30 апр. 2021 г.

Human Capital (2019)

Drew Hagel: Anyways, I, uh... I think what you guys do is totally exciting.
Godeep: It is exciting. It is. The best part is that no one can even explain what we do. Right? We move invisible money through invisible markets at invisible speeds, guided by invisible hands with invisible oversight.
Quint Manning: There's nothing exciting about that.
Godeep: Except the 18%.

Drew Hagel: Trust me, I know my boys. No Hagel has ever shown up for anything or anyone early. Just doesn't happen.

Quint Manning: Listen... I'm just gonna cut to the chase, I don't have much time. Essentially the markets are proving more volatile than we anticipated. So nearly everywhere we're positioned is ripping higher.
Drew Hagel: That's a good thing, right?
Quint Manning: No. No, um... Our short positions are moving against us. We're counting on these positions to fail.
Drew Hagel: Yeah, well, I'm sure in time, they'll...
Quint Manning: No, what I'm telling you is that your investment in the fund has gone down, substantially.
Drew Hagel: "Substantially"?
Quint Manning: Yeah, right now it's about 90% devaluation.
Drew Hagel: Oh, so, um... So, that means I have $30,000 left out of the...
Quint Manning: Oh, no. Look, the numbers are meaningless, okay? So I'm just letting you know that right now would be a bad time to pull out.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

A Box of Treasure and the Meemaw of Science

Young Sheldon 4×12

Adult Sheldon: My role as Dr. Linkletter's lab assistant was progressing nicely. I had mastered operating the manual particle collector, AKA a broom.

Adult Sheldon: I may not always recognize sarcasm, but I sure know how to use it.

Sheldon: Eight minutes and it hasn't moved.
Dr. Linkletter: So far so good.
Sheldon: Oh, boy, my heart is pounding. I hope I don't turn into an adrenaline junkie.

Mary: Hey, I was thinking after dinner, maybe you and I could go out for a walk.
George: Why?
Mary: Pastor Jeff and Brenda have been doing it, might be nice.
George: So go with them.
Missy: They didn't invite her. She was all upset about it.
George: Well, you get left out and I get punished?
Mary: A walk with your wife is punishment?
George: You're up, say somethin' fun.

Dr. Sturgis: Uh, oh, yesterday I had my first breakfast burrito.
Connie: Mm. Good for you. How was it?
Dr. Sturgis: Confusing. I ordinarily have burritos for lunch or dinner.
Connie: I don't know how to respond to that.
Dr. Sturgis: You're working on an experiment and I'm eating dinner for breakfast. It's a crazy world.

Hubert: Would you like to explain why this was on the copy machine? .....
Georgie: Fine, but I only left it there because you came in the copy room and I had to hide.
Hubert: What? When? What?
Georgie: This morning before school.
Hubert: Uh... What exactly did you see?
Georgie: I don't want to talk about it.
Hubert: Well, I don't want you talking about it.
Georgie: Well, I don't want you talking about this.
Hubert: I don't even know what this is.
Georgie: I don't even know what I saw.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

29 апр. 2021 г.

South ParQ Vaccination Special, Part IV

South Park 24×2

Eric Cartman: Lil' QTies? With a "Q" and an apostrophe after the "L"? That's way better than Kommunity Kidz, guys. I told you... we're getting lazy.

Eric Cartman: Look, you guys have a right to say and believe whatever you want, okay? But what you believe is really stupid.

Chris: Tom, I'm standing outside South Park Elementary, where the Kommunity Kidz were set to distribute vaccines to the public. That's when a rival gang showed up and tried to stop them, and the fighting is still going on now. You can see behind me most of the damage is done, but it is still raging on, Tom. You can see this awful gang is trying to stop Kommunity Kidz just because Kommunity Kidz believe in something and actually... and actually care! They care enough to do something!
Tom: Yeah, that's basically what the Lil' QTies are doing too, right, Chris?
Chris: What do you mean, Tom?
Tom: Well, the Kommunity Kidz are acting on something they believe in and so are the Lil' QTies, am I right? What is the difference?
Chris: Oh, yeah, well, the difference, Tom, is that you are a giant piece of shit. That's the fucking difference!
Tom: Okay, let's just...
Chris: You're gonna even remotely defend these monsters when Kommunity Kidz are promoting change, just... Fuck you, Tom! I'm out!

Robert White: Come on! I can show you my Q headquarters!
Garrison: Jesus, you people really take this seriously...

Tom: At the center of it all... that amazing group of kids who are just taking the time for what they believe is right. I'm talking, of course, about the Lil' QTies. A group of youngsters that believe vaccines are harmful.
Chris: Yeah... Yeah, I see what you did there, Tom. That's real fucking cute.
Tom: I'm not trying to be cute. I'm saying if these kids really believe the horrific things they believe, then they'd be bad people not to go out and do something about it, wouldn't they?
Chris: Yes, that's totally true if you're a corrupt dickhead without morals. You gotta be fucking...
Tom: Okay, okay, Chris, let's just get back to the weather.

Garrison: Listen! Listen, whoever you are! I don't give a shit what you do! Please! I just want my old life back! I don't care what you do to kids, I just want people to like me again!

Eric Cartman: The 2-2-3, I agree. This way we don't have to be bros but Kenny still has the best possible life.
Stan Marsh: 2-2-3. That's so ridiculous... that it just might work.

Garrison: Listen! Listen, everybody. I... I think I owe you all a big apology. I came in here expecting everything to just go back to normal, but... we've all been through the proverbial butthole of hardships lately. I thought we could all just magically be friends again. But relationships are very fragile things, and in time of crises when we need each other most, it's sometimes when we grow furthest apart. But through it all, Mr. White here has taught me a very important lesson... Make sure you're on the side of the people with the most power. And so, I've worked out a deal with some pretty powerful people... Alright, boys, do your thing!..... It's Air Israel with enough vaccines for every adult in town!

Preacher: I think we should all take a moment to say... Hey! The rest of us made it, South Park! We're on the other side of this damn thing! And so it's time for adults to screw these masks and party like it's 2021!

Garrison: Nice doing business with you... you little child-murdering pedophiles.

On the IMDb

Le Bureau des Légendes #3.1

CIA Officer: How will you punish him without it going public?
Gaingouin: We plan to do as you usually do: we'll act first and think later.

CIA Officer: According to our stats, a Western hostage held by ISIS has a 25% chance of getting out alive.
Gaingouin: And if the hostage is an agent?
CIA Officer: Zero chance.

Mag: If Paul Lefebvre makes it back to France, it'll be a miracle. The question is: do we believe in miracles?

Duflot: Once we've freed Malotru, what then?
Mag: We drink champagne.
Duflot: Then what?
Mag: We think.

On the IMDb

Майкл Ф. Флинн — Эйфельхайм: город-призрак (3/3)

&  Для мира требуется согласие всех, а войну может разжечь и один.

&  — Хозяин называет последователей Маймонида еретиками еще худшими, чем самаритяне. «Разрушь, сожги и искорени их», — говорит он. Вот, наверное, самое популярное учение. Для всех.

&  — Надежда! Одно из ваших «внутренних слов». Я знаю, что вы подразумеваете, когда говорите «свинья», «иноходец» или «Schloss», но что есть «надежда»?
     — Это то, что можно сохранить, когда все остальное потеряно.

&  — Я с самого начала предполагал вероятность провала.
     — Тогда… к чему притворяться?
     — Потому что ты был прав. ... Надежда иногда важнее, чем правда.

&  — Но чума — это не кара, — настаивал Дитрих. Монах отвел глаза.
     — Не говори так,— яростно прошипел он ... — Чума слишком страшна, чтобы не иметь дополнительного смысла.

&  — Грегор, ты прав. Каждый день может оказаться последним, и, много или мало отпущено нам, маленькие радости придают цену прожитому.

&  Информация заключается в установлении связи между фактами, а не в самих фактах. Свяжи их по-другому; и — кто знает? — значение может стать совершенно другим.

&  Иногда очевидное — это когда всего лишь выдаешь желаемое за действительное.
  ... «О вы, счастливые потомки, вы не будете знать таких адских несчастий и сочтете наше свидетельство о них за страшную сказку!»

