31 окт. 2020 г.


The Crown 2×5

Queen Elizabeth II: What is it now?
Michael Adeane: Lord Altrincham has been struck.
Queen Elizabeth II: Dumb, I hope.
Michael Adeane: Better than that, ma'am. In the face. Quite forcefully, I'm told.
Queen Elizabeth II: By whom? Which gallant and chivalrous individual?

Tommy Lascelles: If I had a shilling for every time someone of a progressive or liberal disposition had warned needlessly of a popular attack against the Crown, I'd be a rich man. The British people adore their sovereign. It is what constitutes, indeed defines, being British. No, the worst I've ever encountered is, uh, apathy, where people simply accept the King or Queen as they accept the sky above their heads. But it's a long way from apathy to insurrection.

Tommy Lascelles: Now, as regards the newspapers, the Crown can count on their support first, there is nothing to attack. That's the advantage of a constitutional monarchy. They have no power so there's nothing to complain about. And even if they wanted to, they'd always let us know first. The palace would then threaten them with a boycott on the next major royal event, causing the newspapers immediately to back down. Because the very people you fear will hate the Queen are the same ones who buy copies in their millions. Why? Because they love her.
Martin Charteris: So I'm worrying unnecessarily?
Tommy Lascelles: Martin, I shall leave the drawing of that inescapable conclusion to you.

Michael Adeane: Sorry to disturb, Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness. Just to say it might be worth avoiding certain newspapers this morning...

Robin Day: So, I'd like to begin by asking Lord Altrincham a simple question. She's our head of state, loved, respected and admired around the world, so why do you hate her so very much?
Lord Altrincham: I... I don't.
Robin Day: Then why criticize her like this?
Lord Altrincham: That's like asking an art critic why he criticizes art.

Lord Altrincham: I'm a passionate monarchist who believes constitutional monarchy is Britain's greatest invention.
Robin Day: Do you, indeed?
Lord Altrincham: Yes, I do. I believe that monarchy provides clarity. A symbolic head of state, transcending the self-serving interests of the egocentric and self-motivated politicians who go in and out of office, who, as King Lear wonderfully says, "ebb and flow by the moon." But when working at its best, monarchy can rise above such matters and unify a society. It can set the tone and become the embodiment of the nation, of national character. But the problem is, at the moment, it's... It's not doing that.

Robin Day: You would like to see Her Majesty endowed with superhuman powers.
Lord Altrincham: It's not superhuman to be a little spontaneous.
Robin Day: Judging from your article, you'd like the Queen to have the qualities of a wit, you'd like her to be a better orator, a TV personality, in addition to being a diligent, dutiful and devoted monarch and a mother.
Lord Altrincham: All I'm suggesting is that, in her public speeches and in her appearances, she should be more, uh, natural. Her style of speaking is, quite frankly, a pain in the neck. She sounds strangled.

Robin Day: But you'd accept that being Queen and head of the Church of England is not an easy job or a simple one? If you'll forgive me, it's arguably a harder job than editing a small periodical.
Lord Altrincham: No, I quite agree. Her Majesty has a seemingly impossible task. She has to be ordinary and extraordinary, touched by divinity and yet one of us, but being ordinary doesn't have to mean bland or ineffectual. Or forgettable.

Lord Altrincham: Let me just say this. To criticize the monarchy, to criticize Her Majesty, personally, gives me no satisfaction. But we have to remember that, since the Second World War, since Suez, Britain has changed beyond recognition. And yet the monarchy continues its pre-war routines as though nothing has happened. I believe it would serve the Queen and her courtiers well to remember that until recently, monarchies were the rule and republics the exception, but today, republics are the rule and monarchies very much the exception.

Lord Altrincham: It's the assumption everyone has made. Because I dare offer an opinion, I must be trying to burn the temple down. On the contrary, I'm trying to make sure it survives.
Queen Elizabeth II: Well, those of us in the temple are very much looking forward to hearing what it is we must do in order to survive. Shall we begin? Is my voice all right? You can understand me?
Lord Altrincham: Yes.
Queen Elizabeth II: Not too strangled? Not too much a pain in the neck?

Queen Elizabeth II: So, what is it that you'd have me change?
Lord Altrincham: It's not so much what I'd have you change, just an acknowledgment that it has changed.
Queen Elizabeth II: What?
Lord Altrincham: Everything. And to prepare yourself for the fact we now live in a time where... people like me...
Queen Elizabeth II: Can say exactly what they think.
Lord Altrincham: Yes.
Queen Elizabeth II: In any way they want.
Lord Altrincham: Yes.
Queen Elizabeth II: And, remind me, why is that, exactly?
Lord Altrincham: Because the age of deference is over.
Queen Elizabeth II: And what is left without deference? Anarchy?
Lord Altrincham: Equality.

Queen Elizabeth II: How can it be equality when I cannot return the fire?
Lord Altrincham: You can. But I struggle to think of a moment in history where it has worked to a monarch's advantage to return fire on their own people.
Queen Elizabeth II: But you have managed to think of how this monarch might do something to her advantage.
Lord Altrincham: I have.
Queen Elizabeth II: And that same monarch is sitting before, forgive me... a failed politician and an unrecognized journalist... and taking his advice on how to do her job.
Lord Altrincham: The situation is as baffling to me as it is to you, Your Majesty.

Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother: Rounding up the numbers, we have a local restaurateur, a bus driver, a bank clerk... and a woman policeman. All to open things up.
Queen Elizabeth II: Yes.
Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother: Bring us more in line with the real world. Democratize us. And so it goes...

Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother: The stings and bites we suffer as it slips away. Bit by bit, piece by piece. Our authority, our absolutism, our divine rights...
     The history of the monarchy in this country is a one-way street of humiliation, sacrifices and concessions in order to survive. First, the barons came for us, then the merchants, now the journalists. Small wonder we make such a fuss about curtsies, protocol and precedent. It's all we have left. The last scraps of armor as we go from ruling to reigning to...
Queen Elizabeth II: To what?
Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother: To being nothing at all. Marionettes.

Quotes,Queen Elizabeth II,british monarchy,twentieth century,Buckingham Palace,London,Windsor,Lord Altrincham,newspaper,tone deaf,public address,public relations disaster, + Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Валерий Залотуха — Свечка: Том 2 (6/10)

&  Поймите, Катя, человек, начинается не там, где «можно», а там, где – «нельзя», но, конечно, только когда он сам говорит себе это слово, а не начальник говорит.

&  Он был не красив даже, а прекрасен, как, наверное, был прекрасен Иосиф Прекрасный, на которого приходили любоваться из соседних селений и городов, и, как всегда, рядом стояла Ираида Радиевна Босх, напоминая, что человеческая красота сама по себе ничего не значит, если она не подкреплена прогрессивными взглядами и активной жизненной позицией.

&  ...в желании выделиться, подчеркнуть внутреннюю свободу эти молодые люди свою свободу теряют.

&  Лжет – значит, не свободен.

&  – Так и живем – кончины дожидаемся...

&  Артистизм и аристократизм – близнецы-братья, разница заключается лишь в том, что первый себя беспрерывно выражает, а второй постоянно сдерживает.

&  Всё знать нельзя, да и не нужно, нужно знать главное, оно-то и есть – всё, а ты это главное знал...

&  Скорбь – плата за любовь, и в своей смертельной болезни домашнее животное скорбит больше хозяина, потому что больше его любит.

&  Лифт бесшумно двинулся вверх, и какое-то время вы молчали. (Я заметил: все разговоры прекращаются, когда лифт начинает движение, даже если говорят о боге.)

30 окт. 2020 г.


The Crown 2×4

Queen Elizabeth II: Mummy said something interesting the other day.
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: Oh?
Queen Elizabeth II: She said that the first ten years of marriage are just an overture. That there's often a crisis at ten years, but then you work it out and settle in... and it's only then that it really gets into its stride.
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: Oh.

Queen Elizabeth II: I'm not sure how I feel about a Russian satellite circling the Earth... just above our heads. What's it doing up there?
Harold Macmillan: Notionally, it's providing information about the density of the Earth's upper atmosphere. Of course its darker purpose is to demonstrate to everyone the extent of Russian military power and technical capacity.
Queen Elizabeth II: Oh.
Harold Macmillan: The same rocket that launched this satellite is capable of firing a nuclear warhead into enemy territory with pinpoint accuracy.
Queen Elizabeth II: Wow.

Harold Macmillan: I am absolutely determined to restore the special relationship that exists between our two countries. We're bound by so much more than just language and shared history. It's a kind of marriage. As in any marriage, there'll be ups and downs, but one must work to get things back on track.
Queen Elizabeth II: They say that listening's important. In any marriage.

