убив в себе мелкие эгоистичные предпочтения. Они порочны и пусты, так как противоречат основному мировому закону — закону изначального равенства всех людей.
     — Ты хочешь сказать, что в философском смысле, в глубинной своей основе все мы равны? Все без исключения?
     — Безусловно, — ответил Тухи.
     Китинг спрашивал себя, почему эта мысль так приятно греет ему душу. Его не смущало, что это приравнивало его к каждому карманнику, которых немало собралось в толпе... Эта мысль мелькнула у него подспудно — и ничуть его не смутила, — хотя идея полного равенства входила в явное противоречие со страстным стремлением к превосходству, которое подстёгивало его всю жизнь. Он отмахнулся от противоречия как от несущественного...

&  — Теперь ты видишь, как отлично действует забытый скандал. Нельзя ничего объяснить, защититься или оправдаться. Никто не будет тебя слушать. Заслужить репутацию трудно. Заслужив же, невозможно изменить. Нельзя погубить карьеру архитектора, доказывая, что он плох как профессионал. Но можно это сделать, убедив всех в том, что он, например, атеист, или был под судом, или спит с какой-нибудь женщиной, или любит отрывать крылышки у мух. Ты говоришь, это вздор? Конечно. Именно вздор и срабатывает. Можно пытаться опровергать разумные доводы, но как опровергнуть нелепицу? Ты, милая, как и многие, недооцениваешь бессмыслицу. В этом твоя слабость. А ведь она — движущая сила нашей жизни. Если бессмыслица против тебя — ты обречён. Но если ты можешь превратить её в союзника...

&  Толпа может простить что угодно и кого угодно, только не человека, способного оставаться самим собой под напором её презрительных насмешек.

20 нояб. 2017 г.

The Damned

The Walking Dead 8×2

Morgan: I don't die.

Ezekiel: To our foe, then to his compound, then to certain victory.

Dean: You know how hard it is to piss yourself on purpose? I-It's like your dick knows you're wearing pants.

Tara: It's not about revenge. It's about getting it done.

Ezekiel: And yet I smile. Why? Do I feel the supreme confidence? Or is my lot, my job, to simply protect such certainty? No and yes. Yes and no. And then finally yes to both. Fake it till you make it, baby.

Tara: It's okay. We can do it the hard way. Because even if Maggie listens to you, Rick will listen to me.

Morgan: We came here to kill them! We're supposed to.
Jesus: They surrendered. It's not what we do.
Morgan: Then what do we do, huh?

On the IMDb

What Now?

This Is Us 1×17

Kevin: We should just tell them that. We get 'em together, and we say, "Hey, family, you remember Sophie, right, my ex-wife? Well, we're dating exclusively..."

Beth: Well... I guess I'll cancel the caterer... and the flowers and the white doves.
Randall: You got white doves?
Beth: They don't make black ones, Randall.

Randall: I love you, Mom.
Rebecca: I love you more.
Randall: I love you m... no, no, I mean, I meant what I said, but I'm a grown-ass man and this is gonna cross a very weird line.
Rebecca: Fair enough.

Randall: I quit. No hard feelings, man. I walk out of here in triumph. I came, I saw... I conquered.

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Into the Schwarzwald

Grimm 5×12

"What's past is prologue."
William Shakespeare, «The Tempest»

Monroe: I think... I think we need to think like them.

Monroe: Nothing personal, guys. Or gals.

Monroe: If this doesn't work, I'm busting out the freaking hacksaw!

Monroe: It's a stick?
Hank: Looks like a stick.
Wu: A really old stick.
Rosalee: It can't be just a stick!
Nick: Well, that's what it looks like.

Monroe: They wouldn't have buried a stick unless they were some kind of dog Wesen...
Hank: Maybe it's some kind of important stick that belongs to a bigger... piece of wood that means something to somebody.
Wu: Well, if it was a stick-mata... Sorry, that was a reach.
Rosalee: Maybe it's something like a stick from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Hank: You're talking about the tree that Eve picked the apple from in the garden of Eden?
Nick: If that's the case, then we just flew halfway across the world and risked our lives for a stick that has screwed up all of humanity since the beginning of time.
Wu: Maybe that's why they buried it in the first place, 'cause the gates of hell are gonna open up and the world as we know it is gonna end.
Rosalee: On that thought, maybe you should put it back.
Nick: The last thing we want are the gates of hell opening up in Portland.
Hank: Seems like they already have.

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