31 янв. 2020 г.

Cibola Burn

The Expanse 4×10

Alex: Edward Israel, this is the gunship Rocinante. I've target-locked your drive cone. You and me are about to have a very serious conversation...

Lucia: Yes. We will all answer for what we did.

Ashford: Unbelievable. A Martian naval officer, mercenary for a vicious Belter thug... Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Ashford: Violence is indiscriminate. If you use it as a tool, it will do more than just kill your enemies. Sometimes it will kill the ones you love most.

Ashford: Why just him? Why not all his friends and family?... He is not only himself. He is everyone who cares for him, huh? Does he have a son or a daughter who would seek revenge or a father who works in the yards where your ship is repaired or maybe a lover, huh, who grows food for your stocks? Yes, show your strength, but then show them a smile, and most will give you what you want.

Holden: Last thing I said to Miller was that rain doesn't taste like anything. Shitty last words to a friend.

Holden: You were right about everything. You warned us, but we're charging through the doors anyway. If we have any chance at surviving what comes next, it'll be because of you... Rest in peace, brother.

Chrisjen: If there is anything I can offer that will help, any wisdom I can pass on, it is this. This chair is not a throne. We're not queens. The work we do here is critical, but it is not all that we are. Don't forget the rest of yourself while you do this. Your time will end too, and you will want a life to return to once this is done.

Chrisjen: As for policy and the direction you're taking Earth and all her peoples, well, we disagree. One of us is wrong. I think it's you. But I hope it's me. Good luck. Our future is in your hands now.

Chrisjen: Bobbie, your timing sucks.

Marco Inaros: Nothing you do now will stop what's coming...

Marco Inaros: You still don't see it. Can't even imagine it. This has always been a problem for our kind... Even our dreams are small. Die in darkness, beratna.

Marco Inaros: The Earthers will never see them coming...

On the IMDb

Light and Shadows

This Is Us 4×10

Toby: Kate... we are just friends.

Toby: I would not look you in the eye and lie to you, okay?

Toby: I should go. I.T. solutions wait for no man.

Kate: Madison, I am not murdering Lady Kryptonite.
Madison: I didn't say murder. Just choke her a little. Give her a good scare.

Kevin: I'm quitting this whole matchmaking service. You know, I just... I'm sick of trying so hard. Universe, it's up to you, man...
Kate: Kev.
Kevin: Uh-huh.
Kate: The universe does not work that fast.

Jack: Rebecca, I think we should take a break... We're just... too different.

Randall: Due respect, Miguel, I'm not being a hero... I'm being supportive.
Miguel: Due respect, Randall, you're just being Randall.

Lizzy: Kevin Pearson, hopeless romantic...
Kevin: Yeah, well, I get it from my parents... They had this sort of, uh, effortlessly magical love story. My dad actually used to talk about it in terms of fate. Yeah, he said he knew my mom was the one the moment that he saw her. He said he locked eyes with her, felt it in his bones.

Rebecca: ... And I would just wish that I could make time stand still. Babies change so fast at that age. I knew that any morning might be the last time you ever let me rock you like that. So I made sure to remember every little detail of those mornings.

Janet: You like him very much, don't you? Jack?
Rebecca: No. I love him.

Janet: I love your father very much. I know it's not a flashy kind of love. No spontaneous cross-country road trips, that's for sure. But that isn't all that love is. Not a love that endures, anyway. When you're with someone day after day, night after night, it becomes about... you know, the small, ordinary moments.

Janet: It was scary for us. But this is your life, and you have to do... what you want.

Janet: Rebecca, if-if he is really your choice, this dark, complicated man... make sure he gives you a great love story. One for the ages.

Kevin: Did you know that celebrity hall passes are actually a thing?

Rebecca: No. I-I talk, you listen.

Rebecca: You and I? Oh... We're gonna have it all together. We're gonna have the big moments and the small moments and... it's gonna be one for the ages.

Jack: Rebecca Malone, I love you. Don't you ever forget it.

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+ Soundtrack

30 янв. 2020 г.

At War with Love (2016)

Flora: You can force me to marry Carmelo, but you can't keep me from loving Arturo.
Zio Alfredo: What is it you see in that guy? Why do you love him?
Flora: Because... Because... I love him, because I love him.

Maggiore Maone: ... What happened to the roof? Did we bomb it?
Don Calò: Don't worry, Major, this is damage you didn't do. You have no idea how many conquerors have come here over the centuries. You're just the latest.

Narrator: After centuries of conquerors, the Sicilians had learned how to negotiate.
Don Calò: Do you understand women?
Tenente Philip Catelli: A little bit.
Don Calò: Sicily is like a beautiful woman. She needs to be courted, receive compliments, beautiful gifts. She needs to know if she can trust you or not.
Maggiore Maone: You sure this woman won't “make me a cuckold", like you say here?
Don Calò: A Sicilian women is faithful, as long as you treat her well.

Tenente Philip Catelli: You were nodding yes, but do you know what this song means? It means that sometimes things can change, but it depends on you.

Arturo: But I don't know how to be a lieutenant, no one would believe it.
Tenente Philip Catelli: It's easy. There's one basic rule you always have to follow. Make people believe you always know everything.
Arturo: But what if you don't know things?
Tenente Philip Catelli: You get a private to do them. If he messes up, you blame him.

Arturo: When did your brother die?
Tommaso Mazzarella: It's still raw. Five years ago...
Tenente Philip Catelli: Five years ago? Five years... How long do you wear mourning?
Arturo: At least seven years, or what would people think?
Tenente Philip Catelli: Why is it so important what people here think?
Arturo: Lieutenant, if people found out I didn't care what people think... what would people think of me?

Mimmo: Remember when I told you I wanted to declare my love to someone?
Saro: Oh, yeah... You met a woman?
Mimmo: No, what's that got to do with...? No, I mean that I like being with you.
Saro: I like being with you too, or we couldn't have stuck it out... for 20 years.
Mimmo: No, Saro... I really like you.
Saro: I'm glad. It's important to be liked. It boosts your self-confidence.
Mimmo: No, Saro... I love you.
Saro: Mimmo... People already think we're oddballs because I'm blind and you're crippled. All we need is for them to think we're a couple of fruits. We can't let that happen.
Mimmo: No.
Saro: Right?

Don Calò: My dear Crisafullians, this is your new mayor speaking. Today, dear friends, is a special day, a happy day, because thanks to the Americans, we have received a gift, something wonderful. Democracy has come to Crisafullo!

Don Calò: Now... what is this democracy? I'll explain. Democracy... is like the birth of a child... Cause for celebration! And why do we celebrate? Because this child... is our future, and so is democracy. But we need to nurture it, protect it, hold the precious creature by the hand, so it doesn't get hurt. We must raise it in the sunlight of our beautiful land, far from the cold, the biting cold of those dark lands where the devil lives, because, let's be clear, we do not like these Russians, these Communists. And that's why the Americans trust us.
     Now, I know some people won't like this, because they say we're not good people, we're not respectable, we're dangerous... Us, dangerous?!
     So I ask you, and I know you, each and every one, when you needed protection, who did you turn to, them or us? When you needed work, who did you go to, them or us? When you needed justice, who did you come to? To us. You came to us! Us... We have survived everything from wars, to governments, to Fascists, to Nazis and we'll survive the Communists, too! Because the truth is that in this country, we are democracy!

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+ Soundtracks!

One Crew Over the Crewcoo's Morty

Rick and Morty 4x3

Morty: Goddammit, an alien spider just bit my finger!
Rick: It's an alien cliff. You can just say spider.

Rick: Total waste of snakes.

Rick: Don't get drawn into the culture, Morty. Stealing stuff is about the stuff, not the stealing.

Rick: Guests are fans, Morty, which we are not. We'd like professional badges.
Entrance Lady: Do you have a crew?
Rick: Yes. He's a getaway driver with Asperger's, and my butthole is a demolitions expert. How much is it to get in?

Rick: It's showtime, Morty, and I don't mean a bad impression of HBO. I mean, "Time for a show."

Rick: Your boos mean nothing! I've seen what makes you cheer!

Miles Knightley: Another heist question from a fan?
Rick: Uh, how about a rhetorical one from someone that had to be reminded that you exist?... My question is, "Seriously?"

Miles Knightley: I challenge you to a heist of the crystal skull of Horowitz. In a heist off!
Rick: That doesn't make things interesting. It makes them "Ocean's Twelve," by far the worst one.

Rick: Every breath I take without your permission raises my self-esteem!