Elizabeth Cavendish: I think birthday portraits should evolve and mature with age. Like the subject. Show change in the character. Complexity. Reality.
Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother: No one wants complexity and reality from us. Do sit down. People have enough of that in their own lives. They want us to help them escape.
Cecil Beaton: Indeed, Your Majesty. Imagine this, if you will... a young woman, a commonplace creature. She sits in her drab little scullery. So much work to do. So much washing-up. How she longs for comfort, for hope... She wants to believe her life has some meaning beyond chores. She opens a magazine and she sees Her Royal Highness's photograph. For one glorious, transforming moment, she becomes a princess, too. She is lifted out of her miserable, pitiful reality into a fantasy. Later, she will step out of her house in a new neckerchief, perhaps, for which she has saved. Oh, she will hold her head up high. She is renewed. And all thanks to you, Your Royal Highness... and to the ideal which you represent.

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: You know, when I imagined our marriage in the early days, I imagined two people welded together into some sort of combined existence. Ten years. Ten years has taught me the secret of a successful marriage is actually to have different interests. Well, different interests, but not entirely different.
     It's a funny business. One sees the whole of the other person, you see even that part of them that they don't see themselves, and presumably... they see that hidden part of you. One ends up knowing more about one's partner than they know about themselves. And it can be pretty tough to keep quiet about it. So you have to... You have to come to an accommodation, an arrangement, a deal... if you like, to take the rough with the smooth. But the extraordinary thing is... down there in the rough... in the long reeds of difficulty and pain... that is where you find the treasure.
     So I would like to propose a toast... in the name of love. In the name of our beloved country. In the name of steadfastness. In the name of another ten marvelous years. I give you mon petit chou... Lilibet... Elizabeth... the Queen.

Princess Margaret: ... I liked him.
Queen Elizabeth II: Yes, I can tell that.
Princess Margaret: There's a contempt in him.
Queen Elizabeth II: What for?
Princess Margaret: For me. For us. For everything we represent. I actually think you'd like him. That's what's so dangerous about him.

Queen Elizabeth II: It appears she's...
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: Naked. Yes.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Валерий Залотуха — Свечка: Том 2 (5/10)

&  Два в одном: русский живой человек и русский государственный человек – два разных человека, два лютых друг другу врага, и первый практически всегда жертва, а второй – насильник, палач. Русский государственный человек – враг русского живого человека, но в первую очередь он враг русского живого языка. Обращаясь, как в том объявлении, на мертвом языке к живым людям, русский государственный человек не только русский язык убивает, но и того, к кому обращается, на время чтения умертвляет.
     Возможно, одна из причин, а может, главная причина продолжающейся много лет великой русской депопуляции, попросту вырождения русского народа – нежелание, невозможность, неспособность его существовать в пространстве языка, на котором с ним разговаривает власть. Единственная защита от этого непонятного, злобного, мертвого языка – мат. Он помогает, но, увы, не спасает, отрицание отрицания у нас не метод диалектики, а способ временного выживания; что же касается якобы главной причины вымирания – вековечного русского пьянства, то оно не причина, а опять же – следствие государственного насилия, потому, как тут не пить, если так с тобой разговаривают? Русский человек пьет от унижения – не поспоришь, но можно уточнить – от унижения своего языка.
     Русская власть изводит русский язык осознанно и целенаправленно, уродуя его и обессмысливая, и, наверное, давно бы извела его вместе с носителем, если бы, лишившисьсвоего врага, она не лишалась смысла собственного существования, ибо какой народ без языка, но и какая же власть без народа?

&  Говорят, мы обманываем себя, чтобы обмануть других, – в этом заключается суть такого бессмысленного, на первый взгляд, явления, как самообман.
     Попробуй поспорь.

&  «Какие люди, какие хорошие прекрасные люди!» – смущенно и растерянно думал ты, но если и был прав, то лишь отчасти.
     Люди были как люди, в целом не хуже и не лучше тех, что остались в общей, в самом деле им это ничего не стоило: ни прессованные часы, ни фальшивая голда, ни ненужное тряпье; ты был для них не целью, а средством – и не милосердия, как могло бы показаться, а – мести.
     На твоих глазах и с твоим участием разыгрывался очередной маленький, но по-своему значительный акт великого противостояния русской власти и русского общества, и не имеет значения, что русским в том обществе был лишь ты. Все эти грузины, молдаване, украинцы говорили по-русски и по-русски думали – их объединяло то, что во все времена больше всех других скреп объединяет русских – ненависть к своей власти.
     Никто не произносил это вслух, но все понимали – ты сбежал из тюрьмы, а тюрьма – это власть, подлая, неправедная, злая, и, помогая тебе, эти разные люди мстили ей за прожитую в бесправии советскую жизнь и за новую жизнь – тоже бесправную и к тому же нищую.

29 окт. 2020 г.


The Crown 2×3

Queen Elizabeth II: ... Or there's a serious problem, and you've been called in to help.
Tommy Lascelles: Yep. Just a routine matter with Colonel Adeane, ma'am.
Queen Elizabeth II: It's hardly routine if he sent one of the royal cars.
Tommy Lascelles: Well, in actual fact, that's my car.
Queen Elizabeth II: We gave you a car?
Tommy Lascelles: You did, ma'am. As part of the farewell package.
Queen Elizabeth II: Not the driver too, surely?
Tommy Lascelles: The driver too.
Queen Elizabeth II: Was that me?
Tommy Lascelles: I believe so.
Queen Elizabeth II: Well, you've always held a very special place in all of our hearts, Tommy. Anyway, I must go.

Queen Elizabeth II: To do nothing is often the best course of action... but I know from personal experience how frustrating it can be. History was not made by those who did nothing. So, I suppose it's only natural that ambitious men, driven men... want to go down in history.
Anthony Eden: Or make history by going down...

Michael Adeane: ... And that while, of course, there is no suggestion whatsoever of any impropriety on the part of His Royal Highness, the Duke of Edinburgh, we should perhaps be bracing ourselves for one or two irritating headlines.

Queen Elizabeth II: One always has to accept one's own part, I believe... in any mess. Prime Minister.

Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: You've worked for me for long enough. You know the rules. Who we are. How it works. There is no room for mistakes. There is no room for scandal. There is no room for humanity.

Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: All right. Who goes first? Stupid question. If I've learned one thing by now, it's that I go second.

Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: My complaining?
Queen Elizabeth II: It's incessant. Whining and whingeing like a child.
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: Are you surprised? The way those god-awful mustaches that run the palace continue to infantilize me.
Queen Elizabeth II: If you weren't behaving like an infant...

Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: Giving me lists, instructions. "Do this, don't do that, wear this, don't wear that, say this, not that." Can you imagine anything more humiliating?
Queen Elizabeth II: Yes. As a matter of fact, I can. I've learned more about humiliation in the past few weeks than I hoped I would in a lifetime.

Queen Elizabeth II: You will earn their respect with your behavior.
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: No. No. No. I will earn their respect with the only thing those creatures understand, a gesture, a statement. Something irrefutable that shuts them up and commands their respect. Right now, I am currently outranked by my eight-year-old son!
Queen Elizabeth II: Well, yes, of course. He's the heir to the throne.
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: ..... I am his father, Elizabeth.

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: She wants more children.
Mike Parker: Ouch!
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: I told her the last thing the world needs is more royal mouths to feed. She said, "You should think of it as a second act." Of what? A Greek tragedy?
Mike Parker: Of her life as a mother. That makes sense, from her perspective.
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: Hmm. Charles isn't a child to her, is he?
Mike Parker: He's also the Crown. A living embodiment of who will replace her. Supersede her. Loving a child who, through no fault of his own, represents your own death can't be easy.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Валерий Залотуха — Свечка: Том 2 (4/10)

&  Что же тебя переменило, что так усилило?
     Неужели женщина?
     Ну, а кто же еще? Не традиции, не воспитание и не ежедневные упражнения с отягощениями делают нас, мужчин, сильными, а они, вы...
    (Если хоть одна женщина дочитала мой роман до этого места, то здесь точно не бросит!)

&  Есть тайна жизни, есть тайна смерти, и вместе они представляют одну большую тайну, в которой человек барахтается, словно амеба в прогретой солнцем придорожной луже – барахтается, барахтается, барахтается, ничего не понимая, от рождения до смерти, амеба, созданная не для того, чтобы понимать, а только чтобы барахтаться...

&  – Мы с вами не поговорили о вере! Это даже странно, что вы о ней не спросили. Так вот, источником веры с первого дня существования человека и до последнего является страх.

&  Страх – универсум человеческой веры, взыскующий любой формы религиозности, но чаще той, которая находится под рукой. У нас в России это православие. ...

&  А верно, нет лучшего способа узнать внутренний мир своего героя, как побывав в его раю, в его личном раю – нет и быть не может!
     Разве что ад...

&  За исключением злобных лагерных псов, собаки не любят людей в форме и при погонах, людей государственных – служивых, и я думаю, потому, что они иначе понимают значение и смысл глагола «служить». Для собак служить в первую означает любить – преданно и бескорыстно вплоть до самопожертвования, для людей же в мундирах и погонах это есть исполнение за деньги постылой и постыдной работы, на которой не нужно напрягаться физически, а тем более умственно, от которой тучнеет тело, но скудеет и червивеет душа.

