30 сент. 2020 г.

Our Mojo

Lucifer 5×7

Lucifer: Was I snoring like a truck driver? You know what, don't answer that, 'cause I just remembered you don't lie.

Lucifer: Are you cold?
Chloe: Cold? No, why?
Lucifer: Odd, given that Hell was supposed to freeze over. Hmm...

Chloe: You must have some preference. What do you truly desire?
Lucifer: I... I want to have sex with you another four times. Six, actually. What...
Chloe: Did I just mojo you?

Lucifer: What is that sound?
Linda: Oh. My boobs. I'm pumping. Wearable breast pumps. Best invention since the epidural.

Lucifer: The detective has mojo!

Lucifer: Do you think it's possible I've given my power to everyone I've ever had sex with and just never knew it?

Linda: Lucifer... what do you desire?.....
Lucifer: No. Nada. Totally limp.
Linda: Oof. Ouch.
Lucifer: Well, that's several million bullets dodged.

Linda: Lucifer, that's what being in a relationship is, sharing without losing yourself in the process.

Lucifer: You're right. I am, and always will be, master of the mojo. King of desire. Sultan of humans' innermost wishes. Thank you, Doctor!

Linda: Still pumping.

Lucifer: Detective, I think you stole my mojo.

Chloe: I don't have your mojo.
Lucifer: There's only one way to be sure.
Chloe: Right now? No! I'm not gonna mojo you here!

Mazikeen: How much does that kid need? I had two rocks when I was growing up. One sharp, one not. Take the sharp one and try to stab things. Take the dull one, try to make it sharp.
Amenadiel: That, um... That explains a lot.

Lucifer: As fun as it is to watch you use my... I mean, our, but really my mojo, I'd like it back. So... let's have sex again, me on top this time.

Mazikeen: Twenty-seven!
Amenadiel: I'm surprised you're keeping track.
Mazikeen: Humans count sheep, I count shots.

Mazikeen: I thought... Maybe... Maybe only... an angel could love a soulless demon.

Mazikeen: Ever heard of a demon getting a soul?
Amenadiel: I... I can't say that I have. But... No one ever heard of an angel and a human having a baby before. Or of the Devil falling in love.

Lucifer: Five-oh-seven. Shall we?

Pete: Deciding if I'm good enough or not, that's not up to me. I mean, that's up to her. So, all I can do is open up and let her in, and then she can judge for herself. Right?

Linda: By all means, enjoy this phase while it lasts.
Amenadiel: While it lasts?
Linda: No, I just mean if you and I do a good job, Charlie's gonna need us less and less every day, you know?

Chloe: Because you're vulnerable around me... I sometimes forget how strong you are. How powerful.
Lucifer: Less and less, as you're well aware.
Chloe: Feeling human... feeling weak, having to rely on other people, it must be so hard, so... scary for you.
Lucifer: I suppose what I call powerlessness is what everyone else calls a Tuesday.

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+ Soundtracks

29 сент. 2020 г.

Irresistible (2020)

Gary Zimmer: Oh. It's really beautiful out here. Really takes me back.
Jack Hastings: Are you a farm boy?
Gary Zimmer: Uh, no. Political consultant.

Gary Zimmer: Okay. Here it is... I want you to be the Democratic candidate for mayor of Deerlaken. Now, I know you probably don't think that you're a democrat, but after watching your speech, I can assure you that you are. And I would like to offer my company's services to help you do so.

Gary Zimmer: All right. Can I... be completely honest with you? No bullshit.
Jack Hastings: Be nice. My daughter's here.
Gary Zimmer: That was your daughter? With her arm up the cow?

Gary Zimmer: Look. Democrats are getting their asses kicked because guys like me don't know how to talk to guys like you. I <i>really believe that you believe what I believe,</i> that what is happening in this town is wrong...

Gary Zimmer: All due respect, Colonel. Anybody can make a speech. The real test is backing up your words. The things that you said to those folks in that meeting, was that principle? Or was that just a hobby? Let me know.

Gary Zimmer: Why does he need three guns?

Gary Zimmer: Don't put all the black ones in the center. He's running as a moderate, okay?
Faith Brewster: They're definitely ramping up, so I'm gonna need the full crew. If Zimmer wants to take a stand in Turdsville, USA, I say we bury him here... Sorry. Not a turd. Heart and soul of America.

Gary Zimmer: I am telling you, he is the real deal. It is like a Bill Clinton with impulse control. Like a church-going Bernie Sanders with better bone density.

Gary Zimmer: You gotta find me some more fucking Hispanics. Where are my fucking Hispanics? I need some more fucking Hispanics, Kurt!.... Hey, everybody. Listen. I am profoundly disappointed in the comments that I just made. My words and/or actions do not represent who I am as a person and...
Tina: A teachable moment?
Gary Zimmer: It is a teachable moment. It's something I think we can all learn from. And in that way, I feel like I have given you a gift.
Tina: You're in my heart.
Gary Zimmer: And from this moment on, I vow to make this office a color-and gender-neutral work environment.

Diana Hastings: Come on, Gary. We're the good guys, right?
Gary Zimmer: Yeah, we're the good guys.
Diana Hastings: When they go low...
Gary Zimmer: We go high.
Diana Hastings: Unless we also need to go low, apparently.
Gary Zimmer: Only to keep those who would go lower out of power.
Diana Hastings: So, when they go low, we go higher incrementally in relation to how low they went.
Gary Zimmer: Regrettably, yes.
Diana Hastings: When they go low, we go almost as low, but we feel worse doing it.
Gary Zimmer: You think they thought twice about making your dad look like a PTS nutcase, and I'm going low because I'm gonna tell the truth about the mayor?
Jack Hastings: His brother is fragile, Gary.
Gary Zimmer: This town is fragile. The whole area is fragile. Our democracy.
Diana Hastings: Oh, stop. We're not doing it, okay? People are gonna get hurt.
Gary Zimmer: I'm sorry, I really am, but sometimes good people have to do shitty things in service of the greater good. Isn't that right, Colonel?

Diana Hastings: Is this politics?
Gary Zimmer: It's not politics anymore, Diana. It's math. That's what an election is. It's just math.
We need what they get plus one. That's all. And if I can't get that by getting more people to vote for your dad, then I have to get fewer people to vote for Braun.

Gary Zimmer: I just... I thought that maybe you and I had a little something.
Diana Hastings: I'm 28. In what world would this... be okay?
Gary Zimmer: D.C. and LA. Parts of New York. Miami. Maybe Dallas...
Diana Hastings: Look. It wasn't personal. It was math.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Валерий Залотуха — Свечка: Том 1 (6/6)

&  – Жить здесь можно, только сладкого недостает.

&  Жизнь устроена просто. И вот он пример: не было сгущенки – не было счастья, а появилась – и вот оно…

&  Страх подчиненных – лучший помощник руководителя, порядок со страха начинается.

&  – Человек – свечка Божья! И мы должны стоять перед Ним и гореть, пока в огарок не превратимся!

&  Настоящая власть умеет заставить своих подчиненных поверить в то, во что не верит сама.

&  Весь этот спектакль был ему нужен, чтобы, как он говорил, «замутить поляну», на современном политическом языке – взбудоражить общественность. Ведь взбудораженная она теряет возможность логически рассуждать, не зная, по сути, ничего, начинает думать, что знает всё, делаясь бессильной, безвольной, бессмысленной.
     Это и есть разводка!
     Развести человека с человеком – это просто, развести человека со всеми – это разводка высокая, но самая высокая – это развести всех с реальной действительностью.
  ... Однако, чтобы все это понять, нам придется начать наш новый рассказ с детства о. Мардария, присовокупив к нему отрочество и юность, пробежав при этом по некоторым ветвям его древнего рода, корни которого глубоки, а крона обширна, и все это мы надеемся вместить в одну главу под лаконичным названием «О. Мардарий» (хотя и с подзаголовками), потому как сам он, несмотря на свою тучность и связанную с этим телесную зыбкость, физическую и душевную избыточность, – фигура на удивление цельная и нераздельная…”

28 сент. 2020 г.

The One with the Jam

Friends 3×3

Monica: Hey, look at me. I'm making jam. I've been at it since 4:00 this morning.
Ross: Where'd you get fruit at 4 in the morning?
Monica: Went down at the docks. Bet you didn't know you can get it wholesale.
Rachel: I didn't know there were docks.

