29 сент. 2020 г.

Irresistible (2020)

Gary Zimmer: Oh. It's really beautiful out here. Really takes me back.
Jack Hastings: Are you a farm boy?
Gary Zimmer: Uh, no. Political consultant.

Gary Zimmer: Okay. Here it is... I want you to be the Democratic candidate for mayor of Deerlaken. Now, I know you probably don't think that you're a democrat, but after watching your speech, I can assure you that you are. And I would like to offer my company's services to help you do so.

Gary Zimmer: All right. Can I... be completely honest with you? No bullshit.
Jack Hastings: Be nice. My daughter's here.
Gary Zimmer: That was your daughter? With her arm up the cow?

Gary Zimmer: Look. Democrats are getting their asses kicked because guys like me don't know how to talk to guys like you. I <i>really believe that you believe what I believe,</i> that what is happening in this town is wrong...

Gary Zimmer: All due respect, Colonel. Anybody can make a speech. The real test is backing up your words. The things that you said to those folks in that meeting, was that principle? Or was that just a hobby? Let me know.

Gary Zimmer: Why does he need three guns?

Gary Zimmer: Don't put all the black ones in the center. He's running as a moderate, okay?
Faith Brewster: They're definitely ramping up, so I'm gonna need the full crew. If Zimmer wants to take a stand in Turdsville, USA, I say we bury him here... Sorry. Not a turd. Heart and soul of America.

Gary Zimmer: I am telling you, he is the real deal. It is like a Bill Clinton with impulse control. Like a church-going Bernie Sanders with better bone density.

Gary Zimmer: You gotta find me some more fucking Hispanics. Where are my fucking Hispanics? I need some more fucking Hispanics, Kurt!.... Hey, everybody. Listen. I am profoundly disappointed in the comments that I just made. My words and/or actions do not represent who I am as a person and...
Tina: A teachable moment?
Gary Zimmer: It is a teachable moment. It's something I think we can all learn from. And in that way, I feel like I have given you a gift.
Tina: You're in my heart.
Gary Zimmer: And from this moment on, I vow to make this office a color-and gender-neutral work environment.

Diana Hastings: Come on, Gary. We're the good guys, right?
Gary Zimmer: Yeah, we're the good guys.
Diana Hastings: When they go low...
Gary Zimmer: We go high.
Diana Hastings: Unless we also need to go low, apparently.
Gary Zimmer: Only to keep those who would go lower out of power.
Diana Hastings: So, when they go low, we go higher incrementally in relation to how low they went.
Gary Zimmer: Regrettably, yes.
Diana Hastings: When they go low, we go almost as low, but we feel worse doing it.
Gary Zimmer: You think they thought twice about making your dad look like a PTS nutcase, and I'm going low because I'm gonna tell the truth about the mayor?
Jack Hastings: His brother is fragile, Gary.
Gary Zimmer: This town is fragile. The whole area is fragile. Our democracy.
Diana Hastings: Oh, stop. We're not doing it, okay? People are gonna get hurt.
Gary Zimmer: I'm sorry, I really am, but sometimes good people have to do shitty things in service of the greater good. Isn't that right, Colonel?

Diana Hastings: Is this politics?
Gary Zimmer: It's not politics anymore, Diana. It's math. That's what an election is. It's just math.
We need what they get plus one. That's all. And if I can't get that by getting more people to vote for your dad, then I have to get fewer people to vote for Braun.

Gary Zimmer: I just... I thought that maybe you and I had a little something.
Diana Hastings: I'm 28. In what world would this... be okay?
Gary Zimmer: D.C. and LA. Parts of New York. Miami. Maybe Dallas...
Diana Hastings: Look. It wasn't personal. It was math.

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