28 окт. 2020 г.

A Company of Men

The Crown 2×2

Meryn Lewis: Do you mind me asking, on what grounds?
Eileen Parker: The fact I never see him.
Meryn Lewis: Absence isn't a legal ground for divorce.
Eileen Parker: Neglect?
Meryn Lewis: Nor that, I'm afraid. You're going to need one of the big three: Adultery, unreasonable behavior or insanity.

Queen Elizabeth II: Well, I suppose one can always reach you at short notice... It's a point I always make to my private secretaries. Yes, I'm away, but Windsor really is just round the corner. And Norfolk, too. County Durham, isn't it? Your family home.
Anthony Eden: Jamaica, ma'am.
Queen Elizabeth II: Your family home?
Anthony Eden: Where the doctor felt I should be going.
Queen Elizabeth II: He specified Jamaica?
Anthony Eden: He specified sunshine, tropical sunshine. He said he felt my life might depend on it.
Queen Elizabeth II: What would he prescribe for the rest of us... do you imagine?

Michael Adeane: I'm going to ask you to go through it again.
Martin Charteris: Yes. The provenance of this rumor is quite arcane.
Michael Adeane: Your sister...
Martin Charteris: Sister-in-law.
Michael Adeane: Had lunch with her aunt, who had just spent the weekend at...
Martin Charteris: Cholmondeley Castle.
Michael Adeane: At which, one of the other guests was the bridge partner...
Martin Charteris: Tennis.
Michael Adeane: Of the solicitor visited by Eileen Parker.
Martin Charteris: I think that's it.
Michael Adeane: That's half Britain already.

Helen King: I think people have a right to know about their leaders, don't you? Especially ones that can't be thrown out with free and fair elections.

Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: Don't ever let my vanity get the better of me again.

Vice-Admiral Conolly Abel Smith: Sir, my decision as Flag Officer is no.
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: And my decision as Admiral of the Fleet is that we do.

Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: I have never abused my privileges, and I don't intend to start now, but this is the Royal Yacht. I am on it representing the Crown, and I say turn it around and take this man home.

Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: It's a fine life on board a ship... but it can be a solitary one. We are men together... but we each stand alone.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Валерий Залотуха — Свечка: Том 2 (3/10)

&  Воля – это та же свобода, только без бога...

&  Да нет, к страху привыкнуть нельзя, от него можно только устать – устать настолько, что уже все равно – боишься или нет.

&  И ты вдруг понял – открылось вдруг, как уродлива воспетая поэтами так называемая природа, как страшен, безжалостен, бесчеловечен лес – твой лес, наш лес – русский лес. Нет, не для людей он, точно не для людей и даже не для зверья, которого в нем нет, и не для певчих птиц, которые никогда туда не прилетают, а лишь для крикливого воронья, сбившихся в стаиодичалых собак да одиноких маньяков – не для жизни он – для смерти.

&  Видимо, чтобы умереть, недостаточно одного лишь твоего желания, нужно еще чье-то согласие.

&  Редкий, редчайший в твоей жизни момент: ... ты жил не прошлым или будущим, а самым что ни на есть настоящим и, без преувеличения, был счастлив.

&  Свободные лица, свободные глаза, свободная походка – они не думали о своей свободе и вряд ли считали себя счастливыми, но ты-то знал, ты – знал...

&  В радостные минуты жизни тебе и без алкоголя было хорошо, а пить, что называется, с горя – и мысли такой никогда не возникало.

&  Самые неинтересные и ненужные нам, мужчинам, вещи женщины говорят, когда стоят у плиты, и ты не вслушивался в смысл, но слушал звучание речи, какой не слышал давно, – она была мягкая, певучая, солнечная.

&  – Когда я родилась, мое счастье кончилось.

27 окт. 2020 г.

The One with the Giant Poking Device

Friends 3×8

Ross: I have to go into work for a few hours. Some kids messed up the Homo sapien display.
Rachel: What did they do?
Ross: They painted over the word "sapien," for one thing. Then they rearranged the figures. Let's just leave it at that.

Joey: Hey, Ross? I got a science question.
Ross: Yeah. Mm-hm.
Joey: If the Homo sapiens were, in fact, "homo" sapiens... is that why they're extinct?
Ross: Joey, Homo sapiens are people.
Joey: Hey, I'm not judging.

Chandler: Hey, hold on a second. Do you think these pearls are nice?
Joey: I'd prefer a mountain bike.

Joey: Huh.
Rachel: What?
Joey: Ugly Naked Guy looks awfully still.
Phoebe: Oh, my God, I killed another one! The curse is getting stronger too, to bring down something that big.

Joey: Oh, my God. Is she going back to him?
Chandler: She doesn't know. Says she loves us both. I woke up this morning, I was in love. I was happy! It serves me right for buying that 12-pack of condoms. And now I can't even return them, because she choked on the receipt!

Joey: You wanna come poke a nude guy?

Joey: Thread the needle. Thread the needle.
Monica: He's alive! He's alive!
Ross: And yet we're still poking him...
Joey: Okay, retract the device! Retract the device!

Rachel: Now he's showing us his poking device.
Joey: Hey, that's never gonna make it all the way over here, buddy! Ha.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

The End Is the Beginning

Fear the Walking Dead 6×1

Emile: You know beans were the first staples humans ever cultivated? They were right there with us at the beginning. Seems only fitting that we'd be enjoying them as we march toward the inexorable end.

Emile: It's Tabasco, Walter.

Emile: Who are you looking for?
Virginia: A man named Morgan Jones.
Emile: Is Mr. Jones dead or alive?
Virginia: I... I don't know.
Emile: You will soon.

Isaac: Why you lookin' for him?
Emile: You answer my question first.
Isaac: Look, buddy, I...
Emile: It's a part of the social contract. I say hello, you say hello back. I ask a question, you answer it before asking one of your own.
Isaac: I haven't seen him.
Emile: Are you sure? Social contract goes both ways.
Isaac: What does that mean?
Emile: You help me with one of my problems, I help you with one of your own.
Isaac: What makes you think I got problems?
Emile: We all have problems.

Morgan: That message... You know what I told them? Told them to live. Just live.

Morgan: A boy or a girl?
Rachel: A girl. We have a daughter. We named her Morgan.

Virginia: If you're there... if you can hear me... I want you to listen and listen good. I thought I needed you to be dead for this to work. But I don't. I just need them to think you are. Which they will. 'Cause if you even try the tiniest bit to convince them otherwise, I will add them to this pile. One by one. Do you copy?
Morgan: Morgan Jones is dead. And you are dealing with somebody else now.

On the IMDb

Валерий Залотуха — Свечка: Том 2 (2/10)

&  Может, по другому быть не может? С одной стороны, по уши в дерьме, но зато с Богом!

&  ...ты хотел теперь жить так, чтобы тебя никто не видел, никто не слышал, никтоне знал...
     Жить, но не быть.
     Не быть, не быть, не быть!
     Спрятаться, скрыться, нигде не числиться...
     Это и на воле почти никому не доступно, разве что бомжам, а пребывающему в казенном доме за решеткой и подавно, ...

&  Победа – слово глубокое. Помимо первостепенных значений и высоких смыслов, его определяющих, имеются значения третьестепенные и низкие скрытые смыслы: победить означает еще и низвергнуть, унизить, уничтожить противную сторону – так, и только так понимали сейчас победу и уже праздновали ее твои сокамерники и ты.

&  У несвободных чужая свобода рождает зависть, а зависть – ненависть.

&  – Я думаю, у каждого из нас есть против себя улики...

&  «Первая фраза книги – как первый утренний свет, каким он окажется, таким будет и предстоящий день», – сказал ты однажды, еще будучи школьником...

&  Помнишь, Хохол, как старшина в учебке говорил: «Виноват не тот, кто виноват, а тот, кто попался».

&  – На свободу не хочешь, на волю не хочешь? Правда не хочешь? – искренне удивляясь, допытывался прапорщик Лёха...
     – А свобода и воля – разве есть между ними разница?
     – Большая... Большая разница, футцан... Свобода – жена, воля – любовница... Воля... Слаще воли нет ничего. ...
     «Наверное, свобода – это ответственность, а воля – безответственность», – предположил ты растерянно и задохнулся вдруг, ощутив острый тычок в солнечное сплетение пистолетным дулом. ...

26 окт. 2020 г.


The Crown 2×1

Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: I don't know, Elizabeth. ... You're lost. You're lost in your role, and you're lost in yourself.

Queen Elizabeth II: I realize this marriage has turned out to be something quite different to what we both imagined.
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: Understatement.
Queen Elizabeth II: And that we find ourselves in a...
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: Prison?
Queen Elizabeth II: A situation... which is unique. The exit route which is open to everyone else...
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: Divorce.
Queen Elizabeth II: Yes... divorce. It's not an option for us. Ever.
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: ... No.

