31 мар. 2021 г.

Maudie (2016)

Maud: I was... Got your ad at the store. The one you posted, looking for a housemaid...
Everett Lewis: Yeah.
Maud: Well, I'm answering it.
Everett Lewis: Looking for a woman.
Maud: Well... what do you think I am?

Everett Lewis: You walk funny. You a cripple?
Maud: No.
Everett Lewis: No? You're not sick or nothing?
Maud: No, I just... I just walk funny. It don't stop me. I can do the work of five women.

Aunt Ida: If you leave now, you are never coming back. Do you know that?
Maud: Yeah, I know. I know that. Sorry. Got a job now. You been good to take me in, but I gotta go now.

Maud: Uh... I'm assuming... assuming I'm working for room and board, but... I was thinking an extra 25 cents spending money as well... a week?

Everett Lewis: Let me tell you how it is around here, all right? There's me, them dogs... them chickens, then you.

Sandra: Why don't I commission you to paint me something? You can paint me anything on a board, just like that. Just whatever you want. And I'll pay you for it. You can send it to me in New York... Show me how you see the world.
Maud: For five dollars?
Sandra: Five dollars.
Maud: Uh, to New York? That's a long way. Does that include postage?

Maud Lewis: Got a letter today. From Vice President Nixon.
Everett Lewis: What'd he want?
Maud Lewis: A painting.
Everett Lewis: A painting?
Maud Lewis: Mm-hmm. Unless he sends money for a painting... won't send him any.

Sandra: Maud... can you teach me how to paint?
Maud Lewis: No one can teach that. If you wanna paint, you paint, I suppose.

Maud Lewis: I don't go nowhere, so... paint from memory, I suppose. I make my designs up.

Sandra: .... I'm still trying to figure out what makes you tick.
Maud Lewis: Don't know.
Sandra: Don't... I don't want for much, you know?
Maud Lewis: As long as I got a brush in front of me, I don't care. A window. I love a window. A bird whizzing by. Bumblebee. It's always different. The whole of life. The whole of life already framed. Right there.

Maud Lewis: Wonder... how I ever thought you weren't perfect. Huh?

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Жаботинский — Пятеро (6/7)

&  — Вот возьмите этот самый Кадиш — заупокойная молитва, самая главная, на всех поминках ее говорят, и по нашему закону никакой другой не нужно. А содержание — «Да возвеличится и да будет свято имя божие» и больше ничего. Не только о покойнице ничего, но просто никакого намека на все происшествие; ну хотя бы «покоряюсь Твоей воле» — даже этого нет. Вообще, если хотите, дурацкий набор слов: «благословляю, прославляю, превозношу» — еще что-то пять комплиментов того же сорта… Кажется, будь у Господа желудок, его бы стошнило от таких книксенов. А на самом деле вовсе не чепуха: это он нарочно, это он черта дразнит.
     — Кто «он», почему черта?
     — Он — кто сочинил молитву: рабби Акива,если верно помню; как раз очень умный человек. Рассуждал при этом так: вот, стряслась беда, стоит этакий осиротелый второй гильдии купец перед ямой, все пропало и больше незачем жить. Стоит перед ямой и мысленно предъявляет Богу счет за потраву и убытки; такой сердитый стоит — вот-вот подымет оба кулака и начнет ругаться, прямо в небо. А за соседним памятником сидит на корточках Сатана и ждет именно этого: чтобы начал ругаться. Чтобы признал, открыто и раз навсегда: ты, Господи, извини за выражение, просто самодур и хам, и еще бессердечный в придачу, убирайся вон, знать тебя не хочу! Сатана только этого и ждет: как только дождется — сейчас снимет копию, полетит в рай и доложит Богу: «ну что, получил в ухо? И еще от кого: от еврея — от твоего собственного уполномоченного и прокуриста! Подавай в отставку, старик: теперь я директор». Вот чего ждет Сатана; и тот второгильдейский купец, стоя над могилой, это все чувствует. Чувствует и спрашивает себя: неужели так-таки и порадовать Сатану? сделать черта на свете хозяином? Нет, уж это извините. Я ему покажу. — И тут он, понимаете, начинает ставить Господу пятерки с плюсом, одну за другою; без всякого смысла — на что смысл? лишь бы черта обидеть, унизить, уничтожить до конца. Иными словами: ты, Сатана, не вмешивайся. Какие у меня там с Богом счеты — это наше дело, мы с ним давно компаньоны, как-нибудь поладим; а ты не суйся. — Та же мысль, понимаете, что у «Йова»: еврей с Богом компаньоны.

30 мар. 2021 г.

An Existential Crisis and a Bear That Makes Bubbles

Young Sheldon 4×8

George: All right, what's the problem here?
Sheldon: I don't know what's real.
George: That's a fun thing to think about on the way to school.

George: Get up and get dressed.
Sheldon: Maybe I'm already dressed. Maybe I'm wearing a zoot suit and spats. That's a shoe covering that's short for "spatterdasher." Or is it? There's no way to know.

George: Here's what I know: I don't have time for this nonsense.
Sheldon: What is time? What is sense? What is "is"?

Sheldon: I remember when things meant things...
George: All right, I'm gonna count to three. One...
Sheldon: Believing in numbers... that takes me back.
George: Two...
Sheldon: To be or not to be. Shakespeare was onto something...
George: It's your last chance.
Sheldon: Have you ever wondered if you're the tongue of a multidimensional being trying to taste something you can never even understand?

Meemaw: Did he try the Texas thing?
Sheldon: No.
Meemaw: In that case, look at you, lyin' there. When a Texan gets knocked off a horse, he gets right back on. That is the second most important thing about bein' a Texan, right after thinkin' you're better than everybody else.
Sheldon: Maybe the horse gets back on the Texan. Who's to say?..
Meemaw: I don't know what that means.
Sheldon: That's because you can't know anything. If you need to stare at the ceiling and contemplate the futility of existence, Missy's bed is available.

Meemaw: What's this philosophy teacher's name?
Sheldon: Professor Ericson. Why?
Meemaw: I might pop in and say hello.
Sheldon: Be careful. She may make you question your most deeply held values.
Meemaw: I'm a stubborn old crank. I'll do just fine.
Sheldon: I'm a stubborn young crank, and it didn't help me.

Meemaw: Hi. I'm Connie Tucker. I'm Sheldon Cooper's grandmother.
Prof. Ericson: Oh. Nice to meet you. He is a remarkable young man.
Meemaw: Yes, he is. He's also a very impressionable young man. Kind of like a lump of clay with a bow tie.
Prof. Ericson: All I did was teach him about epistemology.
Meemaw: Whatever it is you're teaching him, it has made him question everything.
Prof. Ericson: That's the goal.

Wayne: He's allowed to not want to play football.
George: Can you for once in your life take my side, Wayne?
Wayne: Not my fault you're never right.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Extra Ordinary (2019)

Rose Dooley: No one, I'm home.

Rose Dooley: Now, you have nothing at all to worry about. Just listen to the soothing sound of my voice. And we pop the key into the ignition... Very good.

Martin Martin: Gloating?
Rose Dooley: Yeah. Uh, goat floating. ..... You can never wake a floating goat.

Rose Dooley: So it's mainly rowan and sage and... That's a holding spell. Do you have any fresh basil and Tabasco?
Martin Martin: What do they do?
Rose Dooley: Um... I brought this frozen pizza, and I was hoping you could kind of pimp it? I'm starving.

Rose Dooley: I'm having a full on panic attack, I'm freaking out, and you go now and tell her I'm having a panic attack.
Martin Martin: I'm just gonna try something... Hey! You need to get your shit together, woman!
Rose Dooley: What? Did you actually just put on a "cool voice" and call me "woman"?
Martin Martin: Yes. Yes, I did. And I... And I said "shit" too.

Martin Martin: Listen, Rose, where exactly does the ectoplasm come from?
Rose Dooley: I-it doesn't matter. You'll see in a minute. Now, just close your eyes, okay?

Martin Martin: Why did it have to be so unnecessarily gross?

Martin Martin: If you don't help me, .... this wouldn't be making a mistake. This would be not even trying!

Christian Winter: Can one not just sacrifice a virgin in peace?

Rose Dooley: Now I can tell everybody that my first time was a threesome.

