18 окт. 2020 г.

Fargo 4×2

Gaetano Fadda: Business, family, country.

Loy Cannon: You seeing to his education?
Rabbi Milligan: I'm teaching him how the world works.
Loy Cannon: And how's that?
Rabbi Milligan: It's dog eat dog.
Loy Cannon: That's how dogs work. Men are more complicated.
Rabbi Milligan: Not in my experience.

Loy Cannon: You like staying here, in the master's house? He make you feel appreciated?
Rabbi Milligan: We live with the choices we make. Consequences.

Oraetta Mayflower: Well, I am no goat, Mr. Sneet. Oraetta Mayflower, she is no goat.
Mr. Sneet: Now, Nurse...
Oraetta Mayflower: Call the police, you're so concerned about malfeasance. About medicines removed without dotted i's. Heck, pick up the phone, tell them to send the paddy wagon. Take this woman away in silver bracelets. Or what about call the news boys?
Mr. Sneet: Now, hold on, there's no need...
Oraetta Mayflower: This is America, sir, last time I checked, not Soviet Russia, where a man gets rationed a quarter potato and has no rights under the law. And here's you, sitting like judge and executioner, tossing old Oraetta on the bone pile, and for what? The inability to read the handwriting of what appears to be an epileptic?
Mr. Sneet: Miss Mayflower... Nurse Mayflower... I'd be happy to... How does a month's severance sound?
Oraetta Mayflower: Three months.
Mr. Sneet: I'll... I can offer two, and of course a glowing recommendation to your next potential employer.
Oraetta Mayflower: In writing!

Oraetta Mayflower: Who would've thought they're teaching French down at the Negro school.
Ethelrida Pearl Smutny: They don't. I'm learning on my own.
Oraetta Mayflower: Mm, you got pluck. And I know, 'cause everyone always says I've got it, too. Sagittarius.
Ethelrida Pearl Smutny: What's that?
Oraetta Mayflower: Sun sign... Astrology... See, scientifically, our birthdates correspond with celestial events. Happenstance that shape our destiny. What's the date of your birth?
Ethelrida Pearl Smutny: December the first.
Oraetta Mayflower: Mm. Like I said... Sagittarius.

Zelmare Roulette: That's one weird white lady...

Doctor Senator: Well, this ain't no robbery. No, no. No, this... this is what you call a transition of power. ... We're taking over.

Doctor Senator: You got to give respect to get respect...
Gaetano Fadda: Is that why you Americans are so soft? All this giving and getting?... In the land of taking and killing, Gaetano is king.

Doctor Senator: Molto bene. But remember: we'll be back. Because y'all just got here yesterday. But we're part of this land, like the wind and the dirt.

Loy Cannon: Lord, we know the road is long. We thank you for that road, because the journey makes us wise. We know the climb is hard. We thank you for that climb, 'cause climbing makes us strong. You made the land and the sea,and you filled it with injustice so that we would have work to do. And we thank you for that work. You made the meek, so the meek could inherit the Earth. And you made the mighty so that we could defend the meek... And we will be mighty for you, O Lord. You've shown us pain and loss... so that we would know the joy of victory when it comes. Hear our prayer now, O Lord... so that we might feel your blessing. And know that we can bear this burden you've given us... because our hearts are pure. Amen.

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