30 апр. 2019 г.

Sing (2016)

Eddie: You're at rock bottom, pal.
Buster Moon: Yep, and do you know what's great about hitting rock bottom, Eddie? There's only one way left to go. And that's up!

Gunter: Well, it sounds to me like you are way better off without that... That total super-jerk dinkleschplatt!

Gunter: You can't just sing it, you've got to show the fire and desire!
Rosita: The fire went out a long time ago. Look, I can't even keep count of the steps!
Gunter: Ugh! Counting schmounting! She sings too much with her head, right?... Forget the steps and just like... Let the music take control of your body parts.

Buster Moon: Look, it's like my dad always said, "Don't let fear stop you from doing the thing you love."

Eddie: Come on. You wash. I'll dry.

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+ Soundtracks!!

The Road Not Taken

The Orville 2×14

Ed: There's no such thing as safe anymore.

Ed: You ever flown inside one of these?
Gordon: Nope.
Ed: Should I be worried?
Gordon: Yup.

Ed: Okay, um, don't panic.

Kelly: Are you at all familiar with the starship Orville?
Gordon: That's the ship the Kaylon used to get through Earth's defenses, right?

Ed: Wait, how would you know about an alternate timeline?
Kelly: Seven years ago, I was accidentally sent forward in time to what would've been six months ago.

Kelly: ...And I ended up doing something that changed history.
Ed: What?
Kelly: I said no to a second date.
Ed: Huh?

Ed: Half the known galaxy wiped out by those people because we didn't go out again...

Ed: You want the top or the bottom?
Kelly: I like to be on top.

Kelly: We can't outrun them. We need somewhere to hide.
Ed: What about the black hole?
Gordon: Are you nuts? We'll be crushed by the gravity.
Lamarr: Uh, not if we slip just inside the event horizon. They won't see us because light can't escape.

Kelly: ... Look at the sunset every night.
Ed: Look at you every morning...

Lamarr: Okay, that's it. Now we just got to ride the wave and hope we don't hit the rocks.

Ed: If this doesn't work, will you marry me?

Kelly: What's that?
Claire: The future of the galaxy.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Стивен Кинг & Оуэн Кинг — Спящие красавицы (2/2)

&  — Вы поцеловали ее на прощание?
     — Не поясните?
     — Поцелуй: действие, требующее участия — трудно поверить, но я знаю точно — ста сорока семи различных мышц. Прощай: слово, означающее прощание. Вам нужны еще какие-нибудь разъяснения?

&  Если вы любите человека, вы должны позволять им иметь свои тайные места? Комнаты, которые они не хотели посещать?

&  Клинтон Норкросс вполне осознанно оставил эту часть жизни позади... За исключением того, что ты ничего не мог оставить позади. Ничего не могло было забыто, пока смерть или Альцгеймер не забирали все это с собой. Он это знал. ... Вы носили свою историю, как зловонное ожерелье, сделанное из чеснока. И даже если вы засовывали его под воротник или отпускали в свободное плавание, ничто не забывалось.

&  Интернет — это светлый дом, возвышающийся над темным подвалом с земляным полом. Ложная информация прорастает в сети, как грибы в том подвале. Некоторые съедобные, большинство ядовитые.

&  — Люди, как правило, сосредотачиваются на мелочах, чтобы отстраниться от большего, их подавляющего.

&  Это хуже, я думаю, чем быть обманутой. Ложь указывает на определенную степень уважения.

&  — Боюсь, я не смотрю новости. Слишком удручающе.

&  Ситуация изменилась, и призы изменились, но, правда оставалась все той же: если вы хотите молочный коктейль, вам лучше быть готовым к бою.

&  Иногда вы получаете то, что хотите, но в основном вы получаете то, что получаете.

 ... Она жаждет сигнала, сигнала любого рода. Мотылек порхает с ветки старого дуба и садится на ее руку.”

29 апр. 2019 г.

A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

Game of Thrones 8×2

Daenerys: I don't see an army. I see one man, with one hand.

Brandon: The things we do for love...

Jaime: Because this goes beyond loyalty. This is about survival.

Gendry: This is different. This is... This is death. You want to know what they're like? Death. That's what they're like.
Arya: .... I know Death. He's got many faces. I look forward to seeing this one.

Jaime: What about afterwards?
Brandon: How do you know there is an afterwards?

Tyrion: I made a mistake common to clever people. I underestimated my opponents.

Tyrion: So... we're going to die at Winterfell. Not the death I would've chosen...

Tyrion: At least Cersei won't get to murder me. I'm sure I'll feel some satisfaction denying her that pleasure while I'm being ripped apart by dead men... Maybe after I'm dead... I'll march down to King's Landing and rip her apart.

Daenerys: He never should have trusted Cersei.
Sansa: You never should have either.
Daenerys: I thought he knew his sister...
Sansa: Families are complicated.

Sansa: And what happens afterwards?.. We defeat the dead, we destroy Cersei. What happens then?

Jon Snow: How long do we have?
Tormund: Before the sun comes up tomorrow.

Sam: Why? What does he want?
Brandon: An endless night. He wants to erase this world, and I am its memory.
Sam: That's what death is, isn't it? Forgetting... Being forgotten.

Tormund: We're all going to die... But at least we die together.

Tyrion: You've had a strange journey...
Brandon: Stranger than most.
Tyrion: I'd like to hear about it.
Brandon: It's a long story.
Tyrion: If only we were trapped in a castle... in the middle of winter, with nowhere to go.

Edd: And now our watch begins.

Sam: Everyone seems to forget that I was the first man to kill a White Walker. I've killed Thenns.
Edd: Thenn.
Sam: I've saved Gilly more than once. I stole a considerable number of books from the Citadel library, survived the Fist of the First Men. You need me out there.
Edd: Well, if that's what it's come to, we really are fucked.

Edd: Samwell Tarly. Slayer of White Walkers. Lover of Ladies. As if we needed any more signs the world was ending.

Tyrion: I wish father were here... I would love to see the look on his face when he realizes his two sons are about to die defending Winterfell.
Jaime: That would be something to see.

Tormund: They call you "King Killer."
Jaime: I'm sure someone does.
Tormund: They call me "Giantsbane." Want to know why?...

The Hound: I hope you're not about to give a sermon. Because if you are, the Lord of Light's gonna wonder why he brought you back 19 times just to watch you die when I chuck you over this fucking wall.

The Hound: Where are you going?
Arya: I'm not spending my final hours with you two miserable old shits.

Tyrion: Almost everyone here's fought the Starks at one time or another. And here we are in their castle, ready to defend it. Together.

Tyrion: I think we might live.... I... I do. How many battles have we survived between us?

Tyrion: Ser Davos Seaworth. Survivor of both the Blackwater and the Battle of the Bastards... Ser Jaime Lannister, fabled hero of the Siege of Pyke.
Jaime: Fabled loser of the Battle of Whispering Wood.
Tyrion: Ser Brienne of Tarth. Defeated the Hound in... Pardon me, Lady Brienne.

Tormund: She's not a ser? You're not a knight?
Brienne: Women can't be knights.
Tormund: Why not?
Brienne: Tradition.
Tormund: Fuck tradition.
Brienne: I don't even want to be a knight...
Tormund: I'm no king. But if I were, I'd knight you 10 times over.

Jaime: You don't need a king. Any knight can make another knight.

Jaime: In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave. In the name of the Father, I charge you to be just. In the name of the Mother, I charge you to defend the innocent. Arise, Brienne of Tarth... a knight of the Seven Kingdoms...
Tyrion: Ser Brienne of Tarth! Knight of the Seven Kingdoms!

Jon Snow: My name... my real name... is Aegon Targaryen.

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The Carnivorous Carnival: Part One

A Series of Unfortunate Events 2×9

Dr. Montgomery: In the words of a very wise and talkative Tibetan Monk-Snake, "Life is a conundrum of esoterica."

Aunt Josephine: I feel fierce and formidable. Let's build a house on the edge of a cliff, and let's... let's use commas and semicolons with reckless abandon.

Lemony Snicket: I feel an uneasy sense of creeping dread.

Count Olaf: Alone! Desperate. Defeated. These are words I thought I'd never use except when talking about other people.

