20 янв. 2020 г.

A Shot in the Dark

The Expanse 4×7

Carol Chiwewe: So we're all just still at the mercy of you and your invisible friend...

Murtry: You know what to do. Go do it.

Chrisjen: Jesus Christ. I sound incompetent! I wouldn't fucking vote for me.

Aide: I saw it. You came across as honest and open, ma'am.
Chrisjen: Do you know who else is honest and open?... The person who says nothing when nobody asks a fucking question!!!

Murtry: Nobody wins if we all die.

Dr. Okoye: The truth is, single-cell microorganisms native to this planet are making a home in our eyes. They're not hijacking our cells like a virus would, but human bodies are water and high-energy molecules. None of their natural competitors are in us. So our vitreous fluid is a new environment that they are quite happy in... lots of little green babies filling up the space.
Murtry: So th... they're... they're eating away at our eyes?

Naomi: Your mother's been caring for you even since before you were born. She wants you to go and chase your dreams. That's all any mother ever wants. But she's scared that you'll make a mistake, do something you'll regret, she won't be able to protect you...

Dr. Okoye: Not unless I can find the reason that... you seem to be immune.
Holden: Well, not everybody got the plague.
Dr. Okoye: Not everybody talks to an alien.

Dr. Okoye: I have traveled billions of kilometers to be the first exobiologist to study... the most basic forms of extraterrestrial life. And you, on the other hand, are the only person in human history with a direct line of communication to an advanced alien species, and you're annoyed?!
Holden: It's not the same when you don't have the choice.

Arjun: I thought surprise visits were against the rules.
Chrisjen: Fuck the rules. I'm in charge. And I wanted to see my husband.

Arjun: Would losing be so bad?
Chrisjen: I don't know, which is what scares me, and why I need to win. I can't be right if I don't.
Arjun: How far are you willing to go to find out?
Chrisjen: As far as I have to.

Murtry: Things aren't going to end well on this planet for Holden...

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