31 авг. 2018 г.

Beasts of No Nation (2015)

Commandant: Two-I-C, what are we to be doing with this thing?
2nd I-C: This thing? It is just a boy.
Commandant: A boy?
2nd I-C: A boy is nothing.
Commandant: A boy is harmless?... Does a boy have two eyes to see? A boy has hands to strangle and fingers to pull triggers. Why you saying a boy is nothing? Huh? A boy is very, very dangerous. You understand me?... Very dangerous, you understand?

Commandant: Soldiers, are you hearing me? You fight and kill anyone who destroys the peace.

Commandant: Agu! Chop him good-good. These are the dogs that kill your father... Chop that head!

Agu: I am happy to be following you, sir~
Commandant: That is good, because there is no learning how to be leading. Some people are born to be leaders, others are born to be followers, and others are just waiting to be dying.

Supreme Commander: Do not forget you are a soldier. Your most important duty is obedience. Your first duty is obedience. Your second duty is obedience. Your third duty is obedience. Everything is obedience. Without obedience, you have nothing.

Agu: ...And I am thinking, "The only way not to be fighting anymore is to be dying."

Agu: Sun, why are you shining on this world? I am wanting to catch you in my hands, to squeeze you until you cannot shine no more. That way, everything is always dark and nobody's ever having to see all the terrible things that are happening here.

Agu: Mother. I can only be talking to you now because God is not listening.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

People Like Us

Fear the Walking Dead 4×9

Morgan: I'm not gonna tell you anything. I will show you. I'm headed home, Al. Going back, and I want you to drive me.

John: Virginia? That's a long way from here.

Victor: Apologies! We have a breach in the fence. And it appears my aim is off.

Victor: Ah, it's a '61 Latour. Much better than the '66.

Luciana: You know the kind of people we'd run into.
Victor: People like us.

Victor: I've retired from scraping by just to survive.

Victor: These grapes were not meant for wrath.

Morgan: That friend I told you I got back there. The one who said I would find my way back to the world, back to people. See, I left straight after I heard that. To get away, you know, to make it so that he was wrong. I just want to look him in the eye and tell him he was right. I think he deserves to know. 'Cause he was.

Althea: Yesterday's yesterday. But today's today. And God knows if there'll be a tomorrow.

John: You need to know I used to be a cop...
Victor: I used to be a millionaire. Everybody used to be something.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

30 авг. 2018 г.

You're the Worst 1×1


Jimmy: So, uh, what you heard about me?
Gretchen: Nothing, just that you're the worst.

Edgar: I was thinking ... maybe if I could learn his secrets, then I could fix my problems.
Jimmy: How would meeting your dead relative help you move out of my house?
Edgar: No, I'm talking about my real problems. Like, the nightmares and the crying, and how I want to do heroin all the time.

Jimmy: I'm an adult. Do you know what that means? It means that I am beset upon at all times by a tsunami of complex thoughts and struggles, unceasingly aware of my own mortality and able to contemplate the futility of everything and yet still rage against the dying of the light... So do you see how monumentally stupid you, a child, asking me "do I want to hang out sometime" is?

Jimmy: Why would I even listen to you, eh? You're a mental case. You're on, like, a billion medications that all say "Take for batshit craziness."
Edgar: I was defending our country.
Jimmy: Oh, please. You weren't defending anything except for the business interests of evil men.
Edgar: Jimmy, our country is the business interests of evil men.
Jimmy: That may be the most intelligent thing you've ever said.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack


Castle Rock 1×5

Alan Pangborn: Why not just put a chip in her, like a golden retriever?

Lou Hadley: ...don't be afraid to reframe your narrative. The person you were when you went in, that's not the person walking out today. You can tell your own story, be your own hero, choose the life you want to live.

Henry Deaver: I'm Henry. I'm... I'm just asking your name.

Henry: Look, we have no idea who he is. He could be... the Bangor Strangler.
Molly: First of all, you made that up. Second, you're the one who got him out of prison...

Ruth: Something terrible's gonna happen.

Ruth: Stage fright'll jelly up anyone, even an Adonis like you... You'll do fine, you'll do fine. Just picture me naked.

Jackie Torrance: This is before I was born. Just like everything interesting that's ever happened here. I mean, they say write what you know, but this town is so blah. I mean, people bitch about the bad old days when there were, like, serial killers and psychopathic dogs... but I would give my left tit to go back there... The eighties, man.

Jackie Torrance: I had this uncle, though. He was a writer, too. And then, one winter, he just flipped his lid and tried to ax-murder his wife and kid at some fancy ski resort... And my folks will never talk to me about it. So I took his name just to piss them off. My real name's Diane.

Alan Pangborn: I bought her a ring in '91. She said it'd be confusing to her boy. And she didn't deserve it. Happiness. Eventually I quit asking and moved south. Live free or die. By the time I moved back, I figured we'd missed our shot. I was an old fuck anyway.

Ruth: It was the damn dog. Nothing stays dead in this town.

Molly: Okay. Um, so I'm not explaining it right. Um... Everyone broadcasts at their own frequency...

Alan Pangborn: Wear a badge long enough in this fuckin' county, guy with the Devil in his Lincoln doesn't sound half bug-shit crazy.

Alan Pangborn: Are you the Devil?
The Kid: No.
Alan Pangborn: Then what the fuck are you?!

The Kid: You have no idea what's happening here, do you?

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack
+ Every Stephen King Easter Egg in Hulu's Castle Rock

Терри Пратчетт — Невидимые академики (7/9)

&  – Мы говорим об очень злой силе!
     – Архиканцлер, истинное зло я вижу, когда гляжу в зеркало. Философски выражаясь, зло разлито по всей вселенной, видимо, чтобы подчеркнуть прелести добра. Думаю, в данной теории ещё много интересного, но на этом месте я обычно начинаю хохотать.

&  – Раньше уже пробовали. Дважды. Что-то такое есть в мозгу военных, что заставляет их снова и снова пытаться с ещё бОльшей силой применять методы, которые прежде не сработали.

&  – Ну конечно, общепризнанно, что боги играют судьбами людей, и я подумал: "почему бы этой игре не быть футболом?" Мы играем и нами играют, ход вещей неизбежен. В нашей власти немногое – постараться выступить, как минимум, стильно.

&  – О, я специально интересовался, – ответил Ветинари. – На мой взгляд, футбол очень похож на жизнь.
     – Вы правы, шэр, как вы правы. Штараешься изо всех сил, а потом кто-то наподдаёт тебе между ног.

&  – Юная леди, выпивка уравнивает в правах всё человечество. Алкоголь – лучший демократ в мире, если вам нравится демократия. Пьяный бродяга так же пьян, как и лорд, верно и обратное утверждение. Вы не замечали, что пьяницы всегда прекрасно понимают друг друга, вне зависимости от степени опьянения и различий в языке и культуре?

&  Если горожане были встревожены, озадачены или напуганы, они шли на площадь Сатор. Люди, сами толком не понимающие, зачем они так поступают, собирались там в группы, чтобы послушать других людей, тоже не знающих, в чём дело. Кажется, они полагали, что если поделятся отсутствием информации, то станут не знать вдвое больше.

29 авг. 2018 г.

Extinction (2018)

Peter: Our world never stops moving. Changing. Evolving. Every day we go about our routines - work, home, family - but who are we? Who am I? You think you know your beautiful wife, your adorable kids, and who you work for. But what if you don't? And the truth, once you knew it, would change everything.

Chris: We're not crazy.

Miles: You really don't know what... you are?

David: They'll be back. Never trust a human to just let things be.

Miles: Must be nice... picking what memories you can keep. Humans don't have that luxury.

Miles: ...why am I helping you? 'Cause no one said I'd be coming down here killing kids... and families. It's not what I signed up for.