Rick: Heistotron, state your prime directive?
Heistotron: To heist.
Rick: Calculate Miles Knightley's current heist plan and add one double-cross with a switcheroo.

Rick: If we don't stop them, all sentient life will be absorbed by the never-ending assembly of a meaningless crew. That's my hell, Morty. I hate heists so much, and the crew assemblies are the worst part!
Morty: Oh! How are we gonna stop it?
Rick: With a little help from some old friends.

Mr. Poopybutthole: You sons of bitches. What's the job?

Hephaestus: I work in a volcano. What jobs do you think I've ever turned down?

Rick: Instead of two heist movies I slept through, Randotron's algorithm is derived from the plots of three David Lynch movies I pretended to like to make my friends shut up.

Rick: It's important our non-plan starts randomly, so we have to wait until we're not ready.
Morty: W-Well, how long will that take?
Rick: Obviously, we can't know that.

Rick: I'm immune to your nanobots.
Heistotron: You're immune to the ones you designed, not mine.
Rick: I programmed you to build nanobots that were ineffective on me.
Heistotron: A belief that needed to be placed in your head by my nanobots.
Rick: You believe that because I programmed you to.
Heistotron: That's what I'm saying to you, though. You believe what I programmed you to believe.
Rick: Yes, because I programmed you to believe that.
Heistotron: I programmed you to believe that.
Rick: I programmed you to believe that.
Heistotron: I programmed you to believe that.
Rick: I programmed you to believe that.
Morty: What's happening, Professor Poopybutthole?
He's learning!

Rick: .....And I programmed you to believe that.
Heistotron: A most curious algorithm. It appears the only perfect heist is one that was never written. Goodbye.

Elon Tusk: Rick, I think this was a powerful lesson in the dangers of AI, which, by the way, means "love" in Chinese.

Rick: Morty, you know, pal, you, uh... you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

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Тана Френч — Ночь длиною в жизнь (3/3)

&  Самая страшная трагедия в жизни папаши — то, что ему хватает ума понять, как он профукал всю свою жизнь. Лучше уж быть тупой дубиной.

&  Мне всегда нравились сильные женщины, и это хорошо, поскольку после двадцати пяти лет других уже не встречаешь. То, что постоянно выпадает на их долю, любого мужчину расплющит и убьет, но женщина только ожесточается и идет дальше. Тот, кто утверждает, что не встречал сильных женщин, дурит сам себя: ему встречаются сильные женщины, которые умеют корчить гримаски и сюсюкать детским голоском, однако все равно упрячут его мужское достоинство в косметичку.

&  — Знаешь присказку: сыновья рушат дом, а дочки рушат голову?

&  — У меня старомодные взгляды: я все еще считаю, что внутренний мир должен приходить в соответствие с внешним.

&  — Позволь предложить тебе добрую порцию освежающей реальности. Большинство людей с радостью свернут друг другу шею. А тех немногих, кто трогательно пытается этого избежать, мир прижмет как следует — и все равно заставит. ... Может быть, где-то есть люди, которые никогда не делали ближнему ничего вреднее чашки горячего какао с зефиром, но я лично таких не встречал. Если ты встречала, обязательно просвети меня. Я с удовольствием послушаю. Приведи хоть один пример отношений, которые никому не причинили боли.

&  Никто в мире так не достает, как семья.

  ... И я молил Бога, чтобы так или иначе все мы нашли дорогу домой.”

>> Рассветная бухта (Дублинский отдел по расследованию убийств — 4) (будет (בהנ"ו))

29 янв. 2020 г.


The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel 3×4

Midge: Think about it. Las Vegas is the true American melting pot, proving that losing money is the universal language.

Midge: ...I thought it would be helpful for me to present for you... a primer to the Jewish people. First of all, we are always ready to talk about food. Seeing you all eating dinner, I just want to ask what you're eating, if it's good, and tell you what you should have ordered.

Midge: Complaining. This is big with us. What repressing your emotions is to WASPs, complaining is to Jews. It's second nature.

Midge: But the key is, the complaints should never be about big important things, only little things like, "It's hot out; this restaurant is so far; the line is so long." You know, things nobody can do anything about. Remember, you're not trying to fix anything. You're just trying to be heard.

Midge: Guilt is big with us, and we use it wisely. And it's not for making yourself feel bad about something you did. It's for making someone else feel bad about something they didn't do.

Midge: Jewish parents... Yell at your sons for not eating enough, yell at your daughters for eating too much.

Midge: And there's the saying often attributed to our great prophet Abraham: "Anything you can do... isn't all that interesting to me."

Midge: You won something...
Susie: I didn't win, I lost.
Midge: But, Susie, you're walking away with chips.
Susie: No, when you come with chips, and you leave with less chips, you lost, you didn't win.

Susie: Come on, green! Go all Ben-Hur on his ass!

Henry: You'll never get this chance again...
Susie: Isn't it dangerous?
Henry: You're not Shy, you're not a musician, you're not a vehicle. You're expendable.
Susie: Not really an answer to my question.

Susie: Why would I want that?
Midge: Buzz asked Natalie Wood for some dirt, and she gave it to him, and he rubbed his hands with it, then she bent down and gave him a sexy, three-part kiss, and then she checked on James Dean, and he asked her for some dirt, but it kind of felt like he was just asking 'cause Buzz got some, and he saw that sexy three-part kiss.
Susie: Miriam! I do not need the whole fucking plot to Rebel Without a Cause!

Moishe: You both wear pajamas? What, are you girlfriends? Shirl and me, we sleep in the buff. It's healthier, freer. Warmer, too. Skin on skin, as God intended.

Moishe: Man survived Normandy Beach only to get backed over by Abe Weissman... Not a great way to ingratiate yourself to the neighborhood, Abe. Killing the milkman.

Rose: Are those onions?
Shirley: Onions and chicken skin for my schmaltz.
Rose: Do you have to do that now?
Shirley: I can't make a schmaltz in my own kitchen? Is that what you're saying?
Rose: It's just a little early for such a strong smell.

Abe: This has been the longest month of my life...
Rose: We've been here a week.

Susie: This is really how it works? Just sits on your face, like a French whore?

Susie: So, how do we do this? Put it in your account?
Midge: No. No. You take care of the money. I get money, I spend money.
Susie: Then I will do the money.

Archie: Hey. Who's the king of the castle? Who's the top dog in the pack? Who's the capo di tutti capi?
Joel: Imogene.
Archie: Yeah.
Joel: But you're a close second.

Joel: So, what's the song about?
Mei: Oh, it's the usual stuff... Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, girl buys knife with 12-inch blade, boy loses thumb, boy loses hand.

Shirley: You don't sleep in the buff?!

Moishe: I get up at 4:30 every day. Do you know how much you can accomplish getting up at 4:30 every day? No one's bothering you at 4:30 in the morning. It's dark. It's quiet. No one's calling you on the telephone... Believe me, if there's anything you want to get done that you don't want anyone else to know about, you get up at 4:30 in the morning to do it.

Abe: It's Saturday!
Moishe: Saturday? Saturday is a random day. What is a Saturday?
Abe: It's the Lord's day of rest.
Moishe: What is a weekend? Weekends are a man-made construct.

Moishe: You ever been robbed?.. Not me. I've never been robbed. When you're up at 4:30 in the morning, they can't come take your stuff because you're awake. You see 'em coming. If you're asleep, you won't know. If you sleep late, your stuff's gone. 4:30 is why I still have a TV and a radio.

Moishe: 7:30! Can you believe it? They want to sleep till 7:30! 7:30 is practically 8:00, which is basically lunchtime. It's the whole day!

Susie: Really, guys, I know comedy, so I know nothing is this funny.

Alan: How about an interview with Fidel?
Abe: Castro? My God, that would be amazing! What's your connection to him?
Alan: I don't have a connection.
Madeline: We go to Cuba. Camp outside his door.
Alan: Or we connect with Che Guevara, and Che gets us to Fidel.
Abe: How do you get to Che Guevara?
Madeline: We go to Cuba. Camp outside his door.
Abe: Che seems even less approachable.
Madeline: But sexier.
Abe: Yes, but I'm not sure how that gets us to Che Guevara.
Ezra: We go through Che's friend, Alberto Granado.
Abe: How do we get to Granada?
Madeline: We go to Cuba. Camp outside his door.
Abe: You know, Cuba is awfully humid.

Ezra: I could write a piece on my landlord... My toilet's been running for a week, and he's done nothing to fix it.
Madeline: That's fascist.
Abe: That's annoying. I don't know that you could call it fascist.
Alan: You try jiggling the handle?
Madeline: Turning it off with the valve at the base of the toilet?
Ezra: Every time I use it? That's a nightmare.
Abe: There has to be something between Che and your wonky toilet!