28 апр. 2021 г.

The Mauritanian (2021)

Teri Duncan: You don't think it's his mother?
Nancy Hollander: I don't know. But no one just gets a phone call from Bin Laden's sat phone.

Nancy Hollander: We can't fight what we don't know. ... There's no evidence.
Mohamedou: I trust you, you trust me. I am innocent. I am innocent, okay? What do you need to see to believe this?
Nancy Hollander: It doesn't matter what we believe. What matters is what we can prove.

Mohamedou: Who do you want to sue? You say, "Government." What does it mean?
Nancy Hollander: There'll be three names on the lawsuit. The United States of America, Donald Rumsfeld and George W. Bush.
Mohamedou: Sure. Sure. Why not?

Stuart Couch: Let me ask you, I understand everyone has a right to a defense... but doesn't it bother you at all, working for someone like this?
Nancy Hollander: I'm not just defending him, I'm defending the rule of law.
Stuart Couch: How very Ignatian of you.
Nancy Hollander: I didn't know they studied the Jesuits in the Marine law school.
Stuart Couch: Mmm. We like to fully consider a problem before we blow it up.

Nancy Hollander: My turn. Let me ask you. What if you're wrong?
Stuart Couch: We're not.
Nancy Hollander: What if you are? You built this place... and you abandoned all of your principles, all of your laws, and you're wrong?

General Lehnert: You went through New Brunswick? The SERE school they run up there.
Stuart Couch: I did.
General Lehnert: I take it you didn't enjoy it.
Stuart Couch: What's not to enjoy? Three nights in the hole with a bucket to piss in, and they pump in chainsaws and crying babies through the speakers 24 hours a day. End of training, things get pretty loopy.
General Lehnert: You confess to shooting Kennedy?
Stuart Couch: No, sir, I did not.
General Lehnert: A couple of sleepless nights, that's all... We pull from the same playbook. You and every other green Marine made it out all right. They will too.

Nancy Hollander: You gotta tell me what happened, Mohamedou.
Mohamedou: You're asking me to set fire to this place, but I'm still sitting in it.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Here's Negan

The Walking Dead 10×22

Negan: And if you don't mind me asking... did the Council really banish me? Or is this more of a "Carol seizing the reins" kind of situation?
Carol: .... This rabbit's for you.

Alter-Negan: Little pig, little pig. Let me in...

Alter-Negan: You gotta admit... We got a hell of a lot further with a kind word and good ol' Lucille here than we ever got with just a kind word. It's time to face the facts, old man. You are nothin' without her.

Negan: Ugh. Damn it.
Lucille: It's not like killing a person, babe. It's not even like killing an animal. You can't let it keep bothering you.
Negan: It doesn't bother me. I... I'm just worried that I'm gonna get used to it.

Negan: How, um... How's your dinner?
Lucille: It was really good. If I had known that dog food could taste like this... I would have been eating that shit all along.

Lucille: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry I made a big deal out of it. If I'd known... like, all this was gonna happen, I wouldn't have cared about a stupid credit-card bill.

Negan: You shouldn't be apologizing to me. Uh, it should be me apologizing to you. The man that I was... the pain that I put you through... You know, uh... You know, I lie awake at night... just wondering how I got so lucky that you have stuck with me.
Lucille: Come here. Listen to me. I stuck with you 'cause I could always see the man you are right now. Even when you weren't. And that asshole really had it comin'.
Negan: How's the food?
Lucille: It's good. Did you do somethin' different?
Negan: Yeah, I, uh... I tried a little rosemary instead of oregano, and there's a little white-wine reduction in with the chicken stock.

Negan: We are not giving up. Do you hear me? We are not giving up. Not ever.

Negan: You know, last time we did this, you said that I talk too much. Bad news is, I got some stuff to get off my chest this time, as well. But, see, this time... This time, you'd best hope I never stop talking... because when I do... When I do, something very terrible is gonna happen to you.

Negan: You know I never killed a man before tonight? It's the truth. Came close once...

Negan: Now, here's the important part, and I really want you to pay attention to this.

Negan: You know when people get so angry they say they see red? That shit is actually true. When this asshole comes at me, all I see is red. It's like I am looking at the world through blood.

Negan: ... So, t-the point of this is, there were consequences to me seeing red. Seeing red was a bad thing then. I was a bad man... then. But, see, now, nobody's suing anybody. Nobody's gettin' fired. Hell, nobody's keeping score. Now when I see red, it's just a question of what I am capable of. And, well, man, I hate to break it to ya. See, I am startin' to think that I am capable of damn near anything. So this... this is for not killing me.

Negan: I miss you. I love the shit out of you. And I am gonna do your fighting for you.

Carol: If you stay here, she will kill you. I just didn't want your death on my conscience, and... now it's not.
Negan: Fair enough.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Майкл Ф. Флинн — Эйфельхайм: город-призрак (2/3)

&  — Это серьезное дело, — сказал Дитрих, — опрокидывать установленный порядок, ибо кто может поручиться за то, что результат этого не будет еще хуже? Двенадцать лет назад у нас было такое же восстание. Армия крестьян опустошила страну, сжигая помещичьи дома, убивая господ, священников и евреев.
     И Дитрих вспомнил с внезапной невыносимой отчетливостью пьянящее упоение увлеченностью чем-то большим и более властным, более правым, чем ты сам, безнаказанностью и самонадеянностью толпы. Он вспомнил о знатных семьях, принесенных в жертву в их собственных домах; о ростовщиках-евреях, сполна расплатившихся за все в петле илина костре. ...
     И армия «кожаных рук» — они называли себя армией, имели самозваных капитанов и носили кожаные нарукавники в качестве отличительного знака — потные, неистовые от похоти, алчущие добычи, предчувствующие свой собственный смертный приговор; эта армия собралась до последнего часа, так что клич «День заклания!», с хрипом вырывающийся из тысячи глоток, был последним, что множество сеньоров или евреев слышали в своей жизни. В небе стояло зарево от горящих помещичьих домов, так что по Рейнланду можно было путешествовать ночью, словно днем. Обозы купцов грабили прямо на дорогах. Странствующих коробейников, приравненных при облавах к евреям-ростовщикам, разрывали на части. Бюргеры вольных городов, бежавшие под защиту древних стен, наблюдали оттуда за тем, как горят их ратуши и мастерские.

&  Том извинился. Он вечно за все извинялся. Шерон подозревала, что раскаяние было стратегией, к которой он прибегал осознанно, и это лишь разжигало ее раздражение. В той легкости, с которой он вечно просил прощения, она усматривала что-то покровительственное.

&  — Нам неизвестно, что такое «сообща». Каждый из нас наедине с собой, с одной-единственной мыслью: «Мы смеемся и прыгаем, ибо мы умрем».

&  Так обычно и происходит с еретиками. Они начинают с того, что ставят под сомнение одну доктрину, а заканчивают тем, что оспаривают вообще все. Не удивительно, что их то и дело сжигали.

27 апр. 2021 г.


Ozark 1×1

Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Scratch. Wampum. Dough. Sugar. Clams. Loot. Bills. Bones. Bread. Bucks. Money. That which separates the haves from the have-nots. But what is money? It's everything if you don't have it, right?
     Half of all American adults have more credit card debt than savings. 25% have no savings at all. And only 15% of the population is on track to fund even one year of retirement. Suggesting what? The middle class is evaporating? Or the American Dream is dead?
     You wouldn't be sitting there listening to me if the latter were true.
     You see, I think most people just have a fundamentally flawed view of money. Is it simply an agreed-upon unit of exchange for goods and services? $3.70 for a gallon of milk? Thirty bucks to cut your grass? Or is it an intangible? Security or happiness. Peace of mind...
     Let me propose a third option. Money as a measuring device.
     You see, the hard reality is how much money we accumulate in life is not a function of who's president or the economy or bubbles bursting or bad breaks or bosses. It's about the American work ethic. The one that made us the greatest country on Earth. It's about bucking the media's opinion as to what constitutes a good parent. Deciding to miss the ball game, the play, the concert, because you've resolved to work and invest in your family's future. And taking responsibility for the consequences of those actions.
     Patience. Frugality. Sacrifice. When you boil it down, what do those three things have in common? Those are choices.
     Money is not peace of mind. Money's not happiness. Money is, at its essence... that measure of a man's choices.

Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Lake of the Ozarks?
Bruce Liddell: Yeah. Lake of the Ozarks. Southern Missouri. The Redneck Riviera, baby. I thought I was gonna hate the place. Got there... almost pissed myself.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Yeah?
Bruce Liddell: Seriously. This bad boy... This bad boy has more shoreline, literally, than the entire coast of California. Look at that. Yeah, yeah, yeah... Every summer, five million cash-rich tourists show up, descend on the place. And it's got everything. Rich, poor, bass boats, yachts, condos. You keep this. You hold on to this.

Del Rio: You know what I like about Chicago? All the Mexicans. Culture, the food, the language. The women. I feel at home. You know what I dislike about Chicago? All the fucking Mexicans. Might as well put up a sign that says, "Welcome to Chicago, drug hub of the US." FinCEN, DEA, ATF, FBI... all circling like buzzards. And where does all the drama come from? Hmm? Four sticky-fingered white men.

Martin 'Marty' Byrde: .... then I take me and my family and we go down to the Ozarks, just like I planned. And I just start washing money. Tons of it. Nothing but washed money. That's all that matters. Come on. Come on. Five years, three years, and I'll launder twice what we're doing right now. Five years... $500 million. I can do that. It's got more... more shoreline than the whole coast of California.

Wendy Byrde: Believe me, I get how hard this is. But we're a family, so we are... We're making this move as a family. We would prefer if you would... see it as an adventure.

Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Hypothetically, scale of one to ten, how difficult would it be for someone to disappear?
Private Investigator: You or him? Careful.
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: No. Just me. You know, and the family. Family of four.
Private Investigator: New IDs, social security numbers, credit cards... You could do it. For a while, anyway. Then your money'd run out. One of your kids will get online sloppy. Twitter, Instagram... Your wife has one Lemon Drop too many with her new best friend, wants to share...
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Yeah...

Martin 'Marty' Byrde: It's... That's clean. It's already clean. You want me to clean it? Again? You'd lose 15%. Another 25% in taxes. Minimum.
Del Rio: That's not the point, is it? I have to see that you can do it. I'm torn, Marty... between intrigue and thinking this whole Ozark thing is complete and utter straw-grasping bullshit. But I'm willing to roll the dice. Because you're special. You have a gift. But if I think that you're trying to fuck me... I will have to kill you... and Wendy... and Jonah... and Charlotte. And not in that order.

Del Rio: Marty, you there? What should my father do?
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Your father?
Del Rio: About Aunt Carlotta. You never answered my question. What should my father do about a woman who steals from him? A loyal woman. A mother. With him 15 years. What did my mother make him do?
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: Fire her.
Del Rio: Why?
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: It's not the first time she stole from you.
Del Rio: What was it?
Martin 'Marty' Byrde: It's the first time you caught her.

Roy Petty: Mexicans, Mafia, Muslims. We all want to believe that these people are more than they are. And they're not. If they weren't... dealing drugs, extorting businesses, flying planes into buildings, they'd be cleaning toilets. They're not criminal geniuses. They're pathological liars on the path of least resistance.

Roy Petty: Where is Martin Byrde?

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

The Call of the Wild (2020)

Skagway Dog Seller: See it. See it, boy. It's the law of the land now. The law of club... and fang. No one above it.

John Thornton: Buck stood no chance against a man with a club. He knew that. He was beaten. But he was not broken.

Perrault: See, Buck? Now all our fates are one.
Francoise: They're dogs! They don't understand.
Perrault: Oh, yes, he does. Oh, yes. Buck, we're all tied up together now. We fall all together... but so do we get up as one.

John Thornton: It was the mountains. He spent all day looking at maps and at pictures of the mountains. Dreaming about what was on the other side. Places no one had been. Wild places. "Let's go," I said. He said, "Yeah, Pop." We'd start there... but then he grabbed a pencil... and he drew a line off the map... and he said, "But let's go there. Off the map. Where no one's been."

John Thornton: You've been staying out later and later every day. Yeah, I know, there's a lot to explore... but world's a dangerous place. You never know what's coming. You never know.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Майкл Ф. Флинн — Эйфельхайм: город-призрак

цитаты,Майкл Ф. Флинн,Эйфельхайм: город-призрак,14 century,priest,monk,шварцвальд.aliens,чума,физика,история,христианство,манор,рыцарь,деревня
  “Я знаю, где пролегает путь к звездам. ...
&  На каждую слабость — сила, так и на гордость — смирение.

&  — ... В Швейцарии работают все.
     — Раз так, Швейцария — верно, замечательная страна.
     — Так и есть. Мы не говорим никому «мой господин». Если надо уладить какой-нибудь вопрос, у нас собираются все мужчины, способные носить оружие, и голосуют поднятием руки; и мы не нуждаемся в господине.
     — Я думал, что швейцарские кантоны являются ленами Габсбургов.
     — Я полагаю, так же думает и герцог Альбрехт; но у нас, горцев, на этот счет иное мнение… Вы выглядите задумчивым, пастор. В чем дело?
     — Боюсь, что руки всех этих соседей, поднятые вместе, могут навязать однажды тиранию более тяжкую, чем рука одного-единственного господина. С господином, по крайней мере, ты знаешь, кого призвать к ответу, но, когда чернь поднимает множество рук, кто несет ответственность?
     — Призвать господина к ответу? …
     — Господин должен спасти свою честь. Это юридическая фикция, но очень полезная...

&  Человек, трудящийся на самого себя, не следит за солнцем так пристально, как человек, гнущий спину на другого.

&  — Это все чтение, Дитрих. Оно уводит человека из этого мира и заточает в его собственной голове, а там нет ничего, кроме фантомов.

&  Дары плодят рабов.

26 апр. 2021 г.

El robo del siglo (2020)

Fernando Araujo: A philosopher said... that the greatest good for the human being is to find a vocation.A truth that is authentic for a person. A truth for which you can also give life.
Therapist: So it would be important... to hurry up to find that vocation.

Fernando Araujo: Strength is not opposed with more strength, but with more technic. I have said this a thousand times: we are not opposed to the strength of a superior rival, we use it instead.

Fernando Araujo: Mario, don't be offended by what I'm going to say, but do you know why you've been arrested so many times?
Mario: No. Tell me please.
Fernando Araujo: Because you steal little.

Fernando Araujo: I propose something to you. One robbery... colossal.

Fernando Araujo: We are 18 meters from being millionaires. Up here is Banco Rio.

Fernando Araujo: When someone commits an immoral act, like robbing a bank, the more you think about the side effects that it will produce with the greatest possible empathy and personal ethics, much better will be the consequent social reaction. This is how it is. Here no one will go hungry until the insurance is reimbursed. There will even be someone who will declare more than he had saved. There is no real damage here. The bank does lose, but people will be delighted. Balance...
Mario: In short, listening to you, anyone wants to be robbed, seriously.

Fernando Araujo: There are no impossible solutions. There are misplaced problems.

Fernando Araujo: No, it is not the money, no. Brecht asked what's worse — to rob a bank, or to fund it.
Therapist: You are justifying yourself.
Fernando Araujo: No. No... I am not a Robin Hood. It turns out that I am completely taken by this thought. I get up and go to bed, always thinking about the plan. I believe it is perfect.
Therapist: A plan, Fernando, starts to fail when its creator believes he has a perfect plan. That Brecht did not say.

On the IMDb

South ParQ Vaccination Special, Part III

South Park 24×2

Mrs. Nelson: I'll just wait until the government decides teachers are important enough to get their vaccinations.
— Listen, Kommunity Kidz! All I want is a shot! And you can gimme that shot! That one shot, that's all I need!
— All I want is a shot, too!
— If I had a shot, I would make the most of it! Gimme a shot!
— I just wanna shot too! Please I need a shot!
— I gotta have the shot!
Eric Cartman: Wow, everyone just really wants a shot.
— If you just give me a shot, why, I could be somebody. I could go out to fancy restaurants like all them old people. And eat shrimp as big as my head!
— Hey, you're not taking my shot! This is my shot!
— I... I have to have this shot!