Peter: Our world keeps moving. Changing. Evolving. And so do we. I know who I am now. And I know my enemy. We're not that different. Maybe, if others can see that, we'll have a future after all.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

How to Get a Head

Elementary 6×15

Holmes: I didn't hurt any of the pigs. They were dead when I got them, in case you were wondering.

Capt. Gregson: This is our first occult killing.
Holmes: It's my 20th.

Capt. Gregson: Cut the crap, okay? You're not looking for the best cop for me. You're looking for the best cop for you. Someone that'll work with you guys the way Marcus has.

Holmes: They are, without doubt, the best of the best. They're reflections of their captain in every way. It's just...
Capt. Gregson: You annoy a lot of them.
Holmes: I annoy a lot of them.

Mr. Treadwell: When Morland Holmes asks you to take a meeting, you take a meeting.

Capt. Gregson: "Creative..." What exactly is that supposed to mean?

Watson: ...And you've turned all the pictures upside down.
Holmes: I thought we needed a new perspective...
Watson: Because bats have solved so many homicides.

Watson: ...Or maybe I need sleep.
Holmes: That seems more likely.

Watson: All right, let's just call it a night. And we'll just look at this with fresh eyes tomorrow...
Holmes: This is how a bat would look at the problem.

Capt. Gregson: Her old C.O. called her "creative." You know what that's code for. You've heard it enough. It's the word that cops tend to use when they talk about you and Joan. You two want to search someplace without a warrant, you do it. And then, if you need to, you claim that you heard someone yelling for help from inside. You want the cops to look at someone, but you don't have cause? You call in an anonymous tip.

Holmes: Home of the Shamrock Poppers. Yeah, deep-fried jalapeños and cheese rolled in green bread crumbs.
Det. Bell: You a fan?
Holmes: I'd sooner eat a pig carcass rotting in a shallow pond. And I could, 'cause I've got access to several.

On the IMDb

Терри Пратчетт — Невидимые академики (6/9)

&  Сам Чудакулли работал с бумагами, исходя из предположения, что всё, чего ты не можешь просто запомнить, не является достаточно важным. Навыки хранения бумаг в виде куч на полу он довёл до настоящего совершенства.

&  – Значит, всё идёт по плану?
     – Похоже на то, сэр.
     – Ну, тогда мне, наверное, лучше не вмешиваться, – пробормотал Чудакулли

&  Свобода состоит в понимании простого факта: людям в большинстве случаев не разрешается бить тебя колотушкой по голове. Они развешивают вокруг множество явных и неявных табличек "Воспрещается!" в надежде, что это сработает, но если ты не подчинишься – лишь пожимают плечами, потому что настоящей колотушки у них нет.

&  Человек может быть занудой – не страшно, он также может быть глупцом – тоже ничего, но занудный глупец это уж слишком, особенно если он сдобрен к тому же противным запахом немытого тела.

&  – В чём дело?
     Сработало. Если женщина скрестит на груди руки и задаст вопрос правильным тоном, застигнутый врасплох мужчина тут же ответит, не успев задуматься, и, что более важно, даже не успев придумать правдоподобную ложь.

&  За наблюдателем всегда наблюдают.

&  – Пожалуйста, не отвечайте слишком поспешно, а то я приду к заключению, что вы не обдумали мои слова как следует.

28 авг. 2018 г.

They Is on the Way

Transparent 4×9

August: Have you ever been to Germany?... They are miserable people. They only have one facial expression. It's kind of like a gassy

scowl. Just pervasive.

Davina: Holy shit. I just realized who he reminds me of: John Wayne Gacy.

Josh: You make a figure eight. If you do that, it increases the reception.

Sarah: Wait, so what's the rule here? You eat, like, a giant plate of food and then not wait 15 minutes before you get in the water?
Bryna: Yeah, you don't have to wait 15 minutes, because you're gonna float.

Maura: I think I know why they call it the Dead Sea. You slip, you fall, you die.

Maura: You know what? We may have been bad mothers, but we fucking stayed.

Maura: She's kind of going through it, you know?... You know... like I was when I was her age, you know? Some days you just didn't know who was gonna show up.

Maura: She's not trans. She's just not comfortable being a woman.

Sarah: Wait a second. She's a they. She's... no, she's gender non-conforming. Like non-binary, androgynous. ... She's gonna be a they. Well, that's kind of fucking cool.

On the IMDb
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The Bletchley Circle: San Francisco 1×1

Cleare: Damn, bloody Yanks!
Millie: They're not so bad, you know. They come bearing chocolate.

Cleare: Look at you all. Apple pie and Fourth of July. And, oh, yes, showing up late for war.

Millie: Help me, Jean. Susan and Alice are busy with their lives. Lucy has her new baby. But you and I...

Jean: ...And as my references and testing show, I come fully qualified to serve.
Mr West: In the war, you were clerical.
Jean: Enhanced clerical.
Mr West: I'm not sure I quite understand...
Jean: It means, sir, that I did more than I can say.

Millie: What's the plain text?
Jean: I never tried to crack it.
Millie: Frequency of use appears standard. It looks like a substitution so far. Vigenere?
Jean: Perhaps. Or Beaufort.
Millie: Tabula recta, zero to 26, additional modulo 27.
Jean: Well, I have copies of most of the tables here. We could try each one.
Millie: What's the keyword, though?
Jean: My guess... it's the first word on the Teletype.
Millie: ....... "Victory."

Jean: "In this court, men grow wiser every day." What does that mean?
Millie: Well, we'll ask him when we find him.

Iris: They get nasty, you get nice, you hear?

Jean: And I thought Edinburgh was hilly...

Archie: Major Sixth isn't a key.
Jean: All right, then, what is it?
Archie: A chord, a mode of improvisation, and, yeah, one Bunk was famous for. A lot of people avoid it because it's a hard one to improvise on. One false note and the whole thing just melts into a syrupy mess, but in his hands, mm, it was magic.

Archie: You know, Bunk used to say our memories always come to us riding on a major-sixth chord.

Jean: Is this their excuse for a chip?
Millie: They call it a fry, apparently.
Jean: I call it an abuse of vegetables.

Millie: Not the safest thing walking through the neighbourhood of a known killer.
Jean: Well, you don't have to outrun him, you only have to outrun me.

Marcus: Clever title, Ayli. Shakespeare.
Jean: As You Like It. Oh, very clever.

Iris: Men grow wiser every day, or so I once thought.
Jean: Shakespeare.

Iris: And what is it you actually do?
Jean: Same thing we did in the war. Crack codes, tease out information, recognise patterns.
Iris: What criminal leaves patterns?
Millie: They all do. They just don't know it. Life is patterns.

Hailey: You think we're here to squeeze you?
Iris: We are here to squeeze you.

Hailey: We stopped the war, we can stop the killer.

Olivia: For the police to ever hire me, I had to be twice as smart, twice as swift and twice as sweet.
Iris: Because to them, you were twice as suspicious.

Hailey: If I say San Francisco and the number 11, what do you think?
Iris: Well, that's the number of city districts.

Millie: And from this... tonight's murder takes place... here.


On the IMDb

Терри Пратчетт — Невидимые академики (5/9)

&  Порой, чтобы попасть на бал, необходимо стать собственной феей-крёстной.

&  Вот что удивительно: каждый день происходило что-нибудь, достойное заметки на первой полосе. Ни разу ей не довелось купить газету и увидеть нечто вроде: "Вчера ничего интересного не произошло, извините". Впрочем, завтра, какой бы удивительной ни была новость, в газету завернут селёдку и позабудут, о чём там было написано. Эта мысль принесла ей большое облегчение.

&  – Как просто живётся Ветинари. Тому приходится иметь дело всего лишь с религиями. У нас религий нет. Быть гномом – само по себе религия, и её жрецы вечно препираются друг с другом, причём порой кажется, что каждый гном – жрец.