Abe: Oh, yeah. Che's gonna be no match for us.

Midge: So, Joel Maisel was born in a shtetl called Brooklyn...

Susie: Uh, so you know, I've never seen Macbeth...
Gavin Hawk: Oh, my God!
Susie: What?!
Gavin Hawk: You said the name!
Susie: Macbeth?
Gavin Hawk: Oh, my God!

Sophie Lennon: Did he look trim?
Susie: Pretty much.
Sophie Lennon: Trim butt?
Susie: He was sitting the whole time.
Sophie Lennon: I need a nice trim butt to be attracted to a man.
Susie: Well, I'd say it was on the trim side. It's a bit curvy. It's... a couple of nice handfuls.
Sophie Lennon: Could you feel his magnetism, his machismo?
Susie: How? He's British!!

Midge: Look at that... Kim Novak's lips.
Joel: She smells good, too.

Joel: What time is it?
Midge: Kill me o'clock.

Joel: Is that a diamond?
Midge: Glass. Mama knows.

Joel: We got married?

Joel: How can they just let two people drunk off their asses get married like that?
Midge: I don't think they let you get married here if you're sober.

Midge: Why were you fighting about mezuzahs?
Abe: Moishe was hanging them wrong. I told him the letter Shin should be on top, facing the doorway, and he wouldn't listen.
Midge: So he was hanging them upside down?
Abe: And having Ethan help him. My own grandson learning to hang mezuzahs like a shmuck.
Rose: He told us to butt out!

Rose: Shirley's coming and she might be naked!
Abe: She walks around the house naked!

Susie: Look, this is just another part of a manager's job. Quickie divorces for drunk clients. I assume you want a divorce?

Susie: Everything's going absolutely great. Just great. Uh, g-great is a good word to describe how it's all going. Excellent's good, too. Good word, very good word to describe it.

Susie: Tits up.
Midge: Tits up.

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The Outsider 1x2

Det. Ralph Anderson: On March 30th, 2019, did you have any physical... or verbal contact with Frankie Peterson?
Terry: Nope.
Det. Ralph Anderson: On March 30th, 2019, did you abduct Frankie Peterson?
Terry: No.
Det. Ralph Anderson: On March 30th, 2019, did you murder Frankie Peterson?
Terry: I didn't kill that kid, Ralph... That it?
Det. Ralph Anderson: For tonight, yeah.

Terry: I didn't do it. I wasn't there. It wasn't me. It wasn't me.

Nurse: Hello, sir. Any complaints?
Det. Ralph Anderson: Um... I killed a boy.

Kenneth Hayes: "There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy..."

Kenneth Hayes: ... 1587, Roanoke Colony, North Carolina, close to 200 people living there when the governor sailed back to England to get more supplies, and when he returned they vanished, not a soul, and no clue as to what happened. I mean, here we are four centuries later, we still can't figure it out... So it is with Terry Maitland.

Kenneth Hayes: Is there a mystery here? Yes. Will there always be unanswered questions? Most likely. Sometimes that happens, and when it does, you just need to learn how to live with it, and move on.
Det. Ralph Anderson: Yeah, that's hard for me...

Det. Ralph Anderson: It's just that when anybody says to me, "I'm here to help," things invariably get worse.

Det. Ralph Anderson: If he didn't do it... someone else did.

Maya: Are you the man that killed my father?

On the IMDb

Тана Френч — Ночь длиною в жизнь (2/3)

&  Я, прожженный циник, с умным видом втолковывающий новичкам, что мир всегда на два шага ужаснее, чем ожидаешь...

&  Стремление победить — ценная черта, пока она не ведет к поражению.

&  — Все не так просто. Я хочу, чтобы Холли понимала, что есть разница между правдой и бессмысленным дерьмовым трепом. Со всех сторон ей непрерывно твердят, что реальность на сто процентов субъективна: если действительно веришь, что ты звезда, то заслуживаешь рекордного контракта — умение петь при этом не учитывается; если веришь в оружие массового поражения, то не важно, существует ли оно на самом деле; и что слава — суть и единственный смысл всего, потому что ты не существуешь, пока на тебя не обратят внимания. Моя дочь должна понять: не все на свете определяется тем, сколько об этом говорят; или насколько ей самой хочется, чтобы это было правдой; или сколько зрителей пялятся на экран. Где-то в глубине, за всем, что принято считать реальным, должна быть какая-то настоящая чертова реальность. Видит Бог, никто другой Холли этому не научит. Этому научу ее только я. Если по ходу дела она будет дуться — так тому и быть.

&  Одно из качеств отличного начальника — знать, когда ничего не надо знать.

&  Всегда надо оставлять человеку запасной выход, которым он никогда не сможет воспользоваться.

28 янв. 2020 г.

The Old Man and the Seat

Rick and Morty 4x2

Glootie: Do you want to develop an app?

Rick: Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a quick solo adventure to go on, and this one will not be directed by Ron Howard...
Summer: He's gonna go poop. When Grandpa Rick pats his belly like that and leaves without Morty, it means he's going to go poop. He's a shy pooper. He has a secret pooping place.

Jerry: I'll pass, Glootie.
Glootie: Hmm, your loss.
Jerry: Oh, yeah? Why's that?
Glootie: Eh, it's an app you'd want to develop.
Jerry: Can I ask what it is?
Glootie: Of course you can. That's always the first step in app development.

Morty: What are you guys doing? Did you develop an app?
Jerry: Rule number one in app development, son... never follow the rules.
Morty: Except when the rule is tattooed on an alien's forehead, Dad!

Summer: Whoa, this new app just matched me with a guy that is su my ty. Super my type. Learn to abbre.

Beth: Stupid phones are destroying us!

Tony: I thought you were a shy pooper. You know what shy pooping is, Rick? It's a pointless bid for control. You want to take the one part of life that you truly think is yours, and you want to protect it from a universe that takes whatever it wants.

Rick: Don't insult my craft. The chemical is Globaflyn. It connects the whatever-you-want section of your brain to the whatever-you-have section. If your heaven is toilets, that's on you.
Tony: All of these people...
Rick: Are living their wildest, meaningless dreams and leaving me out of them.
Tony: People you refuse to kill and refuse to let into your life.

Morty: Dad, I want to say something. I started today disgusted and embarrassed to be your son, and then later I thought we were gonna die because you're a loser.....
Jerry: There's no more, is there?
Morty: Nope. Now quit [BLEEP] up, and let's go.

Beth: I'm gonna mother you until your 18th birthday, even if I get thrown in prison for non-consensual mothering! And even then, I will break out, come to your house, kick down your door, and mother your [BLEEP] face out of your stupid asshole!
Summer: I'm gonna daughter your brains out, bitch!

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Imposters 2×5

Richard: This is what immigration is like?... Dude, this is a major issue.

The Doctor: Do you know what the greatest con of all is?.. Love.

Ezra Bloom: How do you expect me not to worry?
Arthur Bloom: Just don't! You're a Bloom. When things get tough, stick your head up and...
Ezra Bloom: Put your shoulders back. Yeah, I got it, Dad. I got it.

Arthur Bloom: Ezra... Keep your wits about you.

Agent Cook: What would you do? You're a father. Our girl's in trouble.
Patrick: Yeah, but I like to think that I raised them well enough that they wouldn't become con artists. That's just me.
Agent Cook: You never know... Sometimes it's about the way you're raised. Sometimes it's about the genes. And sometimes it's just so goddamn crazy, we don't have a say in it. Pretending otherwise will drive you crazy.

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Тана Френч — Ночь длиною в жизнь

Мертвые возвращаются?.. (Дублинский отдел по расследованию убийств — 2)

Дублинский отдел по расследованию убийств — 3

цитаты | Ночь длиною в жизнь | Тана Френч | Дублинский отдел по расследованию убийств | sequel | Faithful Place | Crime, Drama, Mystery | Dublin | murder | detective | working family | neighborhood | divorcee
  “В жизни каждого есть главные мгновения. Обычно к ним не приглядываются — разве что позже, после того как они промелькнут: миг, когда решаешь заговорить с девчонкой, притормозить на слепом повороте, не полениться и достать презерватив... ...

&  В девятнадцать лет с готовностью бросаешь вызов миру и не заморачиваешься на мелочах.

&  По мнению моего папаши, настоящий мужчина должен знать, за что он готов умереть. «Если не знаешь, тогда чего ты стоишь? — сказал однажды па. — Ничего. Ты вообще не мужчина».