Martin Martin: Oh, wow. That looks great!
Rose Dooley: Yeah?
Martin Martin: Yeah. Lovely.
Rose Dooley: Cool, isn't?
Martin Martin: Yeah. Uh... "Extraordinary" is one word though.
Rose Dooley: Oh. Is that?
Martin Martin: It's grand. We'll fix it later.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Жаботинский — Пятеро (5/7)

&  ...а главным образом об Иове.
     — Замечательная книга. Конечно, только теперь ее понимаешь, как следует. Главное в ней — это вот какой вопрос: если так случилось, что делать человеку — бунтовать, звать Бога на суд чести, или вытянуться по-солдатски в струнку, руки по швам, или под козырек, и гаркнуть на весь мир: рады стараться, ваше высокоблагородие! И вопрос, по-моему, тут разобран не с точки зрения справедливости или кривды, а совсем иначе: с точки зрения гордости. Человеческой гордости, Иова (он, конечно, произносил «Йова»), моей и вашей. Понимаете: что гордее — объявить восстание или под козырек? Как вы думаете?...
     И вот здесь выходит так: гордее — под козырек. Почему? Потому что ведь так: если ты бунтуешься — значит, вышла бессмыслица, вроде как проехал биндюг с навозом и раздавил ни за что, ни про что улитку или таракашку; значит, все твое страдание — так себе, случайная ерунда, и ты сам таракашка.
     Но если только «Йов» нашел в себе силу гаркнуть «рады стараться» (только это очень трудно; очень трудно) — тогда совсем другое дело. Тогда, значит, все идет по плану, никакого случайного биндюга не было. Все по плану: было сотворение мира, был потоп, ну, и разрушение храма, крестовые походы, Ермак завоевал Сибирь, Бастилия и так далее, вся история, и в том числе несчастье в доме у господина Иова. Не биндюг, значит, а по плану; тоже нота в большой опере — не такая важная нота, как Наполеон, но тоже нота, нарочно вписанная тем же самым Верди. Значит, вовсе ты не улитка, а ты — мученик оперы, без тебя хор был бы неполный; ты персона, сотрудник этого самого Господа; отдаешь честь под козырек не только ему, но и себе, т. е. не все это здесь этими словами написано, но весь спор идет именно об этом. Замечательная книга.

29 мар. 2021 г.

In the Room

This Is Us 5×8

Toby: I mean, it's as if she's never had a woman giving birth to her one-night-stand baby with the adoptive mother as the birth partner in the middle of a global pandemic.
Kate: I know. It's, like, old-fashioned.

Rebecca: You know what the best part is?
Jack: What's that?
Rebecca: Not having to hear Kate recite the plot of this week's 90210.
Jack: Oh, yeah. She's, uh, kind of obsessed, huh?
Rebecca: Honestly, I can't even tell if it's a terrible show or if she's just terrible at recapping it. And you know what else I'm psyched to not have to listen to?
Jack: Okay.
Rebecca: Kevin and Randall bickering about everything. I mean, here is to an entire weekend without having to hear the word "buttmunch."

Rebecca: So, what is the deal?
Jack: They don't want to hang out with us anymore. It's-it's... it's moving really fast. You know, they-they like us one moment, and then the next...
Rebecca: They're teenagers. It's perfectly normal that they want to hang out with other teenagers over us.
Jack: I know, but we only have a few more years together under the same roof. Okay, a few more years where we get to be a part of their daily lives. And then what? They're gonna move out. And forget vacations to the cabin. Babe, w-we're gonna be lucky if they call us once a week just to let us know what's going on in their lives.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Le Bureau des Légendes #1.8

Marie-Jeanne: Unless I say stop, you should always continue with the exercise. In Tehran it won't stop. Whatever happens, you keep going, even if someone tries to put you off. Never switch off, OK?
Marina: OK.
Marie-Jeanne: Never.

Mag: What do you want from us exactly?
Stepan: Your silence.
Mag: In exchange for what?
Stepan: Nothing. Divulge the information you have and there will be serious political consequences.
Mag: I'm going to disappoint you. I have no political conscience. I work in intelligence. I create it, I sell it to and buy it from the Chinese, the English, the Americans and the world. ... Do you really want my silence? Make me an offer.

Malotru: The Great Game. Played by whole nations. England and Russia. The Soviet Union and the United States. Iran and Saudi Arabia. A great marketplace for human currency. We all speculate. An individual's price is fixed according to the rise and fall of the market, using this golden rule, never place any value on an individual.

Sylvain: In a 35-year career, a surgeon will make 17 incorrect decisions which have fatal consequences.
Dr Balmès: You didn't make a mistake.
Sylvain: No. I risked a woman's life.

Général Lefkir: In gangster films, you often hear the line, 'It's nothing personal. It's just business.' It's a cliché, but it's true. Since the beginning of time, people like you have been sacrificed for the Great Game.

On the IMDb

Жаботинский — Пятеро (4/7)

&  Русская культура велика и бездонна, как море, и чиста, как море; но, когда вы с морского берега сходите в воду, первые сажени приходится плыть среди гнилой тины, щепок, арбузных корок… Ассимиляция начинается именно с разрыхления старых предрассудков; а предрассудок — святая вещь... Может быть, все истинное содержание морали, даже содержание самого понятия культурности состоит из предрассудков; но в каждой культуре они — свои, самобытные, и при переходе от одной ко второй получается долгий срок перерыва — прежние пали, новые еще не усвоены; очень долгий срок, может быть и не одно, и не два поколения, а больше. И знаете что? только не рассердитесь, вы большой у нас муниципальный патриот — я тоже — а все-таки это правда: нет во всей России более яркой панорамы этого перерыва культурной преемственности, чем наша добрая веселая Одесса. Я не только о евреях говорю: то же с греками, с итальянцами, с поляками, даже с «русскими» — ведь и они, в массе, природные хохлы, только «пошылысь у кацапы»; но всего яснее, конечно, это сказалось на евреях. Оттуда, вероятно, и особая эта задорная искрометность здешней среды, над которой так смеется вся Россия и которую мы с вами так любим: так ведь нередко бывает, что эпохи развала устоев считаются эпохами блеска. Но оттуда же и жульничество наше, и ласковое отношение к вранью бытовому и торговому, и что на десять девиц из почтенных домов девять деми-вьерж, а десятая зеро-вьерж; ...

&  Вообще знайте, раз навсегда, про все еврейские дома: если нужно решить что-то очень трудное, всегда решает «она».

&  Милый, вы только не подумайте, будто я жеманюсь или рисуюсь — что говорю „неприятно“, вместо „больно“. Конечно, это называется по-настоящему „больно“, и то еще не то слово. Но вам никогда разве не приходило в голову, какое это противное, унизительное понятие — „боль“? Самое пассивное переживание на свете, рабское какое то: ты — ничего, тебя не спрашивают, над тобой кто-то измывается. Я и родов больше всего из-за этого не любила, из-за обидности, из-за надругательства. Хамом становишься от этого, скотиной без стыда, пусть все глазеют, пусть весь городишко слышит…

28 мар. 2021 г.


This Is Us 5×7

Madison: The doctor just left. She said everything looked totally good and normal. They're already at a healthy weight to be born. Fully cooked.
Kevin: Not even medium rare?
Madison: No, perfectly medium.
Kevin: Just like I like 'em.

Jack: Yeah, he-he wasn't all bad, my dad. Uh, that's what makes our parents loom so large in our heads, I think. They're... a million things to us all at once... And even after they're long gone, we're stuck with them. Can't help it. They're inside of us.

Jack: You know, my whole life, I promised myself I'd be nothing like him, but... here I am, putting all this pressure on you, making you so nervous, you're sick. I ended up just like him.
Kevin: No, Dad. You're way better than him.
Jack: Thank you, my son. And you're gonna be way better than me.
Kevin: Maybe.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Le Bureau des Légendes #1.7

Marie-Jeanne: What are you going to do?
Marina: I'm going to wait outside her door one rainy evening and stab her in the back. I'll do the same as in Iran. Spend time with her, get her to talk, become her best friend to see where I can strike.

Marie-Jeanne: Did you not have lunch?
Sisteron: I did.
Marie-Jeanne: Have you decided to become very fat?
Sisteron: When I'm stressed I eat.
Marie-Jeanne: Don't you? I become anorexic. Some people get dandruff.
Sisteron: I know.
Marie-Jeanne: It's all over your shoulders.

Sisteron: Don't you believe in fate?
Marie-Jeanne: The man who trained me used to say in our job nothing is down to fate, just fuck-ups.

