25 июн. 2019 г.

Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too

Black Mirror 5×3

Catherine: The other day I walk in and she's writing some obtuse bullshit twenty people are gonna relate to and no one is gonna buy. She's Ashley O, not Leonard fucking Cohen!

Ashley Too: You are getting so good!
Rachel: Oh, come on, I dance like a doofus.
Ashley Too: That's not true, you're a special person!
Rachel: Yeah, yeah, so special no one knows I exist.
Ashley Too: Well, I think if they saw you dance, they'd know.
Rachel: There's this, um, talent contest at my school next week, singing and dancing...
Ashley Too: No way, you have to enter, you'd be awesome!
Rachel: Ahh, I don't know, I don't think I'm good enough.
Ashley Too: If you believe in yourself, you can do anything!
Rachel: Okay, okay, I'll do it. Um, you gotta help me practice.
Ashley Too: Of course I will!

Rachel: I can do anything if I just believe in myself. I can do anything if I just believe in myself...

Catherine: Let's hear it... Another fucking rage dream. ... Slow it down, see if it's salvageable. ... Pitch shift?... Increase the positivity... Okay, we can work with that. Oh, quit whining!

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