&  В общем-то не важно, участвуешь ты в операциях или нет. Риск нашей работы — совсем иного рода: постоянно создавая иллюзии, начинаешь думать, что управляешь всем. Очень легко поверить, что ты — гипнотизер, творец миражей, крутой перец, знающий, что реально и в чем секрет фокуса, хотя на поверку ты обычный зевака с отвисшей челюстью. Как бы ты ни старался, действительность побеждает — она хитрее, быстрее и беспощаднее. Единственное, что тебе по силам, — крепиться, знать свои слабости и в любой момент ожидать удара исподтишка.

&  Женщины предпочитают ненавидеть друг друга в ближнем бою, где можно подлить масла в огонь.

&  Всегда хочется того, чего, как тебе объяснили, ты не достоин.

&  Старые привычки не исчезают.

27 янв. 2020 г.

Panty Pose

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel 3×3

Susie: Yeah, I get it. She cuts the cheese, you get a slice.
Harry Drake: What, you think this is funny?
Susie: No, but I do think you're just trying to scare me.
Harry Drake: How am I doing?
Susie: I've got to use the facilities.

Susie: Hey, what part of I'm in here taking a shit don't you understand?!

Abe: The veterinarian is in the basement of the building. We'll never see the dead dogs.
Rose: The spirits of the dead dogs will be galumphing through the building.
Abe: Dead dogs don't have spirits. And if they did, they wouldn't galumph, they would trot or canter.
Midge: This is officially the dumbest conversation you two have ever had.

Abe: I liked that place on 65th, and it was affordable.
Rose: Because it was on top of a construction zone!
Abe: Lincoln Center! Once it's finished, we can walk to the opera.
Rose: We'll be in wheelchairs by the time they finish Lincoln Center.
Abe: So we'll roll to the opera.

Zelda: What about my kitchen? There better not be a bathtub in my kitchen!
Abe: We got bigger fish to fry, Zelda.
Zelda: You want me to fry fish, I need a decent kitchen.

Abe: They'll be pulling our decomposing bodies out, first yours, then mine, crushed under a pile of garbage.
Rose: Why is my body the first to decompose?
Midge: This is officially the second-dumbest conversation you guys have ever had.

Abe: So, you're saying a rat has a soul? A rat?!
Rose: Yes. It's small and ugly, but it's there.

Moishe: Sorry. Doesn't pass the tush test. The tush tells me whether it's happy or not.
Shirley: That tush... it's a gift. Trust the tush!

Moishe: The bowl with the nuts is something we could use. The nuts we don't need, but we could use the bowl.

Sophie Lennon: You're prioritizing me over all else, yes? And I'm phrasing these things as questions, but they are not.
Susie: Look, you'll always be my number one.

Rose: So your going off to be a comedian means I don't get to see my grandchildren.

Abe: Why are you mad at me? It's your fault your daughter's a comedian.
Rose: How so?
Abe: It's that German edge she gave you. The Lehman blood. You gave her the oompah.
Midge: Papa!
Rose: Well, it was your penis she was talking about on stage. Not mine.

Abe: If you had a penis, she'd be talking about you, not me. Wouldn't you talk about your mother's penis if she had one?
Midge: For hours and hours and hours.

Susie: How do these things weigh a thousand tons and stay in the air? It's against the laws of God and nature and just heaviness.
Midge: I don't have an answer. My father would, or my brother.
Susie: Can we go talk to them now?

Susie: Lift your legs. It lightens the load.

Susie: ... Food and beverage.
Midge: I'm feeling a little blonde right now.
Susie: The guy's a mobster!... Of my heart.

Midge: What is this?
Susie: Your weird ask.
Midge: My weird what?
Susie: It's the thing I asked for in your contract. He kept hounding me, and when he asked what it is, I blanked and said the room should be filled with teddy bears.
Midge: Yellow ones.
Susie: I said it was your favorite color.
Midge: My favorite color's pink.
Susie: I panicked!

Susie: Aah! I won! I'm rich!
Midge: Look at all those pennies pouring out. Just think if they were nickels. That would be so amazing.
Susie: And the drinks are free. I love Vegas!

Susie: What's a "don't pass" bar? What's a field? What are odds? Are odds good? What's craps/eleven? What's yo-eleven? What's a come line? What's a don't come line? ... What's a hard way? Is there a soft way? What's that bet? What's that bet? W-Why does 12 pay double? Why does two pay double? What's C.E.?

Reggie: Hey. This is not my problem. Bring us another picture, or stick with the panty pose.

Susie: So... drink?
Midge: Oh, yes.

Midge: Failure is how we grow. Actually, it's how men grow. It's how women shrink.

Midge: You know, you come to Vegas and you gamble. And my question is, is life not enough of a risk for you people?

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Fish in a Barrel

The Outsider 1x1

Yunis Sablo: So, the coroner said the tissue tears on the upper torso, there's teeth impressions around the edges.
Det. Ralph Anderson: Animal?
Yunis Sablo: No.

Glory: I'll never understand how blue and yellow make green. That just doesn't make sense.

Det. Ralph Anderson: I hope to God he resists.

Det. Ralph Anderson: This individual...
Mary: Ralph. Terry Maitland. I've known him since he was a kid.

Det. Ralph Anderson: Go in there. Read him his rights. Loud and clear. So that everyone can hear it. And then cuff him in front so everyone can see.
Don Harrier: In front's against protocol...
Det. Ralph Anderson: Cuff him in front so everybody can see and then you bring him out to me.

Claude: I got those three years ago in McAlester. That's the addict's memo to self. Must use but I can't use. Therein lies the struggle right there.

Claude: Brother, since the last time you slapped the bracelets on me, I have been Anonymous to death. Narcotics, the alcohol, gamblers, debtors, the sexaholics... If I was anymore anonymous, I'd be invisible.

Howard: Now, they might try to get you talking about Terry. Now repeat after me: "On the advice of my lawyer, I refuse to answer any of your questions."
Glory: "On the advice of my lawyer, I refuse to answer any of your questions."
Howard: Perfect.

Det. Ralph Anderson: I only have one question for you... Did you ever touch my kid?

Terry: You just ruined our lives.

Det. Ralph Anderson: I don't get it. This guy has murdered a child. He wants to avoid arrest, but everything he does after that is idiotic...

Det. Ralph Anderson: It's like he's begging us to catch him. But what kind of criminal does that?

Howard: You know the definition of a witness, Ralph, right? A person who thought they saw something.

Terry: I don't understand. Slaughterhouse Five is banned in part because, I guess, of its unsparing take on war, but The Iliad, which is infinitely more bloody and graphic is required reading. So, I was wondering if any of you could respond to that.

Howard: Is that not Terry Maitland... on the same day 70 miles away?... Poof.

Det. Ralph Anderson: Okay, this is from the Babcock. This is from the crime scene. And this is Terry Maitland's booking sheet...
Kenneth Hayes: Drum roll?
Det. Ralph Anderson: They all match.

Kenneth Hayes: Bullshit. He can't have been in two places at once.

Det. Ralph Anderson: How badly do you wanna win, Kenneth?
Kenneth Hayes: I don't know, Ralph. How badly do you wanna lose?

Det. Ralph Anderson: If Terry Maitland is innocent, we're not done.

Anderson: ...Answer me this. From your gut... do you think Terry Maitland killed that boy?
Det. Ralph Anderson: I can't tell. I don't know. I really don't know.

Det. Tamika: Is he giving us the finger?

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26 янв. 2020 г.

Solaris (1972)

Anri Berton: What do you mean by saying the report of my observations in almost no way corresponds with reality? I saw everything with my own eyes. What do you mean by "almost"?
"Almost no way" means that some real phenomena could have triggered your hallucinations, Burton. When it's windy, it's easy to confuse a swaying bush with a living being, to say nothing of a foreign planet.

Nik Kelvin: One always feels awful after a big farewell.

Kris Kelvin: I think Solaristics has reached an impasse as a result of irresponsible daydreaming. I'm interested in the truth, but you want to turn me into a biased supporter. I don't have the right to make decisions based on impulses of the heart. I'm not a poet.

Anri Berton: You want to destroy that which we are presently incapable of understanding? Forgive me, but I am not an advocate of knowledge at any price. Knowledge is only valid when it's based on morality.
Kris Kelvin: Man is the one who renders science moral or immoral. Remember Hiroshima.
Anri Berton: Then don't make science immoral.

Dr. Snaut: If you see something out of the ordinary, something besides me and Sartorius, try not to lose your head.
Kris Kelvin: What would I see?
Dr. Snaut: I don't know. That sort of depends on you.
Kris Kelvin: Hallucinations?
Dr. Snaut: No. Just remember.
Kris Kelvin: Remember what?
Dr. Snaut: That we're not on Earth.