Malotru: Enemies everywhere. Inside, outside. They multiply. Your allies. Your enemies' allies. The screen must never come down. You can't trust anything or anyone at any time. Never again... Never again think you're safe.

Dr Balmès: I know your tricks. You hide the truth with the truth.
Malotru: What exactly are you here for?
Dr Balmès: Haven't you guessed? I'm the real lie detector. Don't get me wrong, I'm only here for one thing, to tell them at what point you're lying to yourself.

Marie-Jeanne: Be brave, and don't forget it's better to suffer for the truth than be happy with a lie. Marie-Jeanne: You have two circles. The first is for friends, the second is for targets. Those two circles must never mix.
     Friends are friends.
     You can make friends with your targets but they are not friends. Which means you can destroy their lives in one minute. Free of emotion. You don't like them, you don't feel sorry for them. They can like you. The need to like you. But for you, they are your prey.

Marie-Jeanne: This girl was your enemy. You were beginning to grow fond of her. Anyone could have used her to put pressure on you. Never grow attached to your targets. And here's some advice for your mission. Don't get attached to anyone. Ever.

On the IMDb

Жаботинский — Пятеро (3/7)

&  — Все дело в постепенности, — говорил мне адвокат, — в постепенности, и еще в одной коротенькой фразе, вопросительной фразе из трех коротеньких слов. ... Фраза эта гласит: «а почему нельзя?». Уверяю вас, что никакая мощность агитации не сравнится, по разъедающему своему действию, с этим вопросом. Нравственное равновесие человечества искони держится именно только на том, что есть аксиомы: есть запертые двери с надписью «нельзя». Просто «нельзя», без объяснений, аксиомы держатся прочно, и двери заперты, и половицы не проваливаются, и обращение планет вокруг солнца совершается по заведенному порядку. Но поставьте только раз этот вопрос: а почему «нельзя»? — и аксиомы рухнут. Ошибочно думать, будто аксиома есть очевидность, которую «не стоит» доказывать, до того она всем ясна: нет, друг мой, аксиомой называется такое положение, которое немыслимо доказать; немыслимо, даже если бы весь мир взбунтовался и потребовал: докажи! И как только вопрос этот поставлен — кончено. Эта коротенькая фраза — все равно, что разрыв-трава: все запертые двери перед нею разлетаются вдребезги; нет больше «нельзя», все «можно»; не только правила условной морали, вроде «не укради» или «не лги», но даже самые безотчетные, самые подкожные реакции человеческой натуры — стыд, физическая брезгливость, голос крови — все рассыпается прахом.

&  — А второе — постепенность. Нет такого трудного предприятия, которого нельзя было бы одолеть секретом постепенного воздействия. Нужно только хорошенько разобраться в понятии «трудность», расчленить его на отдельные моменты, и не браться за все сразу, а по порядку, один за другим: на каждый сначала брызнуть той самой кислотою, подождать, пока подействует кислота и пройдет боль, а потом — номер второй, по очереди. ...

&  Вы говорили давеча: как же могло это за столько лет никому не броситься в глаза? «Бросаются в глаза» только резкие, внезапные перемены: выдают себя только люди, еще не свыкшиеся с новым положением; постепенность, напротив — залог полного самообладания.

&  — Страшное это слово «можно»…

27 мар. 2021 г.

Ingrid Goes West (2017)

Taylor Sloane: To our new friend, Ingrid. Rescuer of dogs. Patron of the arts. And... all around a really great neighbor.

Ingrid Thorburn: Why do you like Batman so much?
Dan Pinto: What's not to like about Batman?
Ingrid Thorburn: I'm sorry, it's just, I don't understand. He's just another superhero like Spiderman or Superman...
Dan Pinto: That's where you are wrong. Batman is the world's greatest detective. Nothing radioactive bit him. He's not from another planet. He's just like you or I. All Batman's powers come from within him. He had enough will and enough focus to make himself greater than what he was.

Ezra O'Keefe: Everything's the best, with her. "Have you been to this new restaurant? It's the best!" "Have you tried these... These new clothes are the best!" "It's the best! It's the best! It's the best!" It's not the fucking best. It's fucking exhausting.

Nicky: You know, it's... really funny what you can discover about someone by just... going through their phone...

Ingrid Thorburn: Keep it together. I thought you were Batman.
Dan Pinto: I am Batman. Batman don't do shit like this. I arrest people, take them to Arkham Asylum, they possibly get out a few months later and the cycle continues. All right?

Ingrid Thorburn: I just... feel like... if you don't have anyone to share anything with, then what'd the point of living?

Dan Pinto: Your face is all over the internet. Look at them. Thousands, and thousands and thousands. You're an inspiration, babe. You have a hashtag. Hashtag I am Ingrid.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Le Bureau des Légendes #1.5

Instructeur Malotru: You're ready to kill anyone you like with your bare fists. But that won't be much use to you, Rambo. Now I'll show you how to get your head kicked in.
Malotru: What do I do?
Instructeur Malotru: Nothing. You're just a poor bookseller, a doctor, a teacher or whatever, who gets attacked for no reason.

Instructeur Malotru: No, don't put a helmet on. Only use your arms in self-defence. Protect your organs. Let your upper ribs take the brunt of it. Lower your chin. Stop them kicking your carotid artery. You do nothing. You don't know how to fight back. If you feel yourself drifting off, give into that feeling. It will hurt less.

Gaingouin: Let me give you the rundown. FELIS was launched yesterday. I can no longer contact my men. To stop the machine we must tell the Americans the operation we've been working on with them and the British for the past 14 months has been infiltrated. They'll have to call in their guys, warn ours and sit on a plan involving a cruiser, two helicopters and about 100 of their people. So I'll ask you again. Take your time. Are you sure?

Dr Balmès: Telling someone else is a way of objectivising the mistake and gauging how important it is. Have you never needed a colleague's advice?
Malotru: Yes.
Dr Balmès: What was the occasion?
Malotru: Are you interviewing me again?

Malotru: Enemies on the outside and on the inside. If you make a mistake, your life is permanently under threat. Sensing a trap and walking into it. Getting beaten up without retaliating. Being given the third degree without batting an eyelid. I was already an expert, but I was becoming even more of one. Concealing more and more, deeper and deeper. Putting up barriers, on the outside and within. I was in permanent training and, I must admit, feeling my heart beat at a rate of knots, hearing it pounding in my ears, not giving anything away, I was starting to enjoy it.

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Жаботинский — Пятеро (2/7)

&  Для всякого дела два правила: не торопиться — и мертвая хватка.

&  Летом наш берег… (Летом: что зимою, того я знать не хочу. Я очень люблю жизнь вообще, и свою жизнь особенно люблю и люблю ее припоминать, но только с апрелей до сентябрей. Зачем Бог создал зиму — не знаю. Он, бедный, вообще много напутал и лишнего натворил. Большинство моих знакомых уверяют, что им очень нравится снег: не только декоративный снег, верхушка Монблана, просто белая краска на картине, можно полюбоваться и отвернуться, — но будто бы даже снег на улицах им нравится; а по-моему снег —это просто завтрашняя слякоть. Я помню только лето).

&  ...я впервые понял ядовитое проклятие эмигрантщины, впервые оценил старые сравнения: колесо, с огромной силой крутящееся среди пустого пространства, именно потому с огромной силой, что привода нет и нечего ему вертеть; «и сок души сгорает в этой муке, как молоко у матери в разлуке с ее грудным малюткой». Но сгоревший сок души не рассасывается, а скопляется и твердеет и прожигает сознание навсегда; и если так судьбе угодно, чтобы скопом вдруг изгнанники вернулись на родину и стали ее владыками, извратят они все пути и все меры.

&  — Разгром, — пророчил он вместо того, — предначертанный разгром. И совсем не потому, что режим плох: само племя неудачливое.
     — Вы это говорите? вы, который?..
     — О, не смешивайте двух разных ипостасей национального лика. Русские на высотах зажигают несравненные вселенские огни, но на равнине мерцают лучины. В этом залог их величия: косная тусклость миллионов — ради того, чтобы гений расы тем ярче сосредоточился в избранных единицах. Полная противоположность нам, евреям: у нас талант распыляется, все даровиты, а гениев нет; даже Спиноза только ювелир мысли, а Маркс просто был фокусник.

&  Самое трудное на сцене — это уметь «отшиться», уйти без неловкости, ничего не зацепив; в жизни это еще сложнее, чем на сцене.

