6 окт. 2020 г.


The Crown 1×3

Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: Be firm. Just lay down the law. I know he's Winston Churchill and all that, but remember who you are. You're...
Queen Elizabeth II: Nobody.
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: The Queen of England.

Queen Elizabeth II: Do sit down, Prime Minister. I've ordered tea. Or something stronger, perhaps.
Winston Churchill: Oh, dear. Did no one explain?... The Sovereign never offers a Prime Minister refreshment. Nor a chair. The precedent set by your great-great-grandmother was to keep us standing like Privy Councillors. To waste time is a grievous sin. And, if there is one thing I have learned in 52 years of public service, it is that there is no problem so complex, nor crisis so grave, that it cannot be satisfactorily resolved within 20 minutes. So... shall we make a start?

David, Duke of Windsor: With this family, when you're in, you're never quite sure that you're in. But when you're out, there's no doubt at all. You're out.

Winston Churchill: I am an old man. Many have questioned my relevance, whether I still have something to offer. In public life, the answer is, I have. Which is to leave in place a Sovereign prepared for office. Equipped, armed for her duty... Great things have happened to this country under the sceptres of her queens and you should be no exception.
Queen Elizabeth II: Yes, I am Queen, but I am also a woman. And a wife. To a man whose pride and whose strength were, in part, what attracted me to him. I want to be in a successful marriage. I would argue, stability under this roof might even be in the national interest. Had you considered that?

Philip, Duke of Edinburgh: What kind of marriage is this? What kind of family? You've taken my career from me, you've taken my home. You've taken my name. I thought we were in this together...

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