18 авг. 2018 г.

Queen of Katwe (2016)

Robert Katende: There's another game you can play. Have you heard of chess?
Joseph: Me, I know. You kiss a person and try to catch them.
Robert Katende: No. It is a board game. I can teach you.

Robert Katende: When you first looked at this position... perhaps you thought there was no safe haven for bishop. But, you looked closely. You analyzed the threats. You made a plan. And bishop found safety, eh? Use your minds. Follow your plans. And you will all find safe squares.

Mr. Wilson: I must warn you, a man with integrity in a water company... is as rare as a white rhino.... I need someone like you.

Robert Katende: What did I say when I proposed to you, eh?... "Give me ten reasons to marry you," the woman said. And what did I say? Reason one. "I love you." Reason two. Do you remember it?... "I love you." Eh? Reason three. Shall I remind you of the rest?
Sara Katende: I am such a lucky woman.

Robert Katende: Do not be quick to tip your king, Phiona. You must never surrender.

Robert Katende: You can see eight moves ahead?

Robert Katende: Sometimes, the place you are used to is not the place you belong. You belong where you believe you belong. Where is that for you, Phiona?

Robert Katende: Losses happen for all of us. But what matters is when you reset the pieces and play again.

Phiona: Losing teaches me how to play better.

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