Gerald Broflovski: Say, Kyle, we heard you have some COVID-19 vaccinations...
Kyle Broflovski: They're for our teachers.
Gerald Broflovski: Oh, okay. Yeah, that makes sense. You know if you think your teacher is worth saving more than us...
Kyle Broflovski: It's not like that.
Gerald Broflovski: Well, it sounds like that! Sounds like your teacher's life is more important than your mom and dad's! You know, when all this went down, the school wasn't really there for you, was it? School kind of abandoned you kids. But your parents, well... We didn't shove you off into a Zoom meeting did we?
Kyle Broflovski: Dad, please don't...
Gerald Broflovski: You know, we're not spring chickens anymore. The virus is still out there, Kyle, and it's still killing people. I don't know how you'd feel is Mom or me got COVID and died in these last few months because you did nothing... Don't do nothing, Kyle. You know what, Kyle?
Kyle Broflovski: Please don't say it.
Gerald Broflovski: Silence is violence, Kyle. Don't kill Mom, buddy.

Robert White: Who is it sweetheart?
Crystal White: It's the savior of our country and still President of the United States who was impeached unjustly.

Robert White: But we were just trying to be like you!
Garrison: You'll never be like me! I've been a teacher for 30 years! I'm just trying to get my old life back and assholes keep getting in my way!
Robert White: But we have to tell children the truth! They have to know!
Garrison: They have to know what?!
Robert White: About... About the whole thing! About the vaccinations! That the pandemic was blown out of proportion!
Crystal White: That Venezuelan socialists switched out circuit boards from voting machines in 12 states!

Robert White: Don't you understand everything is being manipulated!
Garrison: Everyone's being manipulated... So that's why everyone in town is being such an inconsiderate jerk about me coming back?
Robert White: Yes. They don't want people to like you. They need people to hate you!
Garrison: Who are they?
Robert White: They're the elites. They do whatever they want and they feed on the pain and torture of children! And if anybody starts to care, they'll just cut us off when we tell the truth! And the truth is that...

On the IMDb

25 апр. 2021 г.

Le Bureau des Légendes #2.10

Duflot: Our mission is simple: to find out what others are hiding from us, others being enemies, foreigners or allies, anyone who is not one of us. They don't tell us or show us everything and we want to know, so we dig, we sniff' around, we watch, we listen and we recruit. That's our line of work: intelligence. We are trained in the art of lying. We lie to everyone. That is why loyalty... is the ultimate value. Without it, we are doomed to destroy ourselves from within.

Duflot: Disloyalty is a fragmentation bomb. It causes collateral damage, long after its explosion. Disloyalty is a cancer. You never know if you'll survive. You never know how far it's spread.

Duflot: I've known cases of disloyalty during the course of my career. Serious cases, memorable ones. But this case... will become a legend.

Marie-Jeanne: Guillaume Debailly should have lived in the '60s. He's a master spy. He'd have perfectly mastered the rules during the Cold War. He charms you but he gives nothing away. You can never guess his intentions. Even when you think you know, he manages to make you doubt. I think that... he can persuade people to do just about anything...

Céline: We know perfectly well what he'll do. He's the bomber.
Duflot: Guillaume is not a suicide bomber. He has a plan.
Céline: I don't see one.
Duflot: You're not Guillaume.

Céline: What do you hold against him?
Interrrogateur DGSE: If you don't know, then you're not supposed to know.
Céline: You're investigating someone who's taking enormous risks right now to protect us.
Interrrogateur DGSE: What are you talking about?
Céline: If you don't know, then you're not supposed to know.

Chevalier: Woe to the vanquished!

On the IMDb

South ParQ Vaccination Special, Part II

South Park 24×2

Robert White: Would you look at that? He ruined our entire country and now he's just back like nothing happened...

Garrison: Oh. Oh, I see. Look, every one, there's a gay man shopping! I happen to be the only teacher brave enough to teach your kids right now, so you better all get real woke real fast!

Robert White: Hey, uh, I'm not sure if you remember me. Bob White? I just want you to know I was always on your side. In fact, all of us Whites were really on your side.

Robert White: So, look, uh, what are we supposed to do now? You know, I'm a follower of QAnon. What are we supposed to do to stop the vaccinations? They're vaccinating people right now, seeding people with their microchips! Surely, you have a plan?! We're on the Internet every night waiting for word.

Robert White: Did you hear that, honey? He said "shit... out your dickhole"... He's trying to give us some kind of signal.

Mr. Mackey: Guess what, boys? I don't care. Ш come here and I listen to you kids bitch about your stupid problems everyday, and I'm 50 years old! I could die tomorrow from this Covid shit!

Mr. Mackey: It's not that simple. There's only one way you're getting your teacher back, and that's if teachers get their hands on the vaccine.
Eric Cartman: How do we do that?
Mr. Mackey: There's a place in town... Very hard to get into. Very exclusive... I've tried to get in many times... ...but they got security up the ass.

Eric Cartman: Yeah bros! Kommunity Kidz spelled with a K. Gets 'em every time.

Private Tutor from Tutornon: Alright, sit down. We don't have much time! Tom Hanks and Oprah are just two at the very top of an elite group of people who control everything we see and do. They feed upon children in order to maintain their elite status, and that isn't the worst of it. Do you know what pedophilia is? Here, let me show you...

Chris: Tom, I'm standing outside the ultra-exclusive Walgreens where earlier today vaccines were taken by that group of young Robin Hoods, the Kommunity Kids. These brave kids have taken it into their own hands to get people a shot. That's all people want, just a shot, and these boys have made it so you just might get that shot. And have a chance at hope and some happiness in this... in this shit world...
Tom: Okay, thank you, Chris. We'll get back...

On the IMDb

24 апр. 2021 г.

Le Bureau des Légendes #2.9

Duflot: Be careful, Marie-Jeanne. We're heading into the storm. There will be lots of turbulence. You'll think you're falling, but we won't fall. Do not panic. Some people will panic but you stay calm. We'll land safely in the end.
Marie-Jeanne: Do you believe that?
Duflot: I do.
Marie-Jeanne: What should I expect?
Duflot: People playing dirty. But I'm telling you, when it's over, we'll make it to the hangar.
Marie-Jeanne: Please drop the flying metaphor.
Duflot: OK.

Marie-Jeanne: You have two circles. The first is friends, the second is targets. Those two circles must never meet. Friends remain friends. Targets cannot be true friends.
Marina: What does that mean?
Marie-Jeanne: That you could destroy their life, without any qualms. You don't care about them. You don't pity them.

L'Interrogateur: Ever been to a bullfight?
Marina: I don't like it.
L'Interrogateur: I'd like to see one. I like the idea that the bull is both an opponent and a partner.
Marina: But the bull always dies in the end.
L'Interrogateur: Of course. It's inevitable. But it's a noble death.

L'Interrogateur: Sometimes, an interrogation... is a bit like a bullfight. There are the passes, the dance and the rhetoric. Then comes the death blow... You may not know this, but I specialize in interrogating Mossad agents. Those agents, it's pointless torturing them. They'll never say anything. You just need to be stronger than them. They have the answer to every question, like you. We don't analyze the answers...

On the IMDb

The One with Rachel's New Dress

Friends 4×18

Joey: Oh, oh, Pheebs. You want a strong name? How about The Hulk?
Phoebe: No, I'm not sure about Hulk... but I like the idea of a name starting with "The."

Ross: What's wrong with Ross?
Phoebe: It's just, you know, something like this... would never happen to The Hulk, you know.
Joey: Actually, that's not true. In The Incredible Hulk, number 72, Dr. Bruce Banner found...
Ross: You know, never mind. My girlfriend's a lesbian.

Phoebe: Well, how about a compromise then? Okay, what if it's... you know, Chan-no-ey?
Chandler: Okay, look, Joey? Come on, think about it. He'll never be president. I mean, there's never gonna be a President Joey.
Joey: All right, look, I didn't want to bring this up... But Chandler is the stupidest name I've heard in my life. It's not even a name. It's barely even a word. Okay, it's kind of like chandelier but it's not. All right? It's a stupid, stupid, non-name.
Chandler: Wow. You're right. I have a horrible, horrible name...

