3 апр. 2019 г.

Mine (2016)

Tommy: We've been here for what... What is it now? Two months?
Mike: Three months and six days.

Mike: In the last 40 years, there's been 8,000 declared conflicts. There's 33 million land mines buried in this area.

Tommy: You know what? I don't even like water. Water's overrated, got no taste. An ice... ice cold slushy, oh, man... That'd be so good.

Mike: Shuman maneuver, my ass.

Berber: Mine not mine.

Berber: Don't worry about friend. He find his peace now, but you alive. You must take next step now.

Berber: Radio no good. No music now. No dancing.

Berber: You need to make next step.

Berber: You foot on mine. Ha!
Mike: Finally.
Berber: But you very lucky man... Foot on mine and mine no explode. Night in desert and animal no eat you. You very lucky man, Mike is Michael.

Berber: Become free man. You have to move on. Even wrong path can take you home.

Berber: Maybe this bad thing was only way to reach good thing. Huh?

Berber: I am not a very lucky man like you... But I am free man. I've moved on. I always move on because you've got to keep moving on. I make always next step, even if next step hard and take long and make... scared. You know how not to be scared? Must become... free man.

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