30 апр. 2021 г.

Human Capital (2019)

Drew Hagel: Anyways, I, uh... I think what you guys do is totally exciting.
Godeep: It is exciting. It is. The best part is that no one can even explain what we do. Right? We move invisible money through invisible markets at invisible speeds, guided by invisible hands with invisible oversight.
Quint Manning: There's nothing exciting about that.
Godeep: Except the 18%.

Drew Hagel: Trust me, I know my boys. No Hagel has ever shown up for anything or anyone early. Just doesn't happen.

Quint Manning: Listen... I'm just gonna cut to the chase, I don't have much time. Essentially the markets are proving more volatile than we anticipated. So nearly everywhere we're positioned is ripping higher.
Drew Hagel: That's a good thing, right?
Quint Manning: No. No, um... Our short positions are moving against us. We're counting on these positions to fail.
Drew Hagel: Yeah, well, I'm sure in time, they'll...
Quint Manning: No, what I'm telling you is that your investment in the fund has gone down, substantially.
Drew Hagel: "Substantially"?
Quint Manning: Yeah, right now it's about 90% devaluation.
Drew Hagel: Oh, so, um... So, that means I have $30,000 left out of the...
Quint Manning: Oh, no. Look, the numbers are meaningless, okay? So I'm just letting you know that right now would be a bad time to pull out.

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