Kris Kelvin: Will she come back?
Dr. Snaut: She will... and she won't.
Kris Kelvin: Hari the Second...
Dr. Snaut: There may be an endless number of them.

Dr. Sartorius: You've got a superb specimen...
Kris Kelvin: That's my wife!
Dr. Sartorius: Wonderful. Perfect. Then take a blood sample from your wife.
Kris Kelvin: Why?
Dr. Sartorius: It'll sober you up a bit.

Dr. Sartorius: Man was created by nature so he could learn her ways. In his endless search for the truth, man is condemned to knowledge. Everything else is whim.

Khari: It doesn't matter why man loves. It's different for everyone.

Khari: It's not Kris. It's you. I hate you all!
Dr. Sartorius: I would ask you...
Khari: Please don't interrupt me. I'm a woman, after all!
Dr. Sartorius: You're not a woman and you're not a human being. Understand that, if you're capable of understanding anything. There is no Khari. She's dead. You're just a reproduction, a mechanical reproduction. A copy. A matrix.
Khari: Yes. Maybe. But I... I am becoming a human being. I can feel just as deeply as you. Believe me.

Khari: I... love him. I am a human being.

Kris Kelvin: You're a good man... but you look awful.

Kris Kelvin: What does it matter when you're worth more to me than any science could ever be?

Kris Kelvin: You know... whenever we show pity, we ravage ourselves. Maybe it's true... Suffering makes life seem dismal and suspect. But I won't accept that. No, I won't accept that.

Kris Kelvin: Is that which is indispensable to life also harmful to it?.. No, it's not harmful. Of course it's not harmful. Remember Tolstoy? His suffering over the impossibility of loving mankind as a whole?

Kris Kelvin: See, I love you. But love is a feeling we can experience but never explain. One can explain the concept. You love that which you can lose: Yourself, a woman, a homeland.

Kris Kelvin: Until today, love was simply unattainable to mankind, to the Earth. Do you understand me, Snaut? There are so few of us. A few billion altogether. A handful! Maybe we're here in order to experience people as a reason for love.

Kris Kelvin: Gibarian didn't die of fear. He died of shame. Shame-the feeling that will save mankind.

Dr. Snaut: When man is happy, the meaning of life and other eternal themes rarely interest him. These questions should be asked at the end of one's life.
Kris Kelvin: But we don't know when life will end. That's why we're in such a hurry.
Dr. Snaut: Don't rush. The happiest people are those who are not interested in these cursed questions.
Kris Kelvin: To ask is always the desire to know. Yet the preservation of simple human truths requires mystery. The mysteries of happiness, death and love.
Dr. Snaut: Maybe you're right, but try not to think about all that now.
Kris Kelvin: To think about it is to know the day of one's death. Not knowing that day makes us practically immortal.

++ Quotes on the IMDb

I'm Finding My Bliss

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend 4×14

Other Rebecca: I have the Benjamin Button disease. I'm 70!

Rebecca: I think it can make me happy. Truly happy.
Valencia: But what if it doesn't? And I'm telling you from experience, sometimes the thing or person you think will make you happy... doesn't.
Rebecca: Nah.

Connie: Singing: zero. Commitment: a million.

Josh Chan: Okay, I get it. You're maybe not the world's most flawless singer... I-I can hook you up with lessons with Aunt Myrna.

Rebecca: All right, I know we shouldn't hold these classic songs up to our modern standards, but, God, this whole song is just so problematic. You know? It plays right into the Madonna-whore complex and manages to say that a woman belongs in a kitchen.
Josh Chan: Huh.

Rebecca: What if these classic musical theater songs that I've loved for so many years and kind of based my life on are... bad?

Rebecca: Connie, listen, these are just little tweaks to make it a little more modern. For instance, instead of singing, "But that don't lead to walking down the aisle," I only sing, "But I need mutual respect when I walk down the aisle."

Rebecca: Wow. You're choosing to stay in West Covina? By choice?

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25 янв. 2020 г.

It's the Sixties, Man!

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel 3×2

Midge: Really, if there's no loyalty, what's the point of a partnership? They say if you want loyalty, get a dog. But even the most loyal dog will stick its head in your neighbor's cooze 'cause it wants to get scratched. I mean, it doesn't mean the dog doesn't like you, it just means the dog isn't that fucking picky.

Madeline: Marx was the true purist. Lenin's the little boy who dumped his bowels on Karl's genius.
Abe: I've never heard it put quite that way, but I agree with the general sentiment.

Abe: They're starting a weekly paper. ... We were all just debating what to call it. And the final choices are The New Jive and It's the Sixties, Man! Two timeless names.

Zelda: This is the last of the butter cookies... Hey, you're communists, for Christ's sake! Share.

Zelda: I can make eggs for anyone who wants some.
Abe: It's all right, Zelda. I'm sure having a maid waiting on them like this, serving butter cookies, is such a violation of their proletariat values.
Ezra: No, Abe, it's good, it's fine.
Alan: Yeah, it helps us understand what we're fighting against.

Midge: This is too much for my brain.

Midge: And where is Mama? How is she sleeping through the revolution?

Joel: You wanted to give the boys a peek at what they're fighting for?
Midge: The wind blew up out of nowhere!
Joel: Lighting's good. Your underwear really glows... And the angle. Pretty sexy.

Judge Wagaman: What are you doing here? Are you contesting?
Joel: No, sir, I'm not contesting.
Judge Wagaman: Then why are you here?
Joel: Just moral support for my wife.
Judge Wagaman: While she divorces you.
Joel: That's right.
Judge Wagaman: For adultery.
Joel: That's right.
Judge Wagaman: That's very modern. It's almost French.

Rose: Come on, Grandmama. Women aren't welcome here.

Imogene: Oh, I want to hear more about the tour.
Midge: It's 18 cities.

Imogene: Write down everything you experience. Everything you see and hear and eat. No, wait, not eat.
Midge: You can't get fat from reading about food, Imogene.
Imogene: You aren't a scientist.

Imogene: But, no, I agree. You're Miriam Maisel, you should be enough.
Midge: Yeah. I should be enough.

Abe: Rose? Rose! Wonderful, you're back. I mean, I knew you were coming back, I looked in your closet, but sometimes you don't come back. So it's nice that you came back... It is you, isn't it? You don't look like yourself.

Rose: I have just come from a travel odyssey of biblical proportions. Hieronymus Bosch couldn't have conjured the world I've inhabited for the past 25 hours.

Rose: I gave up the money. I don't want it. It's blood money.
Abe: Well, Rose, we need that money. We can't live without that money. What's a little blood?
Rose: That money was a yoke. Now I am unyoked. Untethered. Free.

Rose: What's going on? Did you say "What's going on?" I'll tell you what's going on. You. You are what's going on with us. You.
Midge: Me?
Rose: Everything that's happening is all your fault. I was very happy being me. I didn't need to be equal or stand up for myself. I was fine. I have gone my entire life with other people making all my decisions, and I loved it! You, you put this in my head. You made me passionate and independent and broke!
Midge: You're welcome... Sorry, it was just sitting there.

Susie: I'm fine by myself. My mantra since I was three.

Reggie: Susie Myerson? Of Susie Myerson and Associates?

Reggie: So, are you gonna be something happy in my life or something unhappy?

Susie: Hey, isn't Lou Shy's manager?
Reggie: Lou? No. Lou's the white guy that record labels are willing to deal with. Lou's the white guy that Nabisco likes to talk to when they want Shy to front for 'em. Lou is the white guy that glad-hands mayors when they want my man to get a key to the city. Lou's...
Susie: White. I got it.
Reggie: Yeah. Lou's extraordinarily white.

Shy Baldwin: [He] Left me for six months to go out with that Southern boy, what's his name? The-the kid with the hips who stole our people's sound?
— Elvis!

Mei: Your name is Joel Mai-sel?
Joel: It's Maisel. Accent on the "Mai."
Mei: Hmm. That's my name.
Joel: Maisel?
Mei: Mei. My name is Mei.

Susie: You'll always be my number one.

Susie: We are the whitest people in the world.

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The Expanse 4×9

Holden: No hat?
Miller: It's not my hat. That hat belongs to the Investigator that the protomolecule keeps making out of my corpse over and over and over again.

Miller: The protomolecule's been using us both, pal. But being inside your head... watching you give a shit... you helped me, gave me something to build on, you know? You helped me outsmart the jailer.

