1 сент. 2020 г.


Outlander 5×11

Jamie: Peanuts?
Claire: Mm-hmm.
Jamie: Why? The pigs dinna want for slops. Or do you, uh, mean to make medicine out of them, Sassenach?
Claire: No, sandwiches. Haven't quite mastered ice cream yet, but I'll be damned if Jemmy grows up without tasting peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Jamie: Thou goest home this night to thy home of autumn, and of spring and of summer. Thou goest home this night to thy perpetual home, to thine eternal bed. To thine eternal slumber.

Otter Tooth: "These people do not measure time by any scale I know, nor do I have the tongue to find out. But I know I am too late."

Jamie: Hm... Very tasty, but, um... are you sure it's to be eaten? Ye could seal letters or mend your boots wi' it as well.

Jamie: To home. To family. Slàinte mhath.

Voltaire says the perfect is the enemy of the good.
Jamie: I'm sure Voltaire never dug a privy in his life.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

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