26 мар. 2021 г.

American Gods 3×5

Maximillian the Magnificent: Even the great Edison claimed he'd invented the light bulb before he actually did it. Like all innovators, he understood sometimes you gotta fake it... till you make it.

Shadow Moon: Yeah, right. A start-up and not an electric car in sight? Please.

Shadow Moon: All right, Bieber, do your thing.

Bilquis: I'd come to believe that what others believed of me was me. That I was... the exotic fantasy in the minds of others.
Shadow Moon: But how does something like that even happen?
Bilquis: They create an identity an image for us that serves them. They teach us to see ourselves through a veil.

Bilquis: What the future holds is up to us to decide.

Bilquis: A word of advice. The journey to spiritual awakening... is better with French fries.

Laura Moon: Wow. I thought Purgatory was depressing. Uh... Where the fuck is Wednesday?

Salim: How are you alive? Again?
Laura Moon: Voodoo, baby. I dunno, I guess Baron Samedi's gris-gris did the trick somehow.

Cordelia: Okay, then, give it to me straight. Should I be looking for a new job?
Shadow Moon: As a general lifestyle choice and bid for sanity, abso-fucking-lutely.

Laura Moon: Hey, can I give you some advice?.. You gotta quit moping around being all sad about something that you can't do jack shit about.
Salim: What should I do instead? Go back to selling trinkets?
Laura Moon: I don't know, dude. Learn to play the flute. Or get a full-body tattoo. Take up sky diving! It doesn't matter! Seriously, it doesn't matter. Do you know what happens when you die? Nothin'. Really, absolutely fuckin' nothing. And even once you've been dead for a hundred million years, you still haven't even begun to be dead.

Laura Moon: What?
Salim: You died.
Laura Moon: And?
Salim: Where did you go?
Laura Moon: Ah, this time? For lack of a better word, Purgatory.
Salim: Hmm... So, uh, no 72 virgins?
Laura Moon: Not a one.

Demeter: Yes. You're a lot like him, hmm?
Shadow Moon: Yeah, uh... I'm, I'm not sure that's a good thing.
Demeter: Uh, well, hmm. Being with your father... was like opening a bottle of champagne. Bang. Bubbles. Complete intoxication. But time... takes its toll.

Demeter: The pain of loss can cause even the heart of a god to grow smaller and colder. Until the only thing that remains... is a memory of what could have been.

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Le Bureau des Légendes 1×4

Malotru: Our cover provides a barrier... Our cover stories act as invisible barriers, like windshields against flies.

Malotru: Sorry, but he was more like a cop than a teacher. Why all those questions?
Nadia: He's being polite, making conversation.
Malotru: He asked questions, wanting answers, waiting for them.
Nadia: A bit like you with me, now.

Dr Balmès: To be in someone else's shoes, then back to yours, then again someone else. The closest thing to this undercover life is the experience of adultery. Many people who experience adultery realise that what they find exciting is more the secret than the relationship. What they miss when they return to a normal life is less the person they lost than the context, the atmosphere... The mysterious world where it occurred. Outside of the ordinary, everyday real world. Do you see what I mean?
Malotru: Yes and no.
Dr Balmès: You don't think the comparison is pertinent?
Malotru: I guess it is for you.
Dr Balmès: But for you?
Malotru: It's a nice theory.
Dr Balmès: You're reacting as if I was tricking you. Why? I'm just trying to understand.
Malotru: You're trying to prove something. Why out of all the possible motives, do you always choose the darkest?

Hashem El Katim: What are you saying, Nadim? I have to call Bashar to tell him the talks are off because Nadia El Mansour is fucking a French agent?
Nadim: .... No, boss. I'm not asking you to call him. I'm saying I think she's sleeping with a French agent.
Hashem El Katim: You 'think'? Guess what? You'll call Bashar yourself and tell him he chose a woman who's fucking an agent... We can't say just anything. Watch your step! You can't 'think', you have to be sure.

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Владимир (Зеев) Жаботинский — Пятеро

цитаты,Пятеро,Владимир (Зеев) Жаботинский,Odessa,Russia,1900th,jewish family,assimilation,adultery,memories
  “В первый раз я увидел г-жу Мильгром и ее старшую дочь на первом представлении «Моны Ванны» в городском театре. ...
&  — Они мои дети; я скорее на крышу гулять полезу, чем стану им советовать.
     — Как так?
     — Последний человек, которого люди слушают, это мать; или отец, все равно. В каждом поколении повторяется трагедия отцов и детей, и всегда одна и та же: именно то, что проповедуют родители, в один прекрасный день оказывается детям осточертело, заодно и родители осточертели. Спасибо, не хочу.

&  Когда сам мало пьешь, любопытно и грустно следить, как заканчивается разгульная ночь. Постепенно деревенеют мускулы зеленых или фиолетовых лиц, застывают стекляшками глаза, мертвенно стукаются друг о друга шатающиеся, как на подпорках, слова; на столах налито, у мужчин помяты воротнички и края манжет замуслены, а кто во фраке, у тех сломаны спереди рубахи; вообще, все уже стало погано, уже в дверях незримая стоит поденщица с ведром и половой тряпкой…

&  — А вы на походку посмотрите. Самое главное в человеке — походка: ее не переоденешь.

&  — Имеете прекрасный случай помолчать, — сказала она злобно, — советую воспользоваться.

&  Такие вещи доводами не доказываются; всякий титул есть мираж, и раз он прилип и держится не отклеиваясь, значит — носитель достоин титула, и баста.

&  — Вовсе не оттого треснет самодержавие, что люди бросают бомбы или устраивают бунты. По-моему если хотите, чтобы непременно случилось какое-то событие, совсем не надо ничего делать для этого; даже говорить не надо. Просто надо хотеть и хотеть и хотеть.
     — То есть как это? Про себя?
     — Про себя. Где есть человек, хотя бы один на всю толпу, который чего-то хочет, но по-настоящему, во что бы то ни стало, — незачем ему стараться. Достаточно все время хотеть. И чем больше он молчит, тем это сильнее. Кончится так, как он хочет.
     — Что ж это будет — черная магия, или гипнотизм какой-то новый?
     — Гипнотизм, магнетизм, это разберут доктора, а я только аптекарь. Я знаю по-аптекарски: если один человек в комнате, извините, пахнет карболкой, вся комната и все гости в конце концов пропахнут карболкой. И почему вы говорите: «новый»? Всегда так было, и в больших делах и в маленьких делах; даже у человека в его собственной жизни.

25 мар. 2021 г.

The Circle Closes

The Stand 1×9

Frannie: I wish I could tell you every story has a happy ending. Truth is, most stories don't end at all. Not really.

Frannie: Feels like every day we're making progress. But the question is where are we headed, and how much farther do we have to go before we get there?

Stu Redman: You know, back in February, I knew everyone by their first name? Then all the snow went, and we've got 500 more. At least 500. Three in jail. Only drunk and disorderly and vandalism right now, but sooner or later it's gonna be something worse. Stealing and...
Frannie: Murder.
Stu Redman: I mean, I don't want to think that way, but yeah. Mother would have called it the Old Adam. It always comes out.

Randall Flagg: I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV.

Randall Flagg: Well, of course it's free. What kind of a philistine do you take me for? There's just one little thing... I would like a kiss.

Frannie: Not for my husband! Not for my baby! Not for the world itself! Get thee behind me, you fucking bastard!

Mother Abagail: You know, all seems well... and then here comes God and says, "No, there's more to do, more pain to bear."
Frannie: God is cruel, then.
Mother Abagail: Job said the same. And God spoke to him out of the whirlwind, and He said, "Were you here when I made the world?" God said, "The wheel keeps turning, the struggle continues, but the command... is always the same. Be true. Stand."

Randall Flagg: My name is Russell Faraday. Worship me!

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The One with the Fake Party

Friends 4×16

Monica: What is it?
Phoebe: Nothing. I can't find anything that I want to eat. Everything makes me nauseous. I'm telling you, being pregnant is no piece of cake. Oh, cake!... No!

Phoebe: Ooh, what is that smell? It's coming from the bathroom!
Chandler: Wow, pregnancy does give you some weird cravings.

Monica: Hey, what have you guys been up to?
Ross: Oh, we went to see a collection of Victorian doorknobs at the Cooper-Hewitt museum.
Chandler: Without me?!