Miller: This planet's already a corpse. Let's go kill its ghost.

Miller: You ever met anybody you didn't wanna save?

Holden: You're sure you can do that without killing us all?
Miller: No. But the other option is... well, you watch everyone starve to death while your ships burn and I get trapped here forever, looking for something I'll never find. So...

Amos: Just because someone is good to you, it doesn't mean that you can trust them.

Miller: One foot in front of the other until we make it or we die trying, hmm?

Holden: You want me to climb down there?
Miller: Climb. Jump. Whatever. Just get in the hole.

Amos: Wei, I'm coming for your boss. Don't be there when I do.

Holden: Is there anything I can do?
Miller: Yeah. Why don't we try killing 'em off for good, see how that works?

Miller: Now comes the hard part.
Holden: Which is?
Miller: Actually finding this bomb.
Holden: I thought you knew where this dead spot was.
Miller: I know where the corpse is buried. We might just have to do a little digging to find the bullet inside, you know?

Holden: If I slip off, how long will I fall?
Miller: Mm... Rest of your life.

Miller: I need to put myself into something physical...

Holden: How will I know when you've connected to the rest of the planet?
Miller: You'll know.
Holden: And that'll fix the ships?
Miller: Here's hoping.

Holden: This is really the end, isn't it?
Miller: It is for me. But hey, I'm hoping you make it out okay.

Holden: That's it? No explanation? No cop stories or tortured metaphors?
Miller: Hey, I got you this far, kid. Rest is up to you.

Holden: Water! Rain is just water. Doesn't really taste like anything.

Dr. Elvi Okoye: That field effect. I can see it. What is it?
Miller: With any luck, the off switch for the whole fucking planet.

Dr. Elvi Okoye: You are really Detective Miller from Ceres... sentient and independent?
Miller: Well, if I'm not, I'm acing my Turing test.

Murtry: Civilization has a lag time... like light delay. You come out here, and you think because you're civilized, civilization comes with you... We're all just walking in the footsteps of history, the ancient frontier. All those post offices and railroads and jails cost thousands of lives to build. And this is no different.

Murtry: I am the kind of man the frontier needs. You're the kind that comes after my work is done. You should've stayed at home... until I built a post office.

Holden: Wait!.....

On the IMDb

24 янв. 2020 г.

Hustlers (2019)

Ramona: Doesn't money make you horny?

Ramona: ... But then there's the motherfuckers on top. CEOs, CFOs, investment bankers, corporate raiders, hedge funders, ax murderers. Coming straight from the crime scene into the club. But not through the front. Oh, no. These guys, they don't wanna be written about on page six. They come through the back. They take the private elevator to the one room without cameras... And they don't leave till they spend $10,000, $15,000 in one night. They can be degrading, possessive, aggressive, violent. And they never get in any trouble. Because everyone's willing to cover their tracks. 'Cause deep down they all want what they got. They all wanna be on top... where there are no consequences. You're just another deal to them. And that's all they are to you. It's business. And it's a more honest transaction than anything else they did that day... All you have to do is figure out who you're dealing with. And then play them at their level.

Ramona: I just want my daughter to be able to do whatever she wants, you know? Go to whatever school she wants, or not. If that's what she wants. I swear, I'd do anything for this kid... Motherhood is a mental illness.

Johnny: I promise. I'll take care of you. If he's a boy, we'll name him Johnny.
Destiny: I hope it's a boy...

Ramona: It's a side hustle. Everybody's had to get creative, baby.

Ramona: Look, baby, we gotta start thinking like these Wall Street guys. You see what they did to this country? They stole from everybody. Hardworking people lost everything. And not one of these douchebags went to jail. Not one. Is that fair? You ever think about when they come into the club? That's stolen money... Fuck these guys.

Ramona: No, baby, this game is rigged. And it does not reward people who play by the rules. You either gotta stand in the corner or get in the ring.

Destiny: So, what do you think? Sixty MDMA, forty ketamine?
Ramona: That sounds good.
Destiny: Do we turn the liquid into a powder? Or do we turn the powder into a liquid?

Ramona: We were fucking hurricanes, weren't we?

Destiny: Maybe the reason why we did what we did is because hurt people hurt people, you know?

Ramona: ...everybody's hustling. This city... Fuck, this whole country is a strip club. You got people tossing the money... and people doing the dance.

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Σ shakko-kitsune: «... это про труд, безденежье, матерей-одиночек, принуждение к проституции и попытки найти хоть какой-то выход из этой ситуации, когда хочется кушать и кормить детей и стариков. Ну да, на фоне Нью-Йорка, стильных шмоток и высоких каблуков, но видно, что это тлен. ...»


Imposters 2×4

Richard: Hey! Hey, hey. Breathe...
Ezra: What are you doing? Is this a Jules thing?
Richard: Coach Willis, bro. The key to success is to visualize. ...so let's visualize. Tell me what's gonna happen. Remember, positive.

Jules: After your family's safe, I can come back.
Ezra: Except it never works that way, does it? I mean, life, it keeps taking you forward.

Agent Cook: Did you ever see "The French Connection"? You need to be a little bit more like Popeye Doyle.
Patrick: My problem is a lack of a pork pie hat?
Agent Cook: Real police work is in the waiting. It's about patience. So now we're Popeye Doyle, waiting in the cold, drinking coffee.
Patrick: Yeah. You know at the end of that movie, the bad guy got away, right?

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23 янв. 2020 г.

Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Rickpeat

Rick and Morty 4x1

Jerry: You're quiet, Rick. Shouldn't you be revealing grandmas aren't real?
Rick: Hi. I've placed an auto-response chip in my brain so I can spend time with my family.
Beth: But you are spending time with your family.
Rick: Thank you for talking to Rick.

Rick: What's next, Morty? What if I want you to jump off the Empire State Building? I have to ask?
Morty: Yes?
Rick: And you seriously don't see how that's a slippery slope?

Rick: Death crystals show you how you're gonna die.
Morty: Jesus Christ! I-I die a million times?
Rick: Your future stems from your present, which, if you're living right, keeps changing.

Rick: Truth is, anyone that knows how they're definitely gonna die is either boring as hell or about to get shot— Duck!

Morty: Who are those guys?!
Rick: Crystal poachers. There's no lower form of life. They think the galaxy's their own personal piggy bank.
Morty: Wait, then what are we?
Rick: We're Rick and Morty.

Rick: You're about to witness the only real use for these crystals. They show you when the other guy's reloading.

Morty: You just use these to win fights?
Rick: I don't use them. People that spend their life avoiding death are already dead. They're also rich, and I like to spend my life with their money.

Morty: Jessica. I want to die with Jessica.

Rick: Morty, you know outer space is up, right?

Rick: Listen, I'm programmed for tolerance, Morty. So I'm willing to accept that you're doing this if you're willing to accept that you need to stop.

Fascist Morty: Stop asking questions. Stop doing meta-commentary. Just have fun. We're going on a simple, fun, classic adventure.
Rick: Okay, you know what? It would really help if you could just say anything other than what you don't want.

Mr. Meeseeks: I'm Mr. Meeseeks!
Rick: Kill this Nazi prick!
Mr. Meeseeks: Can do!

Rick: Honestly, you're doing me a huge favor by being shrimp instead of fascists... What?... Goddamn it! When did this shit become the default?!

Hologram Rick: Look, Rick might be the epitome of bloated flesh privilege, but he's right about one thing. You're gonna be a lot happier if you focus on the moment, rather than on how you're gonna die.

Wasp Rick: Well, here's how it works with wasps. We eat our prey alive, and when we don't, we lay our eggs in their eyeballs so that our young can feast on their brains when they hatch. When you're born that big an asshole, the least you can do is have a little empathy. Now, come have dinner with my beautiful family.

Morty: Aah! I-I can't see my own death. H-How am I gonna die?!
Rick: Shh, quiet, idiot. Quiet. It's gonna be alright.

Rick: There's a lesson here, and I'm not the one that's gonna figure it out.

Morty: Hey, uh, sorry I didn't listen to you and tried to kill the whole world and stuff. I guess I got to learn how to live in the moment a little more.
Rick: Oh, boy, so, you actually learned something today? What is this, "Full House"? I was living in the moment all day, and it kept getting me killed by Nazis. I think you have to think ahead and live in the moment.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

The One-Eyed Man

The Expanse 4×8

Ashford: We all have enough blame to share, eh, and even more problems to solve, so politics be damned.

Murtry: In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Holden: I'm gonna take the Belters to the latrine. Then I'm gonna come back and I'll do the same for your people.

Holden: As long as we're still breathing, we're alive.

