29 авг. 2018 г.

Extinction (2018)

Peter: Our world never stops moving. Changing. Evolving. Every day we go about our routines - work, home, family - but who are we? Who am I? You think you know your beautiful wife, your adorable kids, and who you work for. But what if you don't? And the truth, once you knew it, would change everything.

Chris: We're not crazy.

Miles: You really don't know what... you are?

David: They'll be back. Never trust a human to just let things be.

Miles: Must be nice... picking what memories you can keep. Humans don't have that luxury.

Miles: ...why am I helping you? 'Cause no one said I'd be coming down here killing kids... and families. It's not what I signed up for.

Peter: Our world keeps moving. Changing. Evolving. And so do we. I know who I am now. And I know my enemy. We're not that different. Maybe, if others can see that, we'll have a future after all.

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