24 янв. 2020 г.

Hustlers (2019)

Ramona: Doesn't money make you horny?

Ramona: ... But then there's the motherfuckers on top. CEOs, CFOs, investment bankers, corporate raiders, hedge funders, ax murderers. Coming straight from the crime scene into the club. But not through the front. Oh, no. These guys, they don't wanna be written about on page six. They come through the back. They take the private elevator to the one room without cameras... And they don't leave till they spend $10,000, $15,000 in one night. They can be degrading, possessive, aggressive, violent. And they never get in any trouble. Because everyone's willing to cover their tracks. 'Cause deep down they all want what they got. They all wanna be on top... where there are no consequences. You're just another deal to them. And that's all they are to you. It's business. And it's a more honest transaction than anything else they did that day... All you have to do is figure out who you're dealing with. And then play them at their level.

Ramona: I just want my daughter to be able to do whatever she wants, you know? Go to whatever school she wants, or not. If that's what she wants. I swear, I'd do anything for this kid... Motherhood is a mental illness.

Johnny: I promise. I'll take care of you. If he's a boy, we'll name him Johnny.
Destiny: I hope it's a boy...

Ramona: It's a side hustle. Everybody's had to get creative, baby.

Ramona: Look, baby, we gotta start thinking like these Wall Street guys. You see what they did to this country? They stole from everybody. Hardworking people lost everything. And not one of these douchebags went to jail. Not one. Is that fair? You ever think about when they come into the club? That's stolen money... Fuck these guys.

Ramona: No, baby, this game is rigged. And it does not reward people who play by the rules. You either gotta stand in the corner or get in the ring.

Destiny: So, what do you think? Sixty MDMA, forty ketamine?
Ramona: That sounds good.
Destiny: Do we turn the liquid into a powder? Or do we turn the powder into a liquid?

Ramona: We were fucking hurricanes, weren't we?

Destiny: Maybe the reason why we did what we did is because hurt people hurt people, you know?

Ramona: ...everybody's hustling. This city... Fuck, this whole country is a strip club. You got people tossing the money... and people doing the dance.

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Σ shakko-kitsune: «... это про труд, безденежье, матерей-одиночек, принуждение к проституции и попытки найти хоть какой-то выход из этой ситуации, когда хочется кушать и кормить детей и стариков. Ну да, на фоне Нью-Йорка, стильных шмоток и высоких каблуков, но видно, что это тлен. ...»

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