10 авг. 2018 г.

Darkest Hour (2017)

Clement Atlee: .... Therefore, in the national interest, we, the Opposition, are willing to enter into a grand coalition with the ruling Conservative Party... so-called... but not... and I stress never... under the leadership of Mr. Chamberlain, who has lost the confidence of this House. In the country's interest, man, resign, step down, and let us find a new leader.

Clemmie: He shouted at you. Did he shout at you?... He can be an awful brute!
Elizabeth: I'm... I made too many mistakes.
I think you were nervous, and he has a knack for drawing out the very worst in those who are trying to help him the most.
Elizabeth: No, no, it's not... It's not him. It's me. He's... he's...
Clemmie: He's a man, like any other.

Clemmie: My darling, you are on the brink of having tremendous power, surpassed only by that of the king, and with such power you really must try and be more kind. And, if possible, calm... I want others to love and respect you, as I do.

Clemmie: Be...
Winston Churchill: Be what?
Clemmie: Be yourself.
Winston Churchill: Myself? Which self should I be today?

Winston Churchill: One should have had power when a young man. When wits were sharp. Sinews strong.

King George VI: Why not Halifax? I favor Halifax. I wanted Halifax. The Lords wanted Halifax. Perhaps, Halifax wanted Halifax. Then why have I been forced to send for Churchill?

Winston Churchill: Halifax would never turn it down. He's the fourth son of an earl. Fourth sons turn nothing down.

Sir Anthony Eden: I wish the position had come your way in better times, sir. You have an enormous task ahead of you. I only hope it's not too late.
Winston Churchill: I'm very much afraid it is. But we can only do our best, hmm?

Winston Churchill: ... Sir, I take up my task with a buoyancy and hope, and say to the House, as I have said to those who have joined the government, I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering.
        You ask, "What is our policy?" I say it is to wage war by sea, land and air with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us. To wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalog of human crime. That is our policy.
        Oh, you ask, "What is our aim?" I can answer in one word. Victory. Victory at all costs. Victory, in spite of all terror. Victory, however long and hard the road may be. For without victory, there can be no survival.

General Ironside: Their speed is devastating. Panzer tanks moving rapidly westward through the center.
Winston Churchill: Well, they will have to pause for fuel supplies.
General Ismay: This is not the last war, sir. Their tanks can stop for fuel at a petrol station.
Winston Churchill: Petrol station?
General Ironside: The road to Paris now lies open. Seven million refugees are on the move. Collectively, we are looking at the collapse of Western Europe in the next few days.
General Ismay: Should the public be told?
Winston Churchill: .... Not yet. First, we must rouse our old friends to a heroic resistance. France must be saved.

Winston Churchill: The last ten years, I was the only one who told them the truth. Until tonight... There is no advance. It's a shambles. We're in full retreat.
Clemmie: But would you be serving them tonight by denying them their sleep and terrifying their children?
Winston Churchill: What, even if the terror is coming?
Clemmie: Because the terror is coming. There's time enough for the truth.

Elizabeth: I'm not sure if you know this, but, but the way you're doing your "V for Victory" sign... Well, in the poorer quarters, that gesture means something else.
Winston Churchill: What does it mean?
Elizabeth: Well, I wouldn't like to say, sir.
Winston Churchill: I was captured by the Boer. I spent time in a South African prison.
Elizabeth: .... Up your bum. Sir.
Winston Churchill: Up your bum? Up your...
Elizabeth: The way you're doing it, sir, yes, sir. But if you turn it around, that's fine. I wouldn't like millions of people to take it the wrong way.
Winston Churchill: Indeed.

President Roosevelt: Good night to you, Winston. It must be late there.
Winston Churchill: In more ways than you could possibly know.

King George VI: How do you manage drinking during the day?
Winston Churchill: Practice.

Winston Churchill: I am unwanted. I've never been trusted since the Gallipoli campaign. Unwanted.
King George VI: Perhaps it's because you scare people.
Winston Churchill: Who?
King George VI: You scare me.
Winston Churchill: What nonsense. What could possibly be scary about me?
King George VI: One never knows what's going to come out of your mouth next. Something that will flatter, something that will wound.

Winston Churchill: My emotions are unbridled. A wildness in the blood I share with my father. And my mother also. We lacked the gift of temperance.
King George VI: Were you close to your parents?
Winston Churchill: My mother was glamorous, but perhaps too widely loved. My father was like God, busy elsewhere.

Winston Churchill: Will you stop interrupting me while I am interrupting you!