Count Olaf: Did one of the Baudelaire parents survive the fire?
Madame Lulu: ...... You will have your answer in morning.
Count Olaf: Argh!
Esmé Squalor: The morning?
Madame Lulu: Is how crystal ball works. Day shift, night shift, like a cannery.

Lemony Snicket: Besides getting several paper cuts in the same day or receiving news your worst enemy has been awarded free ice cream, one of the most unpleasant experiences in life is a job interview.

Lemony Snicket: From the moment you introduce yourself... you're participating in a ritual you are likely to find humiliating and sinister...

Lemony Snicket: You may be asked to perform some meaningless task you're in no position to refuse...

Lemony Snicket: You are likely to be watched carefully, while you're performing this task, and you're likely to pretend to be far more enthusiastic than you actually are...

Lemony Snicket: And you are likely to be evaluated, which here means tested over and over again for no reason other than your own embarrassment.

Lemony Snicket: But the worst thing about a job interview is that it is likely to fill you with despair, whether you are dismissed immediately and find yourself wandering unemployed across a desolate landscape, weeping and moaning, or whether you are hired, and find yourself wandering across that same desolate landscape, weeping and moaning in exchange for a salary.

Count Olaf: They're lucky to have work. Without this carnival, they'd be working in human resources with the rest of the freaks.

Esmé Squalor: If she's so good at fortune-telling, why does she live out here in the Hinterlands instead of having her own television show in the city?

Lemony Snicket: Miracles are like meatballs. Nobody can agree what they're made of, where they come from, or how often they should appear...

Lemony Snicket: A person might say a sunrise is a miracle, even though it happens every day and far too early in the morning...

Lemony Snicket: Somebody else might say that leaping successfully from a train is a miracle, even though that happens every day and far too early in the morning...

Lemony Snicket: There is another similarity shared by a miracle and a meatball: They both might appear to be one thing and turn out to be another.

Count Olaf: If you want a mule to move, you can reward it with a carrot or you can hit it with a stick.

Count Olaf: Maybe I can beat two mules with one stick...

Klaus: There has to be something here that isn't just... just smoke and mirrors!

Lemony Snicket: As I said, the Baudelaires' lives were about to be changed by a surprising arrival. The surprising arrival was a pack of starving lions. And this story is about to get much, much worse...

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Стивен Кинг & Оуэн Кинг — Спящие красавицы

цитаты | Спящие красавицы | Стивен Кинг | Оуэн Кинг | Fantasy, Mystery, Thriller, Drama | prison | inmate | warden | psychiatrist
  “Мотылек смешит Эви. ...
&  Это была нормальная жизнь, как он её понимал: мимолетный взгляд на улице на симпатичную девушку; инстинктивный взгляд на женщину в короткой юбке, выходящую из автомобиля; почти подсознательное влечение к одной из сексуальных ведущих "Правильной цены". Это была печальная ситуация, предполагал он, печальная и, возможно, немного комичная, когда возраст тащил вас все дальше и дальше от тел, которые вам нравились, и оставлял позади те старые инстинкты (не амбиции, слава Богу), похожие на запах приготовленной пищи, который держится еще долго после съеденного обеда. И был ли он вправе судить всех мужчин? Нет. Он был членом их племени, только и всего. А вот женщины были настоящими загадками.

&  Вы не могли остановить свое тело от разрушения и расползания, но вы могли хотя бы бороться с этим.

&  Другая сторона старения: ты забываешь то, что хочешь помнить, и помнишь то, что хотел бы забыть.

&  Никто не мог стать старой лисой, продолжая быть слишком уверенным по любому вопросу. Старой лисой можно было стать лишь соблюдая осторожность, при этом время от времени спариваясь, избегая запутанных ситуаций, не пересекая дорог при дневном свете, и роя глубокие норы в хорошем мягком суглинке.

&  Дерьмо было заклятым врагом Коутс. Не то, чтобы большинство людей дружили с ним или даже любили его, но они терпели дерьмо, приходили с ним к пониманию, и, в конце концов, съедали причитающуюся им долю.

&  Спать и мечтать о других мирах, находящихся за этим...

&  — Я думаю, что большинство женщин, если вы спросите их, и если они будут действительно честными, сказали бы, что больше всего на свете они хотят вздремнуть. И, возможно, сережки, которые подходят ко всем платьям.

28 апр. 2019 г.

No Longer Just Us

You're the Worst 3×13

Gretchen: They say, when a murder scene is fresh, you can still smell the fear in the air... And afterwards, we can swing by Echo Park and get paletas.

Lindsay: You got to speak up and tell people what you want. You are the master of your own destiny. Don't be a martyr. I was a martyr. I almost martyred my husband, but I didn't.

Paul: Page one... preliminary settlement offer.
Lindsay: You're supposed to write it on a piece of paper and slide it over. Watch... Here's my initial offer.
Paul: This is just a drawing of a cat.
Lindsay: It's just a starting point. It's called a negotiation. Now, you go.

Gretchen: I can't get an Uber to pick me up. I think my rating's too low. What's yours?
Jimmy: Oh, bad. Apparently, they don't like it when you call multiple companies and make them race to pick you up.

Vernon: You're really giving up those big naturals?.. Huh.

Justina: When you first came to me, you were out of touch, even with your most rudimentary behavioral patterns, but you have done the work and you have grown so much. And I'm proud of you.
Gretchen: Bitch.
Justina: Bitch to you, too, Gretchen.

Dorothy: Not everybody gets their dream.

Jimmy: The world is absolutely lousy with people, and I hate them all. I hate everyone... but you.
Gretchen: Yeah. I hate everyone else, too. Now, let's look for clues.

Jimmy: Gretchen, extraordinary, confounding Gretchen, she who emits more energy than a dying galaxy, despite not washing her legs, together we transcend the... mundanity down there. Separate, it shall eventually consume us and turn us as mundane as them, and to allow that to happen simply because we were scared would be a criminal act.

Gretchen: This fits, you know? You lost your dad, but... you gained me. We're a family. That's pretty cool, right?

On the IMDb
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I See You

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend 4×6

Heather: I peep at their Instagram all day; it's pure food porn. I really want to bone those ribs.

Rebecca: God, why is this so hard? I just want to share a fun and carefree car trip and some smoked meats with someone who's a super chill hang.

Heather: Here is your burger and cabbage. I call it the "No One Wants That," so...

Paula: You? It's you? It's not you. You don't scuba dive.
Josh Chan: Uh, yeah, I scuba-did. When I was ten, I scuba-doved.

Nathaniel: I've been trying to get an Uber, but these idiot drivers keep canceling on me.
Heather: Huh. You must have a bad rating.
Nathaniel: The ratings go both ways? Socialists!

Josh Chan: Okay... Shotokan, Tae Kwon Do... Need to count in Korean... Hana, dul, set, net, dasol, yasot, iilgup, yodol. And then Japanese is ichi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, shichi, hachi, kyuu, juu. I get 'em confused, sometimes, but it's really not hard at all.

Josh Chan: ...and that sucked. No, sorry. That made me feel sucked. Ugh.
Paula: Josh, what?
Josh Chan: Oh, yeah. You're not in therapy. You don't get the lingo.
Paula: Well, what's the lingo for, "For the love of God, please stop talking"?
Josh Chan: I think it's, "Let's sit with that for a minute." Dr. A says that a lot.

♪ Cruisin' down the highway in the bright California sun ♪
♪ Sun fun, fun in the sun ♪
♪ But something feels off, something's not quite right ♪
♪ And now you're hoping that ♪
♪ The end's in sight, because you're ♪
♪ Trapped in a car with someone you don't wanna be ♪
♪ Trapped in a car with ♪
♪ Trapped, trapped, trapped in a car ♪
♪ Trapped in a car with someone you don't wanna be ♪

♪ And the car ride is so endless ♪
♪ It feels like so much time has passed ♪
♪ That your taste evolves ♪
♪ And you enter a more ♪
♪ Experimental era of your music career... ♪
♪ Why do we even have cars at all? ♪
♪ In the scheme of things, this Earth is small ♪
♪ Or do I really need to travel somewhere? ♪
♪ Or can I get there in my mind? ♪

♪ Alhambra, Glendora ♪
♪ La Puente, here's some more-a ♪
♪ Covina, Pasadena ♪
♪ My baby, have you seen her? ♪
♪ Oh, no ♪
♪ The car ride has gone on so long ♪
♪ That we're now in the later ♪
♪ More commercial stages of our career ♪

Darryl: Sometimes it feels like you just don't like me. And I look past it, because I like the good parts of you, and I know you have some challenges, but that is no excuse for you to be unkind.

