15 авг. 2018 г.

The Bakra

Outlander 3×12

Ian: What's a Bakra?

Claire: You weren't lying... "Received of Claire Fraser, the sum of 20 pounds sterling being in full for the purchase of a... Negro slave named Temeraire."

Mrs. Abernathy: The prophecy states that a seer must hold all three sapphires at once. 'Tis the only way I'll ken when the new Scottish king will rise. If it's 500 years hence?

Jamie: When does it end?
Claire: The slave trade? Not for another 70 years in the British Empire and 100 in America.

Mrs. Abernathy: Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world...

Mrs. Abernathy: Why are men such fools? Ye can lead them anywhere by the cock for a while. Give them a bairn, and you have them by the balls again. But it's all ye are to them, whether they're coming in or going out... A cunt. Well, here's to it, I say. Most powerful thing in the world.

Archie: So, then... a new king will rise in Scotland upon the death of a child that is 200 years old on the day of its birth.
Mrs. Abernathy: Do ye think I'm an idiot? I brought ye here to tell me when it will happen, and instead, ye give me the bloody Case of Benjamin Button!

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