Phoebe: When I was in junior high school... I went through this period where I thought I was a witch. And there was this guidance counselor who said something to me... that I think will help you a lot. He said, "Okay, you're not a witch. You're just an average student." See what I'm saying?
Malcolm: Not really.
Phoebe: Um, well, get over it.

Chandler: When Janice asked me and I said no... she took that to mean that I was calling her a cow.
Rachel: Okay, walk us through it, honey. Walk us through it.
Chandler: Okay, well, Janice said, uh: "Hi. Do I look fat today?" And I looked at her...
Ross: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You looked at her? You never look.
Rachel: Mm-mm.
Ross: You just answer. It's like a reflex. "Do I look fat?" "No." "Is she prettier than I am?" "No." "Does size matter?"
Rachel: No.
Ross: And it works both ways.
Chandler: Okay, so you both just know this stuff?
Ross: You know, after about 30 or 40 fights, you kind of catch on.

Ross: Okay, the sleeping thing. Very tricky business but there is something you can do.
Chandler: I thought you were cuddly sleepers.
Ross: No. No, not cuddly. Not me. Just her. I'm like you. I need the room. Okay, come here. Ahem. .... Okay. You're in bed. She's over on your side cuddling. Now, you wait for her to drift off... and then you hug her... and roll her over to her side of the bed. And then you... roll away. Hug for her. Roll for you.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Валерий Залотуха — Свечка: Том 1 (5/6)

&  Пригласил я тут свою новую секретаршу в ресторан поужинать, заказываю себе мясо, а она: «Герман Генрихович, а разве вы не поститесь?» ... Новая русская зараза! Говорят, марксизм не был бы всесилен, если бы не был моден. Знаешь, эта новая мода мне еще больше не по душе. При коммунистах можно было есть мясо круглый год, хотя его не было, сейчас полно, но есть нельзя – пост. Это мне моя бывшая секретарша сказала. Знаешь, раньше я мог легко обходиться без мяса, а теперь без хорошей отбивной за стол не сажусь. Дух противоречия!

&  Ты человек двадцатого века, и тебя не должны волновать ветхозаветные глупости. «Религия – это ограничение» – где-то я это слышал или читал. В таком случае современный человек очень религиозен. «Мойте руки перед едой». «Переходите улицу на зеленый свет». Туда нельзя, сюда нельзя, проезд запрещен. Да я сотню таких вот заповедей современного человека наковыряю.

&  Порядок начинается со страха и заканчивается в единообразии.

&  Смешавшись, зависть и разочарование родили сомнение, а сомнение – второй после гордыни враг раскаяния.

&  В отличие от всех остальных женщин, жены военных военных не любят.

&  Правда – вещь тяжелая, неудобоносимая, на первом же жизненном мостке можно с нею неведомо куда провалиться, да к тому же неинтересная она, а очень часто просто скучная. То ли дело – едешь на вранье и враньем погоняешь, не скучно и всегда куда-нибудь вынесет.

&  В решении бригадира присутствовала сама жизнь, потому как каждый в ней за себя отвечает, и сколько ты из нее высосал, то в ней и твое.

&  О глазах непосредственно сосущего сказать ничего нельзя, так как они крепко зажмурены от сладости и напряжения переживаемого момента, и глаза стоящего следом приходится пропустить, потому что второй вплоть до мельчайших деталей невольно повторяет все действия первого, зато глаза всех остальных на виду.
     Так вот, адский огонь желания горит в глазах третьего, четвертого и пятого, начиная с шестого – к желанию примешивается нетерпение, нетерпение сменяется сомнением, сомнение выдавливается завистью, зависть замещается презрением, и все кончается ненавистью последнего ко всем стоящим впереди.

27 сент. 2020 г.

Wolferton Splash

The Crown 1×1

Winston Churchill: What are structural alterations?
— It's what doctors say when they avoid using the word that it almost inevitably describes... Who is this man?

Peter Townsend: Just a little. One doesn't want to overdo it.
King George VI: One doesn't want to look ill, either. A sick... king is no good to anyone. There must be no weakness. No vulnerability.

King George VI: My dear Winston. Congratulations. Would it be terribly unconstitutional of me to say how happy I am? I've missed our weekly chats. Your predecessor is a fine parliamentarian. A good man. But, well, as company, as a companion...
Winston Churchill: An empty taxi pulled up at the House of Commons, and Mr. Attlee got out.
King George VI: Quite.

King George VI: Not sure I ever imagined what breathing through one lung would feel like. Turns out there's barely any difference.
Winston Churchill: Good. Good.
King George VI: Though... probably wise to let the Princess Elizabeth undertake the Commonwealth tour? Hm? What say you?
Winston Churchill: Is she up to it?
King George VI: Yes, I'd say so. Besides... we have to start breaking her in gently, don't we?
Winston Churchill: Do we?
King George VI: Keep one eye on the future. The distant future.

Clemmie Churchill: So he's dying?
Winston Churchill: We're all dying. That's what defines the condition of living.

Winston Churchill: I have considered resigning for Anthony 's sake. For your sake. But then I realized a situation like that would also require statesmanship. The party needs me. The country needs me. She needs me.
Clemmie Churchill: Who?
Winston Churchill: Her!
Clemmie Churchill: Oh, her.

King George VI: You understand, the titles, the... dukedom. They're not the job.
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: Sir?
King George VI: She is the job. She is the essence of your duty. Loving her. Protecting her. Of course, you'll miss your career. But doing this for her, doing this for me... there may be no greater act of patriotism. Or love.
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: I understand, sir.
King George VI: Do you, boy? Do you really?

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

Валерий Залотуха — Свечка: Том 1 (4/6)

&  Я всегда твердо знал – есть вещи, которые делать нельзя. Никогда. Ни за что. Ни при каких обстоятельствах. Потому что, если ты это сделаешь, тогда пиши пропало. Назад возврата нет. А впереди пропасть. И ты в нее уже падаешь. Например? Например, нельзя говорить «нет», если у тебя есть. Деньги, например. Нельзя смотреть на жену друга как на женщину. Женщин нельзя бить. И детей тоже. Нельзя расстраивать маму. Вообще, их много, этих самых НЕЛЬЗЯ, причем не только общего порядка, но есть еще и частные, единоличные, одноразовые нельзя, когда в данный конкретный момент лично тебе нельзя делать то-то и то-то. Причем это сразу понимаешь, как будто кто-то говорит: «Тебе это нельзя». Может даже прибавить: «Ни в коем случае!».

&  Прочитать книгу – поступок, прочитать большую книгу – большой поступок. В наше время, когда жизнь расписана по дням и часам и на поступки не остается ни времени, ни сил, чтение выходит на передний план. Трудная книга – трудный поступок …, но куда более трудный и значительный поступок книгу написать – многократно, неизмеримо более трудный и значительный.

&  Я не смог отказаться, да и не должен был отказываться – если женщина что-то предлагает, значит, она этого хочет, а исполнение женского желания – закон для мужчины.

&  Не люблю мат. Не люблю. Иногда, и даже довольно часто некоторые люди говорили мне, что я какой-то не такой, в смысле – не такой, как все, ... Они не могли понять – в чем дело, а дело заключалось в том, что я не ругался матом. Никогда. И не ругаюсь. И не буду. «Мат – это словесная грязь». Мама. Я за свободу слова, но если можно – без мата. И я уверен, что можно. И нужно. Нужно – ввести не цензуру, нет, но – запрет на публичное употребление и использование в печати непечатных слов. А за использование – штраф. (И довольно значительный.) ... Непечатное не должно печататься именно потому, что оно – НЕпечатное. И свобода слова здесь совершенно ни при чем!

&  Некоторые люди постоянно читают, чтобы не думать», – сказал ты однажды, имея в виду одного человека. На что этот человек возразил: «Но невозможно думать, не присев в одиночестве хотя бы на минутку».

&  Если ты интеллигентный человек, ты уж, будь добр, плати в трамвае за проезд. А денег нет – ходи пешком. А если для тебя это неразрешимая дилемма, значит, ты человек не интеллигентный.

&  Но разве плохо быть стариками? Старикам ничего не нужно и ничего не страшно – разве это плохо?

26 сент. 2020 г.