Darryl: I don't think an Uber's even coming. I've got a two-star, "too-talkative" rating.

Heather: Oh, my God, you think the world revolves around you because you're all smart and tall and rich and white and spoiled and male with playful hair—

Darryl: You're right, sometimes I can be too... probe-y and disclose-y and look inward-y.
Rebecca: You'd make a great gynecologist.

Darryl: We can't go home like this. We put the "ew" in "barbecue."

Rebecca: It gives me hope. I mean, I was attracted to someone nice. I mean, if that can happen, maybe I can be attracted to a different type of guy. You know? Guys who aren't withholding or cold or jerks or unavailable or dating other people or immoral or married or... Nathaniel or Greg or Josh.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

27 апр. 2019 г.

Firestarter (1984)

Taxi Driver: I ain't turning down no $500!

Charlie: It's not right. It's not right to steal.
Andy: Honey, I know, but it's not right for them to keep coming after us, either. Now, I explained that to you, Charlie, at least I tried.
Charlie: About the big bad and the little bad?
Andy: That's right. Lesser and greater evil.

Doctor Wanless: Suppose we have a child here who some day... is capable of creating a nuclear explosion simply by the power of her will.
Captain Hollister: That's insane.
Doctor Wanless: Is it? Is it? Then allow me to progress from insanity to utter lunacy. Suppose there is a little girl out there somewhere today, this morning, who has within her, lying dormant at present, the power some day to crack the very planet in two, like a china plate in a shooting gallery.
Captain Hollister: ... What if we could train this little girl? And others as well. Could we ever have more powerful weapons?

Andy: Oh, Charlie... Of course I'll still love you. I love you more than anything in the world, no matter what happens.

Charlie: You don't need your gun.

Irv Manders: You men are trespassing. I want you to get the hell off my property.
Agent: We're government agents, sir. These two folks are wanted for questioning. Nothing more.
Irv Manders: I don't care if they're wanted for assassinating the president. Show me a warrant or get the hell off my land!
Agent: We don't need a warrant.
Irv Manders: You do unless I woke up in Russia this morning.

Charlie: Can I be?
Andy: What?
Charlie: Like everybody else?
Andy: Darn tootin' you can.
Charlie: I want to be.

Captain Hollister: I guess we've got a deal, but why do you want her?
John Rainbird: She's very beautiful. She's very young. Yet inside her is the power of the gods. We're going to be close, she and I. Oh, yes. Gonna be very close...

Captain Hollister: I know you'll find this hard to believe now, Charlie, but you and me are gonna be pals.
Charlie: Never.
Captain Hollister: Never say never.

John Rainbird: Are you scared by my face? I mean, I could wear a mask or something.
Charlie: I've seen worse.

Captain Hollister: Have you considered what might happen if that girl found out whose side you're really on?
John Rainbird: Oh, yes, I have.
Captain Hollister: I'd say you stand a good chance of finding out what a steak feels like in a microwave oven.

Andy: You'll have to burn it all down, baby. Burn it all down.

++ Quotes on the IMDb

The Deal

Seinfeld 2×9

Elaine: You got something on your mind?
Jerry: No. Things pop into your head. You?
Elaine: Things occur to me from time to time.
Jerry: Yeah. Me too.

Jerry: The idea is to combine the this... and the that. But this cannot be disturbed.
Elaine: Yeah, we just want to take this...
Jerry: ...and add that.
Elaine: But of course, we'd have to figure out a way... to avoid the things that cause the little problems.
Jerry: Maybe some rules or something.

Elaine: I have an idea. No calls the day after that.
Jerry: Beautiful! Let's make it a rule.
Elaine: All right, sir.

Elaine: Okay, okay, rule number two: Spending the night is optional.
Jerry: Well, now we're getting somewhere.

George: What's the deal with Aquaman? Could he go on the land, or was he just restricted to water?

George: You ask me here to have lunch... tell me you slept with Elaine... and then say you're not in the mood for details... Now, you listen to me. I want details, and I want them right now! I don't have a job, I have no place to go. You're not in the mood? Well, you get in the mood!

George: See, that's why I don't have cable, because of that naked station. If I had that in my house, I would never turn it off. I wouldn't sleep. I wouldn't eat. Eventually, firemen would break through the door. They'd find me in my pyjamas with drool coming down my face.

Jerry: We've tried to arrange a situation... where we'll be able to do this once in a while... and still be friends.
George: What?! Where are you living? Are you here? Are you on this planet?! It's impossible. It can't be done. Thousands of years, people have tried to have their cake and eat it too. So all of a sudden, the two of you are gonna come along and do it. Where do you get the ego? No one can do it. It can't be done!

George: I know less about women... than anyone in the world. But the one thing I do know is, they're not happy if you don't spend the night. It could be a hot, sweaty room with no air conditioning... and all they have is a little Army cot this wide.

George: What about candleholders?
Jerry: Too romantic.
George: Lingerie?
Jerry: Too sexual.
George: Waffle maker?
Jerry: Too domestic.
George: Bust of Nelson Rockefeller?
Jerry: Too... gubernatorial.

Kramer: See, I'm very sensitive about that. I mean, someone's birthday comes up, I keep my ears open.

Elaine: "Think where man's glory most begins and ends... and say my glory was I had such a friend."
Kramer: Yeats.
Elaine: Oh, Kramer!

Elaine: I can't do that.
Jerry: You mean, it's: No this?.. No that?.. No this or that? Oh, boy. What do you want?
Elaine: This, that and the other.

Kramer: So... what are you guys gonna do today?
Elaine: Oh, this and... that.
Jerry: And the other!
Kramer: Boy, I really liked the two of you much better when you weren't a couple.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

26 апр. 2019 г.

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)

Martha: What a dump. Hey, what's that from? "What a dump!"

Martha: Dumbbell. It's from some damn Bette Davis picture, some goddamn Warner Bros. Epic.
George: Martha, I can't remember all the pictures that came out of Warner Bros.
Martha: Nobody's asking you to remember every goddamn Warner Bros. Epic. Just one. Just one single little epic. That's all. Bette Davis gets peritonitis at the end. And she wears this big black fright wig all throughout the picture. And she's married to Joseph Cotten or something.
George: Somebody.
Martha: Somebody. ...

Martha: Why didn't you want to kiss me?!

George: All right, love. Whatever love wants.

George: Martha, rubbing alcohol for you?
Martha: Sure. "Never mix, never worry."

George: Good, better, best, bested. How do you like that for a declension, young man?

Nick: All right! What do you want me to say? Do you want me to say it's funny, so you can contradict me and say it's sad? Or do you want me to say it's sad so you can turn around and say, "No, it's funny"? You can play that damn little game any way you want to, you know.

Nick: Well, it's true, actually. She does throw up a lot.
George: The word is "often."

Nick: A what?
George: Beanbag. Beanbag. You wouldn't understand. A beanbag!
Nick: I heard you. I didn't say I was deaf, I said I didn't understand.
George: You didn't say that at all.
Nick: I meant I was implying I didn't understand.

George: All I said was that our son, the apple of our three eyes, Martha being a Cyclops...

Nick: Good advice? From you? Boy.
George: You haven't learned yet. Take it wherever you can get it. Listen to me now... I'm giving you good advice now... There's quicksand here and you'll be dragged down before you know it. Sucked down. You disgust me on principle, and you're a smug son of a bitch, personally, but I'm trying to give you a survival kit. Do you hear me?

George: Take the trouble to construct a civilization, to build a society based on the principles of... Of principle. You make government and art and realize that they are, must be, both the same. You bring things to the saddest of all points. To the point where there is something to lose. Then all at once, through all the music, through all the sensible sounds of men building, attempting, comes the Dies Irae.
Nick: And what is it? What does the trumpet sound?
George: Up yours.

