6 июн. 2019 г.


Billions 4×11

Chuck Rhoades: Mom is out of town. If you were on the floor... Oh, fuck, I don't even want to say it. Cuz then I'll have the goddamned image in my head.

AG Jeffcoat: You are a United States Attorney. You find his wrinkly fucking ass.
Bryan Connerty: Uh, I saw it once. And actually, the old guy keeps it together.
AG Jeffcoat: .....
Bryan Connerty: Still... I take your point.

Bobby Axelrod: I like to celebrate a really good kill. Connects me to my spiritual side.

Bobby Axelrod: You keep telling me why you can't get it done and what you need to do first. Your days were never so full or disorganized when you were gunning for me. Maybe this isn't personal enough for you. You need me to make it fucking personal?

Orrin Bach: Confirm nothing. Admit nothing. If Taylor doesn't show, they have nothing. Unless you give them something. So, don't. I can't tell you to lie... I can only tell you that they'll never be able to prove it, and it's the perfect solution to all your problems.

Wendy Rhoades: Is that what your clients say? Do they always feel good when they avoid punishment? Just move on with their lives?
Orrin Bach: Real criminals are different than you and me. Something about the mind-set of someone who does those things. By the time I get 'em, they are long past wondering who they are. They already know. They just want to get away with it.

Mike Wagner 'Wags': This changes nothing. Everybody at Axe Cap is and will remain deeply fucked in the head. We will all need your help as a coach and a human.

Jackie Connerty: You know how it is once a Scotsman's drawn his dirk... He can't return that blade to the sheath until it's tasted an Englishman's blood? Well, I can't open a safe without taking something.

Rebecca Cantu: What if you bought it?
Bobby Axelrod: I thought about suggesting that but figured you wouldn't wanna be the damsel in distress.
Rebecca Cantu: Oh. I'm the dame safeguarding my company.

Rebecca Cantu: Before I met you I went deal to deal, scooping up businesses and profits. And then you wanted to be my partner on a deal or two, and now I can't make a move without a booby trap going off in my face.

Rebecca Cantu: Really?
Bobby Axelrod: For you.
Rebecca Cantu: Thank you.
Bobby Axelrod: But dinner's on you for... a while.

Hap Halloran: Why are we here?
Chuck Rhoades: To end the Attorney General of the Unites States.

Hap Halloran: And what are you going to be doing?
Chuck Rhoades: Oh. I myself will be doing my usual boogie... inducing mistakes through temptation, misdirection, obfuscation and conflation-slash-corruption of the ideals that built this great nation. For good and noble purpose, of course.

AG Jeffcoat: I don't answer your questions. And you don't waste time asking 'em.
Bryan Connerty: The more info I have, the easier I can stop Rhoades.
AG Jeffcoat: The way you stop Rhoades is you keep him off balance. You can't let him find his carencia... God. Do they teach a man nothing about bullfighting anymore? Carencia. Place in a ring where the bull feels most safe, where he draws his full power. The whole afternoon, the matador is trying to keep him away from there. And if he lets up for one second, and that bull finds his carencia... Well, it doesn't matter what went before... because a goring is coming next.
Bryan Connerty: Understood.

AG Jeffcoat: Now, on the subject of on the run, what of the lamster, Rhoades Senior?

Bryan Connerty: So how...
Jackie Connerty: One-thousand eighty-two permutations on the combination. Should only take two, three hours.
Bryan Connerty: Are you fucking kid...
Jackie Connerty: Yes. I'm fucking kidding... Twenty-nine bucks. You went to law school. I also went to school. They called me Mr. Magneto.

Bobby Axelrod: Nah. It's gonna be great in the end.

Bobby Axelrod: You all fucking done? I set the risk parameters, Spyros... so push them. They're my bylaws, I can change them. I just did. Paper that, Orrin. You don't like me selling out your positions, tough shit. They aren't your positions anyway, they're mine. And if you can't find a way to pick up the returns... then why the fuck are you here instead of someone who can?

Bobby Axelrod: I am the sun that warms you and the air that you fucking breathe. Don't forget it.

Mike Wagner 'Wags': This is the real deal. This is why you are here. Because when fearless leader forgets every once in a while that he does need to fear the almighty... you bring him back to himself. You restore equilibrium.

Mike Wagner 'Wags': This isn't a fire drill, it's the Fyre Festival... and a full on fucking disaster.

Chuck Rhoades: No. From you, he'd never see it coming. You're like that Sade song come to life Kate... "Smooth Operator"... Now, know that's high praise from me.
Kate Sacker: Indeed.

Wendy Rhoades: Doing the right thing eventually becomes the thing... that makes you feel right. It's... It's not the hedonic experience, believe me... It doesn't happen quickly. Doesn't charge you with endorphins the way the perfect combo of salt, fat and sugar does. But it does last longer. It does nourish you.

Bobby Axelrod: I think we might not run on the same kind of fuel.

Bobby Axelrod: Taylor's my responsibility. I brought them into the world. I need to be the one to take them out.

Bobby Axelrod: I get that vengeance didn't agree with your system. But we're built different.

Chuck Rhoades: I just... can't believe you're starting all over.
Ira: Neither can my kids, but... I'm not dead. After every loss, after every great big kick to the grundle, we start over. We fall in love again. We make new life... And hopefully new and different mistakes.

AG Jeffcoat: If you answer my questions, it's possible that neither you nor your boy need be clapped in iron. I don't really want that. I just want Chuck broken.

Bryan Connerty: He jumped when you said it.
AG Jeffcoat: Yeah. So we know where to put the pinch bar... Only we don't fucking have one. We don't have the fucking idiot. We don't even know who the motherfucker is.

Mike Wagner 'Wags': The kind of destruction you're considering, the collateral damage, the relationships that'll be ruined or pushed to the brink... You ready for all that? Just to finally see the blood seeping out of Taylor's armor onto the battlefield?
Bobby Axelrod: If I'm not, why am I still wearing my armor?

Mike Wagner 'Wags': I don't know if you're aware, but I am also an unlicensed doctor. A medicine man of sorts, and surgeon of the drinking arts. I'm going to place a steady stream of prescribed medications before you... and you are going to quaff deeply and repeatedly. And a little flicker of the warm and giddy will grow and spread. And we will laugh about the days of yore. And we will toast the comrades who have fallen and yet may fall. And you will forget the vicissitudes of the last few days and you will remember who you are.
Wendy Rhoades: And who's that?
Mike Wagner 'Wags': The only woman I've ever enjoyed drinking with.
Wendy Rhoades: Well, then there's one thing we should do... Get properly fucking drunk.

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