10 апр. 2019 г.

Maigret in Montmartre (2017)

Maigret (2017) 2×2

CI Jules Maigret: It was my mother's. I made it for her, when I was at school.
Madame Maigret: You made it? As in you made it?.. Inspector, we're impressed.
CI Jules Maigret: It's for putting things in, fairly obviously. Special things.

Madame Maigret: Well, that's something we don't do often enough... Surprise each other.

CI Jules Maigret: ... And I let her stumble out of here in the middle of the night, drunk.
Inspector Janvier: Then we'd better find the bugger responsible.
CI Jules Maigret: I'm who's responsible. But I'm going to find the man who killed her.

CI Jules Maigret: Curious. There are objects of value here. Glass. Porcelain. Ivory. But no food. No means of cooking it or eating it. Nothing to sustain life.
Dr. Paul: Welcome to the wonderful world of morphine.

Mme. Aubin: When I was told what had happened I sent for him. He should be here any minute. Bloch his name is. A Jew, of course, but perfectly pleasant...

CI Jules Maigret: Why don't you come with us, back to my office? Have a cup of coffee...
Dr. Bloch: I don't quite understand what's happening. Are you arresting me?
CI Jules Maigret: I'm merely asking you if you want a cup of coffee, Doctor. One thing at a time.

CI Jules Maigret: This is your one chance to answer questions in a civilized environment. I would urge you to concentrate...

CI Jules Maigret: What?
Inspector Janvier: You spend the night sitting in a club with a bunch of showgirls. I spend the night in the cold looking for a rent boy.
CI Jules Maigret: That's the chain of command.

Betty: Yeah, you're married. You have that look. What's the word?
CI Jules Maigret: Contented?
Betty: Stricken.

Mme. Dussardier: The first duty of a lady is gaiety. She must be able and willing to sing, dance, play the piano. In her conversation, she must scintillate... That is what I was taught. What I was not taught was how to sew. It was not appropriate. And yet here I am, taking business into my own house. A seamstress.

CI Jules Maigret: Why did you lie to me, Fred?
Fred Alfonsi: OK. Nitty-gritty. What exactly did I lie about?

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