14 апр. 2019 г.

Overton Window

Billions 4×4

Bobby Axelrod: Once, when I was a boy, I lost a hundred bucks I didn't have at a carny game.
Chuck Rhoades: Hard to feature that. But, uh, before you really launch in...
Bobby Axelrod: I was very young. I thought the game was to knock down the pins. The game though, was to get people to pay to try to knock down the pins. Which, of course, didn't go down.
Chuck Rhoades: And, uh, the guys playing the game were carny workers. And you were merely the...
Bobby Axelrod: Sucker.

Rhoades, Sr.: The thing to remember, Black Jack, is that the only folks who win in a Mexican standoff are the rest of us... Because all the Mexicans die.

Bobby Axelrod: "Always outnumbered. Always outgunned." As Mosley said it best. That's the state of play for guys like us. That's what we need to get us up with the sun! You can't quit.

Douglas Mason: A latte, the way you like it, and a ginger scone. Animal-free, gluten-free. Of course.

Rebecca Cantu: I've been wanting to do the zero-gravity flight for years. I have the whole aircraft to myself. I paid 165K. I would've paid whatever they asked.
Bobby Axelrod: Thanks. But I'm gonna have to leave the vomit comet to you...
Rebecca Cantu: Wimp.

Bobby Axelrod: Nice ride. How much?
Car dealer: $132,000.
Bobby Axelrod: I'll take two. What color do you want?

Ben Kim: This situation is supposed to be impossible.
Bobby Axelrod: Sure. And a hummingbird shouldn't be able to fly sideways. But it does. The more reliable rule of the world is: The aggressor always moves forward the science first.

AG Jeffcoat: .... I always knew he was a pervert... A profane man to his end.

Bobby Axelrod: First, we're gonna hold the fucking line here and pare our losses. Protect our book. Use resources of our own.
Wagner 'Wags': What are those, exactly?
Bobby Axelrod: At the moment, that's you and me, pal.

Wagner 'Wags': Like Huey Lewis crooned... We're going back in time. Who's ready to do some smilin' and dialin'?!

Bobby Axelrod: I'm sitting on half a mil Bay Pipeline and I want to exit quick and silent as Le Samourai... It's an old French movie... Nevermind.

Ben Kim: I'd like to help. But I've never made a voice trade in my life.
Dollar Bill: Uh. None of us have. We don't know how.

Bobby Axelrod: We're already shoving it down people's throats out there, what do we do now?
Wagner 'Wags': Shove harder.

Rebecca Cantu: My sleeves are rolled up. My chin's tucked. Fists raised. I'm ready to scrap.
Bobby Axelrod: I knew I liked you for a reason.

Rhoades, Sr.: Elysian Fields... The name should invite dreams.

Rhoades, Sr.: What if you defy him anyway? Let him say what he says. Deny it! Tough it the fuck out.

Chuck Rhoades: How do I ask Wendy to face that crap?
Rhoades, Sr.: Well, if she's angry about it... let her give you a good smack later. A win for everyone involved.

Bobby Axelrod: Listen, do this for me and you'll have a fucking angel on your shoulder your whole career. I'm a good friend but a bad fucking enemy. ...Solid choice, Kevin.

Wendy: ... And don't forget: part of you wants the humiliation. Needs it.

Wagner 'Wags': I. Need. You. To. Take. It... Take it... Fucking take it! Right fucking now! Or suffer my wrath forever!

Dollar Bill: That's fucking that. Every single institution on or attendant to the Street is gonna be dumping like a dray horse on an all taco diet.

Ari Spyros: We took a 48 million dollar hit today, instead of eating the 512 million dollar exposure we were facing at the open. All hail our lords and saviors, Robert of Axelrod and Michael of Wagner!

Taylor: That's how I am going to continue to think of it, you know? Act of God, as they say.
Sara: What's the Russian word for God?
Taylor: Good question.

Chuck Rhoades: ..... Nope. Not gonna read that one... "A lie," the wise man, Winston Churchill, purportedly said, "gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on."

Chuck Rhoades: You know what? I'm just going to say it. Uh... I... In my private life... In the confines of my happy marriage... with my consenting wife... practice sadomasochism... Uh, yeah. Bondage, dominance, uh, all the rest. Masks. Binds. Ropes. Fire.

Chuck Rhoades: I am a masochist. In order to achieve sexual gratification, I need to be tied up, punched, pinched, whipped, kicked or otherwise tortured. By my loving wife...

Chuck Rhoades: Here's the bigger truth. All of us need something, right? You know, I don't know what you do in your bedroom, with your loved one, but I do know this: you're probably a little embarrassed about it. You probably don't want the rest of us looking at you while you do it... unless that's your thing and if so, great.

Chuck Rhoades: ...Maybe on the way you tell someone who you really are. Maybe they like it. And maybe you feel just a little more comfortable in your own skin. As I finally do in mine.

Rhoades, Sr.: Here's to all or nothing gambits... the only way to live.

Wendy: At all costs?
Chuck Rhoades: Yes. Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.
Wendy: More Churchill?

Bobby Axelrod: Well. She's gonna beat your ass for it.... That is the first and last of those.
Chuck Rhoades: I doubt that.

Chuck Rhoades: Like the musician says of the piece he plays: it chose me.

Chuck Rhoades: There's only one choice that will preclude that: you firing up your private samolet and flying home... Or wherever else it is you call home.

Grigor Andolov: No?
Chuck Rhoades: No.
Grigor Andolov: Depressing.

Grigor Andolov: Americans pretend to lead, but they are still provincial in so many ways. It is truly sad...

Bobby Axelrod: I can be scared. But I cannot be scared off.
Grigor Andolov: Sure. More, uh, Chuck Wepner than Michael Spinks... But they both lost in the end.
Bobby Axelrod: Because they were underprepared and overmatched. I'm neither.
Grigor Andolov: That is what Mr. Spinks thought right up to 91st second of round one.
Bobby Axelrod: Probably did. But he couldn't do what I can.
Grigor Andolov: And what is that? Move like Jagger?

Grigor Andolov: I rather like the idea of you stalking around, stirring shit up. But here. In America. On the other hand, if you come to Russia or any of her territories, then, Axe all bets are off.

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