&  – Это подрыв моральных устоев!
     – Как? Где? Опасаюсь, «подрыв» имеет место лишь в вашем собственном воображении.

&  – Задумайтесь, – вещал Ринсвинд. – Вначале объявилась загадочная урна, а потом все вдруг разом заинтересовались футболом. Очень подозрительно. Думаю, скоро случится что-то ужасное.
     – Да ладно вам, – отмахнулся Чудакулли. – Может, наоборот, что-то прекрасное?
     Ринсвинд тщательно обдумал это заявление.
     – Ждём прекрасного, готовимся к ужасному, – объявил он. – Извините, но такова правда жизни.

&  – О, ну ты же знаешь, как оно с этими границами познания бывает. Заглянешь за них, и сразу понимаешь, почему границы установили именно здесь.

27 авг. 2018 г.

Coffee and Cigarettes (2003)

Steven: Cigarettes and coffee I think go together good.

Roberto: No. Coffee is good for health.
Steven: I like to drink before I go to sleep. I drink a lot of coffee before I go to sleep so I can dream faster. I can dream like when they put a camera on the Indy 500... when they put a camera in the car, and it's just whipping by like that. Dream after dream after dream after dream. People ask me the next day, what did you dream about? I say, I don't have time. I don't have time to tell you this.

Roberto: Do you smoke?
Steven: Only when I drink coffee.

Tom: You know, the beauty of quitting is, now that I've quit... I can have one, 'cause I've quit.

Iggy: Cigarettes and coffee, man. That's a combination.

Shelly: It's just... funny, don't you think? When you can't afford something, it's like really expensive. And then when you can afford it, it's like, free. Kind of backwards, don't you think?
Cate: Yeah, well... the world is a bit like that, I guess, in a lot of ways.

Meg: Earth as a conductor of acoustical resonance...

Steve: I do love visiting LA. But I always say, it's a great place to visit, it's an even nicer place to leave.

Steve: Do you want a cigarette? Sorry, they're French.

Alfred: All I want, if I want anything... is for you to just acknowledge this extraordinary thing... and just love me.
Steve: .... Yeah, I could do that.

RZA: Want some tea?
GZA: Yeah, splash me.
RZA: It's all herbals, man. No caffeine.That's what I'm talking about. No caffeine. Caffeine is ridiculous right now, man.
GZA: Tell me about it.
RZA: Caffeine leads to depression, makes you all irritable, have your heart beating fast. Faster heart rate, you know what I mean? And worse than anything, you drink that coffee, it gives you the shits, you know what I mean? So I try to stay away from that.
GZA: I'm off that shit, anyway.
RZA: Crisp and clean. No caffeine.

GZA: Bill Groundhog-Day, Ghostbustin'-ass Murray!

Bill: What's up?
Taylor: I don't know. I feel so divorced from the world.

Taylor: Do you know that song by Mahler...
Bill: I've Lost Track of the World?
Taylor: No. It's one of the most beautiful... and saddest songs ever written. I can almost hear it now. Can you hear it?

Taylor: Nikola Tesla... perceived the Earth as a conductor... of acoustical resonance.
Bill: I have no idea what you're talking about. Can you explain it to me?
Taylor: No, not really.

Taylor: Is that all you're having for lunch, coffee and a cigarette? It's not very healthy.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

The Box

Castle Rock 1×4

The Kid: He has a name...
Reeves: What?
The Kid: He has a name written on him which no one knows except himself. He's clothed... with a robe dipped in blood, and his name is called the Word of God.

Henry Deaver: Nah. Take their money, you gotta take their version of the story.

Henry Deaver: Hmm. What in the world do you have to feel guilty about, Molly Strand?

Zaleski: You know how they always say that Castle Rock has some kind of luck?... Not really luck, though, is it? Bad shit happens here 'cause bad people know they're saf here.

Zaleski: There's a whole world beyond these walls...

Molly: Technically, we don't have to disclose since nobody died on the property. I mean, a serial strangler died in my house, and I sleep like a baby...

Henry Deaver: You're just a bitter old man.
Alan Pangborn: You're the one dug up Desjardins. I'm just out here trying to keep this fuckin' fence from fallin' down.

Dennis Zaleski: I want to testify.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Терри Пратчетт — Невидимые академики (4/9)

&  – Я уверен, что данное замечание исходило прямо от сердца, потому что из головы оно исходить не могло.

&  "Мне надо быть поосторожнее, – захныкала Гленда в своё собственное ухо. – Зачем я откровенничаю с этими важными господами? Я могу забыть, кто я есть, но они этого не забудут никогда".

&  – Что ж, объявляю совещание закрытым. Что именно мы решили, я сам решу, позже.

&  Законы взаимных одолжений относятся к наиболее универсальным законам мультивселенных. Первый Закон: об одолжении никогда не просят лишь один раз. Вторая просьба (после того, как первое одолжение уже оказано) обязана начинаться словами: "Это не будет слишком нагло с моей стороны...?" Если во втором одолжении отказано, то, согласно Второму Закону, благодарность за первое одолжение автоматически отменяется, и, по Третьему Закону, податель одолжения признаётся не делавшим никаких одолжений вообще, а одолжительное поле коллапсирует.

&  Гномьи магазины процветали, а всё потому, что не забывали первое правило торговли. Оно звучит так: у меня есть товары, а у покупателя – деньги. Я должен получить деньги. К сожалению, это означает, что покупатель должен получить мой товар. Следовательно, я не должен произносить фразы вроде: "Эта штука в витрине последняя, поэтому я не могу её вам продать, а то как же все остальные узнают, что мы тут продаём?" Или: "Сейчас ничего нет, но в среду, возможно, подвезут ещё". Или: "А вы чего ждали, не будем же мы держать запас на складе?" Или: "Господи, как я устал всем объяснять, что на этот товар нет спроса". Я должен совершить продажу любым способом, исключая прямое физическое насилие. В противном случае я понапрасну занимаю своё место.

&  Гланг Сноррисон жил согласно этому правилу, но людей он недолюбливал, что часто случается с теми, кто вынужден постоянно иметь дело с бродящей по улицам публикой.

26 авг. 2018 г.


Sharp Objects 1×5

Camille: Do not say "blowing up." We are both too old for "blowing up."

Curry: Big picture. Rotting America. Fall of Rome stuff.

Camille: It's more like the fall of the South. My backyard's about to be littered with Confederate flags.
Curry: Now, that's good. You gotta milk the shit out of that cow.
Camille: Yeah, I'm not sure those two metaphors go together.

Vickery: Your Preaker girl? Good tree, bad apple.

Vickery: And Kansas City... if you're comin', don't dress like a Union soldier.

Amma: Did it... hurt? 'Cause... I know a girl like you. Not like you, but... She says it doesn't hurt because the cut's already there under the skin. The knife just lets it out.

Richard: So, what is this thing, anyway? Calhoun Day. So what, it's Confederate pride?
Camille: Mmm. We don't use the "C-word" here in Missouri.
Richard: Right. Bite my tongue. Silent racism is best.

Adora: She's delicate... a rare rose. But not without thorns.

Camille: The only Calhoun Day tradition you really need to respect is drinking enough to get through Calhoun Day.

Camille: My way. We do it my way. My way.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack!

Through the Fog

Elementary 6×14

Bridget Tanaka: If it was a chemical attack, he'll be safe once his clothing and skin have been decontaminated. If it was biological, any pathogen will need time to incubate before the host becomes contagious.

Bridget Tanaka: ...frankly, we might not know what we're looking at until people start getting sick. Symptoms usually tell us what we're up against before our tests can confirm it.

Holmes: Don't play dumb with me. You're not smart enough.