Phoebe: It doesn't matter how much I'm craving it. You know why I'm never gonna eat meat? Because it's cold-blooded murder.
Chandler: Okay... There's a Phoebe on my sandwich.

Joey: Phoebe, what are you doing?
Phoebe: I can't help it. I need the meat! The baby needs the meat.
Joey: You know how when you're dating someone... and you don't want to cheat on them unless it's with someone really hot?
Phoebe: Yeah... totally.
Joey: All right, okay. Well, this is the same kind of deal. If you're gonna do something wrong... do it right.

Joey: Feel better?
Phoebe: Yeah, but at what cost? Six more months, three meals a day? I'm gonna eat like, you know, millions of cows.

Rachel: What do I do now? What do I do now?
Monica: I think you're done.
Joey: Okay, time to take off the bra.

Rachel: Can you not look at me when I say this?

Joshua: But...
Rachel: No don't say "but." "But" is never good. Let's leave it at "I like you and you like me."
Joshua: Okay, uh... However...
Rachel: No, that's a fancy "but."

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24 мар. 2021 г.

The One with All the Rugby

Friends 4×15

Rachel: Well, here's another question for you. Do you know what that little silver knob on the toilet does?
Joey: Sure. It flushes it.
Rachel: Okay, good. Now, since you know, when you come over, would you mind actually using it?

Chandler: I can't stand the woman.
Phoebe: What? I thought you were crazy about her.
Chandler: You know all those little annoying things she did before we fell in love? You know, like her voice and her laugh and her personality? Well, they're all back, you know. And she's picked up like nine new ones.
Joey: So, what are you doing bringing her here? There's people here!

Ross: What's so funny about that?
Emily: Well, I mean, you're American, to start with. You don't really have rugby here.
Ross: Heh. Well, we didn't have freedom here until 1776 either, so...

Phoebe: Hi. Could we put on the news? I think it might be raining.

Joey: Ross, they're gonna kill you.

Joey: Dude, they're all huge.
Ross: They don't look any bigger than me.
Joey: That's because you're closer to you.So you look bigger to you from where you are.

Chandler: Hi. I need a fake ticket to Yemen.

Chandler: Okay. She's gonna think that I'm handing you a credit card. But what I'm really gonna do is hand you... a library card.
Ticket Counter Attendant: Uh, sir, a ticket to Yemen is $2100, and we don't take library cards.

Monica: That switch is connected to something!
Rachel: I don't care. The wires have come loose in your head.

Janice: I'll wait for you. Do you even know how long you're gonna be gone?
Chandler: Well, just until we find an energy source to replace fuel.
Janice: Oh. Well, I'll write you every day... 15 Yemen Road, Yemen, right?

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Le Bureau des Légendes #1.3

Malotru: Already here?
Duflot: No point trying to sleep, I dream about double agents. A mix of all the books and movies I've seen. Double agents everywhere, impossible not to see them.

Marie-Jeanne: Ready?
Marina: I think so. I hope.
Marie-Jeanne: Pretend you took a flight. That's Iran over there. You're already on the mission. The Paris Institute of Earth Physics is not your employer. It's not where you go to work. It's a hostile territory. Your hunting ground, infested with enemies.

Marie-Jeanne: You have three types of enemies.
     First, the prey. They're your rivals. One may be chosen over you to go to Iran. You must identify and observe them, analyse their weaknesses and deflect them...
     The second enemy type are your friends. You drop your guard, become vulnerable, they'll lead you to mistakes... The people you like you must destroy.
     The third enemy type is the predator. The only one who can defeat you. You mustn't defend yourself from him. You must seduce him. Attract him into your web. He must think that he's choosing you. You're like the orchid attracting the bee. The insect thinks it decides, but doesn't know it's part of your strategy. In the end, it's you in control.

Nadia: I'm here to study. I can't during the day. Having my colleagues see me prevents suspicion.
Farouk: True. It's the pretext for your presence in Paris. Your cover, as Nadim says.
Nadia: Yes. What's yours?
Farouk: I don't need one. I'm businessman-Bedouin.

Malotru: When you see someone, you never know what's to come. Maybe paradise or a nightmare. Usually, it's a bit of both. But when you're a secret agent, if it's not paradise, then it's definitely a nightmare.

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23 мар. 2021 г.

The Little Things (2021)

Jimmy Baxter: Things probably changed a lot since you left.
Joe 'Deke' Deacon: Still gotta catch him, right?
Jimmy Baxter: Yeah...
Joe 'Deke' Deacon: Hmm. Not that much has changed, then.

Joe 'Deke' Deacon: You gotta kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince.

Flo Dunigan: You know my take on the world, Joe? There's good and there's bad, but you gotta fight. Because, brother... when I look in your eyes, what I see... it ain't good.

Jimmy Baxter: Do you believe in God, Joe?
Joe 'Deke' Deacon: When I see a sunrise or thunderstorm or dew on the ground, yes, I think there's a God. When I see all this, I think he's long past.

Joe 'Deke' Deacon: Hey, uh, what was Julie's last supper?
Jimmy Baxter: It was roast beef. Why?
Joe 'Deke' Deacon: It's the little things that are important, Jimmy. It's the little things that get you caught.

Joe 'Deke' Deacon: Why is that? Hm? Come on, you're a smart man. You know every exit on the highway.

Joe 'Deke' Deacon: It's the little things, Jimmy. It's the little things that rip you apart, it's the little things that... get you caught.

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Home Sweet Home

The Walking Dead 10×17

Judith: I took him to the roof. The sky was full of stars, And I told him right now, Mom's looking at the very same stars as us.

Negan: Hey, Maggie..... I didn't escape, If that's what you're thinking.

Negan: Well, shit.

Daryl: I'll go with her, try to smooth things over.
Carol: She's never gonna come around on him, you know.
Daryl: Have you?
Carol: .... It's good to see her though...

Maggie: It's actually good to say some of it out loud. I just can't say all of it, you know?

Daryl: Maybe it's best if she don't know.
Maggie: No, she should. My dad used to say, "a wound can't heal 'til it hits air."
Daryl: You know that ain't true, right? Medicine wise.
Maggie: He always made it sound like it was.

The Attacker: Pope marked you.

Cole: So, this is the home, sweet home?
Maggie: Yeah. It is.

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22 мар. 2021 г.

Chapter 8: A Widow Approaches

The Kominsky Method 1×8

Sandy Kominsky: I hate that I'm about to say this, but... have you discussed this with Eileen?

Norman Newlander: You are being very mature about this, Eileen.
Eileen Newlander: I'm sure you'd feel the same if the roles were reversed, if you were gone and I was alive.
Norman Newlander: No. That’s where you're wrong. If some guy was sniffing around you, I would haunt the hell out of him. There would be cutlery flying around his kitchen. Yes. One morning he'd be... he'd be shaving in the bathroom mirror and he'd look up and see me standing right behind him, just staring at him like this... He would soil his pajamas, guaranteed.

Sandy Kominsky: The name of this exercise is "mirror." You just move your body, and I'll follow... What we're working on here is being totally present. This means paying attention, without judgment, to the actor in front of you...
     This does two things. It gets you out of your own head... and forces you... to be in the moment. Fully engaged with the other person... by simply paying attention to them. Not only makes you a better actor, it makes you a better human being.

Sandy Kominsky: What did you guys talk about?
Norman Newlander: Oh, you know, the usual. Dead wives, dead husbands, dead friends. It was very pleasant.

Sandy Kominsky: Boy, she moves fast. You'd better bring a condom.
Norman Newlander: You're making a joke, but I actually still have one the Army gave me when I was in Korea.
Sandy Kominsky: You're kidding me.
Norman Newlander: I'm sentimental.

Lisa: You realize this is the first time you've brought me somewhere that didn't have a dead body.
Sandy Kominsky: The night is still young...

Diane: Uh, she... she was one of a kind. A saint. God takes the good ones way too soon.
Norman Newlander: Yeah, and he leaves the bad ones here just to piss us off.

Sandy Kominsky: What are you doing at a Shell station?
Norman Newlander: There were too many people at my house.
Sandy Kominsky: Now? Who?
Norman Newlander: It's my own fault. You talk to one ghost, and suddenly you're in a Yiddish version of Macbeth.

Police Officer: Everything all right, sir?
Norman Newlander: No. Everything is not all right. I outlived my wife. That was not part of the plan. I was supposed to go first!

