3 июн. 2019 г.

Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (2004)

Detective: First Public Security, and now the Cybercops, huh? Politely ask them to take a hike.

Chief Aramaki: You understand, do you? More often than not, what we call understanding is based on wishful thinking.

Batou: Back when you were a cop, wouldn't you have had a few choice words... for somebody who swooped in out of the blue and swiped a case from you?
Togusa: That's what pissed me off. It's like I was looking at the old me.
Batou: "Don't find fault with the mirror when it's your own face that's distorted."
Togusa: "The mirror is not a tool for realizing the truth, but rather for obscuring it," huh?

Togusa: You said you were gonna avoid shooting.
Batou: I did avoid shooting. As much as possible.

Kim: As Confucius said, "Not yet understanding life, how can you understand death?"
Batou: "Few people know death... We only endure it, usually from determination, and even from stupidity and custom; and most men only die because they know not how to prevent dying."

Batou: Just like good things come in threes, bad things also turn up in sets of three. You don't want to see, so you don't look. And even if you notice, you say nothing. And if you say something, no one listens. Then catastrophe comes calling. But in our world, we don't get three chances. If we miss that first hint, it's all over.

Kim: When did you figure it out?!
Batou: Nobody's easier to trick than somebody who thinks he's tricking you. You might have been a cyberwarfare specialist, but I'm an old infowar pro myself. And besides, I have a guardian angel looking over my shoulder.

Batou: Long ago, people had a great expression. "When right and wrong are in doubt, beat the drums and attack." When talk has failed, it's time for violence.

Major Motoko Kusanagi: "There are few who can hold up a mirror and not become evil."
Batou: "A mirror does not expose evil; rather, it creates it." Hey, this is no time get philosophical! I'm running low on ammo here.
Major Motoko Kusanagi: "In short, mirrors ought to be merely glanced at, not stared at."

Major Motoko Kusanagi: We weep for a bird's cry, but not for a fish's blood. Blessed are those with a voice. If the dolls also had voices, they would have screamed, "I didn't want to become human."

Major Motoko Kusanagi: Don't forget, Batou. Whenever you access the net, I'll be there at your side.

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