Martha: George. My husband.... George, who is out somewhere there in the dark. Who is good to me, whom I revile. Who can keep learning the games we play as quickly as I can change them. Who can make me happy and I do not wish to be happy. Yes, I do wish to be happy. George and Martha... Sad, sad, sad... Sad. Whom I will not forgive for having come to rest. For having seen me and having said, "Yes, this will do." Who has made the hideous, the hurting, the insulting mistake of loving me. I must be punished for it. George and Martha. Sad, sad, sad... Someday... Some night, some stupid liquor-ridden night, I will go too far. I'll either break the man's back or I'll push him off for good, which is what I deserve.

George: Truth and illusion. Who knows the difference, hey, toots?

Martha: Truth and illusion, George. You don't know the difference.
George: No, but we must carry on as though we did.
Martha: Amen.

George: One more game...

George: Pull yourself together! I want you on your feet and slugging because I'm gonna knock you around and I want you up for it.
Martha: All right, George. What do you want?!
George: An equal battle, baby, that's all.
Martha: You'll get it.
George: I want you mad.
Martha: I'm mad.
George: Get madder!
Martha: Don't worry about it!
George: Good girl. We'll play this one to the death.
Martha: Yours?
George: You'll be surprised.

George: We all peel labels, sweetie. Now, when you get through the skin, all three layers and through the muscle, and slosh aside the organs, them which is sloshable and get down to the bone, do you know what you do then?... When you get down to the bone you haven't got all the way yet. There's something inside the bone. The marrow. And that's what you got to get at... The marrow. But bones are pretty resilient, especially in the young. Now, take our son...

George: Some telegrams you have to deliver, Martha. Some telegrams, you cannot phone.

George: It's dawn. I think the party's over.

George: ♪ Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? Virginia Woolf, Virginia Woolf? ♪
Martha: I am, George.
George: ♪ Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? ♪
Martha: I am, George. I am.

++ Quotes on the IMDb

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow

The Orville 2×13

Kelly Grayson: I still don't think a captain and... first officer... together... is a responsible command decision.

Kelly from the past: Where am I?

Isaac: Commander, your exterior ornamentation appears to have transformed. How did you accomplish this with such rapidity?

Dr. Finn: The only difference is, she's approximately seven years younger.

Dr. Finn: Commander... I know this is gonna sound insane... but she's you.

Kelly Grayson: Okay, I have a pretty basic question. If she really is me from the past, why don't I remember all of this? And if it turns out we can't reverse it... why am I here at all?

Capt. Mercer: So you're saying Kelly's thoughts did this?
John Lamarr: I know it sounds crazy, but that's quantum physics.
Isaac: Even on Kaylon, the relationship of a conscious observer to quantum-level events in time and space is not fully understood.

Capt. Mercer: I got a B-plus in temporal theory...
Kelly Grayson: I would have thought you, of all people, would've gotten an "A."
Capt. Mercer: Well, nobody gets an "A." It's time travel, nobody really understands it, but...

Capt. Mercer: ...So, my philosophy is, when in doubt... tell the truth.

Kelly from the past: If you'd asked me to predict the next seven years of my life, this-this would have been guess number 9,000.

Gordon Malloy: Hey, you know, I just had a thought... If Young Kelly meeting Old Kelly has changed the timeline, would we even know about it?
Kelly Grayson: How about we say "Past" and "Present" Kelly?

Capt. Mercer: You guys will not get me into a discussion of time-travel logic. I would rather chew broken glass.

Past Kelly: So, what do you say, Commander?
Kelly Grayson: ... Call me Kelly.
Past Kelly: You, too.

Capt. Mercer: How many times have human beings wished that they could go back and fix the past?... Well, this is a real-life opportunity.

Kelly Grayson: I know myself. I used to say things like "find my soul mate..." Well, guess what. You don't find soul mates, you become soul mates by growing together.

Past Kelly: I know you don't want to hear it, but you have to.
Kelly Grayson: What?
Past Kelly: You're not married. You're not a captain. You maintain a distance from your crew... There were three things I wanted in life, and you haven't come close on one. You've made my future a disappointment.

Kelly Grayson: Every mature person has to make peace with the fact that they used to be dumber, but to have it thrown in your face every single day... man, it sucks.

Dr. Finn: The young always dismiss the old. It's a way of pushing away the truth.
Kelly Grayson: You just called me old.

Dr. Finn: Real is relative. I dated an artificial life-form and thought I found my perfect match. Goals change. Things become more beautifully complicated, and so we have to stop every so often and reassess. What is it you really want?

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks
+ Episode Recap

25 апр. 2019 г.

Maximum Recreational Depth

Billions 4×6

Bobby Axelrod: Not supervising. Just mixing in. I need to see what I'm gonna destroy.

Mike Wagner 'Wags': I know you don't care about Wall Street's elite fraternity. You are above it, like a god. But I am in it... like a demigod.

Bobby Axelrod: Taylor fucked us.
Orrin Bach: Spacey-style. Sneaky and from behind.

Chuck Rhoades: It's a shame you're wearing that. Brrr. Cold in New York.

Bryan Connerty: I am the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York.
Chuck Rhoades: You always say the full title Idi Amin-style?

Chuck Rhoades: You fucked with the wrong Attorney General. I'll see you—
Bryan Connerty: Oh, say it, fucking say it, Chuck.
Chuck Rhoades: ...in court.
Bryan Connerty: Goddamned right you will.

Mafee: From time to time I've been asked to get right with some stuff I didn't fully agree with. And I rolled with it. Because I wasn't the smartest person in the room...
Douglas Mason: I'm always the smartest person in the room.
Mafee: Then I can't help you. Especially if you think that when you're in the same room with Taylor.

Taylor Mason: The four freedoms, as identified by FDR... speech, worship, from fear, from want.
Wendy Rhoades: That was part of Roosevelt's shpiel to get America into the war.
Taylor Mason: Effective. Appealing to not only our desires, but also to that of which we're most afraid.
Wendy Rhoades: He knew how to rouse.

Taylor Mason: Which do you think is the more effective tool: appealing to someone's aspirations or their fear?
Wendy Rhoades: If you want to motivate someone to a specific action? I say: be like Roosevelt and do both.

Mike Wagner 'Wags': Spyros, Dollar Bill, find whatever greatness lies within you and nurture it. Eventually, it will be seen.

Rebecca Cantu: This is one of those moments that people get to when they scuba dive... It's 'maximum recreational depth.'
Bobby Axelrod: You wondering if there's enough oxygen to go deeper?
Rebecca Cantu: No, you're wondering if you want to go deeper with me.

Judge DeGiulio: I'm looking at a clash of the titans. One of those old-fashioned Sunday afternoon franchise crossovers. King Kong vs. Godzilla. Or maybe Abbott and Costello against the Mummy. Mr. Rhoades, you're away...

Rebecca Cantu: I like messy. 'Cause it gives me something to clean up. I take control instead of the mess controlling me.

Chuck Rhoades: Men seldom realize when things are rigged in their favor. It would require them to have a realistic and limited view of their skills. To be in touch with humility.

Bryan Connerty: You really like getting in there behind the US Attorney's desk...
AG Jeffcoat: Every desk in the Department of Justice is my desk.

Mike Wagner 'Wags': My vengeance will come like I do... slow, thunderous, and in your eye.

Wendy Rhoades: Taylor needs to be the one to crush it. That will be the most devastating blow. The weight of that betrayal... they-plural, both of them... will never come back from that.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!

Treasure of the Sun

American Gods 2×7

Shadow Moon: You know, you keep hanging out under bridges; people are gonna starting thinking you're a troll.

Mad Sweeney: I'm gonna tell you something... This is gallows ground you're walking. And there's a rope around your neck and a raven-bird on each shoulder waiting for your eyes. The gallows tree has deep roots. It stretches from heaven all the way down to hell. And this world... is the only branch from which the rope is swingin'.