Lucifer 5×6

Ella: Oh, my God, I... I didn't know you two were a thing. I mean, I mean, I'd hoped, but... You two bow-chicka-wow-wow?

Chloe: Okay, Ella, so what do we have?
Ella: Blue Ballz.
Lucifer: You, too?
Ella: No. Blue Ballz, with a "Z."

Mazikeen: You missed our coffee date.
Linda: Oh, my gosh, Maze. Is it morning? I'm so sorry. We've been up all night. You're welcome to stay, but it's kind of loud.
Mazikeen: Pain and suffering... Music to my ears.

Chloe: Why do you think he's behind all this?
Lucifer: Well, clearly he's orchestrating all this to get close to you again.
Chloe: That's ridiculous. Electrocuting a colleague? Blowing up his own studio? No one would go that far just to be near me.
Lucifer: Well, I did go to Hell and back for you, twice, but who's counting?

Amenadiel: You're a great guy. Great cop, great dad. And your hair, it's so high.

Amenadiel: Listen to me, Daniel. We all have our demons. Myself included. But believe me when I say this... I know evil. And you, my friend, are not it.

Ella: BRB. Be right back.

Jed: See, Chloe loves a mystery. ..... See, Chloe looks at everything like a case that needs to be solved. What I didn't realize was when she solved me... figured me out... she was done. 'Cause underneath the handsome, the sexy, the fun...
Lucifer: Mm.
Jed: ...it's just me. So she moved onto the next mystery.

Chloe: Ladies, let me remind you that there is a killer here.
Linda: As long as that killer doesn't cry, spit up, or wet themselves, I am in.

Linda: Seriously, sex with Lucifer is the last thing you should be worried about. What you should be worried about is that he's unfathomably narcissistic, utterly terrified of intimacy, and sabotages everything good that ever happens to him. So essentially, he's the oldest, most immature person in the world. Nay, "universe."

Dan: What the hell, man?
Lucifer: Well, you see, Daniel, the detective is a detective. So, I'm being a mystery.
Dan: That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Amenadiel: What's wrong?
Lucifer: I've been manipulated, brother.

Amenadiel: Do it again, Lucy. Do it again.

Mazikeen: You don't think I'm scary?
Ella: Oh, I think you are hella scary. But... it's good scary, because it's you. And I know when you finally show someone how absolutely amazing you are, you're going to find your soulmate.
Mazikeen: You can't find a soulmate if you don't have a soul.

Lucifer: This whole relationship nonsense... How am I supposed to know what she's thinking?
Dan: That's man's eternal question, bro.

Lucifer: Look, I know you two are useless when it comes to women, but Daniel, you, surely, should have some sort of self-help mumbo-jumbo advice for me?
Dan: You want my advice?
Lucifer: Sadly, yes.
Dan: Stop asking people for their advice and just go talk to her, man.

Chloe: I was nervous and, um... the things I said, well, they were things a normal person would say, you know, and... we're not normal.
Lucifer: No.
Chloe: You know, we... We're us, and... we're... incredible.
Lucifer: I couldn't agree more.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtracks

Валерий Залотуха — Свечка: Том 1 (3/6)

&  Я: Вы хотите сказать, что на Западе уже не верят?
     Он: Нет, почему же, на Западе верят. Но как? Как говорила мне одна очаровательная француженка: «На всякий случай». Так верить можно!

&  – Папа, а зачем мы живем?
     Я не просто растерялся, я испугался. Ничего себе вопросик! А надо было что-то отвечать. И не просто отговориться, отболтаться, отшутиться, а отвечать серьезно и точно. Потому что вопрос был задан серьезно! Это же на всю жизнь! Ведь как я сейчас скажу, так она и будет дальше жить. В ту минуту в моей голове пронеслись все формулировки смысла жизни, которые там за всю мою жизнь скопились: от эпикурейцев до Николая Островского. И я вдруг понял: горю, пропадаю! Сам себе этот вопрос я никогда не задавал и ответа на него не искал: живу и живу, а дочка смотрит, и глаза у нее такие грустные и такие не по-детски серьезные, и вдруг как-то само собой сформулировалось, и я сказал:
     – Мы живем для того, чтобы не делать зла.
     Алиска подумала и спросила:
     – Никогда и никому?
     Я сказал:
     – Никогда и никому.
     Это я сказал, уже приободрясь, потому что видел, что грусть в ее глазах сменяется радостью, но это была уже не та безмятежная детская радость, не пресловутое счастливое детство («счастливое детство» – был такой штамп в нашей советской жизни – в газетах, на телевидении, везде: «счастливое детство», и больше ничего, «у матросов нет вопросов» – дуболомство какое-то, нет, не такая радость была в тот момент в Алискиных глазах, это была... осмысленная радость. Вот именно – осмысленная!) Она улыбнулась и спросила:
     – А что делать?
     (В том смысле, что если не делать зла, то что тогда делать?) Но тут уж было легко! Тут уж было просто! Я засмеялся и сказал:
     – Добро!
     И Алиска засмеялась, залилась прямо-таки звонким колокольчиком: оказывается, так все в жизни просто!

&  Меня не раз в жизни обкрадывали: в поезде, в гостинице, в очереди в обменный пункт, и каждый раз я испытывал это противное чувство, как будто меня исподтишка испачкали, мазанули сзади какой-то вонючей гадостью, отчего я бежал не в милицию, чтобы написать заявление, а – в душ, чтобы скорей отмыться!

25 сент. 2020 г.

Goon: Last of the Enforcers (2017)

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The One Where No One's Ready

Friends 3×2

Joey: Okay. You hide my clothes. I'm gonna do the exact opposite to you.
Chandler: What, are you gonna show me my clothes?
Joey: Hey, opposite... is opposite.

Ross: What time is it? It's 7:33. I have 7 minutes. I have seven minutes!
Rachel: Which shoes should I wear? The black or the purple?
Ross: Just pick one, okay?
Phoebe: Oh, okay, okay. The black. Do you have black with little strappies?
Rachel: Yeah, but those go better with pants. Maybe I should wear pants...
Ross: Yeah, pants! What an idea! Or better yet, go without pants. I don't know what you're doing but just get in there... and pick out any shoes that fit your feet. I don't care if they match. I don't care if they make... your ankles or your knees or your earlobes look fat. Just do it! Go in there, pick something out so we can go.
Rachel: All right...

Chandler: You know what's weird? Donald Duck never wore pants. But when he gets out of the shower... he always puts a towel around his waist. I mean, what is that about?

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Валерий Залотуха — Свечка: Том 1 (2/6)

&  Спасибо старине Холмсу – старый добрый метод дедукции по-прежнему выручает. (Кстати, когда-то я мечтал о карьере следователя. Кажется, это было после того, как я расстался с мечтой стать пожарником, но еще не думал о теплом местечке продавца мороженого.)

&  ...рано или поздно он все равно сработает, мой закон всемирного понимания (он же закон всемирного непонимания). Я открыл его однажды ночью, когда не мог заснуть, а заснуть не мог потому, что не мог понять всего, что вокруг меня тогда происходило, и как только я его открыл, так сразу и заснул! А утром поработал над формулировкой. «Количество непонимания рождает качество понимания». Или (это научнее и точнее): «Количество непонимания прямо пропорционально качеству понимания». Я не скажу, что после открытия данного закона мне стало легче жить, но проще, несомненно, проще. Со мной такое не раз бывало: не понимаю, не понимаю, не понимаю, а потом – БАЦ – и понимаю! Всё. Абсолютно всё. Да еще как понимаю!

&  Кстати, ты помнишь наш с тобой спор на тему о том, что литература и жизнь – вещи несовместные, одна к другой отношения не имеющие: жизнь – это жизнь, а литература – это литература. Это ты так считаешь. «В жизни человек ест, спит и испражняется, а в литературе, особенно в русской, он только вопрошает: “Тварь я дрожащая...?” или “Почему люди не летают”, ни разу при этом не пописав».

&  Люблю рано вставать! (Вообще-то, не очень и даже совсем не люблю, но в совином гнезде кому-то надо быть жаворонком.)