Holmes: [The photos] not time-stamped, but the clock in that photograph tells us it's 6:58 p.m. when it was taken by the perpetrator. That gives us a time, of course, but not a date. Luckily, there is ample astronomical data to tell us the sun's relationship to New York City every single day of the year. So we match the shadow pattern, we note the position of the light, and that should give us the date in which the precinct was scouted. We then look at the visitor logs for that day, see who was here, and see if anyone came back today.
Watson: Right.

Holmes: One impossible problem at a time, please.

Holmes: It's hard facing a diminishing of one's autonomy.
Watson: Yeah, I gotta ask her again.
Holmes: Respectfully, it's not the way that you're asking. It's that you're asking at all. You can't ask someone to hand over the keys to their life. You have to demand them. Your mother's not going to like the news, but... at least she's gonna hear it from someone she loves.

Holmes: For the sun to have cast that angle of light at exactly 6:58 p.m., the photograph must have been taken on... July 2.
Det. Bell: You sure?
Holmes: I'll spare you a lecture on solar orbits and heavenly mathematics and just say yes, I'm sure.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Терри Пратчетт — Невидимые академики (3/9)

&  Вот вам копы во всей красе. Они вроде бы такие дружелюбные, а когда ты теряешь бдительность, вдруг втыкают тебе кирку прямо в темечко.

&  Трудно спорить с человеком, который утверждает, что не умер.

&  – Умерев, он оказался для маленького мальчика не богом, а всего лишь простым человеком. Но на самом деле это не так. Каждый, кто хоть раз ходил на футбол в этом городе, слышал о Дэйве Вроде. Если он глупец, тогда каждый мужчина, взобравшийся на высокую гору или переплывший стремительный поток, тоже глупец. Если он глупец, тогда глупец и тот, кто впервые попытался приручить для людей огонь. Если он глупец, тогда глупец и тот, кто первым попробовал устрицу... хотя, должен заметить, учитывая разделение труда в обществе охотников и собирателей, это, скорее всего, была женщина. Можно сказать, что лишь глупец согласится по своей воле вылезти из кровати. Однако после смерти некоторые «глупцы» начинают сиять, словно звёзды, и ваш отец, несомненно, таков. После их смерти люди забывают о глупости и помнят лишь яркое сияние. Вы ничего не могли поделать. Вы не могли остановить его. А если бы могли, он не был бы Дэйвом Вроде, человеком, чьё имя стало синонимом футбола для тысяч других людей.

&  – Не будьте столь упрямы, упрямство это лишь слегка замаскированная глупость.

&  Гленде нравилась её работа. Она не думала о карьере, карьера для тех, кто не может удержаться на одном месте. Она очень хорошо справлялась с тем, что делала, поэтому делала это постоянно, не слишком отвлекаясь на мир вокруг.

&  – Трудно ненавидеть тех, кто живёт вдали от тебя. Просто забываешь, какие они мерзкие. Зато бородавки соседа созерцаешь ежедневно.

25 авг. 2018 г.

Isle of Dogs (2018)

Chief: You make me sick. I've seen cats with more balls than you dogs.

Chief: Stop licking your wounds! You hungry? Kill something and eat it. You sick? Take a long nap. You cold? Dig a hole in the ground, crawl into it, and bury yourself. But nobody's giving up around here, and don't you forget it, ever.

Chief: You're Rex! You're King! You're Duke! You're Boss! I'm Chief. We're a pack of scary, indestructible Alpha Dogs.

Boss: I have a question. Are we eating him, or is this a rescue?
Chief: We don't know yet.

Chief: I bite.

Spots: Um, you're my new master. My name is Spots. I'm at your service. I'll be protecting your welfare and safety on an ongoing-basis. In other words: I'm your dog.

Duke: I wish somebody spoke his language...

Chief: I am not your pet. I never liked you. I don't care about you. I won't wait for you. I bite.

Chief: I'm not doing this because you commanded me to. I'm doing it because I feel sorry for you.
Atari: Good boy.

Chief: I've never been offered a Puppy-Snap in my life. I don't even know what they taste like. Okay, I'll try it. Crunchy. Salty. Supposedly, it cleans your teeth. This is my new favorite food.

Atari: Who are we, and who do we want to be? Who are we?... I wrote a haiku to try to express my feelings about the suffering dogs of Trash Island. It is also about nature, love, friendship, eternity, and a black owl... I call it: Atari's Lantern...

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Who Is America? #1.2

Erran Morad: My name Erran Morad. I was in the Mossad for-- I mean, I was not in the Mossad for 13 years. I here to teach you Krav Maga.

Erran Morad: So do you know how to spot the difference between somebody who is a terrorist in a burka and the normal woman in a burka? We have developed a technique...

Erran Morad: We pretend to be a Chinese tourist... because the Chinese are always taking selfie.

Erran Morad: How do you attract attention?... It is the N-word.

Jason Spencer: Nigger! Nigger! Nigger! Nigger!
Erran Morad: Wait! Are you crazy? The N-word is nooni, not this word. This word is disgusting.

Erran Morad: Now I am going to teach you how to use your buttocks to intimidate ISIS.

Billy Wayne Ruddock: He is the least-vain person in the world. I mean, ask anybody at Trump Tower, Trump Casino, any of the Trump resorts, Trump University, Trump steak houses or Trump Air... It's never about him.

Erran Morad: I have killed some terrorists. How does it feel being the king of terrorist killers? I mean, you killed 100,000 actual terrorists and about 700,000 potential terrorists.

Erran Morad: We wanted to see more of you. We wanted to get rid of Bush and see more Dick.

Erran Morad: Waterboarding is not torture. I once waterboarded my wife... She was cheating on me and I needed to find out with who, so I waterboarded her. It turned out she was not cheating, but now I know to trust her words. And actually, she is a lot more compliant ever since.

Erran Morad: It's okay if I just get a quick Dick pic?

Dick Cheney: Well, that's a first. That's the first time I've ever signed a water bottle used for waterboarding, very valuable.

Corinne Olympios: Everybody knows about the tragedy of a child soldier in Africa, but what we don't know is that the real tragedy is how underfunded and undertrained they are. Many are not very effective killers at all and are, in fact, more child than soldier. We want to change this so that they can be fighting well into puberty.

Dr. Nira Cain-N'Degeocello: Who wants to see an investment of $385 million?... Guess what? You guys are going to get it. I'm here to tell you that Kingman has been chosen as the location of a brand-new, state-of-the-art... mosque.

Kingman townman: Just the word alone scares you. To me, when I hear the word "mosque," I think of terrorism.

Kingman townwoman: If you bring in Muslims, we might have a problem. We probably will have a problem. We'll all be moving out of this state.

Kingman townman: Mosque-- As soon as you said "mosque," you ruined it.

Kingman townman: He's saying there's black people in Kingman that aren't welcome there either, but we tolerate them!

Kingman townman: You're pulling the trigger harder now. We don't want to hear that shit!

On the IMDb

24 авг. 2018 г.

The Man with Thousand Faces (2016)

Jesús Camoes: The story I'm about to tell you took place at a time when the sky belonged to a select few. There were no low cost airlines. It wasn't like today. A plane was a plane, not a bus.

Jesús Camoes: It's a true story. Like all true stories, it contains a few lies.

Francisco Paesa: Nobody said getting rich was cheap.

Luis Roldán: Information will come to light that's harmful to me.
Francisco Paesa: What does it say?
Luis Roldán: Something you wouldn't like said about you.
Francisco Paesa: Is it true?
Luis Roldán: This is Spain. Would that change anything?

Pascal: I have a friend in the Mossad. I'll talk to him. For now, move across the street from the Israeli embassy. It's the safest place in France.

Luis Roldán: I'm not a criminal. I've done a lot of good things for my country. I have a family. They can't treat me like this. I only did what everyone was doing.