Queen Elizabeth II: So, what would make it easier on you? To be in... not out. What will it take?
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: You're asking my price?
Queen Elizabeth II: I'm asking... what it will take.

Anthony Eden: If Britain's leaders aren't coming from Eton, then where should they be coming from? You see before you the 16th Etonian Prime Minister. Sixteen... out of 40. Not a bad percentage. Harrow, incidentally, only accounts for seven.

Anthony Eden: Well, yes, you might well argue that as a social pool, it is a bit narrow. But narrowness at the top is not necessarily a bad thing. For as any serviceman will tell you, in battle, when the heat is on, one needs a shorthand, a shared language and understanding. A clarity. Eton has, for generations now, provided Britain with that clarity. That code. That... shared language.

Mike Parker: I tell you, the idiot that came up with the idea of marriage has a lot to answer for.

Mike Parker: Well, you know what they say... "Marriage is a wonderful institution," but let's face it, who wants to live in an institution?

Queen Elizabeth II: What are you suggesting that I do about it?
Lord Mountbatten: You have your weekly private audience in which the two of you are alone. Observe him carefully. Listen to him closely. Read your cabinet minutes... minutely. Speak your mind.
Queen Elizabeth II: Yes, well, I'm not really supposed to do that.
Lord Mountbatten: Even if it's in the interests of national security?
Queen Elizabeth II: All right. Fine. I'll keep an eye on him. Carefully. Closely. Minutely.

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+ Soundtrack

Валерий Залотуха — Свечка: Роман в четырех частях с приложениями и эпилогом. Том 2

цитаты | Свечка: Роман в четырех частях с приложениями и эпилогом. Том 2 | Валерий Александрович Залотуха | цитаты,Свечка,Роман,эпос,Валерий Залотуха | Москва | 2000-е | криминал | беспредел | друг | милиция | тюрьма | зона | православие
  “Первого августа 1970 года в большой и дружной семье православного священника о.  Серапиона Творогова родился мальчик, и, поскольку в тот день русская церковь отмечала день памяти Серафима Саровского, можно даже не говорить, как назвали ребенка – Серафимом, конечно же Серафимом. ...
&  Нет, не готов он был к новой жизни, и ушел из нее с убеждением, что хуже, чем было, быть не может, но лучше тоже не нужно, потому что потом может стать совсем плохо.

&  ...то же было и с нашей страной: свобода разгоралась, как пожар в брошенном доме – тушить не нужно, потому смотреть интересно.

&  И наконец, о компоте, об этой забытой в череде обрушившихся на страну перемен усладе пионерского детства, отраде больничных обедов, украшении санаторных будней. Всяк, кто провел часть своей жизни в стране под названием Советский Союз, скажет: компот из сухофруктов лишь тогда чего-нибудь стоит, если в нем присутствуют сушеные груши, изюм и хорошо бы курага, если же в нем одни только яблоки, да к тому же урожая позапрошлого года, то тогда уж лучше другой популярный продукт той великой эпохи – кофе бочковое, когда стакан заполнен отдающей махоркой коричневой бурдой, сверху которой плавает непонятного происхождения желтоватая слизь, лучше – чай за две копейки, внешним своим видом напоминающий то, что не хочется за обедом называть!

&  ...с Богом, может быть, еще хуже, чем без Бога, но самое плохое, самое никудышное, когда вот так – ни с Богом, ни без Бога, потому что это уже не жизнь, а однообразная и бессмысленная пытка – ни то ни се, ни рыба ни мясо, ни два ни полтора, чёрт-те что, бесконечный конец света, и именно с этим, похоже, предстояло им теперь жить.

&  «Не вздыхай – лучше не станет».

&  Легко назваться груздем – но чтоб потом тебя на вилочку и в зубастую пасть?

&  О, что это были за котлеты!
     Мясо давало им сладость, хлеб – благородство, лук и чеснок – аромат, перец – остроту, а соединение всего этого, заботливо вылепленное неведомыми женскими руками, обваленное в сухарях и поджаренное на раскаленной сковороде в подсолнечном масле до хрустящей корочки, дарило то, что никаким другим словом не выразить, кроме как – «жизнь».
     – Живем, – так и сказал Жилбылсдох, вытирая ладонью губы.

25 окт. 2020 г.

Spoiler Alert

Lucifer 5×8

Chloe: What the hell are you doing?!
Dan: What am I doing? What are you doing?! He's the Devil, and you've known about it all this time?
Lucifer: I've never hidden my devil-ness from anyone.

Dan: I saw him that night. With Amenadiel and Charlie. I came back and I saw his... his freaking scary-ass red face.
Lucifer: Well, I'm not particularly fond of your face either, Daniel, but you don't see me trying to kill you.

Ella: It's totally too fast. Or am I crazy?
Chloe: Um, well, I thought you said things were going really, really well.
Ella: I did. Is there such a thing as "too well"?

Ella: Lucifer, I-I-I'm a little out of my depth here. I mean, I'm just a forensic scientist.
Lucifer: Relax, Miss Lopez. We're just following a lead, not walking into a killer's lair.

Ella: Should we call for backup?
Lucifer: I'm all the backup we need.
Ella: You're just an actor!

Mazikeen: Too many words. Don't you have any books with pictures?

Mazikeen: Aren't you overreacting? I mean, a fever of 101 doesn't sound like a big deal to me. In Hell, we kept it at a brisk 120.

Mazikeen: What part of me not picking up are you not picking up on?!

Mazikeen: We're gonna get to know each other real well...

Lucifer: I'm useless without her! How am I going to find the detective without the detective?
Amenadiel: Maybe stop wasting time trying to get me to slow it and just, you know, do some good old-fashioned detective work.

Lucifer: Are you sure?
Mazikeen: Five broken ribs, a torn rotator cuff, and "It's a Small World" on repeat? Yeah, I'm sure.

Mazikeen: So, have you ever heard of a demon getting a soul?
Lucifer: Of course not. That's impossible.
Mazikeen: Yeah, um... I've heard that all my life. Then again, you did fall in love. Amenadiel had a baby with a human. There's a first for everything, right?
Lucifer: Well, that's different. We're angels. You're just a demon.

Lucifer: Oh. My. Dad.

Pete: Everyone has flaws...
Ella: "Everyone has flaws"? Pete, it's not like you left the toilet seat up. You kill people.

Michael: Hello, Detective. One tall non-fat almond milk latte with sugar-free caramel drizzle... It's your favorite, come on.

Lucifer: Would you deal with your parental anxieties later? Right now I need you to hit the play button because I have a relationship to fix!

Lucifer: Dad.
G.O.D.: Children. You know I hate it when you fight.

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24 окт. 2020 г.


Fargo 4×3

Narrator: Antecedently on Fargo...

Captain Martin Hanhuck: Jesus on a stick!
Dick 'Deafy' Wickware: Language.
Captain Martin Hanhuck: What?
Dick 'Deafy' Wickware: Keep a civil tongue, I'm saying.
Captain Martin Hanhuck: Who the hot Christ are you?
Dick 'Deafy' Wickware: You always take the Lord's name in vain with this much gusto?
Captain Martin Hanhuck: You're fuckin'-A right.

Captain Martin Hanhuck: .... Black, two sugars.
Dick 'Deafy' Wickware: Thank you, no. In my faith we abstain from caffeinated beverages, both hot and cold.
Captain Martin Hanhuck: In your...
Dick 'Deafy' Wickware: There were 12 tribes of Israel. Ten were lost.
Captain Martin Hanhuck: Lost who, what, now?
Dick 'Deafy' Wickware: Ten were lost. Two of those made their way across the sea to this great and sacred land. The Nephites and the Lamanites. Once here, the rebellious Lamanites were cursed by God with skin of blackness so they would not be attractive to my people.
Captain Martin Hanhuck: The... What do you... Nephites?
Dick 'Deafy' Wickware: Mormons. You asked my faith. I'm a priest of the Mormon Church and a member of the Quorum of Seventy.

Captain Martin Hanhuck: Last time I checked, there's still a kill order on the books for all Mormons in the state of Missouri.
Dick 'Deafy' Wickware: Sadly, the people of Missouri are not sympathetic to our faith.
Captain Martin Hanhuck: And yet here you are...
Dick 'Deafy' Wickware: And yet here I am, solid in my beliefs and unafraid.

Captain Martin Hanhuck: I'm saying, with all due respect to Your Holiness, what the slippery fuck are you doing in my office at 8:00 a.m. on a Wednesday morning, Mormon or no?

Dick 'Deafy' Wickware: Captain Hanhuck, I can safely say you blasphemy more than any man I've ever met. And I've been to Cleveland.

Captain Martin Hanhuck: How about ... you help the deacon here?
Odis Weff: The deacon?
Dick 'Deafy' Wickware: Dick Wickware, but people call me Deafy.
Odis Weff: You're-you're deaf?
Dick 'Deafy' Wickware: I could see how you'd leap to that conclusion, but, no, they call me Deafy on account of I hear what I want to hear.