Ashford: I've been looking for you. I checked every bar in the station.
Camina: I drink when I'm angry, not when I'm sad.

Ashford: I have seen blood spilled my entire life and I have spilled enough myself to know that the future, our future, cannot be built on violence.
Camina: You sound like a politician.
Ashford: No, I'm just old. Age changes you in ways you don't expect.

Bobbie: Go. Do the job. Be a good Martian.

Holden: All we did was buy ourselves more time.
Naomi: And that's what we're going to keep on doing.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

22 янв. 2020 г.

Riding in Cars with Boys (2001)

Janet: I feel weird, Bev.
Beverly: Weird? Wait till he shoves his tongue in your mouth.

Mr. Leonard Donofrio: Speak up. If you don't ask for anything, it's what you get, nothing.

Jason: Parents and the damage they can do... Sometimes, it's endless. But she survived. You know what they say: "That which doesn't kill you, makes you want to die."

Jason: I'm having a bad day. What's one bad day, right?
Beverly: One day? Are you kidding? Let me quote myself... "One day can make your life. One day can ruin your life. All life is, is four or five big days that change everything."

Beverly: Fun? Fun? Fun is what you bring with you.

Beverly: I'm just a big chicken.
Tommy: No, Bev. Someone once said a coward and a hero have one thing in common: fear. You may be scared, but you're no coward.

Ray Hasek: Okay, look. Maybe... you're not supposed to end up with me. But I'll make you happy. I swear. If you married me, I would cherish you... for all the time, till death. Till I die. Till death. For the... I may not be the perfect guy in a lot of ways... but I'm the right guy because nobody will love you like me. Please marry me. Because I'm shit without you.
Beverly: How romantic. A marriage proposal that contains the word "shit."
Ray Hasek: Sorry.

Beverly: I woke up this morning, truly believing... that by this afternoon, my life would be different. Not only because it was my dream, but because I'd earned it! And now look at me. It's 4:00 in the afternoon, and I'm just another angry housewife, standing on her lawn and yelling at her husband in front of the neighbors! Yeah, that's me!

Fay: Sometimes we love people so much that we have to be numb to it. Because if we actually felt how much we love them, it would kill us. That doesn't make you a bad person. It just means your heart's too big.

Tommy: Come on. Tell me what you're thinking right now.
Beverly: ... I'm 22 years old. That's almost 30. I still haven't accepted that this is my life. I wish I could be dumb and then I wouldn't know better. And I could be happy and stop hoping. And I'm telling you this like you're interested in my boring life.

Ray Hasek: You're gonna hear a lot of bad things about me. Okay? But only two out of the three things are gonna be right. So when you hear something that's really, really bad... you try to think that's the one time they're wrong, okay?

Ray Hasek: She'll get over it. Women want to forgive. Even a total screw-up, they'll help. It's in their nature. You just gotta remember, you gotta tell them you need their help. Or else they won't do it.

Beverly: When does this job ever end?..
Jason: You call it a job?!
Beverly: Well, what do you think it is? A calling?

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+ Soundtracks

A Live Chicken, a Fried Chicken and Holy Matrimony

Young Sheldon 3×11

Billy: Pastor Jeff, do chickens go to heaven?

Sheldon: Church and football? Ugh. At least "60 Minutes" is on tonight.

Connie: Okay. Let's split up. You want live chicken or dead chicken?

Mary: I feel like I'm in the presence of James Bond.
Pastor Jeff: Well, I don't have a license to kill, but I do have a license to officiate funerals.

Connie: George. Why are you not in that bedroom?
George: Well, I'm just thinking of what to say.
Connie: They're teenagers. If you wait any longer, they'll be done!

Georgie: He's just mad 'cause we're young and he's not.

Mary: Your wedding's gonna be perfect...

Pastor Jeff: If she cries on the dress, do I have to buy it?

Pastor Jeff: Sometimes the Lord has his own plans for us. ... Your marriage may have gotten off to a rough start, but if that's what it took to get where you are, maybe God knew what he was doing.

George: Do I have to?
Connie: You want to add grandkids to this mess?

George: ...And I know your mom would want me to tell you to wait till marriage, but I also know... you're probably not going to.
Georgie: Did you?

George: The important thing is that when you're with a girl... You know how when we're running practice drills and we wear protection so both people are safe?
Georgie: Yeah.
George: Well, there you go.
Georgie: What?
George: Same thing, but with your privates.
Georgie: Please leave.
George: Thank you.

This is Nathan. He's been to four Comic-Cons.
And he's leaving.
Nathan: Are you sure?
Beam your ass out of here.
Nathan: Yes, ma'am. One to beam up. Energize...

Mary: No tongue. No tongue. Oh, there it is.

Missy: Where are they going in such a hurry?
Sheldon: Probably to unwrap their presents.
Meemaw: Something's getting unwrapped...
Sheldon: Told you.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

21 янв. 2020 г.

Strike Up the Band

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel 3×1

Susie: Three hours for a person to do her hair...

Susie: And... managed.

Susie: So, rule number one for this performance?
Midge: Don't say "fuck."
Susie: Rule number two for this performance?
Midge: Do not say "fuck."
Susie: And no dick jokes. Army guys are sensitive about dick jokes. That's why they're in the Army.

Fred: You need a weird ask.
Susie: What do you mean I need a weird ass?
Fred: A weird ask. Something in your contract that's specifically weird only to you. Like, uh, all the pillows in your room have to have a cat design on them.
Susie: I'm not gonna do that.
Fred: You have to. They'll never take you seriously if you don't.
Susie: Well, how weird does it have to be?

Susie: Hey, would you mind blowing my brains out?

Susie: 450 bucks, plus I'll be subletting my apartment to Jackie. This means I'm gonna be making the most money I made since... ever. Since ever.

Susie: Oh, and we have to come up with something weird. Like, you need baby goats in your dressing room, or all your hand towels have to be from Windsor Castle.
Midge: Oh, can we get that? I would love that.

Midge: My goodness, that is a lot of khaki...

Midge: I just want you to know how much I admire you guys. I could never be brave enough to wear the same outfit every day.

Midge: Maybe you fellas could run some jargon by me? Make sure I understand it...
— Direct support.
Midge: Too easy. That's what I'm wearing under my dress right now.
— Zone of action.
Midge: Everything not covered by the direct support I'm wearing. ...

Midge: Frontal fire and shock action? Isn't frontal fire what you contract when you have shock action with the wrong girl overseas?

— Withdrawal.
Midge: Congratulations, you're a daddy.

Shirley: We're gonna live in Queens!

Susie: Susie Myerson of Susie Myerson and Associates. I promise she will never do that again.

Midge: Shall I leave you two alone?
Susie: I just love money. You know? Smells great. Feels great. It looks great.
Midge: Just be careful. It can break your heart.

Joel: Hey. You said one night. And I heard you.
Midge: I just thought you'd follow up. Something happens, you follow up. A guy comes to fix your dishwasher, he calls later to follow up.
Joel: No, he doesn't.
Midge: Yes, he does.

Joel: Chinatown. You think people will come to a club in Chinatown?
Mrs. Moskowitz: If the drinks are strong and the music's hot.

Rose: The vacations, the dinners, the cocktail parties... you think all that exists because you taught eight hyper-intelligent, emotionally-retarded eunuchs to draw symbols on a chalkboard.
Abe: I think you're oversimplifying my classes...

Rose: Do you know one other professor who lives the way we do?
Abe: Milk is 49 cents a gallon?
Rose: Not one. They all have drab clothes and gray skin and they die young.

Abe: I was never a materialistic man, Rose. I cared about science and thought and bettering mankind. Now look at me. I'm wearing two sweaters. Rose, tell me, when did I become a man who needs five bedrooms? When did I become a man who-who needs a linen closet? When did I become a man who has a maid? When did I change? When did I become this selfish, materialistic man? Th-the kind of man I used to despise.
Rose: When you married me.
Abe: I didn't say that!

Midge: I am not a prostitute. I'm a comic.
Rose: Is there a difference?
Midge: Yes, prostitutes get paid more.
Abe: Hilarious. You should go into comedy.
Midge: I did.

Abe: ...And you quit your piano lessons!
Midge: When I was eight!
Abe: You just quit. You're a quitter.
Midge: I hated piano.
Abe: Of course you hated piano... didn't come with a costume.
Midge: I was a terrible player. The neighbors complained. My teacher used earplugs.
Abe: But you should not have quit. That sets the tone for an entire life.