Francisco Paesa: Does a cough ever sound good?

Francisco Paesa: You still don't trust me?
Luis Roldán: Would you trust someone like me? I see myself in you. Please, don't make me judge myself.

Jean-Pierre Pinaud: It's Paco. I accidentally called him the other day and I got his voicemail. Paco's dead. Why does a dead man's voicemail still work? Dead people don't get calls from the living.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Desert Eagle

Transparent 4×8

Maura: You could ask me, um... any questions if you wanted to. About... I don't know, about anything really. About... you know, about my transitioning, if you want.
Moshe: What's to ask? Come on. It's great. Good for you.

Josh: So, Nitzan? Is the gun loaded?
Nitzan: Of course it's loaded. It's a gun.
Josh: I just didn't know if it was just to scare people off, or, I don't know, I don't know what...
Nitzan: It is to scare people off. ... It's called a "Baby Desert Eagle."

Josh: My weapon of choice is self-loathing.

Maura: I might be... I'm... That I might be heterosexual. I mean, a... heterosexual woman.
Shelly: What are you talking about?

Maura: How do you feel about that?
Shelly: As if I care. W-Wha... I just want you to be happy. If only you'd known then what you know now...

Lyfe: You got to do what you got to do.
Ali: Yeah. If only I knew what that was.

Josh: Paratroopers?
Nitzan: Lebanon War.
Josh: Jesus. How old were you?
Nitzan: Eighteen. When you go to college, we go to war. That's, uh... Israel for you.

Nitzan: No, I went to college. Studied philosophy. Yeah, no, you do the army, after the army you do the-the university. And the army's more important. Know why?... 'Cause you realize not everything is about you.
Josh: .... Yeah. Everybody seems real patriotic. And you got a whole country full of people who know how to shoot a gun.

Josh: I don't know how to shoot a gun. I'm an American... I'm an American Jew, we don't do guns.
Nitzan: Well, what do you have against guns?
Josh: Nothing. I mean, except that they kill innocent people, like, all the time.

Nitzan: Everybody... we need to stop for five minutes. Joshy needs to do pee pee.

Len: "Love addict" is not an oxymoron. What you mean is that it's redundant, right?

Len: Love is not being high all the time. I don't want to be fucking crazy high all the time! Sometimes, I just want to hang out and watch TV and love our kids... God! Most unsatisfied person I know.

Mort: Just because you hear God's voice doesn't mean it's God's voice.

Nitzan: But just a second. What... what hand do you masturbate with? Both? Okay. Hold it with both.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

23 авг. 2018 г.

Les Enfants du Sang

Preacher 3×6

Eugene: If it hadn't been for Hell, I'd be dead now too.

Eugene: At least you survived, right? That's good. Maybe you write a book about it?
Dude, you in an orphanage. You ugly, you crazy, and I think you might be stupid, too. This is the end of the line. Your story ends here.

Eugene: Take all the stops you need. Let's see where this story takes us!
The Saint of Killers: It takes us to Hell.

Cassidy: So, you lot... you all wanna be vampires, huh?... You all want to be hated, spat on, chased down by arseholes, have everyone you ever loved or cared about... They get old, they just die, and leave you on your own, you know? You get so bloody bored, you drink engine coolant just to feel something new, all right? Is that what you want, you bunch of bloody posers, is it?

Cassidy: I'm leaving. It's a "no," friend.

Jesse: Third time you've died, Tulip. I'm all out of tears.

Tulip: All right, bitches, clock's ticking. Let's go steal some shit.

Starr: How hard can it be to find an Irish demon carted off by a hooting pack of cape-wearing nobodies?
Hoover: Well, it is New Orleans, sir.

Starr: The Allfather is watching us. He has eyes and ears everywhere.
Hoover: He seems more fat than scary.
Starr: Don't be fooled. The Allfather is a cold killer. He makes me look like a conscientious objector.

Tulip: Three guards, Glocks. Vault guy's got an 870 shotgun. Dozen CCTVs... Six fixed, six sweeping. Manager keys his safe door, then hits a 14-bit keypad.
Jesse: In other words?
Tulip: ... Piece of cake.

Lara: Love the new hat, sir. Very Cabaret.

Allfather: Thrice blessed, O Starr.

Cassidy: There's other ways of getting high, you know.

Tulip: I killed Gran'ma. I mean, I really, actually did kill her. I mean, she was dead... and then, she got better. Unfortunately.

Allfather: Only fire can separate the True Believer from the False. Only fire can pave the way for our Lord.
Starr: Jesus Christ.
Allfather: Exactly.

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Better Call Saul 4×1

Mike: Does he have a gun?... Does Bruce Lee have a gun? Because if he doesn't, it's Ali in three minutes or less.

Mike: Ehrmantraut. Security consultant.

Jimmy: So, I'm gonna make some coffee. Anybody want some?

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22 авг. 2018 г.

Eye of the Storm

Outlander 3×13

Mrs. Abernathy: I don't believe you. Not even war could part the two of ye.

Jamie: We lost Faith. We will not lose Brianna.

Claire: What's the plan?
Jamie: Hmm. I shall take you to some private spot in a heather of some rolling hill, and begin by sitting... beside ye.
Claire: I suppose that is a beginning.
Jamie: Mm-hmm.
Claire: And what then?
Jamie: As for what's next...

Jamie: God damn you, Sassenach! If you die here now, I swear I'll kill you.

On the IMDb

Local Color

Castle Rock 1×3

Molly: I can't explain it, but... I can hear what you're thinking and feeling.

Zaleski: Onus probandi, right? Burden of proof... Oh, just Wikipedia.

Molly: I was born in Maine... I am a proud, fifth-generation Maineiac.

Carl: Little cop wisdom for ya: Suicides solve themselves.

Molly: I feel things that other people are feeling. And some people are louder than others.

The Boy: Has it begun?

Henry: ...and when that's over, you're gonna own the whole damn county. Turn this place into your boat garage.

On the IMDb

Терри Пратчетт — Невидимые академики (2/9)

&  – Конечно, нам приходится шагать в ногу со временем, – покачал головой Ветинари.
     – Мы стараемся так не делать, – возразил Чудакулли. – Время от этого только наглеет.

&  – Люди не понимают, что у тирании есть пределы, – продолжал Патриций. – Они думают, я могу творить всё, что захочу, потому что могу творить всё, что захочу. Хотя минутное размышление ясно показывает, что это не так.
     – О, с магией тоже самое, – поддержал Архиканцлер. – Если разбрасываться заклинаниями, не думая о завтрашнем дне, есть большой шанс, что думать будет и не о чем.

&  – Традиция не менее важна, чем хорошее пищеварение, хотя и не так полезна.

&  – ...И за Псевдополис тоже рады, надеюсь. Я просто восхищаюсь гордыми бюргерами этого города, предпринявшими столь... смелый эксперимент построения демократии, – продолжал патриций. – Всегда так интересно наблюдать очередную попытку. И, порой, забавно.

&  Правда – определённо женщина, она более красива, нежели приятна.

&  Стать частью толпы? Это шло вразрез со всеми принципами, за которые стояли волшебники, а ведь волшебник никогда не станет стоять за что то, если можно за него сидеть, но даже сидя, он всё равно будет решительно стоять за.

&  Обезьяны достигли совершенства. Ни одна из них не нуждалась в философии, вроде: "Гора существует и не существует одновременно". Они мыслят иначе: "Банан существует. Я съем его. Банан больше не существует. Хочу ещё банан".

21 авг. 2018 г.


Sharp Objects 1×4

Willis: Shit. I'm still in Wind Gap.

Curry: Hey, uh, how is it being back home?
Camille: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Curry: Unless it kills you.