Mr. Wednesday: Yggdrasil is ready for war; ergo, I am ready, too. The only question, gentlemen, is, do we know who all our friends are?
Mr. Ibis: Ah... Jacquel will come when you call. Set and Horus, too.
The Jinn: I know some ifrits in Chicago.
Mr. Ibis: And Mama-ji, Czernobog... Nancy, Bilquis.
The Jinn: Bilquis? No, that one is... We cannot rely on the Queen of Sheba.
Mr. Wednesday: She's with us.
The Jinn: All-father, that one is for herself.
Mr. Wednesday: We all are. The trick to wrangling cats is to dangle bait they can all want.
Mr. Ibis: And Bast. We've got Bast.

Mr. Wednesday: Another thing about living in a funeral home is you never have to cook. Mourners are always bringing by their best food.

Laura Moon: You know that I can literally rip people's limbs off, right?

Mama-Ji: You see me here as Kali-ma, the nurturer? But you, dead girl, perhaps you would understand me better as Smashana Kali, the destroyer.

Mama-Ji: Sounds like voodoo. That goddamn voudon. Always so dramatic.

Mama-Ji: The problem is not with the potion; it is why you take it.

Queen Bilquis: The gift of the flesh... is the most sacred gift one can make... I read to you from the Psalm of Psalms. "Your love... is better than wine, your scent better than any perfume. Your lips drip with nectar, my bride; honey and milk are under your tongue. You are a garden. Your shoots are orchards of pomegranates, henna, saffron, calamus and cinnamon, frankincense and myrrh. You are a fountain. You are all the streams flowing from Lebanon. Let the wind blow upon your garden. Let the divine, through Me... enter your garden and taste your fruit..."

Mr. Wednesday: Oh, I know that smell. That smells like a hot bottle of whiskey and sex in an alleyway. With a top note of failure! Yeah, yeah. Eau de fuck-up. It's gotta be, yes, it is! The one and only, Mad Sweeney!

Mr. Wednesday: You know, I wouldn't go around, if I was you, advertising you lost your treasure to a rotten little dead girl who weighs less than a hundred pounds. Hm?

Mad Sweeney: What are you doing here? What's Wednesday got on you?

Eorann: The world is changing.
Mad Sweeney: It doesn't have to!
Eorann: It does. That's what the world does. It changes. ... So, when the world changes, I beg you to change with it.

Eorann: Listen, husband. Listen to one who doesn't want anything from you but a very long life... together.

Mad Sweeney: Wednesday... Me... Fuck all the gods. We're not the heroes, Shadow.

Mr. Ibis: A storyteller does not concern themselves with the truth. Stories are truer than the truth. These are not literal constructs so much as imaginative recreations.

Mr. Wednesday: Let us enjoy this moment while we can. My presence back on earth here has been felt by old and new. Gungnir is whole again; Yggdrasil has grown up, which means... the proverbial shit is about to hit the fan and this is our proverbial Last Supper. Hm? Are we ready? I am.

Mad Sweeney: Your spear is the sun's treasure, now, you one-eyed cunt.

Mad Sweeney: I used to be a king...

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

24 апр. 2019 г.

The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

Jack Crawford: The one we want most refuses to help. I want you to go after him in the asylum.
Clarice Starling: Who's the subject?
Jack Crawford: The psychiatrist, Hannibal Lecter.
Clarice Starling: "Hannibal the Cannibal..."

Jack Crawford: You're to tell him nothing personal. Believe me, you don't want Hannibal Lecter inside your head. Just do your job but never forget what he is.
Clarice Starling: And what is that? ....
Dr. Chilton: Oh, he's a monster, a pure psychopath. It's so rare to capture one alive. From a research point of view, Lecter is our most prized asset...

Clarice Starling: ... Then do this test!
Dr. Hannibal Lecter: No, but I will make you happy. I'll give you a chance at your love.
Clarice Starling: What?
Dr. Hannibal Lecter: Advancement. Listen. Look deep within yourself, Clarice Starling. Go seek out Miss Mofet, an old patient of mine. M-O-F-E-T. I don't think Miggs could manage again so soon... even though he is crazy... Go now!

Dr. Hannibal Lecter: All good things to those who wait.

Murray: Is it true what they're saying? He's some kind of vampire?
Clarice Starling: They don't have a name for what he is.

Dr. Hannibal Lecter: Everything you need to find him is there in those pages.
Clarice Starling: Then tell me how.
Dr. Hannibal Lecter: First principles, Clarice. Simplicity. Read Marcus Aurelius. Of each particular thing, ask: What is it in itself? What is its nature? What does he do, this man you seek?
Clarice Starling: He kills women.
Dr. Hannibal Lecter: No. That is incidental. What is the principle thing he does? What needs does he serve by killing?
Clarice Starling: Anger... social acceptance and sexual frustration...
Dr. Hannibal Lecter: No! He covets. That is his nature. And how do we begin to covet, Clarice? Do we seek out things to covet? Make an effort to answer now.
Clarice Starling: No, we just...
Dr. Hannibal Lecter: No, we begin by coveting what we see every day. Don't you feel eyes moving over your body, Clarice? And don't your eyes seek out the things you want?

Clarice Starling: Lambs. The lambs were screaming.
Dr. Hannibal Lecter: They were slaughtering the spring lambs?
Clarice Starling: And they were screaming.

Clarice Starling: I took one lamb, and I ran away as fast as I could.
Dr. Hannibal Lecter: Where were you going, Clarice?
Clarice Starling: I don't know. I didn't have any food, any water and it was very cold, very cold. I thought, I thought if I could save just one, but... he was so heavy. So heavy. I didn't get more than a few miles when the sheriff's car picked me up. ...
Dr. Hannibal Lecter: What became of your lamb, Clarice?
Clarice Starling: They killed him.

Dr. Hannibal Lecter: Brave Clarice... You will let me know when those lambs stop screaming, won't you?

Dr. Hannibal Lecter: I do wish we could chat longer, but... I'm having an old friend for dinner.

+++ Quotes on the IMDb

The Inspiration Deprivation

The Big Bang Theory 12×19

Howard: It's no big deal. I used to get called into H.R. all the time. Ms. Davis is great. Pro tip: if you find strong women sexy, do not say it out loud.

Sheldon: All right, let's get our story straight: This is all your fault.

Howard: Hey, I forget, why did you sell the scooter?
Raj: I finally got my woman. Then my woman made me sell it.

Penny: Really? This thing has numbers?
Sheldon: Anything has a number if you assign it a number, friend number four.
Leonard: Top five, not bad.

Howard: Check it out... That there, son, is 12 horses of "eye-talian" thunder.

Bebe: But if at any time you feel uncomfortable, just press the panic button and say, "Bebe."
Sheldon: That's a stupid word.

Sheldon: Ooh, colors... It's infinite iterations of the "Nautilus" section of the Mandelbrot set. That's some good stuff...

Sheldon: That tank was amazing. It was like Disneyland, but the rides were in 35 dimensions. And instead of Mickey, I had my picture taken with the concept that time is an illusion.

Sheldon: A little constructive criticism: You're saying you're happy, but you're using your mean voice.

Sheldon: Hang on.
Amy: What-what are you doing?
Sheldon: I'm googling what to do when someone's freaking out.

Sheldon: Thank goodness you're home. I don't know if you can tell, but I am literally losing my mind.
Amy: You are?
Sheldon: Isn't it obvious? I just used "literally" figuratively. Like a crazy person.

Sheldon: ♪ Soft kitty, warm kitty ♪
    ♪ Little ball of fur ♪
    ♪ Happy kitty, sleepy kitty ♪
    ♪ Purr, purr, purr ♪

Amy: You were right that, like it or not, I am a role model. But you are wrong to keep me on the sidelines. I am smart, I'm capable, and I can make a difference!
Janine Davis: Well said. You make a strong case.
Amy: Damn right, 'cause I'm a strong woman wearing a strong man's deodorant!
Janine Davis: Well, how about have a seat? Maybe you'd like a glass of water?
Amy: You have anything with a little more kick?

On the IMDb

23 апр. 2019 г.

