25 мар. 2021 г.

The One with the Fake Party

Friends 4×16

Monica: What is it?
Phoebe: Nothing. I can't find anything that I want to eat. Everything makes me nauseous. I'm telling you, being pregnant is no piece of cake. Oh, cake!... No!

Phoebe: Ooh, what is that smell? It's coming from the bathroom!
Chandler: Wow, pregnancy does give you some weird cravings.

Monica: Hey, what have you guys been up to?
Ross: Oh, we went to see a collection of Victorian doorknobs at the Cooper-Hewitt museum.
Chandler: Without me?!

Phoebe: It doesn't matter how much I'm craving it. You know why I'm never gonna eat meat? Because it's cold-blooded murder.
Chandler: Okay... There's a Phoebe on my sandwich.

Joey: Phoebe, what are you doing?
Phoebe: I can't help it. I need the meat! The baby needs the meat.
Joey: You know how when you're dating someone... and you don't want to cheat on them unless it's with someone really hot?
Phoebe: Yeah... totally.
Joey: All right, okay. Well, this is the same kind of deal. If you're gonna do something wrong... do it right.

Joey: Feel better?
Phoebe: Yeah, but at what cost? Six more months, three meals a day? I'm gonna eat like, you know, millions of cows.

Rachel: What do I do now? What do I do now?
Monica: I think you're done.
Joey: Okay, time to take off the bra.

Rachel: Can you not look at me when I say this?

Joshua: But...
Rachel: No don't say "but." "But" is never good. Let's leave it at "I like you and you like me."
Joshua: Okay, uh... However...
Rachel: No, that's a fancy "but."

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