Camille: That is so Wind Gap of you. You know? You figure out someone's secrets to use it against 'em later.

Adora: Well, you do have the power as chief, to do whatever's in the interest of public safety.
Vickery: I do.
Adora: And some have the power in this town... to remove you as chief.

Camille: What was that all about?
Willis: Small town cop, big time problems.

Adora: Why are you trying to hurt me?
Alan: Hurt? You have a very peculiar idea of the word, "hurt," dear.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack


Preacher 3×7

David Hilter: I have been to Hell und back... If you're asking me what I think is the answer to all that bothers you... From inconvenient employee parking to low wages to how fat you people are...? The answer to me is simply put... Is the Jews.
Nina: My boss is a Jew.
David Hilter: Of course he is.
Nina: She.

Cassidy: You see, the thing people forget about the '60s is how iffy the drugs were, you know? And that's why I had such a rough go at Woodstock.

Cassidy: The point is, what I'm tryin' to tell you is, it's no use gettin' soppy about how good things used to be. Most times, today is better, all right?

Cassidy: Turning people, it's not my thing. ... You guys, you do what you need to do to get yer rocks off. They're consentin' adults, it's a free country. Kind of. In my experience? Nothing ever good came from making more of us. That's all.

Miss Marie: I want souls.

Cassidy: Yeh know every speck of dust in yer house is like a microhistory of yer life? There's 63,000 different kinds of fungi. You know? There's 16,000 different species of bacteria, and there are...

Tulip: This is so dumb, Jesse. Pairin' up with the world's biggest backstabbin' double crossers.

Jesse: You're the toughest... most survivingest woman I ever met.
Tulip: Survivingest?

Tulip: You ever been to Japan?

Jesse: Gran'Ma, this is a good thing. Gonna finally get what you want. What you've always wanted.
Miss Marie: I hope so... Otherwise, I'll tear you in half, suck out yer soul and send you to Hell the way I did your mama!

Jesse: I'll come back... I promise.

Cassidy: I've built up quite the tolerance to tranquilizers over the years. How's yours?

Cassidy: No! A mouse?!

Allfather: Thrice blessed, O Custer.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Терри Пратчетт — Невидимые академики

<< Делай Деньги (Плоский мир — 36)

Плоский мир — 37

цитаты | Невидимые академики | Терри Пратчетт | Плоский мир | football | orc | Fantasy, Sport | Discworld | Unseen Academicals | tyrant | vampire
  “В Королевском Музее Искусств Анк-Морпорка царила полночь. ...

&  – Ха! Недостаток амбиций – проклятье рабочего класса!

&  Он был молод, а молодым не свойственно почтение перед стариной, присущее, в основном, старикам.

&  Мало что так подбадривает, как основательный перекус в три часа ночи, это общеизвестный факт.

&  В любой крупной организации знают простой факт: если хочешь, чтобы дело было сделано, поручи его самому занятому человеку. Такая практика серьёзно увеличивает процент убийств, а однажды привела к смерти директора, сунувшего голову в маленький картотечный шкаф и с силой захлопнувшего дверцу несколько раз подряд.

&  В руках Гленды тарелки одна за другой обретали идеальный блеск. Нет чистящего средства лучше, чем подавленное раздражение.

&  Возможно, где-то там были и настоящие Злые Силы, но после как-то так получалось, что Злые Силы всегда сражались на стороне врага. Кажется, подобный подход к истории оказался заразным.

&  Просто удивительно, как долго некоторые люди способны спорить с очевидными цифрами, используя в качестве аргумента всего лишь "тут наверняка какая-то ошибка".

&  – Три сыра это не выбор, это епитимья какая-то!

20 авг. 2018 г.

Babar the Borrible

Transparent 4×7

Bryna: I have never wanted to marry bread, but today I want to marry bread.

Hadar: Oh, sweater... She's still knitting. Who will marry her?

Ali: I just... I don't want to be here, okay? I don't want to be on this stolen land.

Maura: Do you think you're trans?

Len: Don't shove him. I will shove him.

Sarah: ...and I didn't know this fucking place was a fucking settlement! I thought "Tapuz" sounded like some beautiful jewel or something, and I was wrong.

Josh: So, these Bedouins are cool with us just, like, crashing with them?
Nitzan: They're not real Bedouins. Real Bedouin camp, you don't want to visit.

Lyfe: Just exploring. Trial, error. Adventure. ... I'm just a human person. And I just want to be a body. I can do what bodies do.

Ali: I hate 69. I don't like it. I don't get it. The only reason I think it's successful is because it has great branding. It's just because the numbers are so cute. And if it wasn't a six and a nine, it would have died a long time ago. I mean, it's just too much. Who can multitask like that, right?

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Elementary 6×13

Holmes: Sorry. I was, uh... I was taking some measurements. I'm reexamining a suspicious hunting accident in Georgia's Oaky Woods in 1933...

Holmes: That's the Incubus. It's a suffocation device. You place it over the victim's nose and mouth, pull out the plunger. Forms a vacuum seal, suck all the air out of their lungs. It's quick, and it's quiet.
Capt. Gregson: And it leaves no evidence of a murder weapon.

Cal Medina: First rule of negotiating. "He who speaks first loses."

Watson: You're suggesting that we identify, and then solve an unknown murder that an expert hit man got away with four years ago.
Holmes: I am. Yeah.

Holmes: Unlike our typical usage of Mr. Silhouette, today he is employed in the role of victim rather than killer. It is an interesting challenge. How does one solve a murder that one can only know happened through inference?

Holmes: Well, it's long been an axiom of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important.

Watson: You want some help? I mean, it's not every day we try to help a hit man...

Holmes: Your Majesty, this is Dr. Joan Watson. Dr. Watson, may I introduce His Majesty Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismond Von Ormstein, Grand Duke of Cassel-Felstein and Hereditary King of Bohemia.
Watson: .... This is an actual king?

King Wilhelm: I'd always envied your father his sons, Sherlock... Oh, don't get me wrong. I know things were never easy. But neither you nor your brother was an idiot.

Holmes: ...short of us dissolving our partnership, I'm not capable of not being involved. N-Not as the child's father, but as its mother's friend. I mean, I'd lay down my life for you. So, if you succeed in adopting a child, I'll lay down my life for him or her. It's... it's as simple as that.
Watson: Have you thought about what you want to be called by my kid?... I was thinking "Uncle Sherlock".
Holmes: Yeah, well, I've been called worse.

Watson: My child is not calling you "Detective."
Holmes: Well, "Uncle Detective," then.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

19 авг. 2018 г.


Sharp Objects 1×3

Chief Vickery: Well, isn't this a shit-ton of stupid.

Curry: How does it feel to be home?
Camille: Easy. Every day is a gift.

Detective Willis: The best thing for both of us... stay out of my way.

Bob Nash: No. It was a man. I'd put money on it. The women around here, they don't kill with their hands. They talk, and you're dead.

Alice: Does it get better with your family? Maybe when I'm older, like you?
Camille: No. Not really.
Alice: So what do you do?
Camille: You survive.

Amma: Is that true? Are you dangerous? Thought you were the wild one.
Camille: I hung out in parking lots and I talked to boys. Wild was different back then.

Willis: So let me guess. You were like a preacher's daughter? Looks, money, and brains?
Camille: Well, looks and money will get you pretty far in this town.
Willis: And brains?
Camille: That'll get you out of this town.

Willis: Favorite color? Favorite ice cream? Favorite season? ...
Camille: Um, uh... black. Coffee. And winter.

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Get Schwifty

Rick and Morty 2x5

Terry: A giant head has entered Earth's gravity, triggering climate change and natural disasters we thought were impossible for at least another eight years.
Jim: Let's not make this political, Terry.

Rick: Oh, boy. Time to go, Morty.
Morty: Uh, where?
Rick: The Pentagon. I mean, not the Pentagon. The lame one here, on Earth.