Dick 'Deafy' Wickware: You got Satan in your heart, don't you, Palomino?
Odis Weff: What?
Dick 'Deafy' Wickware: I'm saying, here's you, a host of ticks and tells, which... Either the devil's got you or you got yourself a nervous condition.

Dick 'Deafy' Wickware: Hands in the air, citizen.

Satchel Cannon: Are you Jewish?
Rabbi Milligan: No.
Satchel Cannon: Then how come they call you Rabbi? Isn't rabbi a Jewish priest?
Rabbi Milligan: You ever play poker?... But you know there's a game called poker, played with cards. Well, there's this saying in poker: you play the hand you're dealt. You and me, we're proof of that.

Oraetta Mayflower: Y-You won't regret this, sir. Just so I'm in the know, what's your favorite sweet, baked or otherwise?
Dr. David Harvard: That won't be necessary.
Oraetta Mayflower: Come now. Everyone's got a birthday.
Dr. David Harvard: I am... hmm... Partial to the macaroon.
Oraetta Mayflower: Mmm. Challenge accepted. Ta, for now.

Doctor Senator: Hubris to think that you can control things. That's why God created tornadoes. To remind us.
Loy Cannon: Yeah. But you can raise the odds.

Gaetano Fadda: We fight... or we die. Yes? Yes.

Swanee Capps: See, people think it's houses get haunted... But it ain't.

Swanee Capps: Well, in my experience, folks don't just hand over money... You got to convince 'em.

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23 окт. 2020 г.


The Crown 1×10

Queen Elizabeth II: Than advise me. Group Captain Townsend will be leaving Brussels and returning home shortly, having done exactly what we asked him to do. How can I keep my word after I gave it knowing only half the facts?
Anthony Eden: Let me take the temperature of the Cabinet. We must not forget that times are changing. Morality is changing. The country is changing...

Anthony Eden: I discussed the matter this morning with the Attorney General and he advised that there was no easy way around the governing rules of the Royal Marriages Act. Furthermore... several senior members of Cabinet remain violently opposed. Indeed, Lord Salisbury has made it clear that he would resign from Government, rather than submit to what he considers a subversion of the Church's teachings... the Holy Sacrament of Marriage and the decay of moral standards. But I realize this doesn't help you.
Queen Elizabeth II: No.

Anthony Eden: So if it is... Your Majesty's intention to support your sister, come what may?
Queen Elizabeth II: It is.
Anthony Eden: Then the best I can offer is to... place a Bill of Renunciation before Parliament. It would deprive her of all her rights, privileges and income. She would have to be married in a civil ceremony abroad. And be obliged to live out of the country for several years. But you will have kept your word. And she will have prevailed and will be Mrs. Peter Townsend.

Princess Margaret: I could live perfectly happily without the staff, without the car, without the parties, without the attention. Without the money. Effortlessly. I am more than my title, than these privileges. ... So if that's what's on offer, I'll give up my title and we'll leave the country.
Queen Elizabeth II: It's not what I want for you. So please think about it. I mean really, really think about it.
Princess Margaret: Fine. And while I'm thinking about it, perhaps you could think about this. I have a country that is for me. Newspapers that sympathize with me. I represent what a growing majority want. The future, not the past. A kinder, more tolerant attitude to marriage and divorce.

Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: Give the people what they want.
Queen Elizabeth II: Do they really know what they want?

Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: Quite frankly, the world today isn't what it was a few years ago, and he was not the guilty party... I think they're making it very clear.
Queen Elizabeth II: Well, the Archbishops just made themselves clear, too.
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: You don't need to listen to them, surely?
Queen Elizabeth II: As Head of the Church of England, I thought I might.
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: Oh. Well, in the name of the people that live with you and love you, might I suggest not being Head of the Church for a minute. Or Head of State, or Head of the Commonwealth of Nations, or the Army, or the Navy, or the Government, or the Fount of Justice, or the whole damn circus, frankly.
Queen Elizabeth II: And be what?
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: A living, breathing thing, a woman. A sister. A daughter. A wife.

David, Duke of Windsor: I share with her the fate of having a great love that captured much of the country's imagination, only to have it forbidden by the establishment. So, naturally, my sympathy is with her.
Queen Elizabeth II: I see.
David, Duke of Windsor: But there is also the other great love of my life... the Crown. And protecting that crown. And I imagine you find yourself in a difficult position now. Split down the middle. One half is sister. One half is Queen.
Queen Elizabeth II: Exactly.
David, Duke of Windsor: A strange, hybrid creature. Like a sphinx or Gamayun. As I am Ganesha or Minotaur. We are half-people. Ripped from the pages of some bizarre mythology, the two sides within us, human and crown engaged in a fearful civil war, which never ends. And which blights our every human transaction as... as brother, husband... sister, wife, mother.

David, Duke of Windsor: I understand the agony you feel and I am here to tell you, it will never leave you. I will always be half-King. My tragedy is that... I have no Kingdom. You have it. And you must protect it.

Queen Elizabeth II: I've asked you here... to say that I've given the matter thought. A great deal of thought. The issue of your marriage has, for the past weeks, months, gone to the very heart of a great number of things. The country, morality, divorce... But also something closer to home. Who I am. What I am.

Queen Elizabeth II: You know how I hate confrontation, or mess, or dereliction of duty. But... I was prepared to go through it all and support you, as a sister. Because I'd given you my word. But...
Princess Margaret: But? But what?!
Queen Elizabeth II: But I realized... as Queen... that I have no choice. I cannot allow you to marry Peter and remain part of this family. That is my decision.
Princess Margaret: In defiance of the pledge you made to our father? And the pledge you gave to me.
Queen Elizabeth II: Yes.

Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: Don't dress betrayal up as a favor.

All hail sage Lady, whom a grateful Isle hath blessed. Not moving, not breathing. Our very own goddess. Glorious Gloriana. Forgetting Elizabeth Windsor now. Now only Elizabeth Regina.

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22 окт. 2020 г.

Belle de Jour (1967)

Pierre Serizy: Shall I tell you a secret, Séverine?.. I love you more every day.

Renee: He's rich and idle. Those are his two main illnesses.
Henri Husson: Don't forget the hunt. I also have a special weakness for the poor. I think of them when it snows, with no fur coats, no hope, no nothing.

Madame Anais: I have an idea. Would you like to be called "Belle de Jour"?
Séverine Serizy: Belle de Jour?
Madame Anais: Since you only come in the afternoons.
Séverine Serizy: If you wish.

Monsieur Adolphe: It's easy to dress well when you've got money. But you can't buy class.

Séverine Serizy: I wanted--
Madame Anais: Your job back? So you can disappear again for a week without a word? I won't have amateurs here. That's what the streets are for.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

The One with the Race Car Bed

Friends 3×7

Rachel: ... Okay, Daddy. We'll see you tomorrow night. Okay, bye-bye.
Ross: "We"?
Rachel: Ahem. Are, uh, having dinner with my dad tomorrow night. I hope that's okay.
Ross: Oh, shoot. Tomorrow's not good. I'm supposed to, um, fall off the Empire State Building... and land on a bicycle with no seat, so...
Rachel: Ross, my father doesn't hate you.
Ross: Please. He refers to me as "Wet-Head."

Dr. Green: You think I'm cheap?
Rachel: He didn't mean anything by that. He really didn't.
Ross: Nothing I do means anything. Really.
Dr. Green: This is nice. I pay $200 for dinner. You put down 20 and you come out looking like Mr. Big-Shot. You really wanna be Mr. Big-Shot? Here. I'll tell you what. You pay the whole bill, Mr. Big-Shot. All right?
Ross: Well, "Mr. Big-Shot" is better than "Wet-Head."

Joey: Okay, some tricks of the trade. Now, I've never been able to cry as an actor... so if I'm in a scene where I have to cry... I cut a hole in my pocket... take a pair of tweezers... and just start pulling.
     Or uh... Or let's say I want to convey... that I've, uh, just done something evil. Well, that would be your basic I've-got-a fish-hook-in-my-eyebrow-and-I-like-it.
     Okay. Let's say I've just gotten bad news. Well, all I do there is try and divide 232 by 13..... And that's how it's done.

Ross: Ugh.
Rachel: Would you see my chiropractor already?
Ross: Yeah, I'm gonna go to a doctor who went to medical school in a mini-mall.

Chandler: Knock, knock.
Phoebe: Quick. Take off your dress. He won't notice the bed.

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21 окт. 2020 г.


The Crown 1×9

Winston Churchill: Sutherland? Never heard of him.
Clemmie Churchill: He's got quite the reputation. He's a modernist.
Winston Churchill: Oh. Not sure I can trust a modernist with an English name. Give me a German modernist. Or an Italian. They're the ones who have to start all over again. Whatever would an Englishman want to change?

Porchey: I am right sometimes, you know. Even you said yourself that I have good instincts.
Queen Elizabeth II: You do. And I might well live to regret it.
Porchey: That, and a good many other things.

