2 мар. 2021 г.

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The Stand 1×3

Drogan: He's coming.

Teddy Weizak: Ah! She may be the hottest woman on Earth. I mean, left... Before, I see that woman, I say to myself, "You wouldn't have a shot with her if you were the last man on Earth." And now... here I am, a lot closer to being the last man on Earth than I ever imagined.
Harold Lauder: And you still don't have a shot with her.

Stu Redman: Well, look, Atlanta's as good a place as any. Good to get south before the winter hits.

Randall Flagg: I can fix you, Nicky boy. And all I ask in return is for you to worship the ground I walk on.

Glen Bateman: Do you like caviar?
Stu Redman: Cavi-what?

Glen Bateman: What I gathered from the news, back when there was news... Captain Trips hit dogs as bad as it hit people.
Stu Redman: Yep, dogs... horses... guinea pigs.
Glen Bateman: Yeah, yeah, and-and yet, uh, deer!
Stu Redman: Yeah, deer.
Glen Bateman: Sons of bitches are everywhere.
Stu Redman: Everywhere. What... what's up with that?
Glen Bateman: And rats. What sort of horseshit Judgment Day spares the rats?

Stu Redman: Really, you think this is Judgment Day?
Glen Bateman: "Show me a man or a woman alone and I'll show you a saint. Give me two and they'll fall in love. Give me three, they'll create a charming little thing called society." It's true, you need a society to build buildings and golf courses and... towns and... steeples and create the Internet, everything else! But the other stuff society gives you... outcasts, prejudice, competition? You can keep the rest of that crap for yourself.
Stu Redman: And you don't feel the slightest obligation to get things back up and running?
Glen Bateman: "Up and running" is what got us here. I think it's high time we tried down and standing still.

Nick Andros: Who are you?
Mother Abagail: My name is Abagail Freemantle. Some folks call me Mother Abagail, because I'm the oldest person that anyone knows.
Nick Andros: No, I mean... who are you?
Mother Abagail: Oh. I'm an old woman who the Lord has chosen to talk to. Now, it would not have been my choice, but no one asked me.
Nick Andros: Well, I don't believe in God.
Mother Abagail: That's all right. God believes in you. And He's got a job for you. He wants you to be my voice.
Nick Andros: "Voice"?

Tom Cullen: Holy geez, mister! What happened to your eye? My name is Tom Cullen. I'm 42 years old and developmentally disabled. Please do not be alarmed by my behavior, for I have difficulty reading social cues. If you find my behavior inappropriate to the situation, please tell me, and I will endeavor to change. I am a hard worker, very strong, and capable of basic physical labor. I cannot read, but I can follow simple direction. If you know of employment opportunities, please contact Miss Sykes at the Center for Handicapable Workers... What's the matter, mister?

Stu Redman: Are we having the same dream?
Glen Bateman: No, we're not. This is... We're remembering the same commercial. Old lady selling detergent.

Drogan: I've come from a bad place. An awful place. And there's a man there... but he ain't no man. He's got lots of names. The hardcase. The Walkin' Dude. Flagg.

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