30 июн. 2019 г.

A Star Is Born (2018)

Ally: I just don't feel comfortable.
Jack: Why wouldn't you feel comfortable?
Ally: Um... Well, 'cause, like, almost every single person that I've come in contact with in the music industry has told me that my nose is too big and that I won't make it.
Jack: Your nose is too big? Your nose is beautiful. Are you showing me your nose right now?
Ally: Yeah.
Jack: You don't have to show it to me. I've been looking at it all night.
Ally: Oh, come on. No, you're not.
Jack: I'll be thinking about your nose for a very long time. .... Can I touch your nose?
Ally: Oh, my gosh!
Jack: Let me just touch it for a second... You're very lucky.
Ally: Oh, really? Yeah, not really. My nose has not made me lucky.

Jack: Look, talent comes everywhere. Everybody's talented. Bet you fucking everybody in this bar is talented in one thing or another, but having something to say and the way to say it so people listen to it, that's a whole other bag. And unless you get out there and you try to do it, you'll never know. That's just the truth. If there's one reason we're supposed to be here, it's to say something so people wanna hear it.

Jack: Hey.
Ally: What?
Jack: I just wanted to take another look at you.

Jack: I love you... Always remember us this way.

George 'Noodles' Stone: Ain't nothing to be afraid of, bro. You know, it's like... I don't know... You float out, float out at sea, and then one day, you find a port. Say, "I'm gonna stay here for a few days." A few days becomes a few years. And then you forgot where you were goin' in the first place. And then you realize, you don't really give a shit about where you was going 'cause you like where you're at... That's how it is for me. I like where I'm at... I didn't even realize I liked it so much till I saw your ass sleeping in the grass this morning.

Jack: Listen, if I just don't say this, I'll never forgive myself.
Ally: What?
Jack: If you don't dig deep in your fucking soul, you won't have legs. I'm just telling you that. You don't tell the truth out there, you're fucked. All you got is you, and what you wanna say to people, and they are listening right now, and they're not gonna be listening forever. Trust me. So, you gotta grab it. And you don't apologize, you don't worry about why they're listening, or how long they're gonna be listening for, you just tell 'em what you wanna say. 'Cause how you say it is the stuff of angels.

Bobby: Jack talked about how music is essentially 12 notes between any octave. Twelve notes and the octave repeats. It's the same story. Told over and over. Forever. And any artist can offer the world is how they see those 12 notes. That's it. He loved how you see them. He just kept saying, "I love how she sees them, Bobby."

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Σ nostradamvs: «Это очень хорошо. Кто-то возмущается, что фильм слишком прост, что в нём нет интриги, что он не заставляет думать. А он и не должен. Это просто история о том, что из пепла может родиться феникс. О том, что если человек спивается, теряет популярность, падает на самое дно – это не делает его плохим или бесталанным. Он может напоследок отдать себя другому – и возродить себя в другом. ...»

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