Norman Newlander: I'm scared. I'm scared all the time.
Sandy Kominsky: Listen to me. We're all scared, and you know why? Because it's a scary fuckin' world. But we get through it because we're not alone. You're not alone.
Norman Newlander: Who do I have?
Sandy Kominsky: Me, you dumb shit! Can you see me? I'm right here in front of you. Hi. Hello there. I see you. You see me?... Can you keep a secret?
Norman Newlander: Sure.
Sandy Kominsky: That's the Kominsky Method.

Sandy Kominsky: Well, we don't have to figure it out tonight. You’ve got some time.
Norman Newlander: Do I?
Sandy Kominsky: I'm just trying to be nice, Norman.
Norman Newlander: Nice. Maybe life has no meaning, and the best we can hope for is... just being nice.

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Le Bureau des Légendes #1.2

Dr Balmès: I feel naked without my phone and tablet.
Rim: You can't get in with a computer or a phone. Do you know why?
Dr Balmès: No.
Rim: Remote activation can transform them into a microphone... You get used to being naked, you'll see.

Rim: If you're asked what department you work for, don't answer.

Rim: Every night, you must destroy your documents in the shredder. Or store them in this closet safe protected by a code. Your desk and trash must be empty. Maintenance and cleaners aren't allowed in. You clean your own office.... One last thing. Don't say a word to anyone. No one's to question you. If someone asks, then they don't know what you know. They aren't on a need-to-know basis. That's what we say. 'It's all on a need-to-know basis.'
Dr Balmès: Like professional confidentiality.
Rim: No, like classified information.

Duflot: Listen closely, don't ask questions. If you're asked, you answer without question. If you're not told...
Dr Balmès: I'm not on a need-to-know basis.
Duflot: Exactly. Compartmentalising is essential. What you don't know, you can't reveal.
Dr Balmès: I understand.
Duflot: If I ask you what my tie says about me, you don't ask why, just answer. Is that clear?
Dr Balmès: Yes.
Duflot: ......
Dr Balmès: You want to seem nice.
Duflot: Easy.
Dr Balmès: It's your signature... Your tie is you, your rebellious side?
Duflot: Is that it?
Dr Balmès: It's a bit short-- It's ridiculous.
Duflot: Finally! The truth is most important. If you don't know, say so. That's how you'll earn my trust.

Marina: How do I get into the Institute?
Malotru: That's up to you.
Marina: What if I don't make it?
Malotru: You'll always get the same answer: 'If you can't, go home and forget the whole thing.'
Marina: What'd you do for your mission?
Malotru: I took a competitive exam to teach in Damascus. I learned Arabic in one year.

Malotru: That's why the rules exist. To never need to say to yourself: 'It'll be OK.' They're there to protect you. You, your sources and the DGSE. If you're hoping it'll be OK, then it's already too late. You've broken the rules, you lost all protection. You're subject to the law of fear, suspicion, doubt.

Malotru: I messed up. But I was subject to another law already. A law that all those who've lived long undercover know. The ultimate law. The one that makes you say: 'I can do it.' The one that makes you say: 'It'll be fine, I can do anything.'

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21 мар. 2021 г.

Chapter 7: A String Is Attached

The Kominsky Method 1×7

Norman Newlander: Sandy, there are certain things we have to do in life that are distasteful but absolutely necessary. I can think of several. Can you?
Sandy Kominsky: And I'm feeling bad.
Norman Newlander: There's colonoscopies, engagement parties, flossing.... Taxes, Sandy! Taxes are one of those distasteful things that we must do.
Sandy Kominsky: We really had to go through colonoscopies to get here?

Norman Newlander: $300,000!
Sandy Kominsky: Thereabouts.
Norman Newlander: "Thereabouts." A little tip. When begging, it's good to have an exact number.

Sandy Kominsky: You'll get it all back. We'll set up a payment plan, say, a thousand dollars a month.
Norman Newlander: Math isn't really your strong suit, is it?
Sandy Kominsky: Why?
Norman Newlander: Why? That's 25 years. You know how old I'll be when you finish paying me off? Dead!
Sandy Kominsky: Okay. How about if I push it up to eleven hundred a month?
Norman Newlander: Still dead.

Eileen Newlander: Norman, you have the money. Just give it to him.
Norman Newlander: Excuse me, but whatever happened to "never a borrower or a lender be"?
Eileen Newlander: You wanna take advice from Shakespeare? He also said, "Kill all the lawyers."
Norman Newlander: I agree with that, too.

Norman Newlander: No, no, I... I want him to go nuts. That'll be the fun part.
Eileen Newlander: Why can't it just be a noble gesture?

Norman Newlander: That's in there, too. It's genius, really. No strings is the biggest string of all.

Norman Newlander: Why don't you just take my money and be grateful?
Sandy Kominsky: I can't. Giving me the money with no strings is like the biggest string of all.
Norman Newlander: Well, that's a very cynical attitude.

Sandy Kominsky: I know you're not really thrilled with me, uh, right now... but compared to everybody else in my life, "not thrilled" makes you president of the Sandy Kominsky fan club.

Sandy Kominsky: I hope you come visit me in jail.
Lisa: Why are you going to jail?
Sandy Kominsky: My accountant died...

Sandy Kominsky: I'm a little foggy. Um... Did I win you back?
Lisa: No.
Sandy Kominsky: Okay. I'm gonna keep trying. Let me know when it stops being cute and turns into stalking.

Sandy Kominsky: I had a Tony Award when I signed with you. I was hot!
Norman Newlander: Yeah, you were hot, and then you came to Hollywood and you pissed off every Jew that counted. You burned bridges. You burned roads. You burned tunnels. If there was a path to success, you set it on fire.
Sandy Kominsky: Well, forgive me for having standards, for having integrity.
Norman Newlander: Standards and integrity are for Oscar winners. Everybody else has gotta bend over.

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Le Bureau des Légendes #1.1

Malotru: My mission was to make contacts. Meet people in a certain environment, observe them, get to know them, and see if they had information that could be useful. If that was the case, I had to convince them to give it to us.
Prune: Did you blackmail them?
Malotru: No, that doesn't work. It's people who want to help France or advance their cause. My only task was to find relevant people.
Prune: You had to make friends.
Malotru: Acquaintances, let's say.
Prune: That's why you left for six years. To make acquaintances...
Malotru: You prefer I kill people?
Prune: Yeah. No, I don't know. But that's cool... You left to make friends.
Malotru: I left because it's my job.
Prune: Yeah... Well, now I know.

Malotru: You'll learn how to approach people at the proper distance. Not too far, to learn as much as possible, and not too close, to not influence the target. Your mission is to know people without drawing attention. You're not an agent. You're undercover. You don't recruit. You describe.

Mag: Have you been to Algiers?
Duflot: Yes. Twice. I almost got killed in 1991.
Mag: I know... Some places are just unlucky.

Mag: They say it's good to have a deadline...

Magon: Watch out. He may be dangerous. Post Mission Disorder.
Duflot: Meaning?
Magon: He's still undercover.

On the IMDb

20 мар. 2021 г.

The Stand

The Stand 1×8

Glen Bateman: Randall Flagg, the Mother of Dragons, the Queen of the Andals and everybody else above himself.

Ray Brentner: Bitch, you look bad...

Randall Flagg: Just one thing I want you to do for me first. Waste not, want not.

Rat Woman: Larry Underwood? Compliments of Mr. Flagg.

Randall Flagg: Now, let's get this party started... First we drown the rats, and then we burn the witch!

Lloyd Henreid: I always liked your music.

Lloyd Henreid: Any last words? Now's the time.
Larry Underwood: I will fear no evil... I will fear no evil. I will fear no evil!

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The One with Joey's Dirty Day

Friends 4×14

Chandler: You don't have to stop having fun just because I'm here. Kathy didn't cheat on all of you. Well, except you.

Joey: There's nothing I can do right now. He's still in his sweatpants. That's only phase one. You know? I'll be back for phase two. I would never miss phase two.
Monica: What's phase two?
Joey: Getting drunk and going to a strip club.
Phoebe: How does going to a strip club make him better?
Joey: There are naked ladies there. It helps him get to phase three, picturing yourself with other women.
Ross: There are naked ladies there too.

Phoebe: Oh!
Monica: What?
Phoebe: It kicked. I think the baby kicked.
Monica: Oh, my God.
Phoebe: Oh, no, wait. Oh. That was the elastic in my underwear busted.

