24 июн. 2019 г.

Vice (2018)

Dick Cheney: You have authorization to shoot down any aircraft deemed a threat.
Karen Hughes: Presidential authority?
Dick Cheney: That is correct. All orders are UNODIR.
Karen Hughes: "UNODIR," sir?
Condoleezza Rice: Unless otherwise directed.

Kurt: As the world becomes more and more confusing, we tend to focus on the things that are right there in front of us... while ignoring the massive forces that actually change and shape our lives.

Kurt: With people working longer and longer hours, for less and less, when we do have free time, the last thing we want is complicated analysis of our government, lobbying, international trade agreements, and tax bills. So it's no surprise that when a monotone, bureaucratic vice president came to power, we hardly noticed... as he achieved a position of authority that very few leaders in the history of America ever have...

Kurt: Back then, they would've called a guy like him a ne'er-do-well. In today's parlance, they would just call him a dirtbag.

Lynne Cheney: You're sorry... One time is "I'm sorry." Two times makes me think that I've picked the wrong man!

Lynne Cheney: Here's my plan. All right? Either you stand up straight... and you get your back straight... and you have the courage to become someone, or I'm gone. ...
Dick Cheney: I love you, Lynne...
Lynne Cheney: Then prove it! Prove it!

Donald Rumsfeld: So, what's it gonna be? Is it a "yes" or a "no"?
Dick Cheney: It's a "yes."
Donald Rumsfeld: You don't even know what the question is, do you?
Dick Cheney: I'm assuming it's to...
Donald Rumsfeld: No, no, no. It's okay. That's exactly the kinda "yes" I was looking for.

Donald Rumsfeld: Fuck Kissinger, he's overrated anyway!

Dick Cheney: What do we believe?
Donald Rumsfeld: What do we believe? "What do we believe?" Oh... That's very good. "What do we believe?..."

Mary Cheney: Is this where Santa lives?
Lynne Cheney: It's even better. It's even better. This is where... the leader of the greatest nation on earth lives.
Mary Cheney: Are you one of his elves, Daddy?
Dick Cheney: In a way, yes.
Lynne Cheney: No, he is not, Mary. Your father is Chief of Staff. Chief of Staff. If you're silly with her, she'll grow up to be a silly woman.
Dick Cheney: Right, of course. I forgot.

Dick Cheney: I respect the hell out of Reagan, but no one has shown the world the true power of the American presidency.

Dick Cheney: It doesn't matter, sweetheart. We love you no matter what.

Dick Cheney: Oh, I still can't believe they've got that poor boy running for president. What'd they want?
Lynne Cheney: They want to talk to me about being his running mate. ....
Dick Cheney: A vice president is a nothing job.
Lynne Cheney: Mmm. Well, I'll just hear 'em out. I owe that to the father.
Dick Cheney: The VP just sits around and waits for the president to die. You've said so yourself.

George W. Bush: If I lose, maybe I could become commissioner of baseball. You know?
Dick Cheney: But the, um, idea... is to win.
George W. Bush: I'm gonna keep you in the back of my mind.

Dick Cheney: Now, maybe I can, uh, handle some of the more mundane jobs... Overseeing bureaucracy, managing military, uh, energy, uh, foreign policy.....
George W. Bush: That sounds good. Never wanna be the kind of team owner that, uh, pulls the starter in the fourth inning.
Dick Cheney: Mm-hmm.
George W. Bush: That's the manager's job.

Lynne Cheney: Are we at war?
Dick Cheney: Yes, we are.
Lynne Cheney: With whom?

George Tenet: What about the Geneva Convention?
Dick Cheney: The Geneva Convention is open to interpretation.
George Tenet: What exactly does that mean?
David Addington: Stress positions, waterboarding, confided spaces, dogs...
Donald Rumsfeld: We're calling it "enhanced interrogation."
George W. Bush: Are we sure none of this fits in the definition of "torture"?
David Addington: The US doesn't torture.
Dick Cheney: Therefore, if the US does it, by definition, it can't be torture.

Waiter: Good evening, gentlemen. Tonight we're offering the enemy combatant, whereby a person is not a prisoner of war, or a criminal, which means of course that he has absolutely no protection under the law.
    We're also offering an extraordinary rendition where suspects are abducted without record on foreign soil and taken to foreign prisons in countries that still torture.
    We also have Guantanamo Bay, which is very, very complicated, but it does allow you to operate outside the purview of due process on land which isn't technically US territory, but where we still do have control.
    And also, we have a very fresh and delicious War Powers Act interpretation which gives the executive branch broad powers to attack nations or people who it deems still possibly a threat.
    We have the fact that under the unitary executive theory, if the president does anything, it must be legal. Which, of course, means you can do whatever the fuck you want.
    So, gentlemen, which would you like?
Dick Cheney: Hmm. We'll, uh, we'll have them all.

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