Ghost in the Shell (1995)

«.... Фильм является практически полным ремейком нетленного аниме 1995 года, которое серьезно продвинуло жанр и повлияло на создание той же "Матрицы", авторы которой, тогда еще братья Вачовски, обильно использовали идеи "Призрака в доспехах". Аниме во всех отношениях было замечательным и даже сейчас оно смотрится весьма достойно. Ну а тут значит фильм подоспел. Сразу стоит оговориться. Фильм скорее всего сильно по разному зайдет тем, кто смотрел аниме и тем, кто аниме не смотрел. Так как я аниме видел, мне трудно судить, какое впечатление произведет вся эта история на тех, кто не знаком с оригиналом. ....»

Motoko Kusanagi: Nope, no evidence. Just a whisper... I hear it in my ghost.

Ishikawa: There is something I’ve been wanting to ask you ever since I started... Why'd you transfer a guy like me from the police force?
Motoko Kusanagi: Because we need a guy like you.
Ishikawa: Huh?
Motoko Kusanagi: Number one, you’re an honest cop. Number two, you’ve never stepped out of line. Three, you’re a family man and except for the slight brain augmentation your body is almost completely human. If we all react in the same way we would be predictable... And there is always more than one way to view a situation. What is true for the group is also true for the individual. It’s simple. Overspecialize and you breed in weakness. It’s slow death.

Terrorist: It’s no use arresting me! I’m not talking to any god damn cops!
Batou: Talk?! And just what are you gonna talk about? You don’t even know your own name, you stupid dickhead!
Motoko Kusanagi: Can you remember you mothers name or what she even looks like? Or how about where you were born? Don’t you have any happy childhood memories? Do you even know who you are?

Batou: Just when I thought I had seen everything in this lifetime I sit here and watch a cyborg go diving in her spare time.

Batou: Hey, so tell me what's it like to go swim in the sea?
Motoko Kusanagi: What do you mean? I thought you already been through all of the underwater training courses?
Batou: I'm asking about the ocean not those damned pools.
Motoko Kusanagi: I feel fear. Cold. Alone. Sometimes down there I even feel hope.
Batou: Hope, huh? In those deep dark waters?
Motoko Kusanagi: When I float weightless back to the surface... I imagine I’m becoming someone else... It’s probably the decompression.

Motoko Kusanagi: If man realizes a technology is within reach, he achieves it. Like it’s damn near instinctive.

Motoko Kusanagi: There are countless ingredients that make up the human body and mind. Like all the components that makes up me as an individual with my own personality. Sure, I have a face and voice to distinguish myself from others. But my thoughts and memories are unique only to me. And I carry a sense of my own destiny. Each of those things are just a small part of it. I collect information to use in my own way. All of that blends to create a mixture that forms me and gives rise to my consciousness. I feel confined. Only free to expand myself within boundaries.
Batou: Confinement!? That’s why you gamble with swimming with a body that can sinks like a rock?! What the hell is it you see at the bottom in that darkness?

Motoko Kusanagi: But you can copy yourself.
Puppet Master: A copy is just an identical image. There's the possibility that a single virus could destroy an entire set of systems. And copies do not give rise to variety and originality. Life perpetuates itself through diversity and this includes the ability to sacrifice itself when necessary. Cells repeat the process of degeneration and regeneration. Until one day they die. Obliterating an entire set of memory and information... Only genes remain. Why continually repeat this cycle? Simply to survive by avoiding the weaknesses of an unchanging system.

Motoko Kusanagi: You’re talking about redefining my identity. I want a guarantee I can still be myself.
Puppet Master: There isn’t one. Why would you wish to? All things change in a dynamic environment. Your effort to remain what you are is what limits you.

Batou: In the left pocket of my jacket in the hallway are some car keys. Take one you like. The door code is twen...
Motoko Kusanagi / Puppet Master: ...2501? That can be our private password, when we meet each other again.

Motoko Kusanagi / Puppet Master: And where does the newborn go from here?... The net is vast and infinite.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

~= Ghost in the Shell (2017)

You Knew It Was a Snake

You're the Worst 3×12

Gretchen: It's like being molested by an audio book. What is this?
Jimmy: "The Width of a Peach." My masterpiece of multi-generational sexploitative literature.

Jimmy: I stayed up all night and wrote 35 amazing pages just to spite you. So, ha! Consider yourself thoroughly spited.

Lindsay: What? I'm supposed to wear pajamas like an old?

Lindsay: My body, my choice.

Lindsay: Me and my sisters, we fought for this right for millenniums. This is why Margaret Thatcher went to prison.

Dorothy: Look, I admit it is a good thing, okay, yes. Sometimes minorities get jobs over white people, even when they're both equally qualified, or maybe the minority is slightly less qualified. But I think that that is good for the world, and I simply got you these cool and funky pastries 'cause they're cool and funky, not because they're Latino, or whatever.

Dorothy: Look, can we at least agree that the true enemy here is the white male?
Jimmy: Whoa! Not me. I'm an immigrant. Our story is so tragic. Do you know how many of us drown every day trying to get over here? And the true villain is the white American male...
Paul: Bad things happen to white American men, too. Real bad things.

Jimmy: You have dropped eight iPhones in the last year... Child-rearing requires skill. It's not the same as binge-watching a season of Exemplify.
Gretchen: Oh my god! That is a so sexist and man's planning. You a Gamergater? Am I living with a Gamergater?

Paul: Oh, look, wife. I'm about to rip my lung tissue asunder with the devil's tobacco because my life has been destroyed by the woman I love!
Lindsay: Your body, your choice.

Gretchen: WHAT?!?!
Jimmy: Nothing. I just... Sometimes I look at you and I think, "How did this person get in my house?"

Dorothy: Knock, knock. White lady visiting from the Aryan zone. You still mad?

Paul: Becca and Vernon had their baby. It's a girl. Tallulah.
Lindsay: Ew.

Gretchen: I think this may be impossible.
Jimmy: But can't that be okay? I mean, the-the vast majority of all human effort, however great or miniscule, ends in failure. So, what are your options?! You just ad-admit pre-defeat because the odds are that you're gonna be right? Or you do it anyway?

Jimmy: Maybe we're a success... regardless of the outcome, because... we tried. Maybe there's beauty in the struggle against near certain failure.

Paul: I guess... in the end, we were just two stars born light-years apart. You need to find someone in your own constellation, Lindsay...

Paul: You stabbed me. You cuckolded me. You ruined my life... Better lawyer up, bitch.

Gretchen: We didn't solve anything...
Jimmy: I know.
Gretchen: Okay.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

22 апр. 2019 г.

Jackie Brown (1997)

Ordell Robbie: Oh, uh-uh-uh, here we go. AK-47, the very best there is. When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherfucker in the room... accept no substitutes.

Louis Gara: Who was that?
Ordell Robbie: That's Beaumont.
Louis Gara: Who's Beaumont?
Ordell Robbie: An employee I had to let go.
Louis Gara: What'd he do?
Ordell Robbie: He put hisself in a position where he was gonna have to do ten years in prison. That's what he did. And if you know Beaumont... you know there ain't no goddamn way he can do ten years. If you know that, then you know Beaumont's gonna do anything Beaumont can... to keep from doin' them ten years... includin' tellin' the federal government any and every motherfucking thing... about my black ass. Now, that, my friend, is a clear-cut case... of him or me... and you best believe... it ain't gonna be me.

Detective Mark Dargas: With your prior, the judge will give you two years. Now, you'll probably only end up serving a year and some change... but if I was a 44-year-old black woman... desperately clinging on to this one shitty, little job I was fortunate enough to get... I don't think that I'd think I had a year to throw away. So let's start again now, shall we?

Ordell Robbie: Uh-uh-uh. I didn't hear you wash your hands.

Ordell Robbie: Is that what I think it is?
Jackie Brown: What do you think it is?
Ordell Robbie: I think it's a gun pressed up against my dick.
Jackie Brown: Well, you thought right. Now, take your hands from around my throat... nigger.

Max Cherry: I'll bet, besides maybe an afro, you look exactly how you did at 29.
Jackie Brown: Well, my ass ain't the same.
Max Cherry: Bigger?
Jackie Brown: Yeah.
Max Cherry: Ain't nothin' wrong with that!