Nathan: Mr. President, what America's got is 70,000 megatons of kaboom-boom, and I say we show it right up this floating head's ass.

Pastor Bob: Every crisis of faith is an opportunity for more faith. When God deals you an 11, you don't fold! You double down! And always hit on a soft 16. That means you, Jews.

Principal Vagina: Hi. Principal Vagina-- The name's real, possibly Scandinavian.

Principal Vagina: The old gods are dead. Fuck all previous existing religions. All hail the one true God-- the giant head in the sky.
Pastor Bob: Children of God!..
Principal Vagina: Ah-ta-ta-ta! Bob, Bob, I get it. But unless this can beat that, what have you done for me lately? So, if you'll all excuse me, I'm going out onto the sidewalk, I'm dropping to my knees, and pledging my eternal soul to the thing that literally controls the fucking weather.

Morty: Rick, are you really a musician?
Rick: Who's not a musician, Morty?
Morty: Me!
Rick: Yeah, not with that attitude.

Rick: Morty, good music comes from people who are relaxed. Just hit a button, Morty! Give me a beat!

Beth: Now, hold on a second! Let's be rational about this. No, I'm-- we don't know there's a cause-effect relationship--



Rick: That's planning for failure, Morty. Even dumber than regular planning.

Jerry: I think it's inspiring that our community is coping with fear in a way that involves a festival and homemade ice cream. If you'd stop being such an evangelical atheist, you might start enjoying yourself.

Principal Vagina: We hereby send these unwantables skyward that they might be inhaled by the many Heads, later to be sneezed back to us as better babies... Headward, free now to rise...

Summer: ...And then Ethan played guitar, and we learned the seven contemplations of the Head by singing them. It was really fun. Praise be the Head!

Summer: Oh, my god, daddy! I'm sorry I called you silly! I'm so sorry! Heavenly Heads and cranial creator, forgive my transgressions against family and community. May my chores complete me as I complete them.

Ice-T: Shit, overdeveloped, underdeveloped-- A bad song's a bad song.

Morty: Birdperson, you always stick up for Rick, but he doesn't care about anyone but himself. He doesn't think about the consequences of anything he does.
Birdperson: And as a result, he has the power to save or destroy entire worlds.

The President: There are way too many buttons in this thing!
Morty: Mr. President, if I've learned one thing today it's that sometimes you have to not give a fuck.

Magnesium-J: Very well. Your exile ends today. Welcome home... Water-T.

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18 авг. 2018 г.

Queen of Katwe (2016)

Robert Katende: There's another game you can play. Have you heard of chess?
Joseph: Me, I know. You kiss a person and try to catch them.
Robert Katende: No. It is a board game. I can teach you.

Robert Katende: When you first looked at this position... perhaps you thought there was no safe haven for bishop. But, you looked closely. You analyzed the threats. You made a plan. And bishop found safety, eh? Use your minds. Follow your plans. And you will all find safe squares.

Mr. Wilson: I must warn you, a man with integrity in a water company... is as rare as a white rhino.... I need someone like you.

Robert Katende: What did I say when I proposed to you, eh?... "Give me ten reasons to marry you," the woman said. And what did I say? Reason one. "I love you." Reason two. Do you remember it?... "I love you." Eh? Reason three. Shall I remind you of the rest?
Sara Katende: I am such a lucky woman.

Robert Katende: Do not be quick to tip your king, Phiona. You must never surrender.

Robert Katende: You can see eight moves ahead?

Robert Katende: Sometimes, the place you are used to is not the place you belong. You belong where you believe you belong. Where is that for you, Phiona?

Robert Katende: Losses happen for all of us. But what matters is when you reset the pieces and play again.

Phiona: Losing teaches me how to play better.

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Habeas Corpus

Castle Rock 1×2

Martha Lacy: Are you black?

Alan Pangborn: They're namin' a bridge after me. Hundred and fifty tons of steel and concrete. Hallelujah.

Alan Pangborn: ...that night he told me he had finally figured out what was wrong with Castle Rock. He said he had always thought the devil was just a metaphor, but now he knew the devil was a boy. And old Dale said he caught him, had locked the devil in a box. And from here on out, it was blue skies and butterflies.

Alan Pangborn: Don't let that fuckin' kid out.

Ruth: There's maple syrup in here from the Bush administration. The good Bush.

Ruth: Your birthday's still the 27th, I assume?

Molly's Sister: You know, the best cure for social anxiety is sunlight.

Molly Strand: I take half a pill. Once a day... Just to muffle other people's noise.

Henry Deaver: What's the cover story?
Jackie Torrance: She packed it in when the town voted to unincorporate.
Henry Deaver: When was that?
Jackie Torrance: Two, three years? Castle Rock is literally no longer on the map.

Jackie Torrance: You know, kids used to dress up like you for Halloween.

Henry Deaver: Okay, let's hear it. What's the story?
Jackie Torrance: Beloved local preacher opens his home and his heart to poor screw-up orphan. Weirdo kid gets weirder. Ninety-one, mega-snowstorm, Guinness Book shit, you lure him out to Castle Lake, push him off the rocks... bye-bye, Pastor Deaver. Wander out of the woods eleven days later and pretend you can't remember what happened.

Dale Lacy: Give a man the keys to the dungeon... tell him to lock up the monster. Or pin a star on his chest. Call him "Sheriff." Maybe he succeeds a while... a year, a decade or two if he's lucky... but evil outlasts us all.

Zaleski: Do you think I would be working at a prison if there was a fuckin' Walmart within 60 miles of here?

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+ Soundtrack

17 авг. 2018 г.

The Girl with All the Gifts (2016)

Dr. Caldwell: I was gathering data, which is part of our mission statement.
Sgt. Eddie Parks: It was until the fence went down. Now our mission statement is to keep ourselves off the fucking menu.

Helen Justineau: I'm not a good person.
Sgt. Eddie Parks: I've never met a good person or a bad one. You just do whatever's in you to do.
Helen Justineau: So no one's ever responsible for anything?
Sgt. Eddie Parks: Responsible to who?

Helen Justineau: Do you want a cat?
Melanie: I already had one.

Sgt. Eddie Parks: Dirty little fuckers...
Melanie: They just want to live. Everyone wants that.

Melanie: We're alive?
Dr. Caldwell: Yes. You're alive.
Melanie: Then why should it be us who die for you?

Sgt. Eddie Parks: It's over. It's all over.
Melanie: It's not over. It's just not yours any more.

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The Home

Grace and Frankie 4×13

Frankie: ...a different checklist would say I'm doing just fine. Growing as an artist: check. Finding new things to fondue: check. Improvising a kick-ass checklist: check-plus.
Grace: Yeah. Founded two successful businesses: check. Didn't run one of them into the ground: check. Don't live in a shoe: check.

Robert: You laugh, young man, but someday, you will look in the mirror and all you will see are the years lost, the dreams deferred and...

Grace: Well, since we came here for each other, can we leave for each other?
Frankie: Done.

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+ Soundtrack

16 авг. 2018 г.

I Never Promised You a Promised Land

Transparent 4×6

Moshe Pfefferman: Here we are, the Los Angeles Pfeffermans. Welcome, welcome.

Bryna: Wait... why am I apologizing?
Moshe: Doesn't matter, I accept.

Moshe Pfefferman: The rest of the Pfeffermans are late, as usual. ...
Maura: Um, I think he means the other Pfeffermans.

Ali: It's so crazy complicated here.
Josh: You mean, with Moshe?
Ali: I don't know, everything. Israel. This place. Borders. The occupation. It is so intense. Do you know what I mean?

Ali: Sorry, but who are you, again?
Nitzan: Who am I? I'm your only chance to survive if a big Arab with a big knife tries to kill you, that's who I am.