&  Поход в книжный всегда для меня был праздником, а сейчас, когда книг выпускается так много – это праздник вдвойне, праздник втройне, это праздник с большой буквы: Праздник! И вот стою я среди всего этого книжного изобилия, и меня вдруг посещает одна мысль (даже странно, что раньше она меня не посетила) – НЕ ПРО-ЧИ-ТА-Ю! Не смогу, не осилю, просто не успею... Читаю я быстро, это правда, но все равно, если сесть и сосчитать оставшиеся годы, с запасом, с нахальным, я бы сказал, запасом до ста, например, лет – все равно не успею. Действительно, странно, что эта мысль не пришла мне в голову раньше, хотя, наверное, это хорошо, ведь, чтобы ее пережить, требуется возрастная, если можно так выразиться, крепость, жизненная закалка, которая теперь, на пятом десятке, у меня, несомненно, появилась, да и то – после того случая недели две я не брал в руки книги, даже Женька удивилась и спросила: «Золоторотов, ты что, заболел?»

&  Но почему, почему, Золоторотов, всю свою жизнь ты делаешь то, что не хочешь, и не делаешь того, что хочешь? Говоришь, когда надо молчать, и молчишь, когда надо говорить? И всем, абсолютно всем пожимаешь руку – почему?!

24 сент. 2020 г.

La deriva

Money Heist 3×8

El Profesor: A job can't be poisoned by an amorous relationship. Never. Never. It's not that hard to understand.
Berlín: You're so cute... A loose end, just one, will cost us our lives in there. Inside, our lives are at risk. You need to understand that. Dying is a possibility.
El Profesor: No, only if you make mistakes!
Berlín: No. No. That's the funny part. You're heading into absolute chaos and you insist on being in control. Chaos doesn't exist in a perfect plan. For God's sake, of course chaos exists! Chaos always intrudes on life.

Berlín: You don't need to make mistakes to get killed. How long do I have to live? Three years. What mistake did I make?

Berlín: Brother, you're clever. Accident. That's life's mystery. That's why it doesn't make sense to live like you do.
El Profesor: How do I live, Andrés?
Berlín: Without Tatiana. What I mean... Without enjoyment. In the end, that's the only thing that matters.

Berlín: We're here. At every step. Because some day, something will go wrong. It may cost your life... or even something worse. And on that day, you can't think that you are guilty of something you couldn't control. Do you understand? That's life. Enjoy it... until the party is over.

Tokio: Love is like two people on a seesaw. When one goes up, the other goes down. The balance is always fucked. Thanks to time, monotony, or because of people like me. The ones who only know one way to get rid of pain: by giving it back.

Bernardo: Colonel. It's a ferret. It's dressed as Dalí.

El Profesor: Palermo... this isn't a robbery... or a challenge to the system. This is war.

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Валерий Залотуха — Свечка: Роман в четырех частях с приложениями и эпилогом. Том 1

«Грандиозная эпопея, совершенный роман, написанный великолепным русским языком. Просто чудо какое-то. Два тома (каждый по тысяче страниц) прочла запоем, а в процессе с ужасом думала: когда книга закончится, что я буду читать? Захочу такого же уровня и не найду. Книга про героя и про ее автора, страшная и светлая одновременно, насквозь православная и решительно антирелигиозная, трагическая и комическая, ироничная в каждом слове и серьезная до предела. О том, как интеллигентный человек пошел однажды защищать демократию и встретил Бога, а тот его чуть не изувечил. Сложная, мастерски выстроенная композиция, любая мелочь не случайна. Событие, упомянутое в первой или второй части, непременно встретится еще раз (или не раз) в третьей или в четвертой. И потом захочется непременно перечитать и удивиться: мне ведь уже намекали - как же я не заметил? А эпилог! Что автор творит в эпилоге... тут вот что важно знать. Писатель работал над романом более 12 лет. Книга была подписана в печать 23 октября 2014 года, а 9 февраля 2015 года Валерия Залотухи не стало: Все как один критики сетуют на то, что автор не успел насладиться пришедшей к нему славой - но ведь весь эпилог пронизан этим чувством близкой смерти, и именно в таком ракурсе: я закончил книгу своей жизни, теперь только умереть... Рекомендовать боюсь. ...
Где-то на 85% текста "Свечки" ... автор пишет: Да потому что уверен: всякий, кто дочитал мой роман до этих строк, телевизор не смотрит, а значит не до конца понимает, в какой стране мы вдруг или не вдруг непонятно по чьей вине оказались. Про страну не мне рассуждать, но вот про телевизор я особенно заценила.

  “...нет, приятно, что и говорить, чертовски приятно, просто большое удовольствие получаешь, когда сидишь перед телевизором с банкой чая или с чашкой... ну да, с чашкой чая или с банкой пива, с длинненькой такой прохладной баночкой «Holsten» – вечерком в кресле, а ноги в тапочках на табурете пристроены, и ты уже не сидишь, а лежишь – съехал, так, что даже и не очень удобно, но ты не шевелишься, ты неколебим, – потому что тебе хорошо, потому что ты смотришь, как его берут. ...
&  Удовольствие выше правды – забавная постановка вопроса, не правда ли? ... Удовольствие выше правды, не правда ли? Да-да-да! УДОВОЛЬСТВИЕ ВЫШЕ ПРАВДЫ!

&  – Знаешь что, ты лучше побольше читай книжек. Прочитать книжку – это поступок, а прочитать хорошую книгу – хороший поступок. А каждый хороший поступок делает мир лучше. Немного, но лучше...

&  Страх – чувство запоминающееся.

&  ... А я иду мыть посуду. Не могу сказать, что занятие это мне так уж нравится, но, во-первых, если в раковине возвышается гора грязных тарелок, я всеравно не засну, а во-вторых, как всякое дело, оно трезвит и упорядочивает мысли, приведенные застольем в больший или меньший беспорядок.

&  «Кому нужна твоя правда?» – говорит мне время от времени Женька, и я совершенно с ней согласен. Никому. Потому что от нее всем плохо. Даже не знаю, откуда это у меня? Мама?
     Ложь унижает человека, – сказала она мне, когда я был еще ребенком и безуспешно пытался выдать за правду какое-то свое детское вранье.
     – А правда? – спросил я.
     – Правда делает человека сильнее.
     Я рос хилым и слабым и, видимо, понял маму буквально. А в результате – патология!

&  ...я страшно не люблю, просто терпеть не могу, ненавижу – фотографироваться, а тем более записываться на всякие так называемые аудио– и видеоносители. На позапрошлый, кажется, Новый год, когда я не захотел вместе со всеми фотографироваться, Женька прямо меня спросила: «Боишься оставить след в истории?» – «При чем здесь история?», – хотел возразить я, но неожиданно признался: «Боюсь». Да, боюсь! Боюсь, потому что... стыдно...

23 сент. 2020 г.

Kill Me as If It Were the Last Time

Why Women Kill 1×10

Beth Ann Stanton: I've come up with a plan on how to kill our husbands. Please invite me in. This is the sort of thing we should discuss over coffee.

Mary Vlasin: But the Bible says, "Thou shalt not kill." God might not understand.
Beth Ann Stanton: Maybe not. But I'm sure God's wife will.

Taylor Harding: Like I've always said, my love story is with you. And I would choose you over a few casual hookups any day of the week.
Eli Cohen: It would just be you and me? Forsaking all others?
Taylor Harding: Till death do us part.
Eli Cohen: Did we just become Republicans?
Taylor Harding: I think we did.

Karl Grove: We've seen my future. I would rather choose life, but... life is... off the table. The only thing I can choose is when to die and... how.

Simone Grove: I hope to have a very happy life in this house.
Beth Ann Stanton: A happy life isn't hard to come by. The trick is to not regret the choices you made along the way.

Taylor Harding: Are you gonna miss the house?
Simone Grove: It's just a building. Home is where my family is.

On the IMDb
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I Was Just Wondering What Makes Dames Like You So Deadly

Why Women Kill 1×9

Amy Grove: Stay home. You'll save me some embarrassment. Karl's not the only one everybody's talking about.
Simone Grove: My daughter is a monster.
Karl Grove: Well, she's a bride. It's basically the same thing.

Simone Grove: Karl, it's after 11:00. When are you going to the gallery?
Karl Grove: When people stop assuming you can catch AIDS from a lithograph.

Robert Stanton: Taking care of a baby is hard work. You might be too tired to keep singing.
April Warner: I'll never be too tired to sing.
Robert Stanton: We'll see.
April Warner: Rob... It's my dream.
Robert Stanton: And dreams are great, but you have to be realistic.