Ordell Robbie: I suppose you see a piece of this for yourself?
Jackie Brown: It's my plan. We're in this together.
Ordell Robbie: Yeah, but it's my money, and I don't need no fuckin' partners.
Jackie Brown: I ain't your partner. I'm your manager. And I'm managing to get your money out of Mexico, into America, in your hands... and I'm managing to do it all under the nose of the cops. So, therefore, I'm your manager, and a manager gets 15%.
Ordell Robbie: No, a manager gets ten percent.
Jackie Brown: No, that's an agent.
Ordell Robbie: I'm gonna give you ten.
Jackie Brown: No. No. A manager gets 15%, agent gets 10. I'm getting 15%, all right?
Ordell Robbie: All I'm gonna give you is ten. And the same deal as before.
Jackie Brown: I can do that.

Melanie Ralston: You got to admit, he's not too bright.
Louis Gara: Oh... I wouldn't go so far as to say that.
Melanie Ralston: He moves his lips when he reads. What does that tell you?.. Let's say that he's streetwise, you know. We'll give him that. He's still a fuckup.

Louis Gara: I don't understand why you keep someone around your business and you can't even trust 'em.
Ordell Robbie: I ain't gotta trust her. I know her.
Louis Gara: I don't know what that means, man.
Ordell Robbie: Well, you can't trust Melanie... but you can always trust Melanie to be Melanie.

Max Cherry: If I saw an opportunity to walk away with a shopping bag full of money, would I take it?
Jackie Brown: You know where it came from. It's not like it's somebody's life savings. It wouldn't even be missed.
Max Cherry: Half a million dollars will always be missed.

Jackie Brown: I'm not sure you answered my question, Max.
Max Cherry: Which one?
Jackie Brown: If you had the chance, unemployed now... to walk away with a half million dollars... would you take it?

Ordell Robbie: You shot her? Twice?!

Ordell Robbie: It's Jackie Brown.

Ordell Robbie: My ass may be dumb, but I ain't no dumb ass.

Max Cherry: I'm 56 years old. I can't blame anybody for anything I do.

+++ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!!

I'm So Happy for You

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend 4×5

Paula: I've said good-bye to a lot of people. And... you get used to it. You say hello, you say good-bye, and you just try to treasure the moments in between.

Rebecca: I'm... losing two friends at once. But I will be cheering you all on very sincerely from... my small, unprofitable pretzel store, with my no boyfriend, having not had sex since before the slammer, because... oh, right... I was also in jail.

White Josh: Hector loves this show. What is it about again?
Darryl: It's a British cop thing with a child murder in a fishing village. And it stars that Swedish actress and that Scottish guy. And some episodes are two hours and some are 30 minutes.
White Josh: Wow. All right. Sounds good.

Rebecca: What I'm about to say is-is horrible... I see life as a contest, and I'm now losing.
Dr. Akopian: What? R-Rebecca, I-I didn't hear you.
Rebecca: I feel less than when others are doing better than me.
Dr. Akopian: Okay. I'll come sit next to you.

Rebecca: It's funny, 'cause I was saying I was behind so you would say, "No, no, no, you're not behind." But you said that I am. It's fine. No, it's just... It's slightly jarring when a medical professional confirms your worst fears, but that makes sense...

♪ It's confirm-ed ♪
♪ It's official ♪
♪ The group mind has decided you're in love ♪
♪ Say yes to long-term ♪
♪ Say yes ♪

♪ Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss ♪
♪ Dance, dance, dance, dance ♪
♪ Kiss, dance, kiss, dance ♪
♪ Kiss, dance, kiss, dance, kiss, dance ♪
♪ Yay! ♪

Valencia: Rebecca, you're being weird.
Rebecca: ... I don't even recognize that word anymore, 'cause the word is not "weird." It's actually "fizzy" now.

Rebecca: Fizzy is a word that means multiple things. It's like "sick" or "bad" or "aloha" or "shalom..."

Rebecca: ...and you can follow me on my Insta or my Finsta, if I let you.... Anyway, I got to go to a pop-up candy museum and then a hookah bar and then a party inside a photo booth. So got to dip. Oh, I'm sorry. "Dip" means "bounce," which means "peace out." Which means "leave."

Paula: You don't understand. You're not Mom. He grew in my stomach! His first sentence was, "Wuv you, Mama." For the first four years of his life, we were stapled together unless I was at work. And then from the ages of four to 18, I lost him to his stupid friends and knives and girls he never told me about and masturbation and selling pot, and now he's back, and he likes me, and I wuv him more than ever. And I just... I don't want to lose him yet, Scott! Please!

Heather: So true. So brutal... Trutal.

Darryl: Now, Netflix... is "hebbybebbynetflix." HBO Go is "hebbybebbyhbo."
White Josh: Mm-hmm. Oh, okay.
Darryl: Hulu is...
White Josh: Hmm? No, I think I got it.

Rebecca: I love this song! What's it called? "Endless Verses"? Huh? "Waiting for the Chorus"?.. "Only the Bad Parts of a Song"?

Rebecca: I continue to be horrible. Seriously, if I weren't me, I wouldn't talk to me.

Heather: Girl group is "forevah."
Valencia: And "evah."
Rebecca: And "evah."
Paula: And "evah."

Paula: ♪ 'Cause I always never believed in you ♪
    ♪ I never gave up giving up on you ♪
    ♪ Deep inside I always knew ♪
    ♪ That you'd eventually never come through ♪
    ♪ Not for a second did I think ♪
    ♪ You wouldn't end up dead or in the clink ♪
    ♪ For possession or assault or worse ♪

    ♪ 'Cause I've always never believed in you ♪
    ♪ I never once doubted doubting you ♪
    ♪ With every opportunity that you blew ♪
    ♪ All my worst fears just kept coming true ♪

    ♪ With every horrifying thing ♪
    ♪ You'd say or do ♪
    ♪ I continued to never believe in you ♪

Paula: ♪ 'Cause now I actually believe in you ♪
    ♪ No longer have a total lack of faith in you ♪
    ♪ Apparently there are things you can do ♪
    ♪ You're full of potential, and no one knew ♪
    ♪ Allow me to tip my hat to you, sir ♪
    ♪ 'Cause you're no longer a total loser ♪
    ♪ It feels strange to say it ♪
    ♪ But it's true ♪
    ♪ I weirdly, shockingly ♪
    ♪ Completely believe ♪
    ♪ In you ♪
    ♪ I believe, I believe, I believe ♪
    ♪ In you ♪

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

21 апр. 2019 г.

The Crosswalk

Grace and Frankie 5×4

Grace: Okay, girls. Enjoy your fun, disgusting day.

Grace: You know my birthday is more "ignore-ignore."
Brianna: Oh, but this one's pretty spesh.
Grace: Thank you all. Thank you. Thank you. I'm afraid, though, you're all part of a fun Brianna prank. See, I'm actually 76 today. It's getting up there, but it's not quite... that number.

Brianna: We thought you were 76, too...
Grace: I am. Because last year I was 75 and we didn't have a party, the way I like it, and this is a whole year later.

Frankie: Eighty?! You're eighty?!
Grace: Stop saying that number.
Frankie: You are 23 years older than me?
Grace: Learn math.

Grace: I don't want the world to know I'm as old as I am.
Frankie: Why? Eighty is amazing! If you were a tortoise, you'd still be a teenager.
Grace: Yeah, but if you're a person at that number... everybody looks at you like you have no future.

Frankie: We can't be ruled by numbers. Not the ones people set for us or the ones that we made up for ourselves. Our job is to say "fuck it" to those numbers... and eat cake.
Grace: Frankie, you can't have your cake and "fuck it," too.
Frankie: Can I "fuck it" and then eat it?

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

A Proper Sendoff

Billions 4×5

Bobby Axelrod: So, to our new AG. Long may he rule.

Rebecca Cantu: It's really only the ones we love, huh...
Wendy Rhoades: That make you want to kill them?

Rebecca Cantu: When I misplay something publicly and I feel like everyone's staring at me, I take comfort in this fact: most people are self-absorbed narcissistic assholes. So they might revel in your shit for a minute, because it distracts them from theirs. But... after that minute, they're gonna forget about you, just go right back to their own shitpile.

