20 июн. 2019 г.

Extreme Sandbox

Billions 4×12

Bobby Axelrod: The great ones...they all have to suffer to make something like this. And then usually they only get the recognition once they're in the dirt.
Rebecca Cantu: There's no rule that says the greater you want to be, the more you have to suffer.
Bobby Axelrod: Well. Sure seems like there is.

Chuck Rhoades: Wouldn't you rather repent with your medical license?
Wendy Rhoades: I suppose I would.
Chuck Rhoades: Then we've got to get it done now, before they officially rule.
Wendy Rhoades: They all but have.
Chuck Rhoades: And in that tiny space between "all" and "have" lies our hope...

AG Jeffcoat: Eh. Palaver with me or just listen. I give not a Tinker's-dam... I am here to offer you the chance to resign before I crush you, publicly, and loud as a cow elk trying to squeeze out breached twins.

Chuck Rhoades: Spare me your rodomontade.

Chuck Rhoades: You know, you once remarked you knew all the fancy words I did. That you'd gone to the same schools. Yet you love to deploy the earthy, the homespun, the language of the dirt road and the barefoot walk to school. The language, in short, of your parents and cousins... Well, I, too, can reach back into familial lexicon for bracing truths... And my, uh... my mother's father was from Italy... yes, a Roman, you know. And he taught me that when someone talks to you as though you are of no consequence, you have two choices... The first... is to wilt away. And the second is to get right in their face and tell them... Sei fuori come un balcone, figlio di buona donna, ti venisse un colpo, a te e a tutta la palazzina tua ma guardati che sei, burino, cazzabubbolo, baciapile, non ti vogliono manco li cani... Sei cosi stronzo che se pesti una merda fai scopa! Li mortacci tua! Vaffanculo! Eh!

AG Jeffcoat: That is real good, Chuck. That was a good trick. Ah, a good trick. I don't understand a word you said. But I got the general feeling. And I like it. .... So let me give you a final taste of biscuits and white gravy American. You know what happens to a lumberjack who doesn't react when he hears "timber"?... He gets crushed by a tree.

Taylor Mason: I hate the expression "mistakes were made." Because it avoids blame.

Kate Sacker: Say you do get him. Do you think you can ratchet back the Jack Torrance shit?
Bryan Connerty: Like from The Shining?
Kate Sacker: Yeah. You have that same obsessed look in your eye.
Bryan Connerty: The difference is: I'm not seeing ghosts riding Big Wheels...

Bryan Connerty: ...just tell me this: does the recording spell out who the idiot is? That's the one person who wasn't there. But is mentioned. We could lean on him.
Kate Sacker: Nineteen.

Sean Ayles: What Daddy said was: elbow grease alone won't solve what elbow grease and a few silver coins will.
Mike Wagner 'Wags': A real philosopher king.
Sean Ayles: He also told me to find a career that would justify elbow patches on my sport coats. "Because that would signify useful work, Pa?" I asked. .... And he said: no, Son, because folks will believe you mean well.
Bobby Axelrod: All this to say...
Sean Ayles: Her trouble won't go away because we smile nice and ask even nicer. It's gonna take some institutional lubricant.
Bobby Axelrod: How much.
Sean Ayles: $25 million.
Bobby Axelrod: Ouch. Now I think I need the lube.

Bobby Axelrod: Hey, Ayles, you actually even know your father?
Sean Ayles: Does anyone, really?

Chuck Rhoades: You're always telling me how simple my gig is. If it's all so basic, why don't you do the skinning? I'll tell you: because it's bloody work. Grimy.
Bobby Axelrod: Then roll 'em up and sink 'em in up to the shoulders.

Rebecca Cantu: Something about the directness of the metaphor here is going to feel absurd for a minute. I need you to fight that off. And own the fact that you are moving the fucking earth. Because that's what you are and what you do in the actual world.

Wendy Rhoades: I'd love to work with you, but you don't need much that you don't already give yourself. That's what sets you apart. Most people let their childhood bullshit run them. You use yours to propel you. And not in a way that you're hiding from it, either, and it's gonna bite you. You synthesize it. ... You're doing exactly what you're meant to be doing.

Rebecca Cantu: Cute pitch, but I wonder... how the fuck do you think you have the authority to do that when I'm CEO.

Rebecca Cantu: Oracular wisdom feels better when the oracle hasn't just anally rended you.

Bobby Axelrod: ...sure, your choice was rational. But to me, it was traitorous.

Bobby Axelrod: .... So I decided: fuck it.

Bobby Axelrod: One more thing though. I want you to arrest but NOT charge Taylor. ...... 'cause I want Taylor back at Axe Capital, working for me.
Chuck Rhoades: Come again?

Bobby Axelrod: ... 'Cause they won't come for money. But they will come from fear. And from leverage. So leverage them and scare them.

Rhoades, Sr.: Once I tell you who he is, Ira, we can't go back. It's a real mindblower.
Chuck Rhoades: We should all brace ourselves for what's coming.
Rhoades, Sr.: Yes.
Chuck Rhoades: Well. Do it, Dad. Say the name.
Rhoades, Sr.: Well, I mean, at this point it's gotta be clear, right?... The idiot in question is *****
Chuck Rhoades: Yes. Well. The rub of it is...

Chuck Rhoades: ...he's gone completely over the line and committed all manner of crimes that led to this, and his arrest is, uh, moments away.
Rhoades, Sr.: Which is why we dubbed the man 'the idiot'. Should've called him the fucking idiot...

Chuck Rhoades: Oh. Bryan, it pains me to be here like this...

Bryan Connerty: It's the power of the office, that gets you leaning forward.
Chuck Rhoades: It's dangerous and hard to ride, like an unbroken horse. That's something you never really heard me on. It is not easy, not easy at all.

Bryan Connerty: They call this getting what you deserve, don't they?
Chuck Rhoades: It's coming for all of us.

AG Jeffcoat: You are a real troublemaker, Rhoades.
Chuck Rhoades: Runs in my blood.
AG Jeffcoat: Runs in your kind. You take that to mean ethnic, fine. Or New Yorkers. Or guys with hair all over their faces.
Chuck Rhoades: That's just like you... focused on a man's beard with so much intensity you miss his foot coming up to kick you in the gonads.

Chuck Rhoades: How're those low hangers feeling?
AG Jeffcoat: Heavy, full, and ready to shoot.

Chuck Rhoades: .... The ballsack has to feel at least a twinge by now...

AG Jeffcoat: You really did it... got me right in the onions...

Chuck Rhoades: No, Bryan, no. When it comes to me, the thing you've got to learn is: no one's left standing.

Chuck Rhoades: You're not under arrest. But it would be good if you act like you are...

Taylor Mason: He wants me to come back to work for him? At Axe Capital. He wants that?
Chuck Rhoades: Yes, which gives us an opening...

Chuck Rhoades: ...and I want you to help me take him down, once and for all.

Bobby Axelrod: We don't have to be best friends. Or friends of any kind. I just want your brain.

Taylor Mason: They're both lined up to destroy each other. At the right moment when both have their guns raised, I'll step out of the way and let it happen. I'll help it happen. They'll put each other in the ground and I'll go about my fucking business.

Ben Kim: Hi, Taylor! Hi, Mafee!
Dollar Bill: Shut the fuck up, Ben.

Bobby Axelrod: Welcome home.
Taylor Mason: ... Happy to be here.

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