Winston Churchill: So, where do you want me? So, will we be engaged in flattery or reality? Are you going to paint me as a cherub or a bulldog?
Graham Sutherland: I imagine there are a great number of Mr. Churchills.
Winston Churchill: Yes, indeed there are. Well, as you search for him, perhaps I can implore you not to feel the need to be too accurate.
Graham Sutherland: Why? Accuracy is truth.
Winston Churchill: No. For accuracy, we have the camera. Painting is the higher art. I paint a bit myself, you know.
Graham Sutherland: Yes, sir, I know.
Winston Churchill: And I never let accuracy get in the way of truth if I don't want it to. If I see some landscape I like, and I wish there wasn't a factory in the background, I leave the factory out.

Winston Churchill: There's ugliness in the air, Anthony.
Anthony Eden: I have nothing of beauty to say.
Winston Churchill: Then say what you must, deposit your ugliness and go. I have more important things to do.
Anthony Eden: Very well. At some point, every leader must ask himself whether by staying in office, he is giving to the country, or taking from it. Helping or harming. And I would suggest that for some time now, you have been taking and harming.

Winston Churchill: Am I to be allowed a peek?
Graham Sutherland: No.
Winston Churchill: Well, why not? I could give you advice. After all, I know this face better than you do. If you've made the neck too thick or the arms too long, I can tell you.
Graham Sutherland: I find in general people have very little understanding of who they are. One has to turn a blind eye to so much of oneself in order to get through life.
Winston Churchill: And you see it as your responsibility to bring all that out into the open?
Graham Sutherland: Certainly. The good as well as the bad.
Winston Churchill: Just concentrate on the good, and all will be well.

Winston Churchill: You're not just painting me, you know. You're painting the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and everything that great office represents. Democracy. Freedom. The highest ideals of government and leadership. Just remember that.

Winston Churchill: I quite understand the need for concentration. Painting a picture is like fighting a battle. A bloody battle. In the gladiatorial fight to the death, the artist either wins or loses. Are you winning?
Graham Sutherland: I hope so.
Winston Churchill: Do you think I'll like it?
Graham Sutherland: I think that's possibly too much to ask for.

Winston Churchill: When your political colleagues are kind enough to present you with a portrait by an ambitious modernist... one has to ask oneself, "Is it a gift, or is it a curse?"

Winston Churchill: Mr. Sutherland, the artist, and I spoke a great deal during my sittings. I reminded him of the stakes involved. That his portrait was not just of me, but of the office I represent. Indeed, of our entire system of government. So, at long last, I look forward to unveiling this painting... A fine, patriotic piece of modern art.

Graham Sutherland: Please, sir. Don't overreact. Give it time. I showed those sketches to your wife throughout. She remarked on how accurate they were.
Winston Churchill: That is the whole point. It is not a reasonably truthful image of me!
Graham Sutherland: It is, sir.
Winston Churchill: It is not! It is cruel!
Graham Sutherland: Age is cruel! If you see decay, it's because there's decay. If you see frailty, it's because there's frailty. I can't be blamed for what is. And I refuse to hide and disguise what I see. If you're engaged in a fight with something, then it's not with me. It's with your own blindness.

Winston Churchill: He's right... I am that man in the painting. Wretched and decaying. I cannot go on.
Clemmie Churchill: You've said that before.
Winston Churchill: This time I mean it. I'm tired.
Clemmie Churchill: You've had enough?
Winston Churchill: I have, my love. This time I really have.
Clemmie Churchill: Good.

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+ Soundtrack

20 окт. 2020 г.

Berlin Syndrome (2017)

Andi Werner: I wish we could stay like this, where we don't know each other...
Clare Havel: I wish I could stay...

Clare Havel: What happens when you know someone?
Andi Werner: [You can see all the ugliness.]
Clare Havel: What did you just say?
Andi Werner: I love your accent. I love your mouth, your smile. I love everything.

Clare Havel: Did you lock me in?
Andi Werner: Yes, sure. But next time... I'll tie you to the bed.

Erich Werner: [Is she German?]
Andi Werner: [Australian.]
Erich Werner: [Why do you always choose tourists?]
Andi Werner: [She is not a tourist. She lives here now.]

Andi Werner: There's no point in missing something you can't have back.

Andi Werner: What would be the worst thing I could ever do to you?.. Don't worry... I would never do it.

Andi Werner: How do you think this is going... from one to ten?
Clare Havel: From one to ten?
Andi Werner: Us.
Clare Havel: Maybe... s-s-s-seven.

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A Certain Doom

The Walking Dead 10×16

Beta: We are the end of the world. This is the end of the world. Begin.

Eugene: Don't bother. It's too late. I may have taken a shot to the noggin, but I'm still capable of running calculations and estimates. And the ticks it would take to execute necessary repairs and vamoose is simply too great a mountain to climb.

Daryl: Look, we're not all gonna make it through. But this is the only way.

Negan: Holy shit. You know who that asshole was?
Daryl: Yeah. Nobody.

Juanita : Did you guys set up, like, a secret code or something to let 'em know you're here?
Eugene: Greetings! I am Eugene Porter!
Juanita : So, no code. Or, really lame code.

Eugene: We're not turning back. There are people out here. Maybe not in this very train yard or a hundred mile radius, but they are. Stephanie is. So we'll keep trekking until we find them. The very reason we boldly voyaged was to make what we built stronger by assimilating with like-minded folks. So we'll keep looking for them. And assimilate we shall.
Juanita : Damn, you're one really horny dude.

+ Quotes on the Quotes on the IMDb

19 окт. 2020 г.

Pride & Joy

The Crown 1×8

— But sending the Queen on this forthcoming tour, in the current climate, would be to put the Sovereign in an unacceptable level of danger.
Winston Churchill: What is it you would have the Queen do? Stay at home in the wake of minor incidents prosecuted by an insurgent rabble? What kind of signal would that send? The Crown does not back down. If Britain had made a habit of backing down, the world would already be living under the yoke of fascist tyranny and we wouldn't have an empire at all.

— Then might I suggest we bypass Gibraltar altogether?
— It's an approach which I would favour too. She's not ready for something on this scale. She's not yet up to it. Especially with so many of our dominions demanding independence. We must be considerate of her.
Winston Churchill: Patronize her.
— No, that's not what I'm saying, sir.
Winston Churchill: Yes, it is.

Tailor: Bermuda. Jamaica. Australia. Ceylon. Uganda. It's going to be hot, Your Majesty. To that end, we've been working a great deal with organza, crepe de Chine and shantung silk. We also wanted to feature something particular to each location, so we thought sprigs of native wild flowers indigenous to each country that you're visiting. So, on Her Majesty's arrival in Sydney, we propose a white organza dress scattered with pale yellow wattle blossom.
Queen Elizabeth II: How many dresses are there?
Tailor: One hundred.
Queen Elizabeth II: One hundred. And hats?
Tailor: Thirty-six.
Queen Elizabeth II: Pairs of shoes?
Tailor: Fifty.
Queen Elizabeth II: Isn't this all a bit much? Couldn't we try to economize?
Tailor: It is. It was a directive from the government itself, from the very top of the government. To put our best foot forward for Great Britain. Our very best foot.

Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: It is an absurd pantomime, the whole thing. I don't know why anyone can't see beyond it. ... 20 years ago, Britain had influence and control over one-fifth of the world's population. You look where we are now in India, Pakistan, South Africa, Iraq, Jordan, Burma, Ceylon: all independent. But nobody wants to face it or deal with it, so... they send us out on the Commonwealth roadshow. Like giving a lick of paint to a rusty old banger to make everyone think it's all still fine. But it's not.
     The rust has eaten away at the engine and the structure. The banger is falling apart. But no one wants to see it. That's our job, that's who we are. The coat of paint. If the costumes are grand enough, if the tiara's sparkly enough, if the titles are preposterous enough, the mythology incomprehensible enough, then all must still be fine.

Queen Elizabeth: See you when you're back from the tour in...
Queen Elizabeth II: 23 weeks.

Princess Margaret: I'll try not to upstage you.
Queen Elizabeth II: How kind.
Princess Margaret: I can't promise I won't bring my own character to it.
Queen Elizabeth II: Well, I never expected anything less.
Princess Margaret: That's the advantage of having a character to bring.
Queen Elizabeth II: Too much character, an excess of character.
Princess Margaret: Now, look at me and tell me you didn't say that without a little bit of envy.
Queen Elizabeth II: Just remember who you're standing in for when I'm gone.
Princess Margaret: My characterless sister.
Queen Elizabeth II: Your Queen. Not a showgirl.

Winston Churchill: In his final months, the King told me many times that he could feel it all slipping away. The Empire, our place in the world. He saw this tour as a chance to keep each dominion close, preserving that Empire. So take him with you in spirit. Let his... Let his example guide you. His thoughts influence you.
Queen Elizabeth II: I will.
Winston Churchill: And, if I may... never let them see the real Elizabeth Windsor. The cameras, the television. Never let them see that carrying the Crown is often a burden. Let them look at you... but let them see only the eternal.

