22 мар. 2021 г.

Chapter 8: A Widow Approaches

The Kominsky Method 1×8

Sandy Kominsky: I hate that I'm about to say this, but... have you discussed this with Eileen?

Norman Newlander: You are being very mature about this, Eileen.
Eileen Newlander: I'm sure you'd feel the same if the roles were reversed, if you were gone and I was alive.
Norman Newlander: No. That’s where you're wrong. If some guy was sniffing around you, I would haunt the hell out of him. There would be cutlery flying around his kitchen. Yes. One morning he'd be... he'd be shaving in the bathroom mirror and he'd look up and see me standing right behind him, just staring at him like this... He would soil his pajamas, guaranteed.

Sandy Kominsky: The name of this exercise is "mirror." You just move your body, and I'll follow... What we're working on here is being totally present. This means paying attention, without judgment, to the actor in front of you...
     This does two things. It gets you out of your own head... and forces you... to be in the moment. Fully engaged with the other person... by simply paying attention to them. Not only makes you a better actor, it makes you a better human being.

Sandy Kominsky: What did you guys talk about?
Norman Newlander: Oh, you know, the usual. Dead wives, dead husbands, dead friends. It was very pleasant.

Sandy Kominsky: Boy, she moves fast. You'd better bring a condom.
Norman Newlander: You're making a joke, but I actually still have one the Army gave me when I was in Korea.
Sandy Kominsky: You're kidding me.
Norman Newlander: I'm sentimental.

Lisa: You realize this is the first time you've brought me somewhere that didn't have a dead body.
Sandy Kominsky: The night is still young...

Diane: Uh, she... she was one of a kind. A saint. God takes the good ones way too soon.
Norman Newlander: Yeah, and he leaves the bad ones here just to piss us off.

Sandy Kominsky: What are you doing at a Shell station?
Norman Newlander: There were too many people at my house.
Sandy Kominsky: Now? Who?
Norman Newlander: It's my own fault. You talk to one ghost, and suddenly you're in a Yiddish version of Macbeth.

Police Officer: Everything all right, sir?
Norman Newlander: No. Everything is not all right. I outlived my wife. That was not part of the plan. I was supposed to go first!

Norman Newlander: I'm scared. I'm scared all the time.
Sandy Kominsky: Listen to me. We're all scared, and you know why? Because it's a scary fuckin' world. But we get through it because we're not alone. You're not alone.
Norman Newlander: Who do I have?
Sandy Kominsky: Me, you dumb shit! Can you see me? I'm right here in front of you. Hi. Hello there. I see you. You see me?... Can you keep a secret?
Norman Newlander: Sure.
Sandy Kominsky: That's the Kominsky Method.

Sandy Kominsky: Well, we don't have to figure it out tonight. You’ve got some time.
Norman Newlander: Do I?
Sandy Kominsky: I'm just trying to be nice, Norman.
Norman Newlander: Nice. Maybe life has no meaning, and the best we can hope for is... just being nice.

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+ Soundtrack

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