Ross: So, um, any word from Susan?
Carol: Ooh, yeah, she said she's having so much fun with Emily.
Ross: Uh-huh, uh-huh. Uh, by the by, did it ever occur to you that... I don't know, maybe they might be having a little too much fun?
Carol: What's too much fun?
Ross: You know, the kind of fun you and Susan had when we were married.

Mr. Burgin: I like her. She seems smart.
Joshua: Rachel, my parents.
Rachel: So nice to meet you. Hello, hello.
Mrs. Burgin: Oh, Joshua, that $500 was for groceries...

+ Quotes on the IMDb

23 апр. 2021 г.

Capone (2020)

Fonse: I hid ten million bucks.
Johnny: You did-- what? You did what?
Fonse: I hid ten million bucks.
Johnny: You hid ten million-- ten million bucks?
Fonse: Yeah.
Johnny: Where?
Fonse: I don't fuckin' know.

Johnny: You know, this is what happens when people spend too much time in Florida. They turn into fuckin' hillbillies.

Johnny: I don't get it. I mean, he's got the whole forest to himself. Right? And all of a sudden some goofy lookin' broad shows up--
Fonse: Judy Garland.
Johnny: Ok, whatever. She turns up with a couple goons who look like they just escaped from Barnum and Bailey's circus, and they scamper off down to-- what's it?
Fonse: Emerald City.
Johnny: Emerald City. And they talk to that egghead.
Fonse: He's a wizard. But not a wizard when you see him.
Johnny: You see? This guy, he's standing on a gold mine, and the lion says "Oh, I wanna go back to being the King of the Forest". Get the fuck outta here.
Fonse: He ain't a coward no more. You understand?
Johnny: Yeah, but that Emerald City is wide open.
Fonse: It-- it's a fuckin' movie. He got his courage, he goes back. That's it.

Fonse: I know who you are.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Σ ~: «Beautifully shot movie. That's the only plus. Wasted cast. Terrible script. Incoherent and slow as all hell.»


The Walking Dead 10×21

Carol: Every tough decision I've made was always to protect us. I'll do whatever it takes. And now I need to make things right.

Carol: Did you ever hear the story of Stone Soup?.. Yeah, they used to teach it to us in school. There was this hungry stranger that came to a village, but he didn't have anything to trade for food except for a big rock. So he convinced all the villagers to try his world-famous Stone Soup. But before that, he tells one person, "Hey, I'm gonna have to borrow some salt." Then he tells another person, "Just gonna need a little bit of onion." And little by little, a little bit of this, little bit of that from everyone in the village... until he has a real soup. And everyone's happy.
Jerry: Didn't sound very tasty.

Carol: What? Think I can't take you myself? First you. Then you and you and you and you... Where do you think you're going?

Jerry: The hell happened?
Carol: Nothing. I got some nettles and dandelion greens. Tasty and nutritious.
Jerry: You sure you're okay?
Carol: Oh, yeah. Back to it!

Carol: There'll be more sun tomorrow. Right, buddy?

Carol: Don't worry. He'll come back. He always comes back. I don't, though. Do I?

Jerry: I wish I could check in on Ezekiel, too.
Carol: Yeah, I'm sure he's on his way back here as fast as he can with the others. You know, probably just so he can check in on people almost as much as you do. You know, it's pathological. Can't you just let people like me suffer in peace?
Jerry: Yeah, caring... it's a real problem.

Jerry: You know, Ezekiel would have a saying for this kind of thing. ... "A friend is someone who thinks you're perfect even if everyone else thinks you're broken."

Carol: What if your best friend just realized it a whole lot later than everyone else did?

Jerry: Two plus two equals eureka, you know?

Carol: What the hell happened to you?
Daryl: Was gonna ask you the same thing.
Carol: You know, the usual.
Daryl: Yeah. Same.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

22 апр. 2021 г.

Chapter 16. A Thetan Arrives

The Kominsky Method 2×8

Norman Newlander: I would never dare to say this to a woman, but I'll say it to you. I think the medication you're on is causing you to behave in a premenstrual fashion.
Sandy Kominsky: You gonna retire? I thought you said that was a death sentence.
Norman Newlander: It is. Without a purpose in life, men like us are two or three Clive Cussler books away from the grave.
Sandy Kominsky: I happen to like his books...
Norman Newlander: That's fine. Just... read slow.

Sandy Kominsky: Do you have any idea what you're doing with your hands?
Lane: What about 'em?
Sandy Kominsky: You're, uh, flitting. The character you're playing is a boxer, a... a longshoreman. These aren't the kind of guys who openly, uh, flit.
Lane: I'm sorry. I... I don't follow.
Sandy Kominsky: Really? Okay. Can you follow this? Rock Hudson, Raymond Burr, Tony Perkins, Van Johnson, Cary Grant. I mean, the list goes on and on. I mean, even Marlon Brando, he dipped his toe in. But they never put their predilection on screen.
Lane: Are you saying being gay is a predilection?
Sandy Kominsky: Why? Is that word against the law now? Am I going to PC hell because I said "predilection"? Or should I have said, uh... "hankering"? Hankering for dudes?

Robby: I know this because I experienced it myself. And that is the only test for truth.

Norman Newlander: Now, as an immortal spirit, would I have any dietary restrictions?
Robby: What do you mean?
Norman Newlander: Well, can a thetan eat pastrami? 'Cause I miss it so much.

Robby: All right. So, we're gonna do this for five minutes and we're gonna see how it goes.
Norman Newlander: Eyes closed like in meditation?
Robby: Eyes open like in life. All right, ready?.. Start.
Norman Newlander: ... I'm uncomfortable.
Robby: That's okay. Just continue.
Norman Newlander: ..... I hate this.
Robby: Not unusual. Just continue.

Norman Newlander: If you exteriorize from the situation, you'd see we're both very, very lucky.
Sandy Kominsky: Exteriorize?
Norman Newlander: Yeah. Pop out of your head and see the situation from the vantage point of a... an immortal spirit.
Sandy Kominsky: A thetan.
Norman Newlander: Now you're getting it.

On the IMDb

Le Bureau des Légendes #2.8

Duflot: Sure, I'm paranoid. And you think I'm stupid too.
La mule: How old are you?
Prune: I'm 20.

La mule: You poor thing. At 20 you can't handle these things.
Prune: How old are you?
La mule: Old enough to handle it... Look at me. Do I look like a shy virgin to you?
Prune: No.
La mule: Do I look like a hopeless romantic?
Prune: No.
La mule: They call me the "Mule". Presumably not because I'm white as a dove.
Prune: Right.
La mule: When I was 20 I cried every day. Every single day. I fell in love twice. Two arseholes. And each time I cried. Non-stop. My mother hit me over the head to toughen me up. It made no difference. I cried and cried, and cried. 20 is a lousy age.

Nadia: Why are you doing this? Why tell me who you are?
Malotru: I wanted to be honest, before we part company.
Nadia: I don't think it matters anymore.
Malotru: What matters is your new life. I've worked hard to make it possible. We won't see each other again. But I won't forget you and I doubt you'll forget me. Now, when we think of each other, it will be painful. But it will be real.
Nadia: So now we're even.

Prune: So what's your code name?...
Malotru: Malotru.
Prune: Malotru? Why?
Malotru: All our code names are insults from Captain Haddock in Tintin.
Prune: Are you kidding?
Malotru: I swear it's true. There's Cyclone, Moule-б-gaufres, Phénoméne.
Prune: That's crazy!
Malotru: But it's true.

On the IMDb

21 апр. 2021 г.

Chapter 15. A Hand Job Is Forgiven

The Kominsky Method 2×7

Eileen Newlander: When you love somebody, you don't want 'em to be alone.
Norman Newlander: And all this time I've been wracked with guilt?
Eileen Newlander: That's good. That I like.

Margaret: Whoo! I forgot I was acting!
Sandy Kominsky: That's called acting.

Martin Schneider: ... Because you have your pride.
Sandy Kominsky: Yes, because I've got my pride.
Martin Schneider: Pride goeth before the fall, Sandy.