Winston Churchill: I'm sure Her Royal Highness appreciates... there'll be important people at the reception tonight. Different backgrounds, different sensibilities. The speech has been carefully calibrated to avoid giving offence. And I'd suggest to avoid entertaining too. It's not the Sovereign's place to entertain.
Princess Margaret: And I'm not the Sovereign.
Winston Churchill: I understand that but you will be there in her place.

Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: You know, there is a danger we might be overdoing it. Perhaps it would be prudent, to take a few things out. I mean, 57 Australian towns in 58 days. Maybe we don't visit all of them...
Queen Elizabeth II: No. No. We keep every appointment. No cancellations. Not one.

Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: This whole thing is a circus. It's a miserable circus. Trudging from town to town and we're the dancing bears.

Winston Churchill: Your Royal Highness... when you appear in public performing official duties, you are not you.
Princess Margaret: Of course I'm me!
Winston Churchill: .... And no one wants you to be you, they want you to be it.
Princess Margaret: A statue? A thing?
Winston Churchill: The Crown. That's what they've come to see. Not you. The minute you become yourself, you shatter the illusion, break the spell.
Princess Margaret: What people want is someone to inhabit it. Not be frightened of it. Make it flesh and blood. Bring it to life.
Winston Churchill: Your uncle, Edward VIII, threatened to do just that, impose his individuality on the institution. Bring it to life! And he almost destroyed it in the process!

Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: I told them we should pull out.
Queen Elizabeth II: Why?
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: What do you mean, why? Because I don't much fancy shuffling the streets of Gibraltar like a sitting duck.
Queen Elizabeth II: No. Pulling out at this late hour would make us look weak. And it would be a great disappointment to the people of Gibraltar. I say we go.
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: I say we don't.
Queen Elizabeth II: I am aware that I am surrounded by people who feel that they could do the job better. Strong people with powerful characters, more natural leaders, perhaps better-suited to leading from the front, making a mark. But, for better or worse, the Crown has landed on my head. And I say we go.

Winston Churchill: Congratulations, Your Majesty.
Queen Elizabeth II: Thank you, Winston.
Winston Churchill: An unqualified triumph.
Queen Elizabeth II: A narrow escape, I say. It could so easily have gone the other way.
Winston Churchill: But it didn't, and has put us right back where we belong. Higher, in fact. And, before the tour, our great nation was in danger of losing much of its status, our influence, our standing. Your courage and conviction prevailed.

Queen Elizabeth II: This time, perhaps. But, in time, they will, surely, grow tired of it. Grow tired of us.
Winston Churchill: Only if the Crown and the people representing the Crown make mistakes, errors of judgement.
Queen Elizabeth II: My dear sister?
Winston Churchill: Yes.
Queen Elizabeth II: What would you have me do?

Queen Elizabeth II: The brief was simple. Perform minor ceremonial tasks with a minimum of fuss. Not end up all over the newspapers.
Princess Margaret: I can't help it if they want to write about me.
Queen Elizabeth II: Well, it would help if you didn't give them what they crave.
Princess Margaret: Character and excitement.
Queen Elizabeth II: Instability and drama.
Princess Margaret: Well, at least I give them something. You give them nothing.
Queen Elizabeth II: I give them silence.
Princess Margaret: Silence is nothing.
Queen Elizabeth II: It's the absence of noise.
Princess Margaret: Emptiness. Blank page.
Queen Elizabeth II: Which allows others to shine.
Princess Margaret: But the monarchy should shine.
Queen Elizabeth II: The monarchy, yes. Not the monarch.

Princess Margaret: You have a role, a clear set of rules. All you have to do is follow them.
Queen Elizabeth II: Margaret, you have freedom. All you have to do is enjoy it.
Princess Margaret: You think that I am free? To be constantly in your shadow. Constantly the overlooked one.
Queen Elizabeth II: It looks like heaven to me. What you have looks like heaven to me.
Princess Margaret: Two sisters who envy one another...
Queen Elizabeth II: We wouldn't be the first.
Princess Margaret: Pride and Joy. Remember? What Papa called us.
Queen Elizabeth II: Yes. "Elizabeth is my pride and Margaret is my joy."
Princess Margaret: "But Margaret is my joy." I'm sorry. I have to claim the few victories I'm left with.

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+ Soundtrack

18 окт. 2020 г.

Fargo 4×2

Gaetano Fadda: Business, family, country.

Loy Cannon: You seeing to his education?
Rabbi Milligan: I'm teaching him how the world works.
Loy Cannon: And how's that?
Rabbi Milligan: It's dog eat dog.
Loy Cannon: That's how dogs work. Men are more complicated.
Rabbi Milligan: Not in my experience.

Loy Cannon: You like staying here, in the master's house? He make you feel appreciated?
Rabbi Milligan: We live with the choices we make. Consequences.

Oraetta Mayflower: Well, I am no goat, Mr. Sneet. Oraetta Mayflower, she is no goat.
Mr. Sneet: Now, Nurse...
Oraetta Mayflower: Call the police, you're so concerned about malfeasance. About medicines removed without dotted i's. Heck, pick up the phone, tell them to send the paddy wagon. Take this woman away in silver bracelets. Or what about call the news boys?
Mr. Sneet: Now, hold on, there's no need...
Oraetta Mayflower: This is America, sir, last time I checked, not Soviet Russia, where a man gets rationed a quarter potato and has no rights under the law. And here's you, sitting like judge and executioner, tossing old Oraetta on the bone pile, and for what? The inability to read the handwriting of what appears to be an epileptic?
Mr. Sneet: Miss Mayflower... Nurse Mayflower... I'd be happy to... How does a month's severance sound?
Oraetta Mayflower: Three months.
Mr. Sneet: I'll... I can offer two, and of course a glowing recommendation to your next potential employer.
Oraetta Mayflower: In writing!

Oraetta Mayflower: Who would've thought they're teaching French down at the Negro school.
Ethelrida Pearl Smutny: They don't. I'm learning on my own.
Oraetta Mayflower: Mm, you got pluck. And I know, 'cause everyone always says I've got it, too. Sagittarius.
Ethelrida Pearl Smutny: What's that?
Oraetta Mayflower: Sun sign... Astrology... See, scientifically, our birthdates correspond with celestial events. Happenstance that shape our destiny. What's the date of your birth?
Ethelrida Pearl Smutny: December the first.
Oraetta Mayflower: Mm. Like I said... Sagittarius.

Zelmare Roulette: That's one weird white lady...

Doctor Senator: Well, this ain't no robbery. No, no. No, this... this is what you call a transition of power. ... We're taking over.

Doctor Senator: You got to give respect to get respect...
Gaetano Fadda: Is that why you Americans are so soft? All this giving and getting?... In the land of taking and killing, Gaetano is king.

Doctor Senator: Molto bene. But remember: we'll be back. Because y'all just got here yesterday. But we're part of this land, like the wind and the dirt.

Loy Cannon: Lord, we know the road is long. We thank you for that road, because the journey makes us wise. We know the climb is hard. We thank you for that climb, 'cause climbing makes us strong. You made the land and the sea,and you filled it with injustice so that we would have work to do. And we thank you for that work. You made the meek, so the meek could inherit the Earth. And you made the mighty so that we could defend the meek... And we will be mighty for you, O Lord. You've shown us pain and loss... so that we would know the joy of victory when it comes. Hear our prayer now, O Lord... so that we might feel your blessing. And know that we can bear this burden you've given us... because our hearts are pure. Amen.

On the IMDb
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17 окт. 2020 г.

The Pandemic Special

South Park 24×0

Stephen Stotch: Butters, for the last time, you can't go to Build-A-Bear.
Butters Stotch: But they said they were open again, so...
Stephen Stotch: Yes, they're open, but we are not the Johnsons, and we do not go to non-essential businesses when it's non-essential!

Stephen Stotch: Hey, do you people mind?! You're supposed to wear your mask over your nose. Looks like you're wearing a diaper for your chin. Chin diapers don't help.

Stephen Stotch: What the--? What's going on now?!
— Something at the town square! Everyone's gathering!
Stephen Stotch: Well, are we protesting, or are we rioting?

Sharon Marsh: A Pandemic Special, Randy? Really?
Randy Marsh: What?
Sharon Marsh: People are hurting. People are dying, Randy. And all you can think about is making a special about it?
Randy Marsh: I'm doing something positive to try and help. People really need this right now.
Sharon Marsh: You are a child, Randy! These are very serious times, and nobody wants or cares about your stupid special right now!
Randy Marsh: We'll see if they like my special.

