16 нояб. 2017 г.

I Call Marriage

This Is Us 1×14

& Miguel: We stopped noticing each other, Jack. We stopped trying to make each other happy. When we realized that, we knew it was over.
    Now, I think that every single couple has a handful of these moments when you reach a crossroads. Just sometimes it happens early on, first fight... sometimes it happens ten years in, when you’ve had the same fight about taking out the trash every night for a week.
    They’re make or break, these moments. And you either... you either roll up your sleeves and you fight for what you’ve got or... you decide that you’re tired... and you give up.

& Jack: «Rebecca... saying ’I do’ means saying I will. I will love you today and every day for the rest of my life.
    Rebecca, you have changed the way I think about love. I know things may not always be easy... But our love has always been worth it. I will encourage you, trust and respect you. I will create a home with you, full of laughter and compassion. I will raise a family with you, I will grow old with you, I will share my dreams with you.»

& Rebecca: «Jack, I fall a little bit more in love with you every day. In you, I have found my soul mate, my best friend, my lover, my partner, my safe place. You are my great love story. And Jack Pearson... our story is just getting started.»

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