22 июн. 2019 г.

Mary Poppins Returns (2018)

Jane: What is it, Georgie? Has something happened?
Georgie: I was flying a kite and it got caught on a nanny!

Mary Poppins: I'll stay. Until the door opens.
Annabel: What does that mean? That door's always opening.
Mary Poppins: Oh, not that door, another one.

Mary Poppins: Come along. Time for a good, clean start.
Annabel: Mother always had us take our baths in the evening.
Mary Poppins: Well, in my experience, Annabel... the perfect time of day to have a bath is when one needs a wash.

Mary Poppins: My goodness, gracious, glory me. You'd think by now they'd have learned to pick up after themselves. Cleaning is not a spectator sport, I'll remind you.

Mary Poppins: If you two are going to keep up all of this whispering... I'd like you to practice doing so as loudly as possible. It will still be bad manners, but at least then we'll all be in on the secret.

Mary Poppins: Everything is possible. Even the impossible.

Shamus: Now, where would we all like to go on this fine, fine day?

♪ Oh, a cover is not the book ♪
♪ So open it up and take a look ♪
♪ 'Cause under the covers ♪
♪ One discovers that the king may be a crook ♪
♪ You'll find your first impression was mistook ♪
♪ For a cover is nice, but a cover is not the book ♪

Mary Poppins: You're all worrying far too much. After all, you can't lose what you've never lost.

♪ Maybe all you're missing lives inside of you ♪
♪ So, when you need her touch and loving gaze ♪
♪ "Gone but not forgotten" is the perfect phrase ♪
♪ Smiling from a star that she makes glow ♪
♪ Trust she's always there ♪
♪ Watching as you grow ♪
♪ Find her in the place where the lost things ♪
♪ Go ♪

Mary Poppins: Second Wednesday. Oh, dear. I'd forgotten. Still, today or never, that's my motto.

Mary Poppins: John, Annabel, Georgie and Jack... this is my cousin.
Cousin Topsy: Second cousin, many times removed. Tatiana Antanasia Cositori Topotrepolovsky. Oh, but you may call me Topsy.
John: That's an unusual accent you've got there. Where are you from?
Cousin Topsy: Oh, that's very interesting story...
Mary Poppins: We have no idea.

Mary Poppins: You see, when the world turns upside down... the best thing is to turn right along with it.
Cousin Topsy: I do see! From down here, things look right side up! I wouldn't mind seeing things from that angle.

♪ When you change the view from where you stood
The things you view will change for good ♪

Angus: Come along! Join us in a bit of kick and prance.
John: What did he say?
Jack: "Kick and prance," it means "dance." It's leerie speak. You don't say the word you mean, you say something that rhymes, only... Here, I'll show you how it works. Angus, give us your weep and wail. To the rest of ya, that means "tale."

John: Can you speak leerie, Mary Poppins?
Mary Poppins: Can I speak leerie?
Jack: Of course she can. She's Mary Poppins!

♪ So when troubles are incessant ♪
♪ Simply be more incandescent ♪
♪ For your light comes with a lifetime guarantee ♪
♪ As you ♪
♪ Trip a little light fantastic ♪

Michael Banks: It was all the children's idea! The whole time I've been looking after them, they've been looking after me. I had it all backward.
Mary Poppins: A Banks family trait.
Michael Banks: What was I thinking?
Mary Poppins: Some people think a great deal too much. Of that I'm certain.

Michael Banks: Well, what can we do?
Jane Banks: Nothing. We can't turn back time.
Annabel: Why not? Everything is possible. Even the impossible. Can we do that, Mary Poppins? Can we turn back time?
Mary Poppins: Well, I don't see why that couldn't be arranged.

♪ Let the past take a bow ♪
♪ The forever is now ♪
♪ And there's nowhere ♪
♪ to go but up, up! ♪
♪ There's nowhere to go but up ♪

Balloon Lady: Of course, the grown-ups will all forget by tomorrow.
Mary Poppins: They always do.

Mary Poppins: Practically perfect in every way.

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+ Soundtracks!

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