On the IMDb

Tears of the Wrath-Bearing Tree

American Gods 3×10

Mr. Ibis: In 1918, the Coast Geodetic Survey, using a cardboard cut-out balanced on a pin, determined the geographic center of America to be 2.6 miles north of Lebanon, Kansas, on Johnny Grib's hog farm. Johnny Grib didn't share his neighbors' eagerness to cash in on his sudden fame, so they erected a monument a half mile away. They also built a motel for the tourists who were sure to visit the center of America. Only, the tourists didn't come. Nobody did. Because we are standing at ground zero of the least sacred place in America. If the House on the Rock is a place of spiritual power, this, uh, is a soulless void. A wasteland Gods fear and men avoid.

Shadow: When were you planning on telling me?
Mr. Ibis: One shock at a time.

Czernobog: Hey. Can you believe this idiot thinks that he will sit the vaka for Votan?
Mr. Ibis: Oh. Vigil for a Norse God requires being bound upon Yggdrasil, the World Tree, as Odin once did.
Shadow: Okay.
Mr. Ibis: For 9 days and 9 nights. An endurance test for a God, a death sentence for a mortal.

Czernobog: Where is the cow?

Laura: Three lifetimes; I'm still trusting the wrong fucking people.

Czernobog: You talk of peace? Respect? While you hide behind a mortal female, huh? You mudák!...

Mr. World: Think about it. By the time that you would gather your armies, SHARD will be in completion, and the Old Gods will be de-indexed, erased, and forgotten.

Czernobog: Since we can't do it here, there's a field just in the back, across the street. It's a good place to die. Now, hit straight on the forehead for a quick and clean. If you hit the neck, it will be slow and painful. I recommend the neck. I'll wait in the car.

Shadow: He gave me a purpose. To be a better leader than he ever could've been.
Laura: A leader?
Shadow: Mm-hmm.
Laura: Of what?
Shadow: Change. Before humanity goes down the tubes.
Laura: Okay. So... Are you saying that you're a God now?
Shadow: I'm sayin' I have a destiny. And I need to follow it wherever it takes me.
Laura: Cool. Cool, so you've lost your fuckin' mind.

Laura: Congratulations! You're officially on the way to becoming your old man!

Cordelia: ...we find a way out. We can do like, a... a number 38 or 41 or 50. I don't know. Just... Just don't get on the tree, fuck's sake. You have nothing to prove.
Shadow: I'll see you in nine days.

Technical Boy: All this... for a fucking rock?

Mr. World: People say this is the age of technology. They're wrong. This is the age of manipulation. Trickery is what I do best.

Shadow: If I'm your son, I am a God.
Wednesday: Ah. Jury's still out on that, son, but you're definitely a chip off the old block.
Shadow: No, no, no.
Wednesday: We both crave power. The only difference is, I'm not ashamed of it.

Czernobog: Is this the death of the Old Gods?
Mr. Ibis: Or something much worse...

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

20 апр. 2021 г.

The Indian Runner (1991)

Joe Roberts: Okay, big bear! I'm an Indian runner! I'm a message. And the message is... bet you can't find me!

Frank Roberts: All right, you win! You're a message. You win.
Joe Roberts: Oh, Joseph!
Frank Roberts: Oh, Joey! The message is... never trust a bear.

Caesar: Did you ever want to kill someone? Just out of rage? And you don't do it because you're afraid? And it's all about fear. Fear of the law coming down, sure. But mostly... fear like in sin. Sin with God. Yeah, almighty God. What if He ain't almighty? What if He ain't sacred? You might just as well have done the fella. Goodness... maybe ain't nothing but fear, you know?

Frank Roberts: Let me ask you something. How'd it feel when you killed that kid out on the highway?
Joe Roberts: Not good, Frank.
Frank Roberts: I would've thought that felt real fucking good. It was clean, it was legal. You saved your own life. I mean, that's common sense. It's common fucking sense, right? It's how these people think.
Joe Roberts: What people?

Frank Roberts: They don't let you figure out the problem! It's math class. The whole deal is math. Like every math class, there's a clown in front everybody hates. He's raising his hand, answering the questions. What do we do? Move on! Just fucking move on. Ready or not! He's deciding we got to move on. He's deciding we got to move on. He knows his math! I hadn't figured out about Santa Claus yet. Dragons.

Frank Roberts: That's the world, Joe. And it's a beauty! Am I right?
Joe Roberts: You're right.
Frank Roberts: Am I wrong?
Joe Roberts: No, you're not wrong.
Frank Roberts: There is no common sense. Right?
Joe Roberts: Right. All right. Your problems are the world's fault.
Frank Roberts: That's right! It's the world's fault.
Joe Roberts: It's your fault. It's my fault. It's the fault of every "human being, " as they're called. Every one of them out there!

Frank Roberts: Life must be great if you can laugh it up.

Frank Roberts: No, mister. I'll just stay here and drink it down. 'Cause there's only two kinds of men in this hell. That's heroes and outlaws. Which one are you?
Joe Roberts: Men come strong or weak, brother. You ain't strong.

Joe Roberts: That's all there is, Frank. Out there is family. In here it's hell.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Le Bureau des Légendes #2.7

Céline: I thought it would be good for both of you...
Malotru: It's not up to you to decide alone. There are rules to follow. Do you understand? Even if your friend is in danger, abide by the rules. They exist to protect the friend and you and the company.

Malotru: There are some time bombs. Once they have been activated, they can't be switched off. Resistance is futile. There are three options: to fight pointlessly, to run away, or to wait until it catches up with you. Wait quietly, and do your best with the time you have left. Do what needs to be done. Say what needs to be said.

Imam: What do you want?
Malotru: A suicide bomber.
Imam: You westerners, you're always full of surprises.
Malotru: Against a Muslim.
Imam: What kind of Muslim?
Malotru: An ISIS soldier.
Imam: You have drones, killer robots, and phones that explode remotely.
Malotru: We've explored all the options.
Imam: I don't like ISIS.
Malotru: You prefer AI-Qaeda?
Imam: They spend less time on Twitter, more time reading the Koran.

Duflot: You seem upset.
Marie-Jeanne: I'm OK. I've just been imagining things.
Duflot: I know what that's like.
Marie-Jeanne: Maybe I do it on purpose. I must enjoy getting screwed over.
Duflot: If we didn't, we wouldn't be doing this job.
Marie-Jeanne: It's a bit like saying cops love crime, isn't it?

On the IMDb

19 апр. 2021 г.

Chapter 14. A Secret Leaks, a Teacher Speaks

The Kominsky Method 2×6

Norman Newlander: Are you familiar with the five stages of grief?
Sandy Kominsky: The Keebler-Ross thing?
Norman Newlander: Kübler.
Sandy Kominsky: Oh.
Norman Newlander: Kübler. Keebler is the cookie people.

Sandy Kominsky: The doctors said I'm gonna beat this.
Norman Newlander: Of course they said that. That doesn't mean anything.
Sandy Kominsky: And I'm back in denial.

Norman Newlander: Drop dead, you bag of shit!
Madelyn: What?
Norman Newlander: Uh, I said, how's seven o'clock sound?
Sandy Kominsky: Yeah. That's what he said.

Sandy Kominsky: How are you feeling?
Martin Schneider: Good, yeah. Feelin' strong. Yeah, thanks. Good.
Sandy Kominsky: Good.
Martin Schneider: Yeah. It's all good. I don't know why I say that. I hate that saying. "It's all good." You ever know anything that was all good? But, uh, in general, I am good. Most... mostly good. And you?
Sandy Kominsky: Um... also good.
Martin Schneider: So we... are both good.
Sandy Kominsky: Mm-hm. "Johnny B. Goode."
Martin Schneider: "Good Golly, Miss Molly."
Sandy Kominsky: "Good Vibrations."
Martin Schneider: Maxwell House, good to the last drop... That one doesn't work as good. Okay.