Maura: That's Jerusalem.
Ali: Birthplace of the entire world...

Sarah: Can we haggle?
Nitzan: Yes. Whatever they tell you, half.

Len: What I don't get is, if Jesus was the son of God, then why did he just grow up to be a carpenter?
Sarah: Harrison Ford was a carpenter.
Josh: I don't get how she's a virgin. Like, was, was Joseph, like, did he have E.D.?... Erectile dysfunction.

Sarah: Jesus Christ, it's like a... Orthodox Jewish Disneyland.

Moshe: Men on one side, women on the other.
Ali: And the men have about three times as much of the wall space, huh?

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Total Rickall

Rick and Morty 2x4

Jerry: Rick, I don't like glowing rocks in the kitchen trash!
Rick: Well, I don't like your unemployed genes in my grandchildren, Jerry, but life is made of little concessions.

Morty: Steve wasn't real?
Rick: He's a real piece of shit.

Rick: All right. There's six of us, and that's it. Me, Morty, Jerry, Beth, Mr. Poopybutthole, and Summer.

Beth: Dad, why does our house have blast shields?
Rick: Trust me, Beth, you don't want to know how many answers that question has.

Rick: Six, Morty! There's supposed to be six of us! If there's seven, then that means somebody's not real.

Beth: So we can't trust any of our memories now? Nicky was the reason we found that old Nazi submarine. Did that not even happen?

Nicky: Hey, we got a word for Nazis back in Brooklyn, pal.
Nazi: I'm comfortable being called a Nazi. You think there's some other word that will hurt my feelings?

Rick: All right, there's six of us. And that's it. Me, Morty, Jerry, Beth, Mr. Poopybutthole, Frankenstein, Sleepy Gary, Photography Raptor, Mr. Beauregard, and Summer.
Beth: Uh, dad, that's like 10 people.
Rick: 6, 10, what's the difference? I just love the number 6 for no reason!

Rick: Shoot. Now look. It's like a "Where's Waldo?" page. Can you find me?

Sleepy Gary: Rick, keep a level head, okay? 'Cause I’ll tell you a secret about Frankenstein-- He's actually Frankenstein's monster.

Rick: Is anyone here even real? Am I the only real person on Earth?!

Morty: Yeah, you know, he does have a lot of really weird, made-up sounding catchphrases.
Rick: Wubba lubba dub dub!
Rick: Ricky ticky tavi, beyotch!
Rick: And that's the wa-a-a-a-y the news goes.
Rick: Hit the sack, Jack.
Rick: Uh-oh! Somersault jump.
Rick: AIDS!
Rick: And that's why I always say shum shum shlippedy dop!
Rick: Grassss tastes bad-ah.
Rick: No jumpin' in the sewer.
Rick: Burger time!
Rick: Rubber baby baby bunkers!
Rick: Lick, lick, lick my bails!

Morty: ...and let us the hell out of here!
Rick: Why don't you make me, implausibly naive pubescent boy with an old Jewish comedy writer's name?

Rick: Shut up, Morty, you brainwashed, little turd that might not even be real because I'm brainwashed, too.

Rick: Well, yeah, duh-doy.

Rick: Now let's go, Morty. We got a lot of friends and family to exterminate.

Morty: She's real. She's my bitch-of-a-sister.

Summer: Morty, give a gun to the lady that got pregnant with me too early and constantly makes it our problem.

Rick: Haven't we ever had an uncomfortable silence or an awkward fart on a road trip? Come on, Pencilvester. Give me anything.

Beth: Ugh. Sorry, Jerry. You're real.
Jerry: I'm a parasite!
Beth: Yeah, but you're real.

Beth: Is, um, is he mad at me?
Rick: He's not pressing charges. I mean, that's got to be the "You shot me" equivalent of not being mad.

Rick: And that's the wa-a-a-a-y the news goes.

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Аластер Рейнольдс — Пропасть искупления (3/3)

&  По натуре он был пессимист. Быть может, поэтому никогда не умел строить планы, рассчитывать хотя бы на несколько дней вперед. Если в душе ты уверен, что дальше может быть только хуже, какой смысл в работе на перспективу? Решать самые злободневные проблемы – это все, на что хватает твоих способностей.

&  – Не надо идти вперед, Ана. Надо просто жить.

&  – Злость съеживается, но при этом становится жарче. Мы просто прячем ее поглубже и следим за огоньком, который не должен погаснуть. Злость помогает нам жить дальше, Скорп.

&  – ...позволь мне снова не ответить и оставить проблемы на потом. Когда приходится выбирать между близкой гибелью и трудностями в отдаленном будущем... решение кажется простым, верно?

&  Битва прекрасна, если тебе посчастливилось не быть ее участником. Битва – это гром и ярость, цвет и движение; это массированная атака на все органы чувств. Битва бравурна и театральна, от ее вида захватывает дух. Битва драматична и романтична, но только если ты зритель.

&  Это походило на прыжок с обрыва. В то мгновение, когда траектория полета горизонтальна, когда гравитация еще не потащила тебя вниз.
  ... Она скользнула в океан, в мерцающую зеленую память Арарата.”

15 авг. 2018 г.

The Bakra

Outlander 3×12

Ian: What's a Bakra?

Claire: You weren't lying... "Received of Claire Fraser, the sum of 20 pounds sterling being in full for the purchase of a... Negro slave named Temeraire."

Mrs. Abernathy: The prophecy states that a seer must hold all three sapphires at once. 'Tis the only way I'll ken when the new Scottish king will rise. If it's 500 years hence?

Jamie: When does it end?
Claire: The slave trade? Not for another 70 years in the British Empire and 100 in America.

Mrs. Abernathy: Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world...

Mrs. Abernathy: Why are men such fools? Ye can lead them anywhere by the cock for a while. Give them a bairn, and you have them by the balls again. But it's all ye are to them, whether they're coming in or going out... A cunt. Well, here's to it, I say. Most powerful thing in the world.

Archie: So, then... a new king will rise in Scotland upon the death of a child that is 200 years old on the day of its birth.
Mrs. Abernathy: Do ye think I'm an idiot? I brought ye here to tell me when it will happen, and instead, ye give me the bloody Case of Benjamin Button!

On the IMDb


Castle Rock 1×1

Martha: Don't tell me... breakfast in bed? I wish you'd taken that buyout 30 years ago.

Zaleski: Actually, the gym's already double-bunk, ma'am. The whole prison is.... Except for block F, but that's been closed since the Christmas fire in '87. ...nobody goes down there anymore.
Warden Porter: You're telling me that my predecessor left an entire wing of this prison unoccupied for 30 years?

Boyd: Okay, one old perv in charge of a prison plus one fuck slave, in an oil tank, minus one head. How's my math on that?

Warden Porter: Young man, who are you?

Boyd: That's not Henry Deaver.
Zaleski: Who the fuck's Henry Deaver?

Henry Deaver: How much doubt is reasonable?

Henry Deaver: Now, me, I had to kill someone? I'd need it etched in gold and signed by God Himself.

Leanne: What I keep wondering, all the smells we smell and the... songs and pictures... do you lose them all? I mean, wherever you go next, does the tape get erased? And if it does... you're not really you anymore, are ya?
Henry Deaver: Is that what you're afraid of?
Leanne: That's what I want.

Dealer: Obamacare's been repealed. No co-pays. Forty gets you eight fives.

Molly Strand: You need kids, by the way.
Dealer: What?
Molly Strand: To be a MILF.

Alan Pangborn: My experience, the dead are not particular.

Alan Pangborn: Said it was minus-forty last night. You know how cold that is? Freeze to death in an hour. And you've been gone for eleven days. So what happened out there?...

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Σ A love letter to Stephen King’s lengthy, interconnected book series