Randy Marsh: Well, that's it, guys. We have run out of weed for the day. Oh, hang on. Sorry. Uh, didn't somebody say the Pandemic Special was a bad idea?
Sharon Marsh: I wasn't saying you wouldn't make money. I was saying maybe that's not what should matter right now.
Randy Marsh: Oh, come on. Think about it. Do you even know anyone personally who's dying of COVID?
Sharon Marsh: Yes! My brother Jimbo, who is in the hospital!
Randy Marsh: Jimbo's a fat alcoholic who'd be in the hospital anyway. All I'm saying is that we can't let some dirty virus from "China" completely upend our lives and shut us down!
Sharon Marsh: Please do not quote the President in front of our child!

Eric Cartman: Maybe you didn't hear me, Kyle. They want us to go back to school!
Kyle Broflovski: So?!
Eric Cartman: "So?" What the fuck? You really wanna go back to that slavery?!
Kyle Broflovski: I want an education! I want to be able to compete for a job when I'm older.
Eric Cartman: You crazy, psychotic... Kyle, we need to get a lawyer to stop the schools from forcing us back. Now, whatever your messed-up beliefs are about wanting to go to school...

Eric Cartman: Mark my words, Kyle. First, they'll force us back to school, then they'll take social distancing away from us completely, and I'll be out of my room having to hang out with you!
Kyle Broflovski: You're out of your room hanging out with me now.
Eric Cartman: Oh, my God. They won't get away with this!

Sharon Marsh: I thought that the issue was the teachers not coming back.
Mr. Mackey: That is correct. Our teaching staff does not feel safe to return. But... we have hired all new teachers. M'kay. These are people who have recently lost their jobs due to recent events and are desperate for work. M'kay. So they'll do just about anything.

Det. Harris: You were all exposed to a student here who was taken to the hospital due to COVID. Yes?
Stan Marsh: Uh, we were there, and Token was actually taken to the hospital because you guys shot him.
Det. Harris: Yes, due to COVID. If it weren't for COVID, all the previous teachers would have still been here, we wouldn't have been in the class, and nobody would have gotten shot. Therefore the young man is in the hospital due to COVID.
Officer Johnston: It was COVID-related.

Randy Marsh: This is all your fault, Mickey Mouse! You made the deal with the devil when you sold your "Mulan" shit to China! And then you took me out and sold me on how great China was and how we should all suck their dick! You made me lose my tegridy and anything special that I had...

Sharon Marsh: Dump it?! Why are you worrying about this right now?!
Randy Marsh: Because the Pandemic Special needs to end. A special has to end, Sharon, or else it's not really a "special," is it?

Det. Harris: Attention protesting looters! Protesting slash looting is a violation of the mayor's health order. You have five minutes to come out or we will have to take action.

Stan Marsh: Don't do it, Cartman! That thing is our only chance.
Eric Cartman: Your only chance! For your normal, not mine! I am not going back to school!

Stan Marsh: You guys were right, okay? This hasn't been about Butters. I've been acting like this because I can't take these shutdowns anymore, and I'm scared what it's doing to me. I'm looking for who to blame. Saying I'm trying to help people to make myself feel better, because the truth is... I just want to have fun again. I wanted to see that I could go out in the world and do things that I used to do, but I can't. I'm not any better, and I don't care any more than anyone else. And I did all this because I just want my life back. I just want my life back...

Randy Marsh: How do I even begin to apologize?... You guys we were right. I think all the marijuana really did go to my head. You said it... a drug is a drug, and I'm not who I used to be. It's time for me to own up to everything. It's time everyone knew what started this pandemic..... Hey, Sharon, I need to talk to you... I'm not as strong as you are, Sharon. I can't deal with hard times the way that you can.
Sharon Marsh: If you're ready to talk, I'm ready to listen, Randy. What?
Randy Marsh: You want nothing to do with the Pandemic Special...
Sharon Marsh: No. I don't smoke marijuana, Randy.
Randy Marsh: Uh-huh.
Sharon Marsh: What did you want to talk to me about?
Randy Marsh: I just... think maybe I'm gonna do a few more specials. You got some shit on your face.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

16 окт. 2020 г.

Scientia Potentia Est

The Crown 1×7

— So, it is always the Sovereign who begins the meal. It is absolutely forbidden to begin before he, or she, takes their first bite.
Princess Elizabeth: Oui, Mademoiselle.
— During the meal, when it is the first course, you must only speak to the person seated on your right until the end... Time for the Vice-Provost, Lilibet.

Queen Elizabeth II: At the time of my education, I asked the Vice-Provost if we shouldn't spend a bit of time on Literature, Philosophy, Science. He felt I had enough on my plate as it was. But don't you think I should have learned about it?
Queen Elizabeth: Why?
Queen Elizabeth II: Well, doesn't one have a duty to know certain things?
Queen Elizabeth: You have a great many other virtues. You can't be expected to know everything.
Queen Elizabeth II: Well, no, that's the point, Mummy. I know almost nothing.
Queen Elizabeth: You know when to keep your mouth shut. That's more important than anything.

Queen Elizabeth II: ... And that would be bad?
Winston Churchill: Oh, a disaster, Ma'am. For all the obvious reasons.
Queen Elizabeth II: Of course. Remind me. Of the obvious reasons.
Winston Churchill: Russia... is a great old empire which demands and deserves respect. Americans like to wave the big stick and speak with a loud voice. In the matter of world governance, they are not yet ready. They need an experienced and elder power to guide them, school them.
Queen Elizabeth II: Yes, we could all do with some school.

Queen Elizabeth II: I came because I wanted to ask you a question about my education.
Queen Elizabeth: What about it?
Queen Elizabeth II: The fact that I didn't receive one.
Queen Elizabeth: You did.
Queen Elizabeth II: Sewing, needlework and saying poems with Crawfie. That is not an education.
Queen Elizabeth: Darling, you also spent years one-on-one with the Vice-Provost of Eton College.
Queen Elizabeth II: Being drilled in the Constitution.
Queen Elizabeth: Which is far more than your sister ever got.

Winston Churchill: How much does she know exactly? Because, from the tone of this...
Clemmie Churchill: Winston.
Winston Churchill: She thinks it's a cold.
Clemmie Churchill: A cold?!
Winston Churchill: Yes, a cold. If she knew the truth, she would bid me stand down.
Clemmie Churchill: Good.
Winston Churchill: A replacement would have to be found. The wrong replacement, because the right man...
Clemmie Churchill: Anthony.
Winston Churchill: ...is himself incapacitated. Too much knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
Clemmie Churchill: Do you mean to tell me that, at the moment, this country's without a fit leader or a deputy leader?
Winston Churchill: Shh! Not so loud.

Sir Tommy Lascelles: There's a way of doing things here. An order developed over time, generations. And individuality in the House of Windsor, any departure from that way of doing things, is not to be encouraged. It results in catastrophes like the abdication.
Queen Elizabeth II: Abdicating the Throne and choosing my Private Secretary is hardly comparing like with like.
Sir Tommy Lascelles: I disagree... I served your uncle, as you know. And it's in the small things that the rot starts. Do the wrong thing once, it's easier to do it again. Do the individualistic thing once, it is easy to do it again.

Tommy Lascelles: Now, in the case of your uncle, it started with wanting to use Buckingham Palace simply as the office and York House as his home. Then he stopped attending church, decided he wanted to sell Sandringham. He dismissed courtiers who'd served under his father in favor of younger, sycophantic supplicants. Of course, no one saw the abdication coming then, but the ego, the willfulness, the individualism, the rot had set in.

Professor Hogg: What are you going to do?
Queen Elizabeth II: Nothing, of course. That's my job. Do nothing and stay silent at all times.
Professor Hogg: Is it? From memory, and forgive me, Ma'am, it's a while since I read Bagehot, but in circumstances such as these, is it not also your duty to act?
Queen Elizabeth II: I doubt it. I'd have to check.
Professor Hogg: I think you know precisely.
Queen Elizabeth II: Yes, it is. But I can't just summon the brightest, most formidable men in the country and give them a dressing down, like children.
Professor Hogg: Why? You are in the right, they in the wrong.
Queen Elizabeth II: Yes, but they're far more intelligent than I am. Any confrontation, they'd out-debate me, out-think me and out-maneuver me.
Professor Hogg: But this isn't about education or intelligence. This is about integrity and principle.

Professor Hogg: Ma'am, you say you don't have what it takes to do battle with these people. You do. You were drilled for years in the finer points of our Constitution. You know it better than me, better than all of us. You have the only education that matters.
Queen Elizabeth II: So what would you have me do?
Professor Hogg: Summon them and give them a good dressing down like children.
Queen Elizabeth II: Why would they stand for that?
Professor Hogg: Because they're English, male and upper class. A good dressing down from Nanny is what they most want in life.

Queen Elizabeth II: Is your health better now?
Winston Churchill: It is.
Queen Elizabeth II: Good. But is it sufficiently better? Fit for office better?.. I would ask you to consider your response in light of the respect that my rank and my office deserve, not that which my age and gender might suggest.
Winston Churchill: Ma'am... I look at you now and I realize that the time is fast approaching for me to step down. Not because I am unwell or unfit for office, but because you are ready. And therefore I have discharged my duty to your father.

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