27 сент. 2020 г.

Wolferton Splash

The Crown 1×1

Winston Churchill: What are structural alterations?
— It's what doctors say when they avoid using the word that it almost inevitably describes... Who is this man?

Peter Townsend: Just a little. One doesn't want to overdo it.
King George VI: One doesn't want to look ill, either. A sick... king is no good to anyone. There must be no weakness. No vulnerability.

King George VI: My dear Winston. Congratulations. Would it be terribly unconstitutional of me to say how happy I am? I've missed our weekly chats. Your predecessor is a fine parliamentarian. A good man. But, well, as company, as a companion...
Winston Churchill: An empty taxi pulled up at the House of Commons, and Mr. Attlee got out.
King George VI: Quite.

King George VI: Not sure I ever imagined what breathing through one lung would feel like. Turns out there's barely any difference.
Winston Churchill: Good. Good.
King George VI: Though... probably wise to let the Princess Elizabeth undertake the Commonwealth tour? Hm? What say you?
Winston Churchill: Is she up to it?
King George VI: Yes, I'd say so. Besides... we have to start breaking her in gently, don't we?
Winston Churchill: Do we?
King George VI: Keep one eye on the future. The distant future.

Clemmie Churchill: So he's dying?
Winston Churchill: We're all dying. That's what defines the condition of living.

Winston Churchill: I have considered resigning for Anthony 's sake. For your sake. But then I realized a situation like that would also require statesmanship. The party needs me. The country needs me. She needs me.
Clemmie Churchill: Who?
Winston Churchill: Her!
Clemmie Churchill: Oh, her.

King George VI: You understand, the titles, the... dukedom. They're not the job.
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: Sir?
King George VI: She is the job. She is the essence of your duty. Loving her. Protecting her. Of course, you'll miss your career. But doing this for her, doing this for me... there may be no greater act of patriotism. Or love.
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: I understand, sir.
King George VI: Do you, boy? Do you really?

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