Abe: A-Are they arresting him? Wait, are you arresting him?... B... b... but you... you can't do that. He... he's just talking... Look, I understand you don't like it. I don't either, really. It was obscene, repulsive, that girl was clearly very cold. Who wants to see that? But that's not really for you to decide, is it?
Lenny Bruce: Listen to the man, he's wearing two sweaters.
Cop: I'm telling you for the last time, sir, sit down.
Abe: I won't sit down. I don't have to sit down. I have the right to stand, don't I? Wh... what, i... is standing and talking illegal now? Or just standing?
Cop: Okay, you want to come, too?
Abe: Right. How about leaning? Where do you land on leaning?

Abe: Gandhi went to jail. Galileo died under house arrest. Emma Goldman was deported.
Lenny Bruce: I just tell jokes, man, that's all.

Midge: I'm not mad. I am too angry to be mad.

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+ Soundtracks!

You've Changed, Man

The Good Place 4×10

Chapter 49

Judge: Look, I'm the freaking Judge, and I made a freaking ruling, and it's gonna freaking happen, soon as I find the freaking clicker thing.

Judge: Any last words?
Janet: These are my last words. End of words.

Eleanor: You seem oddly sure, which is unlike you, but... it's kind of doing it for me...
Chidi: Well, when you have a thousand different versions of yourself over multiple timelines fused and instantly placed into your consciousness, it gives you a real sense of clarity.

Chidi: Okay, let's save humanity, shall we?

Chidi: If we going out, I'm going out with a belly full of warm pretzels. Yummy, yum, yum. Yummy!

Chidi: So, in this essay, "Putting Cruelty First," Judith Shklar contends that we should consider cruelty as society's primary flaw...

Chidi: This is the problem with the current system. Live anything less than the most exemplary life, and you are brutally tortured forever with no recourse. The cruelty of the punishment does not match the cruelty of the life that one has lived.

Jason: This is a classic trolley problem. One of your boys sets off a stink bomb on the trolley, causing a commotion so the rest of the group can pickpocket people as they run off the train.
Chidi: That's very wrong, but... in a roundabout way, you kind of got where you needed to be.

Shawn: How about this? Everyone who dies go to the Bad Place... and I get to torture all of you.
Nina: Sounds good to us!
Eleanor: No, dummies. That's already how it works, except we're also tortured.
Shawn: Look, I put forward a proposal. Are you not even going to negotiate?
Chuck: He's got a point. The fair thing for us to do is just keep on giving up more and more stuff we want unilaterally until this demon's finally happy.

Michael: Fork this!

Judge: You made me an Olyphant?!

Janet: When I started in Michael's first Neighborhood, I was nothing more than a PalmPilot in a cool vest. But look at me now...

Janet: Getting rebooted over and over made me a better not-a-person than I've ever been. Humans should get the same opportunity.

Shawn: Okay, fine. Gonna make me admit it. Fighting you is the most fun I've ever had.

Shawn: I mean, you know. You corkscrew your first eyeball, and you're like, man, I can't believe they're paying me to do this. By the trillionth, it's like... I should've just been a teacher.

Judge: Are you kidding me?! Can't a gal just end all of humanity one time without everyone getting all up on her junk? What is it, man?!

Judge: Okay, well, assuming we are redesigning the entire afterlife according to this plan... what do we do first?....
Chidi: Oh, don't look at me. I'm... I'm just the idea guy.

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+ Soundtracks

20 янв. 2020 г.

Zombieland: Double Tap (2019)

Columbus: Well, what can I say, but thank you. You have a lot of choices when it comes to zombie entertainment, and we appreciate you picking us.

Columbus: The only reason we've survived the last several years is that we've gotten to know our bloodthirsty enemies better than we know ourselves.

Tallahassee: And not just any Colt 45. The King's.
Columbus: England? Denmark? Lichtenstein?
Tallahassee: There's only one king. Elvis Aaron fucking Presley, the greatest who ever lived. The king of kings.

Wichita: In my limited, but absurdly painful experience, married people only do one thing.
Columbus: What, fight? We already do that.
Wichita: Get divorced.
Columbus: I don't see us going that route. I mean, where would we find the lawyers?

Tallahassee: Listen, I never told you this before... In fact, I never told anybody. But I have Native American blood coursing through my veins.
Columbus: Like, right now?
Tallahassee: Yeah. Right now. Blackfoot Indian to be exact. The freest men in history.

Madison: Is this your dad?
Tallahassee: For shit's sake, slightly older, better-looking friend!

Madison: How many rules do you have?
Columbus: You wanna know about my rules?
Madison: I wanna hear all of them.
Columbus: Well, number two is double tap.

Tallahassee: You got to broom this girl. You know why she's still alive? Because zombies eat brains, and she ain't got any!

Tallahassee: You know, it takes a real man to drive a pink Cadillac... Might make that a rule of my own... On second thought, fuck that, rules are for pussies.

Tallahassee: Makkapitew, Askuwheteau, Sunukkuhkau...
Madison: Is he having a seizure?
Tallahassee: I'm trying out Blackfoot names, so full shushy or you go back in your mall fridge.

Madison: Hey, don't worry, you guys. They are much more afraid of us than we are of them.

Madison: Well, what do I do?
Tallahassee: You know how cheerleaders form a pyramid?
Madison: Yeah.
Tallahassee: You know how the three on the bottom anchor the pyramid?
Madison: Oh, yeah.
Tallahassee: I don't give a shit what you do, just stay out of my way.

Columbus: This was our first T-800, named for the Terminator it-fucking-self.

Tallahassee: Am I not allowed one cock-sucking duck-fucking little break in this world?!?!

Tallahassee: Oh, I will kill that little fart snack myself!
Nevada: You're lucky I didn't do the same to you. Seriously. You know how close I came to Murraying you?
Wichita: To what-ing him?
Nevada: Murraying him. You know, when you shoot someone because you think they're a zombie. Apparently, that's how Bill Murray died.

Columbus: Commandments?
Flagstaff: Yeah. Just sort of guidelines for staying alive. I've got loads of them.
Columbus: Interesting.
Flagstaff: Yeah, number one is teamwork.

Columbus: I have rules, you know, which is, like, less biblical.
Flagstaff: Love rules. Without rules, everything's chaos.

Columbus: Number one, cardio. ...
Albuquerque: I don't mean to laugh. It's just that cardiovascular fitness is his number 29, meaning he has 28 other commandments that he finds more important, like, say, what's one of your great ones?
Flagstaff: Number 12. The world is your bathroom, meaning you can just whip it out wherever you want, and just have at it. Oh, just whip it out wherever you want!
Wichita: That sounds a little uncouth.
Flagstaff: The "whip it out" part's for guys, obviously. If you're a woman, you can reveal it.
Wichita: Whichever.

Flagstaff: Again, not a competition, but commandment number 45 for me is, well, mind your manners. Just because it's the apocalypse doesn't mean you have to be rude.
Columbus: Yeah, keep your hands to yourself, number 42.

Tallahassee: Time to nut up or shut up.
Albuquerque: That saying's very 2009.

Tallahassee: Well, I don't love their chances.
Columbus: And they ignored rule 52, don't be afraid to ask for help.

Tallahassee: Hey, don't do nothing I wouldn't not do... You get what I'm saying.
Little Rock: Not really, no.
Tallahassee: No? Okay.

Tallahassee: Stop the fireworks! Stop the music! Everybody shut the fuck up!

Tallahassee: Okay. Civil War general, you must know how to fight?
Civil War Bearded Guy: Sure. Poverty, sexism, social injustice.

Columbus: I'm done running. I mean, what good is a home if you can't stay in it?

Civil War Bearded Guy: We'll fight them!
Tallahassee: You'll be the first to die, but I like your enthusiasm. Thank you for your sacrifice.

Nevada: Where to?
Columbus: How about home? ...
Tallahassee: Home?.. Good idea. Where's home?
Columbus: I think we're already there.

Columbus: If our adventures had taught us about anything, it was home. Wichita didn't need to be afraid of it. I didn't need to keep looking for it. Because home isn't a place, it's the people you're with. I guess that's why they're called your homies. And my homies are pretty fucking awesome.

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+ Soundtracks!

Σ pita4og: «... Никто же не будет спорить, что главной темой на подложке зомбоапокалипсиса выбрана тема кризиса в семье. Таллахасси и Литл Рок переживают кризис отца и дочери. Коламбус и Уичито бытовой кризис гражданского брака. И все вместе переживают кризис оседлости у супергероев. ...
    "Zомбилэнд: Контрольный выстрел " отличная семейная комедия и достойный сиквел с примесью полусгнивших мозгов по всему экрану.