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22 сент. 2020 г.

Cosmos (2019)

Mike Webster: How'd you get into all this, anyway?
Harry Knight: Well, my dad's to blame for that one. Which is always the way, right? Took me to see the Perseid meteor shower when I was about seven. And that was that. I never looked back... I remember him telling me that everything down here on Earth, everything we are, everything we're made of, comes from up there. 20 plus years later, I'm a doctor of astrophysics, and I'm getting paid to study distant stars.

Mike Webster: Greetings on behalf of the people of my world. This is Mike Webster... of Planet Earth.
     We are here. We are not afraid.
     If you are out there and you are listening, this is a routine response to an acquired signal at... 01:33 GMT, 16.10.16. Unidentified source.
     Your signal made it. We are listening.
     Oh, and if this is the local police station, I'm sorry if I'm interfering with your gear again. But perhaps you should have invested in some better radio equipment.

Roy Kennedy: It's got to be bouncing.
Harry Knight: What, off the ionosphere?
Mike Webster: No, it's not bounce.
Roy Kennedy: It's got to be. It's got to be bounce.
Mike Webster: Look, we're talking milliseconds to come back off the ionosphere.
Harry Knight: Well, the Moon then.
Mike Webster: No, still just over a second.
Roy Kennedy: Well, it's got to be a ping-back or something up there.
Harry Knight: Mike, when did you transmit this?
Mike Webster: 1:33.
Roy Kennedy: It's now 2:58.
Harry Knight: So, that's 85 minutes. 42 each way. If it's bounce...
Mike Webster: And it's not.
Roy Kennedy: What's 42 light minutes away?
Mike Webster: Look, nothing. Nothing's 42 light minutes away.
Roy Kennedy: Well, there's got to be.
Mike Webster: Well, there's just not. Okay, light travel time. Jupiter's 30, Saturn's 70, minimum, there's nothing in between, trust me.
Harry Knight: Are you rolling on this?
Mike Webster: No.
Harry Knight: May I suggest you do.
Mike Webster: Yep.

Roy Kennedy: Mike, what is the Waterhole?
Mike Webster: The electromagnetic spectrum is just cluttered with garble, right? Trying to spot an intelligent signal within that is like trying to have a conversation at rock concert, you just can't do it, but at 1420 megahertz, there's a natural dead spot. It's like a quiet tunne cutting through all the noise.
Roy Kennedy: And that's the Waterhole?
Mike Webster: Right. If you want to send a signal out into space, the Waterhole's your best chance of getting it heard.

Mike Webster: There's a hell of a lot going on here that I can't explain. But I can't argue with this. You can't argue with this. If we are the only ones getting this... and we sit on it, or worse, just let it slip through the net. I'd rather be wrong and have done the right thing. And if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. So what? But if we're right about this... and what's happening here is what I think is happening here... this changes everything.
Roy Kennedy: Okay. So what's our next move?

Mike Webster: Stop! Nobody... move.

Roy Kennedy: I figure there's two types of scientists, Mike. Those that look down at Earth... trying to figure out what's going on here. And then there are those who look up to space... searching for the answers out there. But they're both really looking for the same thing. Who are we? What are we? What does all this mean?

Roy Kennedy: I'm an engineer, Mike, I... don't hunt for the science, I just put it to work. But if wasn't for people like you... people who are brave enough to push the boundaries of what we know... we'd all stand still.

Harry Knight: There's something up there...

Mike Webster: I think everything's just moved from a possibility to a probability.

Roy Kennedy: Harry! You've got to leave her. We got to go.

Dave Bennett: Mike, this is incredible. What time was your acquisition of signal?
Mike Webster: 2:54.
Dave Bennett: My God. That's the earliest recorded acquisition of signal we've had. Do you realize what this means?... You guys are the first. The first.

Dave Bennett: That's us replying. All our tracking stations are broadcasting the same thing.
Roy Kennedy: What does it say?
Dave Bennett: What else is there to say? "Welcome to Earth."

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21 сент. 2020 г.

Marriages Don't Break Up on Account of Murder - It's Just a Symptom That Something Else Is Wrong

Why Women Kill 1×8

Sheila Mosconi: How could you say that, Beth Ann? What are you thinking? What are you thinking? I can't even believe you just said that! Get back here so I can give it to you! It's your mother's fault. Clearly, she forgot to teach you some of the basics. Things like, when you grow up, don't pretend to have cancer.
Beth Ann Stanton: Women lie to their husbands every day. Some lie about how much they spend. My lie's that I'm dying.
Sheila Mosconi: Just because you act classy doesn't mean you're not fucking crazy.

Enzo: How can I help you?
Beth Ann Stanton: Well, I was wondering if there was a cancer you could recommend.
Enzo: Recommend?!
Beth Ann Stanton: Something rare. That no one's ever heard of. It should be serious. Oh, but occasionally curable.

Beth Ann Stanton: No, this is the situation, and we all must accept it. Okay?
Robert Stanton: Okay.
Beth Ann Stanton: Now, obviously, if I'm going to fight this thing, I need you by my side. Constantly.
Robert Stanton: I'm not going anywhere. You're my wife. I meant it when I said, "Till death do us part."
Beth Ann Stanton: Oh, my darling. I'm going to hold you to that.

On the IMDb

I Found Out What the Secret to Murder Is: Friends. Best Friends.

Why Women Kill 1×7

Sheila Mosconi: You are getting your husband back...
Beth Ann Stanton: I'm so happy. Of course, I feel bad for April.
Sheila Mosconi: Why? She should've known what was coming. This is how the movie always ends: the man slinks back to his wife, and the whore ends up drunk and alone... Actually, now that I got four kids, it doesn't sound so bad.

Beth Ann Stanton: It's a true friendship.
Sheila Mosconi: She thinks your name is Sheila.
Beth Ann Stanton: I admit, it's a complicated...

Beth Ann Stanton: I don't want to drink right now.
Sheila Mosconi: Oh, honey. This is all for me. I find your life very stressful.

Robert Stanton: Look at this. Someone went to a lot of trouble.
Beth Ann Stanton: Oh, not so much. I just put out a few flowers, and the good silver, and the candlesticks your mother bought us. Would you like a mai tai before dinner?

Karl Grove: Listen, listen. I have spent my entire life putting off things that I thought there'd be time for later. Open doors don't stay open forever.

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20 сент. 2020 г.

Detective Amenadiel

Lucifer 5×5

Lucifer: What do you need, Detective? Please, just tell me what I can do to fix things.
Chloe: There is one thing you can do, but you're not going to like it.
Lucifer: Well, tell me.
Chloe: I need time... and I need space.

Amenadiel: There I was... wandering the corridors of Hell, when... I heard a voice. A voice that I never expected to hear in Hell.
Lucifer: Who was it? Mother Teresa, Mr. Rogers? Adele?

Lucifer: I just spent millennia down there diligently doing everything He asked without complaint, and you have one sleepover in Hell and Dad tells you your watch is over?
Amenadiel: You know Father works in...
Lucifer: If you finish that sentence, I will punch you in your "mysterious ways."

Mazikeen: I found the bitch.
Linda: Well, hi, Maze, and good morning to you, too.
Mazikeen: You were right. That abandonment stuff you talked about? Definitely her fault.

Linda: Maze, I know your mother abandoned you, but it might help to understand her perspective. Maybe... Maybe she was too young to handle it.
Mazikeen: My mother was 12,000 years old when she had me.
Linda: Well... Parenting at any age can be terrifying.

Chloe: Amenadiel, you're back. Wait, does that mean that Lucifer...
Amenadiel: No, no. He's still here. Everything in Hell has been taken care of.
Chloe: Well, I have no idea what that means, but just add it to the list.

Chloe: Luckily, I have this to keep me busy. You know, following clues, catching bad guys. Makes me feel like I have some semblance of control, even if I don't.

Chloe: Thank you for the offer. But for now, I'm going to stick to police work and avoid anything God-related.... Hilarious.

Ella: Hi. Longtime fan, first-time visitor. Almost signed up myself, actually.

Sister Molly: We're so blessed God sent you here to find who did this, Detective.
Chloe: Oh. Mm, yeah. Well, yes. That's what God does. Yep. Mm. Sends me here, sends me there, kills a nun, just so I can meet all of you, and...

Amenadiel: How can I help you, Chloe?

