1 янв. 2020 г.

Trouble Maybe

Imposters 2×2

Maddie: And what is a normal life to you, Maddie Jonson?
Shelly Cohen: Do tell.
Maddie: I don't know, maybe something without lies and deceit.
Shelly Cohen: Sounds boring.

Richard: I'm just not gonna take money out of people's purses.
Ezra: That's the con.
Richard: That's not a con, okay? That's called stealing.

Richard: It's called honor, man. You get these ladies back to their room, and they look at you with those "I'm gonna masturbate about this for the rest of my life" eyes. What am I supposed to do?

Ezra: Nobody who gets conned is innocent. They all wanted something for cheap.
Jules: Now you're starting to sound like our ex-wife.

Jules: Just, no more lying to each other, okay? Or else we're just deceiving, lying little Maddies.

Ezra: So I guess we need a new code. A post-Maddie "we won't be Maddie to each other" code. What do we call it?
Jules: El codigo de las ex-esposas.
Richard: ... Condom in the soup?
Jules: Code of the ex-wives.

Jules: No lying about money, right?.. No lying about sex... No lying about drinking... No lying about emotional eating.

Rosa: Thank you, gods above, for sending me an artist, and not just a thief.

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+ Soundtrack

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