Sandy Kominsky: I wanna ... talk a little bit about comedy as a genre... What separates comedy from drama? Is there, in fact, a separation? ... Should we, as actors, even acknowledge a divide between the two forms? Human beings cry, they love, they fear, they laugh, they rage. Which of those things is more important, more worthy of their intentions than the others?.. The answer is simple. None of them. They're equal. Which means we don't play comedy. We don't play drama. We play the truth. If you're cast in a comedy, perhaps a sitcom, and there's a joke in your script, you don't play the joke. You play the reality of the moment. If there's laughter to be had, it'll take care of itself. You don't need to help it. In fact... helping it is the worst thing that you can do.

Sandy Kominsky: Yes, Martin?
Martin Schneider: Uh, what if the joke stinks?
Sandy Kominsky: That's not your concern. You're providing services as an actor, not a critic.

Madelyn: I'd like a cup of strawberry with all of the fixings.
Norman Newlander: Make it two. Except vanilla and just M&M's.

On the IMDb

The One with the Free Porn

Friends 4×17

Joey: What did I do? I must have hit something on the remote.
Chandler: Do we pay for this?
Joey: No, we didn't even pay our cable bill. Maybe this is how they punish us.
Chandler: Maybe we shouldn't pay our phone bill. Free phone sex.
Joey: Maybe we shouldn't pay our gas bill.
Chandler: .....

Joey: No, no, no. We don't know what could make this go away.
Chandler: Yeah, so no one touches the remote, and no one touches the TV. And no one touches the air around the TV. Imagine a protective porn bubble, if you will.
Rachel: I'm at least going to mute it.
Joey: No, no, no!

Joey: Pheebs, you're blocking the porn. Look out.
Phoebe: Oh! Oh, my. Oh, that reminds me. I have to see my OB-GYN today.

Phoebe: Oh, God. I'm so glad you guys are happy. I was so afraid you we're gonna be freaked.
Alice: Oh.
Frank: Why would we be freaked?
Phoebe: No, because maybe it's harder to raise them and the added expense. Ugh!... No, back to happy. Back to happy!

Phoebe: You can't give up on your dream. Ugh.
Frank: No, it's okay. We're gonna have three kids. And that's a different kind of dream. Three kids and no money.

Ross: I've been thinking... I'm just going to come out and say it, okay? Uh... I think... I love you.
Emily: Oh. Thank you.
Ross: .... It's no problem.

Emily: There's someone else...
Ross: Does that mean the same thing in England as it does in America?

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Ольга Фикс — Тёмное дитя

цитаты,Ольга Фикс,Тёмное дитя,Jerusalem,Judaism,Jew,Golem,Hebrew,daemon,rabbi,Moscow,poltergeist,magical,angel,
 – Ты никуда не поедешь. ...

&  – Да ведь все просто и есть! Берешь билет, садишься и едешь. Главное, ничего не усложнять.

&  – Прошлое – прах, будущее – туман. Есть лишь настоящее, и длится оно мгновение.

&  – Поверь мне, только это и важно. На людях-то мы все добрые и милые. А как начинаешь с кем-то жить, все сразу оказываются с зубами.

&  – ...в лагере я принимал лекарство из пяти ингредиентов. Во-первых, понимал, что мне это ниспослано за грехи. Во-вторых, радовался, что грехи свои искупаю. В-третьих, осознавал, что ничто не бывает зря, и потому, в-четвертых, всегда пытался понять, что именно мы из этого учим. Ну и не забывал, что, раз мы в руках Всевышнего, значит, по воле Его это все может закончиться в любую минуту. Так или иначе, но закончиться.
     Я не выдержала и рассмеялась. И впрямь неплохой совет: помнить, что любая фигня всегда может кончиться, в любую минуту.
     Или смениться другой какой-нибудь фигней.

&  Мыслей не было никаких, одно острое чувство боли. А боль, я знала, лучше всего переживать в одиночку.

  ... Эсэмэска от Жан-Марка: «Неотложный случай. Кошка упала с крыши. Встретимся в клинике через полчаса, d’accord?»”

18 апр. 2021 г.

The Lake Effect

American Gods 3×9

Cordelia: Jesus, you look like shit. When was the last time you slept?
Wednesday: I'll sleep... when I'm dead.

Liam Doyle: You do have a plan for that, I assume? Stabbing a god?
Laura: Yup. Get spear, shank shithead.

Liam Doyle: Do you... really have to kill this dude?
Laura: Yes, I do. Either I go out trying to kill him, or I die breaking my word to the tech Nazis.
Ann-Marie Hinzelmann: Surviving winter in Lakeside is no small feat. We aren't just celebrating the end of winter. We're celebrating our good fortune.

Cordelia: You know, I'm sensing a pattern here. We drop in on old friends of yours, they hate your guts and freak out. You e-eat their food and drink their booze until they calm down. You ever worried that one day it won't work?

Wednesday: It's an end for you and me too, kid. All good things must, huh?
Cordelia: Are you gonna be able to take care of yourself without me?
Wednesday: You sure you've got that the right way around?
Cordelia: Where can we hide in the fair weather, we orphans of the storm?
Wednesday: Evelyn Waugh...

Czernobog: Okay. The assholes are here now.

Mr. World: Our offer to the Old Gods... is their lives... and freedom... to disappear in any corner of America they choose.
Wednesday: That's an offer?
Mr. World: Here is the alternative... SHARD. We're on the cusp of a new age, wherein humanity will forget the Old Gods! And... and you'll all die. Now, you can accept my offer and fade from existence in peace. Or we will... systematically... hunt and kill every one of you that gets in our way.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Le Bureau des Légendes #2.6

Chevalier: Are you Jewish?
Sisteron: No.
Chevalier: All lawyers are Jewish. I forgot, you're not a lawyer. What are you, anyway?

Duflot: Is this really my decision?
Mag: No, it's mine. But I want your opinion.
Duflot: If they were my men, I'd say no. We can't blow their cover for a hasty, dangerous and uncertain intervention.
Mag: They don't intervene. ....
Céline: So we abandon Raymond?
Duflot: It's too hasty, dangerous, and uncertain.

Duflot: I'd like to see all phone movements during the past year.
Sylvain: A history of the locations?
Duflot: Can you do that?
Sylvain: Yes. The software already exists. I call it the "history cloud". It's animated and easy to use.

Sylvain: You should know that if you check my phone you'll see I drive round the ring road twice before going home. Don't ask me why. I won't tell you.
Duflot: OK.
Sylvain: I just wanted to let you know. That's the only weird thing I do.
Duflot: OK.

Duflot: I must admit, I have been seeing blue rats lately. It's an in-joke. It means I'm being paranoid.

Duflot: You know what?
Dr Balmès: What?
Duflot: Those who see blue rats are always right... I've given 30 years to the company and I've been unfailingly loyal. I truly believed in it, and I still do.
Dr Balmès: In what?
Duflot: In the nobility of our mission. I've given a lot. Almost everything I have. And I don't have a single regret. But my greatest fear, my greatest terror, the one that keeps me up at night and creates terrible anxiety, is to end in disgrace. And the worst is that I know I'll end up that way.

Malotru: Some meetings are best avoided. Some invitations are best declined. They are traps. You can feel it. You know it. But if you go anyway. If you ignore the alarms going off inside you, it means that you truly desire the pain that awaits you.

On the IMDb

17 апр. 2021 г.

Palm Springs (2020)

Jerry: Shukran. Good day so far?
Nyles: Today, tomorrow, yesterday, it's all the same. You?
Jerry: Today is young. Ask me again at the end. Anything can happen.

Sarah: But what is this? When is this?
Nyles: Yeah. About that... So, this is today. Today is yesterday. And tomorrow is also today. It's one of those... infinite time loop situations you might have heard about.
Sarah: That I might have heard about...
Nyles: Yeah.
Sarah: How do I stop it? I don't want tomorrow to be today. I want tomorrow to be tomorrow.
Nyles: Right. That's natural. Uh, unfortunately, that's never going to happen. Tomorrow will always and forever now be today. So--

Nyles: I don't know what it is. It could be life, it could be death. It might be a dream, I might be imagining you, you might be imagining me, it could be purgatory or a glitch in the simulation that we're both in. I don't know. So... I decided a while ago to sort of give up and stop trying to make sense of things altogether, because the only way to really live in this is to embrace the fact that nothing matters.
Sarah: Well, then what's the point of living?
Nyles: Well, we kind of have no choice but to live, so I think your best bet is just to learn how to suffer existence.