Dan: A murder, man, it's like a... It's like a gigantic puzzle, only you don't know what the corner pieces are, or what it's going to look like when it's done.
Lucifer: You just described torture. Trust me, I know.
Dan: It could take hours, days, years even, man.
Lucifer: Definitely torture...
Dan: But nothing in the world feels better than when you find that one piece, and then boom! Suddenly it all clicks together.

Dan: Shortcuts are not the answer, Lucifer. Hard work... pays off.

Mother Angelica: If there was more to tell, I would, but that's all I have. Everything else is in God's hands. If this is the path He wants me on... He must have his reasons.
Chloe: You're really willing to give up your free will, just like that?
Mother Angelica: I am willing to have faith.
Chloe: Oh, come on.
Mother Angelica: I know that look in your eyes. Over the years our convent has taken in many women like you, women who feel powerless, adrift. You have more control than you think, my child.
Chloe: Which is it? Control or faith? You can't have it both ways.
Mother Angelica: I have faith in you, Detective. You help the helpless. It takes great strength to do that...

Chloe: Amenadiel... You're my dad?
Amenadiel: .... Of course not!
Chloe: So "laid a blessing" isn't a euphemism?

Chloe: There is a huge difference, Lucifer. You were given a gift. I am that gift.

Amenadiel: Are you saying a goat ate your alibi?

Amenadiel: I admire you... You hit dead end after dead end, but you still keep on searching. Doesn't deter you. In fact, it only drives you to try harder.
Chloe: You make me sound like a sadist.

Chloe: I just don't... I don't know how long it's going to take me to get over this. I may never...
Lucifer: I understand, Detective.
Chloe: You do?
Lucifer: There are no shortcuts. Just... take all the time you need.

Amenadiel: Have faith, Hank.

Chloe: Lucifer. If that's true... If you choose to be vulnerable around me... then I choose to be vulnerable around you.

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19 сент. 2020 г.

Practically Lethal in Every Way

Why Women Kill 1×6

Jade: You think... she might get jealous?
Eli Cohen: Maybe. Maybe jealous, maybe furious. I mean, likely furious.
Jade: Yeah, but don't you think she'll be angrier if we don't tell her and then she finds out anyway?
Eli Cohen: It... well, see? See, that's where the ever-popular "take it to our graves" philosophy would come into play...

Robert Stanton: It hurts to remember, but it'd be worse to forget.

Amy Grove: Their farm sits on millions of gallons of oil. So whatever you think of them, be nice.
Simone Grove: I'm always nice.
Amy Grove: Really nice. Not bitchy nice.
Simone Grove: You're tying my hands, but fine.

Ruby Jenkins: Oh, sweet suffering Jesus. British homos, teen lovers? What kind of spangled hell pit are you marrying into?

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There's No Crying in Murder

Why Women Kill 1×5

Simone Grove: Busted?! For what?
Police Officer: Soliciting.
Simone Grove: You think I'm a hooker? For God's sake, I'm wearing Yves Saint Laurent!
Police Officer: I didn't say you weren't successful.

Jade: What are you doing?
Eli Cohen: Killing myself.
Jade: With cheese?
Eli Cohen: Yeah. My plan is to get super fat and then die of hypertension.
Jade: That might take a while.
Eli Cohen: Only great writers deserve quick deaths. Hemingway, Wolfe, Plath. Me? I'm a bad writer, so I deserve to die slowly, painfully... disgustingly. Do we have any mustard?

Taylor Harding: The truth is... I am no longer in an open marriage.... No, I didn't leave Eli, I... moved my lover into our home. The three of us are officially a throuple.

April Warner: I think you're too drunk to have this conversation.
Robert Stanton: When you start using the "L word," a guy can sober up pretty quick.

Karl Grove: We don't need to get a divorce. We have stumbled into the perfect arrangement. You will have your lovers and I will have mine, and then we will come home to sparkling conversation. It's very European.

Simone Grove: It doesn't bother you that I'm having sex with someone else?
Karl Grove: Darling, I'm gay. Look, for me, sex with a woman is like emptying the dishwasher. I mean, I'll do it if I'm asked, but if someone else volunteers, I won't complain.

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18 сент. 2020 г.

Rogue (2020)

Samantha O'Hara: Okay, on three.
Elijah Dekker: On three, or three, two, one, go?
Samantha O'Hara: Elijah, every time?
Elijah Dekker: It's funny. Every time.

Samantha O'Hara: If I fucking die because I'm doing the right thing, I'm gonna be so pissed.

Joey Kasinski: Listen to me...
Chloe: I can't swim!
Joey Kasinski: You can do anything that you need to do to survive. You've already survived this far. Look at this. This jump? It's nothing. It's nothing, it's just air. That river, it's nothing. It's just water. You can do this, we're gonna be okay.

Zalaam: They weren't crying out of sadness. They were crying out of joy. They are the lucky ones. They are the chosen ones... to have died that day. Elijah Dekker: And now... you are the chosen one now.

Samantha O'Hara: What do you think dug this?
Elijah Dekker: It's big rats. Big, big, big rats.

Samantha O'Hara: What the fuck is this?
Elijah Dekker: It's what I thought... A lion farm. Poachers' stronghold.
Samantha O'Hara: A lion farm? Why would you farm lions? You can't eat 'em.

Pata: Some lions go rogue. They like to kill.
Samantha O'Hara: So we're at the bottom of the food chain.

Bo Yinn: She's out there.
Joey Kasinski: Uh, the lion? No. No... with the fire and the-the fighting, no. There's no way she stayed. She doesn't even have a reason. Unless she's just mean.

Samantha O'Hara: So now you have a choice. Which bitch is gonna kill you? I swear one of us will.

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You Had Me at Homicide

Why Women Kill 1×4

Coroner: The purpose of an autopsy is to provide clarity. How did the victim die? Was death the result of a gunshot? Stabbing? Poison? How someone is killed is easy to understand. Why it happened, that's never so simple... But it always begins with a choice. It might be a decision to conduct a tawdry affair. A plan to keep secrets from a loved one. Or an agreement to bring a stranger into your bed... Yes. People make all sortsof questionable choices. Of course, that's what keeps me in business.

Beth Ann Stanton: Brownies? How are they an adventure?
April Warner: My recipe calls for a special ingredient... Grass.
Beth Ann Stanton: From your lawn?
April Warner: No, I'm talking about pot. You know, marijuana?
Beth Ann Stanton: You mean reefer?
April Warner: Oh. Look, it's not a big deal. Lots of people do it.
Beth Ann Stanton: Criminals! Musicians!

Amy Grove: And did I mention she's fat? 140 pounds if she's an ounce.
Karl Grove: Oh, 140, where did he find her, a carnival?
Simone Grove: You know, darling, it's not even noon yet.
Amy Grove: My fiancé fucked a beluga whale. Can I please get some support here?

Karl Grove: A-Amy, Amy. You're right. Your mother and I are sorting through some issues, and I'm not a perfect husband, and maybe Brad won't be either, but love is always a risk, and I know it's easy to think this is never going to last, so why don't I end it now, but... the chance for love doesn't come around every day. One must think long and hard before one casts it aside.

Coroner: If you visit your local morgue, you'll find the bodies of good people who made bad choices. Some engaged in reckless love affairs. Some invited violent strangers into their home. And some kept dark secrets from those they loved. Yes, it's choices like these that lead to death. And more importantly, murder.

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17 сент. 2020 г.

The One with the Princess Leia Fantasy

Friends 3×1

Rachel: Do you have any fun, you know, fantasy-type things?
Ross: No.
Rachel: Come on. You gotta have one.
Ross: Nope.
Rachel: Ross, you know what?... If you tell me, I might do it.
Ross: Okay. Ahem. Um. Did you ever see, um, Return of the Jedi?
Rachel: Yeah...

Ross: Do you remember the scene... with, um, Jabba the Hutt?
Rachel: ...
Ross: Jabba had as his prisoner... Princess Leia.
Rachel: Oh.

Ross: Yeah, Princess Leia and the gold bikini? Oh, every guy our age loved that.
Rachel: Really?
Ross: Mm-hm. Mm. It's huge! That's the moment when she stopped being a princess... and she became, like, you know, a woman.