Winston Churchill: When will the lesson be learned? When will the lesson be learned? How many more dictators must be, wooed, appeased, good God, given immense privileges before we learn? You cannot reason with a tiger when your head is in its mouth!

Viscount Halifax: Choice is yours, Winston. You have 24 hours to enter into peace talks, or I shall resign.

Winston Churchill: What is this about?
Elizabeth: No one tells us anything. It's all classified. We hear scraps, and it's worse than knowing nothing.
Winston Churchill: What would you like to know?
Elizabeth: How many men will survive?
Winston Churchill: .... Come with me.

Winston Churchill: Our only hope in Dunkirk is thick cloud cover to thwart these attacks, but the skies remain clear. And even then, I am told we will need a... a miracle to get even ten percent of our men out. Courage, Miss Layton. Courage.

Winston Churchill: ...whether it was part of my duty entering into... into negotiations with, that... that corporal... that child. And monster of wickedness. That butcher. That savage. Monstrous savage. That wicked house painter. House painter!... Where were we?

Clemmie: ...these inner battles have actually trained you for this very moment. You are strong because you are imperfect. You are wise because you have doubts. Now, shall I let him in?
Winston Churchill: Who?
Clemmie: The king.
Winston Churchill: Which king? Our king?
Clemmie: Well, if it isn't him, it's a marvelous impersonation.

Winston Churchill: I should like to know your mind.
King George VI: It would be helpful to know yours first.
Winston Churchill: I should like to know it myself.

King George VI: You once gave me some advice. Perhaps I can... I can give you some. Go to the people. Let them instruct you. Quite silently, they usually do.

Winston Churchill: Give me a number.
Admiral Ramsay: In total, 860 vessels. The biggest civilian fleet ever assembled. Operation Dynamo waits on your command.
Winston Churchill: Admiral, initiate Dynamo. And may God watch over them all.

Winston Churchill: How old?
Mrs. Jessie Sutton: Five months, sir. He looks like you.
Winston Churchill: Madam, all babies look like me.

Winston Churchill: No, lost causes are the only ones worth fighting for.

Winston Churchill: ..... I have heard you. It appears to be your will also that if this long island story of ours is to end at last, then let it end only when each one of us lies choking in his own blood upon the ground!

Winston Churchill: .... But I have myself full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once more able to defend our island home. To ride out the storm of war and to outlive the menace of tyranny. If necessary for years, if necessary alone. At any rate, that is what we are are going to try to do. That is the resolve of His Majesty's Government, every man of them. That is the will of Parliament and the nation.
        The British Empire and the French Republic, linked together in their cause and in their need, will defend to the death their native soil. Aiding each other like good comrades to the utmost of their strength. Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous states have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of the Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end!
        We shall fight in France. We shall fight on the seas and the oceans. We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strengths in the air. We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields and in the streets. We shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!
        And if... And if which I do not for a moment believe, this island or large part of it were... were subjugated and starving, then our empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British fleet, would carry on the struggle. Until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old!

Winston Churchill: Those who never change their mind never change anything.

Legislator: What just happened?
Viscount Halifax: He mobilized the English language and sent it into battle.

Winston Churchill

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Σ sova-f: «Сначала был полный восторг: историческая познавательность, отличная кинематография – и великолепно переданная атмосфера вот этого «Самого темного часа» (кстати, отличное название оригинала, неясно, зачем его было менять в русском переводе). Сломался кайф на негре в метро. Вот сдался он Райту в Лондоне 1940 года – исторической достоверности ради, не иначе. Ну и тут сразу чары спали, белые нитки полезли наружу: что за опереточно-популистская сцена в подземке? правитель идет в простой народ искать мнения, ах. ... Возвращаясь к нашим баранам: за исключением этого метро, исторически и в самом деле очень интересно. Галлиполи (не знала, что Черчилль в нем виноват), Дюнкерк, король Георг VI, знаменитая речь «Мы будем сражаться на пляжах» (да, фильм «Дюнкерк» надо посмотреть). С королем смешно получилось. Во-первых, не заикается, во-вторых, ничего общего с лапочкой нашим Колин-Фиртом. При ближайшем рассмотрении оказалось, что именно Бен Мендельсон как две капли воды похож на настоящего Георга VI (а вовсе не Колин). Так что теперь мне не очень понятно, из каких соображений Колин Фирт был выбран для (прекрасного во всех остальных отношениях) фильма «King's Speech». К слову о похожести, вот интересный пост про то, как Олдмена превращали в Черчилля

+ Dunkirk (1958)
+ Dunkirk (2017)

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