Bobby Axelrod: It'll blow over.
Chuck Rhoades: Yeah?
Bobby Axelrod: I dunno. She's been that angry at me before...
Chuck Rhoades: What'd you do to fix it?
Bobby Axelrod: Uh... Few million dollars, an Italian sports car, a piece of the profits, and I stopped suing you... And to be honest, she was still a little pissed. For a long time.

Mafee: I still look at you like Vincent Vega did Jules Winnfield... The smartest and toughest fella in the room.

Taylor: I don't feel very smart at the moment. I built a turbo engine here and the nitrous tank blew up in my face.

Bobby Axelrod: In our business, people never give back the money. So why are you giving back the money?

Bobby Axelrod: Talk... Talk more. About how that gratitude results in you spitting my capital back in my face like Furiosa did to Nux in Fury Road.

Bobby Axelrod: Either you confront it head on, or let it go. But don't keep giving it power over you by staying in the dark.

Bob Sweeney: This isn't about me, Chuck... Or you. This is about the People. ...... What was I supposed to do?
Chuck Rhoades: Uh. Fight harder! You're the governor! They're your people. Be their fucking champion! Stand up for the blessed sovereignty of the States versus the Fed. That's why we bowed and scraped to get these fucking jobs!
Bob Sweeney: Wow. It sounds so good when you say it... But I'd rather be the guy that didn't run out of money to keep the streets clean and safe in his first week.

Chuck Rhoades: Well, I plan to...
Rhoades, Sr.: Whatever it is, it won't be enough.

Chuck Rhoades: I'm in it, Dad, trying to get back my authority.
Rhoades, Sr.: Aim higher! Don't just get your juice back, Sonny. Send a fucking message! You've got to show them what you do with power...

Rhoades, Sr.: For longer than he was your enemy, Black Jack Foley was in your corner. So take this one last lesson from him...
Chuck Rhoades: Make them fear me.
Rhoades, Sr.: Your vengeance... your whim... your everything.

Wendy Rhoades: 'Password is no longer valid'. He changed it.
Mike Wagner 'Wags': May I? Nicole Aniston... Blair Williams. No. Wait... Cory Chase. If you're a Lisa Ann fan, you're a Cory Chase fanatic. She's a national treasure.

Bobby Axelrod: He was impressed that I'd paid attention to the stuff that didn't matter... because of course it matters. Everything fucking matters.
John Rice: So I should pay attention to the details?
Bobby Axelrod: And watch your six. Same rules for investing, cards...
John Rice: And women...
Bobby Axelrod: Exactly!

Bobby Axelrod: The money that I spent to educate you did not go totally to waste. The best education, though, is living it. Don't imagine what it's like to run two billion. Or five. Or ten. Just fucking run it.

Ari Spyros: I never thought I'd be part of a real life Wannsee Conference.... Or that it would be so much fun.

On the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!

20 апр. 2019 г.

Bad Times at the El Royale (2018)

Laramie Seymour Sullivan: Now the main lodge is all that's open. The pool is filled with ducks. And they'll even rent you a room by the hour if you ask real quietlike.... Although if we're bein' honest... that's probably the only reason that a priest, a vacuum salesman, and a negro... could afford freight here, am I right?... I'm just funnin'.

Father Daniel Flynn: If this is not a place for a priest, Miles... then this is exactly where the Lord wants me.

Miles Miller: The El Royale is a bi-state establishment. You have the option to stay in either the great state of California... or the great state of Nevada. Warmth and sunshine to the west... or hope and opportunity to the east. Which would you prefer?
Father Daniel Flynn: What's the difference?
Miles Miller: Between California and Nevada?
Father Daniel Flynn: Between the rooms.
Miles Miller: Well, for starters, rooms in California cost a dollar more.
Laramie Seymour Sullivan: Really? When did that happen? What makes 'em a dollar better?
Miles Miller: They're in California.
Laramie Seymour Sullivan: And that's worth a dollar?
Miles Miller: Some people think so.
Laramie Seymour Sullivan: You got a phone number for any of those people? 'Cause I sure would like to sell them one of these vacuum cleaners.

Miles Miller: I'm afraid for my soul. I've done horrible things.
Father Daniel Flynn: So? So has everybody. You'll be fine.

Billy Lee: You knew the game the second we started playing. Come on, Boots. You got no reason to cry no more. You're in California now.

Darlene Sweet: I will shoot you in the face. Believe me.
Father Daniel Flynn: I believe you.

Darlene Sweet: You spend your life getting shook, you learn how to spot a shaker.

Felix O'Kelly: Think the new guy is bent or just stupid?
Dock O'Kelly: Oh, I'm going with stupid, but I can be persuaded.

Dock O'Kelly: Oh, we got this, Felix, piece of cake. I got it under control...

Darlene Sweet: How much money are we talking exactly?

Billy Lee: Howdy.

Billy Lee: And maybe for tonight... we get to be our own Gods.

Billy Lee: Listen, if you're so worried about your soul... maybe you shouldn't have been doing all this bad shit in the first place...

Father Daniel Flynn: Who is this?
Darlene Sweet: Um... It's... Deep Purple, I think.
Father Daniel Flynn: Uh... It's not for me.

Darlene Sweet: I'd rather sit here and listen to the rain.

Darlene Sweet: How many people have you killed, Miles?

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks!

Donar the Great

American Gods 2×6

♪ Take... ♪
♪ Ten terrific girls but only nine costumes ♪
♪ You're cooking up something grand ♪

Mr. Wednesday: Playing dead convincingly is an underrated skill.

Mr. Wednesday: Would you get my guitar out of the trunk, partner?

Mr. Wednesday: Dies irm, dies illa, Solvet saeclum in favilla, Teste David cum Sibylla. Huh? To dead malls everywhere: may you rot in the detritus of your own cupidity!

Mr. Nancy: I'm gonna count to seven and I'm startin' at four!

Mr. Wednesday: Tell me, wh-why do you wear the flanged thwarts?
Manfred: Sorry?
Mr. Wednesday: The angle cross of fylfot. The rune on Gunnvaldr's stone.
Manfred: Oh, my armband? It's the symbol of our organization. The Friends of New Germany.
Mr. Wednesday: Oh, right. I wasn't aware she'd landed on our shores.

Shadow Moon: All this for a leather jacket?
Sindri: Lou Reed's leather jacket! It's the most powerful item in the whole mall.

Donar Odinson: Why were they wearing the flanged thwarts?
Miss Columbia: They were Nazis, weren't they?
Al Grimnir: They're sheep in search of a shepherd. Like he is a God in search of worshippers.

Miss Columbia: American Nazis... They frighten me, Donnie.
Donar Odinson: They're only men. They're nothing to be afraid of.

Mr. Wednesday: He was a moody Jewish kid from Long Island. A destructive, drug-addled genius who defined an era by dredging the depths of his soul and setting them to the music of a badly tuned guitar. Oh, this jacket has rubbed shoulders with David Bowie, Grace Jones, Iggy Pop, Patty Smith. And it simply must be mine.

Mr. Wednesday: Former son. He died.
Shadow Moon: From what I've read, Thor was the son of Odin.
Mr. Wednesday: Donar was his... taken name. Germanic for thunder.

Shadow Moon: I don't understand. I-I-I don't get... how does Thor die? Zorya, I understand. She-she didn't have any believers left, it makes sense. But Thor? Thor? Everybody knows who Thor is. Why didn't he come back?
Mr. Wednesday: There are certain deaths our kind cannot come back from.

Technical Boy: The country, as you probably know, is on the brink of another war.
Miss Columbia: Is it? I've been out of the loop.
Technical Boy: America needs a goddess of substance to take us into the fight. My associates and I know all about you. Hoo, boy. You were doing great until Mademoiselle Liberty came along and stole your thunder. ....
Miss Columbia: She's Roman, actually... Libertas. Resurrected by the French as a gift to the Americans. Funny old world.
Technical Boy: Hm. Roman, French... Whatever. It's the American way of life we're concerned about.

Mr. Wednesday: Sacrifice is the only noble act. As gods, it's our sustenance and currency. I regret nothing.

Mr. Wednesday: Suicide. Suicide: that's the kind of death that Gods can't come back from.

Shadow Moon: Did the Valkyries provide safe passage?
Mr. Wednesday: Honestly?... I have no idea.

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