Rachel: Did you ever do the Leia thing?
Phoebe: Oh, yeah. Mm-hm.
Rachel: Really? That great, huh?
Phoebe: No, it's just that I got this new pager, and I have it on "vibrate. "

Joey: Look, what do you want me to say?
Chandler: I want you to say that you like her!
Joey: I can't. It's like this chemical thing, you know? Every time she starts laughing, I just wanna... pull my arm off so I have something to throw at her.

Chandler: Oh, and by the way, there is no Count Rushmore!
Joey: Then who's the guy that painted the faces on the mountain?

Rachel: That is so sad. You're missing out on so much. I mean, the bonding and the sharing... and knowing they're going through the same thing you are.
Ross: Oh. So, what, you tell each other everything?
Rachel: Pretty much.
Ross: Did you talk about the Night of Five Times?

Janice: So I hear... you hate me!
Joey: I, uh, never said hate. I was very careful about that.
Janice: A little birdie told me you wanting to rip your arm off and throw it at me.
Joey: And you got "hate" from that? You're taking a big leap there, I, uh...

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16 сент. 2020 г.

It Never Ends Well for the Chicken

Lucifer 5×4

Trixie: Parents. They're a mystery.

Lucifer: Mm. Uh...
Trixie: My mom usually starts with "Once upon a time."
Lucifer: Does she? Right, well... Once upon a time, the Devil went to New York City. The year... was 1946.

Lucifer: It was a wonderful time. Men wore hats, hemlines were on the rise, and so was crime. Rationing was over, the boys were home from the war, and the air was full of big band music and possibility.

Lucifer: How about we cheer you up with a healthy distraction, hmm? We could rent out a brothel, rob a bank... Oh! Ernie Hemingway's in town. He's always good for a laugh.

Lucifer: The Devil, solving crime. It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

Jack Monroe: Well, if it ain't Lucifer Morningstar... What can I do you for?

Trixie: Wait, hold it!
Lucifer: Oh, for crying out loud.
Trixie: I thought you said Mr. Stompanato. "Mr." is a man.
Lucifer: Did you or did you not request a gender-balanced narrative? I'm simply following your instructions.

Tommy Stompanato: Next time... I won't be so nice. That means you're gonna die. And you... You're lucky you're a friend of Lily's. But don't get too friendly.

Lucifer: Sorry, got lost in a daydream, on account of your problem being so extraordinarily boring. Have you considered forgetting about it?
Jack Monroe: Have I considered forgetting about it? Is that your advice?
Lucifer: Well, in my experience... problems are like Bible salesmen, or... genital warts. If you pretend they're not there, sooner or later, they disappear.

William Kincannon: Who the hell are you?
Jack Monroe: Jack Monroe, PI.
Lucifer: Lucifer Morningstar, Devil.

Lucifer: Quite a unique fellow, aren't you? There's a word to describe you, but I can't quite put my finger on it. It's like a shower, but French...

Lucifer: This apartment is literally the most depressing hovel I've ever seen, and I've seen Kafka's Hell loop.
Melvin the Magnificent: Look over there! For just 12 dollars, 12 dollars, our deluxe ceremony of Anubis includes this ceremonial mask, two acolytes, and a drum made from the skin of a Vestal Virgin, a gilded sacrificial dagger, and one live... chicken!
Lucifer: It never ends well for the chicken.
Melvin the Magnificent: Or you might prefer our economy package. Uh... only six dollars! Lucifer: And the chicken heart comes pre-sacrificed for your convenience.
Not particularly accurate, historically speaking, but quite, uh, bloody. My old friend Tutankhamen would've loved it.

Lucifer: So, why don't I repay my debt some other way? A castle, a private island, a mountain of gold? The world is your oyster, and I, your concierge.

Lilith: All this time you've spent on Earth... have you ever connected with a human?
Lucifer: I've connected with thousands of humans. Once, Caligula and I made a human train of 37...

Gertie: We all die, Lily. And that's okay. Truth is... I'd rather die today trying to save the man I love... than live forever without him.

Jack Monroe: Well, you're an odd duck, but it's been... It's been real interesting... You take care of yourself, kid.
Lucifer: You too, old man.

Lilith: They all think they want to live forever. But they already have something so much more precious... Gertie was right. It's knowing there's an end. That's what makes the rest of it count. That's what connects them to one another. What makes them brave, even when they have no reason to be.

Trixie: My mom says dealing with your problems is the only way to get past them.

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15 сент. 2020 г.

Ava (2020)

Ava: You know, Croesus once said, "Count no man happy until the end is known."

Ava: You know, if you modernize it, what Croesus actually said is, "Count no man happy until he's had a good death." I genuinely try to give my subjects a good death when I can. But I can't do that unless I know what you did.

Ava: It was meant to look like natural causes. I can do natural causes. I can do an accident. I can do gentle.

Duke: I know you don't trust anybody. But I'm not anybody. So, I'm gonna take my hands out of my pockets, I'm gonna put them up like this, I'm going to step toward you... place them on your shoulders in a comforting, but firm, fatherly manner...

Ava: Ma. I have to talk to you about something.
Bobbi: You should choose carefully what you tell me, Ava. 'Cause you can't... un-say it, and I can't un-hear it.

Judy: Ava. Who are you?
Ava: Nobody that you want your child to know.

Duke: Count no man as happy until his end is known. What Simon would call all that Greek shit. It's not until you know how someone dies that you know what really mattered to them. What they cared about, what they'd sacrifice for. What they would die for. Who they loved and who loved them in return. We don't have much control over our lives. But our end? Sometimes we write that story.

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Σ pita4og: «...не шпионский боевик, а семейная драма в антураже разборок тайных агентов. Вполне ожидаемо, учитывая предыдущие работы режиссера, картина получилась немного нудной и тягучей на развитие сюжета. Не шедевр, но крепкий середнячок с хорошим актерским составом...»

Σ sapojnik: «...сюжет, если понимать его буквально, довольно нелеп - очередная "корпорация убийц" и разборки внутри нее.
А если приглядеться внимательнее - в нем мы имеем вариацию на излюбленную американскую тему, ту же, что и в знаменитом сериала "Во все тяжкие". Его мораль я сформулировал давно:
"Если умираешь - умирай". Это ж какие-то глубины протестантской этики, на сторонний взгляд звучит пугающе и как-то бесчеловечно, ВЕТХОЗАВЕТНО. ...»

The One with Barry and Mindy's Wedding

Friends 2×24

Joey: I met the director. You'll never believe who it was.
— Who?
Joey: I'll give you one hint... Warren Beatty.

Joey: There's just one thing that might be a problem. See, I had to kiss this guy.
Phoebe: Because he was just so darn cute?
Joey: No, part of the audition. I'm up for the part of this guy... who the main guy kisses.
Ross: Well, you're an actor. I say you just suck it up and you do it. Or you just do it.

Joey: Hey, come on. I need your help here.
Phoebe: I'll do it. I've kissed him before. I can do it again.
Joey: See this, huh? This is a friend.
Phoebe: Uh-huh. Let's go. Oh, wait. I have gum... Okay... Good. Very good. Firm, but tender. I'd recommend you to a friend.

Monica: Do you not see kids in our future?
Dr. Burke: Oh. Heh. I love children. I have children. I don't wanna be 70 when our kids go off to college... and our life can finally start.

Phoebe: You gotta stop staring at the door... like a watched pot. If you keep looking at it, the door's never gonna boil.

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14 сент. 2020 г.

The Way Back (2020)

Jack: Father, let me ask you something. With all the terrible stuff going on in the world, you think who's ever up there really gives a shit what I say to these kids?
Father Mark Whelan: As christians, we are called by god to integrate our faith into our daily lives. So, yes, Jack. I do think he really gives a shit about the example you set for these young men... Don't underestimate the impact you can have on them.

Therapist: We can't change the past, Jack. What we can do is choose how we move forward. Think about Michael... What would he want for you?

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I Killed Everyone He Did, But Backwards and in High Heels

Why Women Kill 1×3

Narrator: It begins quite slowly. With a look. Or a gesture. And once the invitation is accepted... The tango begins. It is a dance of anticipation. Seduction. Desire. And love.
     You know, some say it takes two to tango. But sometimes, lurking in the dark... Is a third. Now, if you choose to dance with him, be prepared to deal with the consequences. For passion can turn to jealousy. Love can become violent.
     Yes. The tango exists to remind us the greatest love stories... end in death.