Chandler: Phase three! I just achieved phase three!
Monica: Really?
Chandler: I am totally picturing you with all those women.
Phoebe: That's not phase three.
Chandler: Well, I'm there too.
Rachel: Well, are we all together in a group?
Chandler: Stop it, you're killing me. I think I just moved on to phase four.
Monica: Oh, what is that?
Chandler: Where I don't want a relationship ever. I just wanna have sex with strippers and my friends.

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19 мар. 2021 г.

Chapter 6: A Daughter Detoxes

The Kominsky Method 1×6

Receptionist: Would you like to put this on your credit card?
Norman Newlander: What I'd like is to have gotten a vasectomy about 46 years ago.

Sandy Kominsky: Come on, Norman. You're just depressed, okay? It'll pass. It'll pass.
Norman Newlander: My wife, the woman who gave my life meaning, is dead, my job doesn't fulfill me anymore, and I just put my 45-year-old dope-fiend daughter in rehab for the eighth time.
Sandy Kominsky: You've got a grandson.
Norman Newlander: Who's in Scientology and won't speak to me because I'm a "suppressive."
Sandy Kominsky: Suppressive? Oh, that's not fair. Oppressive, maybe. I'm sorry, I still think you have a lot to live for.
Norman Newlander: You do, huh? Let's hear it, Pollyanna. Why should I live?... You've answered the question.

Norman Newlander: I've never been to an Indian casino before.
Sandy Kominsky: They're pretty much like a Vegas casino, except they're not overly fond of reservations... Get it?

Sandy Kominsky: See? A nice meal. Good glass of wine. It's reason to live.
Norman Newlander: I don't get any pleasure out of this. I'm trying to hasten a coronary... Maybe I'll start smoking again. They still make Chesterfields?

Eddie Money : Barefoot in a casino men's room? That's a brave man.

Sandy Kominsky: I'm sorry. I just got caught up with Norman and his daughter, and, you know, my, uh... my physical... I'd say predicament, but, you know, "dick" is right there in the middle.

Sandy Kominsky: What if we commit suicide together?
Norman Newlander: You only lost five dollars.
Sandy Kominsky: Yeah...

Norman Newlander: The secret to a happy relationship is that the woman must always feel like she comes first.
Sandy Kominsky: But what about when she doesn't? When there's other things going on, you know, and you don't have the time?
Norman Newlander: No. I said feel like she comes first.
Sandy Kominsky: So lie?
Norman Newlander: No, no. It's not lying. It's acting. You should try it some time...
Sandy Kominsky: Very funny.
Norman Newlander: Maybe take a class...

Norman Newlander: You need to hear it... Sandy, I am very grateful for our friendship, and I want you to know how happy I am to have you in my life.
Sandy Kominsky: Well, that is very sweet of you, Norman. Thank you.
Norman Newlander: I mean it. I can't put a price on what you mean to me.
Sandy Kominsky: I can.

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The One with Rachel's Crush

Friends 4×13

Monica: Fresh cookies. Hot from the oven... Please have some... I've just been fiddling around in here, making delicious treats for everyone.
Joey: Wow. The new Playboy.
Monica: Yeah, just something I picked up.
Joey: Cookies and porn? You're the best mom ever.

Monica: I'm the hostess. Not those guys. I'm always the hostess. I mean, even when I was little, the girls brought their dollies to my tea party. I served the best air.

Phoebe: Why don't you ask him out?
Joey: Oh, yeah. Totally. That's such a turn-on.
Rachel: Really? It doesn't seem desperate?
Joey: Ooh, that's the turn-on.

Chandler: You said, you know, with the off-stage and the heat... and the on-stage and the heat...
Joey: Whoa, whoa. That was just a theory. There's a lot of theories that didn't pan out. Lone gunman, communism, geometry...

Joshua: What do you think?
Rachel: Oh. Well, as a single woman, who is available... I think you look great.

Rachel: He didn't turn me down. He's at the game, isn't he? I got the date. I'm just not on it.

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18 мар. 2021 г.

Alpha and Omega

Dark 1×10

Claudia Tiedemann: There's a lot I have to explain...

Ines Kahnwald: I didn't know that he would take his own life.
Jonas Kahnwald: But you could have saved Mikkel! Now I have another grandma and she's the principal of my school! Her husband, who's fucking my mom, is looking for his son, who's my father! A few days ago I kissed my aunt. And the crazy thing is... there's nothing wrong with any of them. They're okay. I'm what's wrong.
Ines Kahnwald: I think things... no matter how abnormal or strange they seem to us, happen for a reason. Who are we to play God? What's past is past. But you... live in the here and now. Who knows what the future will bring.

H.G. Tannhaus 1986: It's not just the past that influences the future. The future also influences the past... If you hadn't shown me what the device looks like in the future, I wouldn't have been able to build it. A paradox.
The Stranger: Why did you decide to help me after all?
H.G. Tannhaus 1986: Why? That's a big word. Why do we decide for one thing and against another? But does it matter whether the decision is based upon the consequence of a series of causal links? Or whether it stems from an undefined feeling inside me? That perhaps everything in my life boils down to this one moment. That I'm part of a puzzle. One that I can neither understand nor influence.

H.G. Tannhaus 1986: Will you tell me... what the future's like?
The Stranger: I'm hoping that by tomorrow, it'll already be different from today.

Helge Doppler: Today is the day. The beginning and the end. Don't make the same mistakes I made. Don't make the same mistakes I made. You have to stop. You have to stop!.... I have to stop.

Helge Doppler 1986: What happens after today?
Noah: After today... everything will be new.

Helge Doppler 1986: But if there is no God, then why do we believe in a lie?
Noah: Because we prefer any lie to the pain.

Jonas Kahnwald: Where am I? What is this?
The Stranger: This is a kind of prototype of a time machine. You're the guinea pig. The passage in the cave lies directly under this bunker. If opened, the energy flows through this room. But it needs to be increased. No DeLorean. No hissing or steam. The first time machine is a bunker with four walls. But it still doesn't quite work.

Jonas Kahnwald: Let me out of here.
The Stranger: I can't. It's the only way for things to be normal again.

The Stranger: I am you. My name is Jonas Kahnwald. I sent the letter to you. Or should I say, to me. Everything you're experiencing, I've already experienced. I burned the letter, just like you. I got it back from our grandmother. I've already had this conversation. But I was on the other side then.

The Stranger: We think we're free, but we're not. We follow the same old path. Again and again.
Jonas Kahnwald: That's crazy! It doesn't make any sense! You can decide to let me go now. Come on, let me out!
The Stranger: I thought it was crazy for a long time. That I'm crazy. But I can't let you out because then you won't become what I am today. If I now change my past, I will change who I am right now. And then I won't be able to destroy the hole once and for all.

The Stranger: Why did you kiss Martha? We're not free in what we do, because we're not free in what we want. We can't overcome what's deep within us.

Jonas Kahnwald: I have to bring Mikkel back. I want everything to go back to normal. I want all this sick shit to stop! The Stranger: You still do. Thirty-three years later. I still want that. But Mikkel... Our father is just a small part of a sprawling sickness. I've seen things that no one should ever see.


Noah: Everything is about to begin...

Noah: The older Jonas will destroy the hole, but... he doesn't realize that he will be the one to trigger its existence. A paradox.

Noah: Most people are nothing but pawns on a chessboard. Led by an unknown hand. Their lives exist only to be sacrificed for a higher goal. Jonas, Mikkel, the children, they're nothing but unfortunate, yet necessary chess moves in an eternal war between good and evil.
     There are two groups out there fighting to control time travel. Light and shadow. We belong to the light. Don't forget that. Even though some of what we do is of a dark nature. But no victory is ever won without sacrifice.
     As long as we're in this time loop we who know have to make sure that every step will be repeated exactly as it was before. No matter how inhumane it seems to us. No matter what sacrifices it demands of us. But believe me, the others are the ones who are truly inhumane. They have lost all humanity. They belong to the shadow.

Noah: Time is an infinite field. Millions and millions of interlocking wheels. We have to be patient to be victorious. But our time will come. We will free humanity from its immaturity. From its pain. But you must be strong. Can you do that?

Jonas Kahnwald: Who are you? Where am I? What year is this?

Girl from the Future: Welcome to the future.

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17 мар. 2021 г.

The One with the Embryos

Friends 4×12

Rachel: What the hell is that? What the hell is that?! Is that you?!
Monica: Boy, you're really not a morning person.
Rachel: Just back off!

