20 апр. 2019 г.

Bad Times at the El Royale (2018)

Laramie Seymour Sullivan: Now the main lodge is all that's open. The pool is filled with ducks. And they'll even rent you a room by the hour if you ask real quietlike.... Although if we're bein' honest... that's probably the only reason that a priest, a vacuum salesman, and a negro... could afford freight here, am I right?... I'm just funnin'.

Father Daniel Flynn: If this is not a place for a priest, Miles... then this is exactly where the Lord wants me.

Miles Miller: The El Royale is a bi-state establishment. You have the option to stay in either the great state of California... or the great state of Nevada. Warmth and sunshine to the west... or hope and opportunity to the east. Which would you prefer?
Father Daniel Flynn: What's the difference?
Miles Miller: Between California and Nevada?
Father Daniel Flynn: Between the rooms.
Miles Miller: Well, for starters, rooms in California cost a dollar more.
Laramie Seymour Sullivan: Really? When did that happen? What makes 'em a dollar better?
Miles Miller: They're in California.
Laramie Seymour Sullivan: And that's worth a dollar?
Miles Miller: Some people think so.
Laramie Seymour Sullivan: You got a phone number for any of those people? 'Cause I sure would like to sell them one of these vacuum cleaners.

Miles Miller: I'm afraid for my soul. I've done horrible things.
Father Daniel Flynn: So? So has everybody. You'll be fine.

Billy Lee: You knew the game the second we started playing. Come on, Boots. You got no reason to cry no more. You're in California now.

Darlene Sweet: I will shoot you in the face. Believe me.
Father Daniel Flynn: I believe you.

Darlene Sweet: You spend your life getting shook, you learn how to spot a shaker.

Felix O'Kelly: Think the new guy is bent or just stupid?
Dock O'Kelly: Oh, I'm going with stupid, but I can be persuaded.

Dock O'Kelly: Oh, we got this, Felix, piece of cake. I got it under control...

Darlene Sweet: How much money are we talking exactly?

Billy Lee: Howdy.

Billy Lee: And maybe for tonight... we get to be our own Gods.

Billy Lee: Listen, if you're so worried about your soul... maybe you shouldn't have been doing all this bad shit in the first place...

Father Daniel Flynn: Who is this?
Darlene Sweet: Um... It's... Deep Purple, I think.
Father Daniel Flynn: Uh... It's not for me.

Darlene Sweet: I'd rather sit here and listen to the rain.

Darlene Sweet: How many people have you killed, Miles?

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