Simone Grove: I'm nervous. Everyone we know will be in this room tonight.
Karl Grove: You've dazzled them all a hundred times.
Simone Grove: Because I knew how much they envied me. They'd laugh in my face if they knew the truth about us.
Karl Grove: Here's a thought. Don't tell them.
Simone Grove: People will be able to figure it out.
Karl Grove: Do you honestly believe we're the only couple here pretending to be something that we're not?.. Trust me, there is not a woman here tonight who wouldn't trade all of her problems for yours if she looked half as beautiful as you do right now.
Simone Grove: But what good is other people's envy if it's all based on a lie?

Taylor Harding: Why would anyone want to see them in their underwear?
Eli Cohen: Ugh.
Taylor Harding: 'Cause they're not even that pretty. Do you think they're pretty?
Eli Cohen: Only their bodies and their faces.

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13 сент. 2020 г.

The Deadly Affair (1967)

Samuel Fennan: But my dear Mr...
Charles Dobbs: Dobbs, Charles Dobbs.
Samuel Fennan: Practically everybody was a member of the Party at Oxford in the '30s. Half the present Cabinet were Party men. You know, Mr. Dobbs, when you're young, you hitch the wagon of whatever you believe in to whatever star looks likely to get the wagon moving. When I was an undergraduate, the wagon was social justice, and the star was Karl Marx. We perambulated with banners. We fed hunger marchers. A few of us fought in Spain. Some of us even wrote poetry... I still believe it was a good wagon, but an impracticable star. We had faith and hope and charity. A wrong faith, a false hope, but I still think the right sort of charity. Our eyes were dewy with it. Dewy and half-shut.
Charles Dobbs: Who opened them?

Morton - Adviser: The police believe it to be a clear case of suicide.
Charles Dobbs: Do you?
Morton - Adviser: What I believe is not the point, Dobbs. The point is, the Foreign Office believe the police. It's unfortunate that in this distressing matter we are now answerable to the two public bodies with whom our current relations are most, shall I say, uneasy.

Charles Dobbs: I was only doing my duty.
Elsa Fennan: To whom, Mr. Dobbs?
Charles Dobbs: We had to check.
Elsa Fennan: Check... Sounds like a game, doesn't it?
Charles Dobbs: It's not a game, Mrs. Fennan.
Elsa Fennan: No. You treat people like wooden pawns. You plot their moves. You write their names on papers, and then you put the papers into files. But sometime the names have wives and children, as well as records. And generally very ordinary human motives to justify their sad little dossier and their make-believe sins. And when that happens, I'm very sorry for you.
Charles Dobbs: Yes, when that happens, I'm very sorry for myself.
Elsa Fennan: Then go back to Whitehall and look for more spies on your drawing board, because you have no place among real people.

Charles Dobbs: How long you staying?
Dieter Frey: A few days. Business lunches, business dinners, I even have a business breakfast. Who knows, I may actually do some business, too.

Charles Dobbs: The un-addicted shouldn't blame the addicted. I'm just relieved that it's less lethal than drink or drugs.

Charles Dobbs: I've always thought that being aggressive was the way to keep my job and being gentle was the way to keep you... Well, I've lost my job, haven't I?

Charles Dobbs: Mendel, I'm going to theorize...
Inspector Mendel: I like facts myself, but go ahead.

Dieter Frey: Oh, Charles. I'm not a child. I know that real love doesn't just explode. If it grows at all, it will grow slowly.

Inspector Mendel: Is she a communist?
Charles Dobbs: I don't think she likes labels. I think she wants to help build one society which can live without conflict. I think she wants peace. The communists have a way of using people like that...

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12 сент. 2020 г.

I'd Like to Kill Ya, But I Just Washed My Hair

Why Women Kill 1×2

Neighbor: I asked my mother how something like that could happen. All she said was, "Marriage is harder than it looks."

Neighbor: I asked my fiancée what she thought had happened. All she said was, "Death is cheaper than divorce."

Neighbor: I turned to my wife and said, "Another love story has ended in murder. I can't believe it." My wife looked at me and said, "I can."

Robert Stanton: When I look at you, I don't see clothes or hair. I just see you... the girl I married.
Beth Ann Stanton: Is that so?
Robert Stanton: Yeah. I don't expect you to be chic or stylish. You're my wife. I just need you to be the... same old Beth.

Beth Ann Stanton: You've done that to Leo?
Sheila Mosconi: That's... how I got my Pontiac.
Beth Ann Stanton: And you really think Rob will like these things?
Sheila Mosconi: I do.
Beth Ann Stanton: And... I won't feel humiliated after?
Sheila Mosconi: Sex is how women gain power over men. And there is nothing humiliating about that.

Simone Grove: You knew my husband was cheating for two years and you said nothing?!
Naomi Harte: Wives always say they'd want to know if their husbands were cheating, but they never forgive the person who tells them.
Simone Grove: But you're my best friend!
Naomi Harte: And you're... one of mine.

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11 сент. 2020 г.


Lucifer 5×3

Lucifer: Burnt coffee and body odor never smelled so good. Hm...

Lucifer: Hello, Detective.
Chloe: No. No. Get the hell out of here!

Lucifer: But, Detective, you're the only reason I'm here.
Chloe: Apparently you're the only reason I'm here. So I'm going to do my job that I chose.

Chloe: Lucifer and I had, um, sort of a difficult conversation. I... I might have told him to go to Hell.
Ella: Oh, yeah, relationship drama. .... [But] trust me. If the worst thing you said to him was "Go to Hell"... you're totally okay.
Chloe: Well, you'd think that, but...

Chloe: If God made me for you, He probably would want me to feel that way. So I just... I need a little time to absorb all of it.
Lucifer: Right. Well, in the meantime, why don't we absorb whilst we work? I may as well help solve this murder for you whilst I'm up here fixing things.

Lieutenant Diablo: Let me tell you something. I've been doing this job for seven episodes now, and if there's one thing I've learned, it's why people kill.
Lucifer: Oh?
Lieutenant Diablo: It's 'cause they yearn for something. You want to find the killer, figure out their yearning.
Chloe: Right.
Lucifer: Isn't there a better word for that?
Lieutenant Diablo: No.

Chloe: There could be other motives to kill him...
Lieutenant Diablo: Oh-oh! Sounds like we have a Dancer answer.
Lucifer: What?
Detective Dancer: See, Diablo comes up with the wild theories and crazy hijinks, and Dancer's the fun police. "That's not procedure, Diablo."
Chloe: Mm. I get it...

Lucifer: I've got to go.
Chloe: To Hell?

Chloe: In my experience, the innocent don't normally expect to be questioned by the police.
Keri Belwood: I've written 100 episodes of TV murder mysteries and I got the carpal tunnel to prove it. Motive, opportunity... It adds up.

Keri Belwood: Matt was the worst kind of boss: Lazy and a control freak.
Chloe: I can see why he'd be hard to deal with...
Keri Belwood: No, not really. He never even came into the writers' room. I'd usually send him a script overnight, and by the morning, it'd be completely changed.

Lucifer: Would you rather that I was Michael?
Mazikeen: Either. He left me in the closet, but you... You went to Hell without me. You left me!

Lucifer: Good news. ... I figured out how to fix things between us.
Chloe: Oh, how's that?
Lucifer: Well, you're going to tell me what to do.

Lucifer: Detective Douche, if you want to see something really scary, wait until you see what your new all-soy diet is doing to your bone density.

Lucifer: Actually, maybe you can help me... This cosmic impotence, the knowledge that you're the plaything of a cruel, uncaring God, the suffocating feeling that everything you've ever accomplished is meaningless... You're the perfect person to ask about these things.

Lucifer: Do you know, of all the ways you humans try to control your lives, these silly New Age superstitions are by far the most embarrassing.

Lucifer: Oh, Diablo, is there anything you can't do?

Chloe: So how do you do it?.. I mean, the way they write your character. I mean, she only exists to serve Diablo. So what's the secret to getting up every day knowing everything you do and say is only servicing another person?
Detective Dancer: Do you think there's a secret? It's literally hell on Earth.

Detective Dancer: I am not spending the next six seasons with my main prop as a stripper pole!

Michael: So... how do you like the mess I made, Samael?

Chloe: Lucifer. You okay? You look like hell.
Lucifer: Appropriate.

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