26 янв. 2020 г.

Solaris (1972)

Anri Berton: What do you mean by saying the report of my observations in almost no way corresponds with reality? I saw everything with my own eyes. What do you mean by "almost"?
"Almost no way" means that some real phenomena could have triggered your hallucinations, Burton. When it's windy, it's easy to confuse a swaying bush with a living being, to say nothing of a foreign planet.

Nik Kelvin: One always feels awful after a big farewell.

Kris Kelvin: I think Solaristics has reached an impasse as a result of irresponsible daydreaming. I'm interested in the truth, but you want to turn me into a biased supporter. I don't have the right to make decisions based on impulses of the heart. I'm not a poet.

Anri Berton: You want to destroy that which we are presently incapable of understanding? Forgive me, but I am not an advocate of knowledge at any price. Knowledge is only valid when it's based on morality.
Kris Kelvin: Man is the one who renders science moral or immoral. Remember Hiroshima.
Anri Berton: Then don't make science immoral.

Dr. Snaut: If you see something out of the ordinary, something besides me and Sartorius, try not to lose your head.
Kris Kelvin: What would I see?
Dr. Snaut: I don't know. That sort of depends on you.
Kris Kelvin: Hallucinations?
Dr. Snaut: No. Just remember.
Kris Kelvin: Remember what?
Dr. Snaut: That we're not on Earth.

Kris Kelvin: Will she come back?
Dr. Snaut: She will... and she won't.
Kris Kelvin: Hari the Second...
Dr. Snaut: There may be an endless number of them.

Dr. Sartorius: You've got a superb specimen...
Kris Kelvin: That's my wife!
Dr. Sartorius: Wonderful. Perfect. Then take a blood sample from your wife.
Kris Kelvin: Why?
Dr. Sartorius: It'll sober you up a bit.

Dr. Sartorius: Man was created by nature so he could learn her ways. In his endless search for the truth, man is condemned to knowledge. Everything else is whim.

Khari: It doesn't matter why man loves. It's different for everyone.

Khari: It's not Kris. It's you. I hate you all!
Dr. Sartorius: I would ask you...
Khari: Please don't interrupt me. I'm a woman, after all!
Dr. Sartorius: You're not a woman and you're not a human being. Understand that, if you're capable of understanding anything. There is no Khari. She's dead. You're just a reproduction, a mechanical reproduction. A copy. A matrix.
Khari: Yes. Maybe. But I... I am becoming a human being. I can feel just as deeply as you. Believe me.

Khari: I... love him. I am a human being.

Kris Kelvin: You're a good man... but you look awful.

Kris Kelvin: What does it matter when you're worth more to me than any science could ever be?

Kris Kelvin: You know... whenever we show pity, we ravage ourselves. Maybe it's true... Suffering makes life seem dismal and suspect. But I won't accept that. No, I won't accept that.

Kris Kelvin: Is that which is indispensable to life also harmful to it?.. No, it's not harmful. Of course it's not harmful. Remember Tolstoy? His suffering over the impossibility of loving mankind as a whole?

Kris Kelvin: See, I love you. But love is a feeling we can experience but never explain. One can explain the concept. You love that which you can lose: Yourself, a woman, a homeland.

Kris Kelvin: Until today, love was simply unattainable to mankind, to the Earth. Do you understand me, Snaut? There are so few of us. A few billion altogether. A handful! Maybe we're here in order to experience people as a reason for love.

Kris Kelvin: Gibarian didn't die of fear. He died of shame. Shame-the feeling that will save mankind.

Dr. Snaut: When man is happy, the meaning of life and other eternal themes rarely interest him. These questions should be asked at the end of one's life.
Kris Kelvin: But we don't know when life will end. That's why we're in such a hurry.
Dr. Snaut: Don't rush. The happiest people are those who are not interested in these cursed questions.
Kris Kelvin: To ask is always the desire to know. Yet the preservation of simple human truths requires mystery. The mysteries of happiness, death and love.
Dr. Snaut: Maybe you're right, but try not to think about all that now.
Kris Kelvin: To think about it is to know the day of one's death. Not knowing that day makes us practically immortal.

++ Quotes on the IMDb

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