Rachel: Get up! Get up! Get up! What is that noise?
Joey: You.
Chandler: It's the chick. She's going through some changes.
Monica: What kind of changes?
Joey: Well, the vet seems to think that she's becoming a rooster.
Chandler: We're getting a second opinion.

Phoebe: You guys, you really should get rid of those animals. They shouldn't be in an apartment. Rachel: Yeah, especially not with all these knives and cookbooks around.

Phoebe: All right, I'm gonna go to the fertility doctor and, uh, see if I'm ready... to have Frank and Alice's embryo transferred into my uterus.
Joey: Now, how will they know if you're ready?
Phoebe: Oh, they're just gonna look and see if my endometrial layer is thick.
Chandler: Oh, I can check that for you.
Phoebe: Okay, everyone, think "thick."

Chandler: All right. Ten bucks. Fork it over. Cough it up. Pay the piper. Give me it.

Phoebe: You know what? Don't worry. I'm gonna do this as many times as it takes to get it right.
Alice: Well, see, the thing is, we kind of only have one shot.
Frank Jr.: Um, it costs $16,000 each time you do this.
Alice: So, um, we're kind of using all the money we have to do it just this one time.
Phoebe: Whoa. That's... Okay, that's a lot of pressure on me and my uterus.

Monica: Three hundred?
Rachel: Monica!
Monica: I'm just trying to spice it up.
Rachel: Okay, so then play for some pepper. Stop spending my money.

Monica: How do you feel?
Phoebe: Well, freaked. Because it turns out the odds are, like, really sucky. And this is Frank and Alice's, like, only shot. I mean, they are, like, literally putting all their eggs in my basket.

Phoebe: Nope, not knocked up yet.
Monica: It's only been a couple hours, so just give it some time.
Phoebe: Yeah, all right. Meanwhile, I'm gonna do whatever I can to help this... so I'm just gonna, you know, lie in your chair, okay? You know, just... I'm gonna let gravity, you know, do its jobs.

Phoebe: Guys, you guys, you're gonna have a baby. They're gonna have a baby.
Frank Jr.: My sister's going to have my baby!

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The Walk

The Stand 1×7

Mother Abagail: There's bitter days ahead. Death and terror. Betrayal and tears. And not all of you will live through 'em.

Mother Abagail: The Dark Man grows stronger every day, and I know you can feel it. And soon he'll come to destroy all who stand against him. His kingdom's in the west, and it is there you must go and make your stand.

Frances Goldsmith: Swear you'll come back.
Stu Redman: Frannie, how can I... ?
Frances Goldsmith: God can't run all of it. Not all of it. Swear it.
Stu Redman: I swear I'll try.

Glen Bateman: Mother Abagail also said this may be what God wants for us.
Stu Redman: Oh. Wait. Don't... don't tell me the world's preachiest atheist all of a sudden found religion.
Glen Bateman: Oh, my wife used to say, "There's no difference "believing in something for which there is no evidence and refusing to believe in something for which there is overwhelming evidence." I have no idea if there's a God, or if He was speaking through Mother A, but we're on this train now till the end of the line.

Stu Redman: Well, shit.

Stu Redman: Did you go to church when you were growing up?
Larry Underwood: Yeah. So what?
Stu Redman: You remember Psalm 23?
Larry Underwood: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death... "
Stu Redman: "... I will fear no evil." I want you to look around you, Larry.

Glen Bateman: Thing about pain, of course, is... well, stay ahead of it. Stu... Important about the dosage. Take three or four of those at once... liable to be fatal. You get me, East Texas?

Randall Flagg: We tried it their way... We're not gonna have any whining, my friends... Can't have any pussies, either. We tried it their way, and it didn't work. Now it's our turn.

Nadine Cross: Hello, friends. Welcome... to New Vegas.

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16 мар. 2021 г.

The Personal History of David Copperfield (2019)

Jane Murdstone: Edward is teaching. Let him teach.

David Copperfield: What's to become of me?
Edward Murdstone: You're to be sent away.
David Copperfield: To school?
Edward Murdstone: Education, boy, is costly. What lies before you is a fight with the world. And the sooner you begin it, the better!

Mr Spenlow: You know my rules.
Mick Walker: Rules.
Mr Spenlow: Half a day's pay per bottle.
Mick Walker: Per bottle.

Mr Micawber: This woman is the apple of my eye, Master Copperfield. The lodestar upon whom the sextant of my heart is set. In short, my wife.

Mr Micawber: Until something turns up...

David Copperfield: Is my aunt really going to...? Mr Dick: To visit violence upon the boy? Yes. She's a remarkable woman. Very kind. Betsey Trotwood: If I'm to financially support my nephew, I want to like his name.

Mr Micawber: Now, which dish from the great feast of knowledge is it our mutual privilege to partake of at this current juncture?.. In short, which lesson is it now?

Mr Micawber: I wonder, um... I found the funds for my family's travel, but my own fare is lacking. I wonder if I could trouble you...
David Copperfield: No trouble.
Mr Micawber: ...for the exact sum...
David Copperfield: Of course.
Mr Micawber: ...of four pounds, ten and thruppence?
David Copperfield: Five pounds.
Mr Micawber: I will, uh, make sure that we are quadrilaterally concluded. In short, square.
Mrs Micawber: Geometry!

Uriah Heep: Cake? It's quite heavy.
Mrs Heep: I like a heavy cake. I like to... to know I've had a cake.
Uriah Heep: He can't abide a light sponge.

Mr Dick: No breeze, not a breath. The air is as still as a royal corpse.

David Copperfield: Dora... Spenlow. I don't know why I said it like that, but...
Agnes Wickfield: Ah. The girl with the yapping dog.
David Copperfield: What a face.
Agnes Wickfield: What a voice that comes out of it.
David Copperfield: Do you mock me?
Agnes Wickfield: I do. I do. With affection but entirely without mercy.

David Copperfield: Dora, lovers have loved before, but no lover shall ever love as we love.
Dora Spenlow: That's very complicated, but thank you.

David Copperfield: Do you understand what ruin means? It means distress and want and starvation!
Mr Dick: Oh, dear. Oh, dear.

Uriah Heep: Well, enjoy your lodgings. If any problems arise, I suggest you tend to them yourselves.

David Copperfield: I could postpone.
Betsey Trotwood: No, no. Go, go. Mr Dick and I, meanwhile, will... We will, uh, transform this into the most desirable mousehole in London.

David Copperfield: That's all I do have at the moment.
Peggotty: Oh, I know, my love. But you had nothing, then you had something, now you've got nothing again, so stands to right you'll have something again.

David Copperfield: You need to love those that help you out and help out the ones you love. That's a Peggotty proverb.

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15 мар. 2021 г.

The Bridge #4.8

Bron/Broen 4×8

Saga: How strange you've become since you started having sex.

Saga: Saga Norén, Malmo Police.
Henrik: It's me.
Saga: Yes, I know.
Henrik: Why'd I get the whole business card?
Saga: You didn't. I have a title, address, and phone number on my business card.

Jonas: Saga, do you want a glass?
Saga: No. Why would I make myself less sharp?

Jonas: What's that?
Saga: It's a report. I fired my weapon in a densely populated area.
Jonas: Yeah, yeah, yeah. We can live with that... You know what? I think it's a pity you're going back.
Saga: I have some paperwork left, so I'll be back in a couple days.
Jonas: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course you do.

Henrik: Where are you going to live?
Saga: I don't know. I can live where I want now. The case is over.

Saga: So you think I'm police because I feel guilty?
Psychologist: Everything you talked about the first time you came here... Wasn't it about that? Guilt? Maybe you don't need to be police?
Saga: But I am police. What else would I be?
Psychologist: I don't know. You have to answer that. But to let go of everything you believe, you need to ask yourself what you want. What do you want, then?

Henrik: I don't dare think what would have happened if you hadn't come.
Saga: Don't, then.
Henrik: ... Thanks.
Saga: You're welcome.

Saga: I've decided to go away a while.
Henrik: Where?
Saga: I don't know.
Henrik: What are you going to do?
Saga: What I want.
Henrik: What's that?
Saga: I don't know yet.

Henrik: Do you know what I said to Kevin?
Saga: You mean to Brian?
Henrik: Do you know what I said?
Saga: No, how would I know that?
Henrik: I said that I needed you more than you needed me.
Saga: I see.
Henrik: But that isn't right, is it?
Saga: ... No, it isn't.

Saga: Saga Norén.

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