19 сент. 2020 г.

There's No Crying in Murder

Why Women Kill 1×5

Simone Grove: Busted?! For what?
Police Officer: Soliciting.
Simone Grove: You think I'm a hooker? For God's sake, I'm wearing Yves Saint Laurent!
Police Officer: I didn't say you weren't successful.

Jade: What are you doing?
Eli Cohen: Killing myself.
Jade: With cheese?
Eli Cohen: Yeah. My plan is to get super fat and then die of hypertension.
Jade: That might take a while.
Eli Cohen: Only great writers deserve quick deaths. Hemingway, Wolfe, Plath. Me? I'm a bad writer, so I deserve to die slowly, painfully... disgustingly. Do we have any mustard?

Taylor Harding: The truth is... I am no longer in an open marriage.... No, I didn't leave Eli, I... moved my lover into our home. The three of us are officially a throuple.

April Warner: I think you're too drunk to have this conversation.
Robert Stanton: When you start using the "L word," a guy can sober up pretty quick.

Karl Grove: We don't need to get a divorce. We have stumbled into the perfect arrangement. You will have your lovers and I will have mine, and then we will come home to sparkling conversation. It's very European.

Simone Grove: It doesn't bother you that I'm having sex with someone else?
Karl Grove: Darling, I'm gay. Look, for me, sex with a woman is like emptying the dishwasher. I mean, I'll do it if I'm asked, but if someone else volunteers, I won't complain.

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