Sarah: What are you doing?
Nyles: Bracing for a quick death. I mean, we can't die, but pain is very real. There's nothing worse than slowly dying in the ICU. Or we could just skip this whole phase, go get a beer, you know. Or not. Whatever. See you tomorrow.

Nyles: ... So I vowed to never bring anyone into this life ever again. Darla: Amen to that. I tied my tubes at 40. Sarah: Let's waste some time. Nyles: The pain is real. Why can't you understand that? Sarah: It doesn't matter. Nothing matters. Right? Those are your words. Nyles: No. Pain matters! What we do to other people matters! Being a source of terror is not fun, okay. It's not fulfilling. I know this from experience. It doesn't matter that everything resets and people don't remember. We remember. We have to deal with the things that we do. Sarah: You get one more sentence.
Nyles: Okay. Okay... Even though I pretend not to be, I've realized that I'm completely co-dependent, but I'm cool with it because I think that life should be shared now, and I need you to survive.
Sarah: Okay. That's your one sentence.

Nyles: I'd rather die with you than live in this world without you.

Sarah: What if we get sick of each other?
Nyles: We're already sick of each other. It's the best.

Sarah: I can survive just fine without you, you know. But there-- there's a chance that this life can be a little less mundane with you in it.
Nyles: Yeah. Less mundane. That's a super low bar. That's a great place to start.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Wheelman (2017)

Motherfucker: What's your name, man?
Wheelman: I don't wanna talk.
Motherfucker: What?
Wheelman: Chitchat. I don't chitchat unless it's about the job.
Motherfucker: Talk about the job?
Wheelman: Yeah. You know, "get in," "look out," "watch for the cops." That kind of shit.

Motherfucker: I gotta call you something. Three dudes sitting in a fucking car, nothing to call each other... That's just weird, man. I think that's just... That's just fucking... Just fucking weird.
Wheelman: Yeah, you know, what's weird, cowboy, is you keep fucking asking me my name. That's weird. I drive the car. I'm the Wheelman, okay? That's it. End of story.

Real Handler: You bring me that money, or I will...
Wheelman: Or what? Or what? What? What are you gonna do? You're gonna kill me, huh? No shit. No shit, you're gonna kill me. I'd fucking kill me.

Wheelman: What do I tell you every time this car touches the track?
Katie: "You're on the clock."
Wheelman: What are the two most important things when you're in this car?
Katie: Speed and timing.
Wheelman: Speed... and timing. This is about both.

On the IMDb


The Walking Dead 10×20

Eugene: To be blunter, all my kinfolk are counting on me to be a cross between Santa Claus and a guardian angel, if you will.

Ezekiel: We don't know these people, and we can't trust what we don't know.

Ezekiel: What if Eugene trusted the wrong people this time?...

Trooper: "For the benefit of all and for all who seek solace at our gates."
Ezekiel: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Trooper: It's what we stand for.

Juanita: They're my friends.
Ezekiel: You met them a week ago.
Juanita: That's a lifetime in apocalypse years.

Juanita: I'm not crazy, if that's what you're thinking. I mean, there's the ADHD, the anxiety, the PTSD, the depression, the crushing loneliness, and the active imagination that helps me cope with all of that, but, like, maybe that's the only sane response to an insane world. You know what I'm saying?

Trooper: Didn't have to be hard. The rules are simple. The questions are routine. People just complicate them.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

16 апр. 2021 г.

Chapter 13. A Shenckman Equivocates

The Kominsky Method 2×5

Norman Newlander: So you're December.
Martin Schneider: Excuse me?
Norman Newlander: Well, there's a May-December thing going on, right?... You're December... I'm lookin' at you, I don't see November.
Martin Schneider: Well, let's say I'm just... Just after Thanksgiving.

Norman Newlander: Ooh... Retired, that's bad.
Sandy Kominsky: And why is that bad?
Norman Newlander: Are you kidding? He might as well take a bath with a toaster.

Norman Newlander: A toast. To Mindy and Marty. May they have many happy months together.

Sandy Kominsky: Norman, if this woman makes you happy, and I know she does, you should fight like hell not to lose her.
Norman Newlander: That's what Phoebe said.
Sandy Kominsky: Well, there you go. Relationship advice from a drug addict fresh out of rehab and a guy who's been divorced three times. How can you go wrong?

Lisa: You should just get a checkup.
Sandy Kominsky: Ah, I don't need a checkup. I really wish you wouldn't do that. Lisa: Do what?
Sandy Kominsky: By bringing up the possibility of me having... cardio issues, you're kind of inviting trouble.
Lisa: So what, having a conversation about it is... is bad luck?
Sandy Kominsky: No, it's... it's not bad luck, it's just that you're... You're putting it out there in the universe as a possibility. It's better not to talk about it.
Lisa: When did you get superstitious?
Sandy Kominsky: I'm not superstitious. I just have a healthy respect for bad juju.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Le Bureau des Légendes #2.5

Malotru: Is there reason to worry?
Céline: Do you believe in intuition?
Malotru: No.
Céline: I feel as if he's walking into a trap.
Malotru: Did something in the file catch your attention and you told yourself you were overreacting?
Céline: I don't know.
Malotru: Try to figure it out. That's intuition. Something you noticed but didn't quite grasp so it's stuck in your mind.

Duflot: Zamani has become a priority target again.
Marie-Jeanne: But he's leaving for the States.
Duflot: Break some legs.
Marie-Jeanne: Seriously?

Malotru: It's a Moleskine?
Duflot: Skin of a mole. "Moleskine". It means "skin of a mole".

Céline: It stuck in my mind, like you said it would. I kept obsessing over it.
Malotru: Go ahead.
Céline: It's probably nothing.
Malotru: It's never nothing, when a man's in the field.

On the IMDb

15 апр. 2021 г.

One Small Step...

This Is Us 5×11

Nicky: Why I love the Moon?... Well, I love the Moon because... it's... Earth's personal satellite. It's like the nightlight we can all count on. It's always there... but different every night. And no matter where you are in the world, we're all looking up at that same Moon.

Air Traveler: Hi. Hi. I, uh, noticed that you don't have headphones. Remember when people used to talk on planes?

Nicky: So, y-you want to drive to California and move there for-for good.
Sally: "For good." What does that mean, "for good"? My Grandma Pearl used to say, "Sweetie, you can do anything you want with your life, or you can do nothing."

Sheehan: Lot of these guys, their bodies are here, but their minds are still over there. The trick is to not let yourself get lost in it. Not to relive the same horror show over and over. You owe this girl of yours the future, not the past.
Jack: Are you sure? Because I...
Sheehan: I'm sure. Yeah. Want my advice? Take every memory you have, photos, whatever, and lock it away. Visit it when you have one too many. But keep it separate from the life you're building.

Uncle Nicky: For 50 years, I lived in a trailer. A trailer that went nowhere. Whatever the opposite is of an astronaut, that-that's... That's what I became.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

A Pager, a Club and a Cranky Bag of Wrinkles

Young Sheldon 4×11

Mary: Perhaps you could work on widening your social circles here...
Sheldon: I'm already at two. That's double where I was at high school.

George: Why in the world would you need a beeper?
Georgie: So people can get in touch with me.
George: Trust me, when you're not around, no one's thinking, "I must speak with Georgie this minute."
Georgie: Hey, lots of people have these.
George: Yeah, doctors and drug dealers, and you're not smart enough to be either.

Dr. Linkletter: Son, you can't just hang out here whenever you want.
Sheldon: Why not? We're friends.
Dr. Linkletter: No. I'm a professor, you're a student. I'm 68, you're 11. Do you see where I'm headed here?
Sheldon: Nope.

Sheldon: I'm hurt Dr. Linkletter doesn't want me as a friend.
Mary: Understandable.
Sheldon: I'm also angry. I don't like having two feelings at once. It's annoying. Great, annoyed! That's three.

June: Do you regret saying no to Dale?
Connie: No.
June: There was a little pause there.
Connie: There was not!
June: Okay, I believe you.
Connie: Thank you.
June: You see how I paused? That means I was lying.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack