29 апр. 2021 г.

South ParQ Vaccination Special, Part IV

South Park 24×2

Eric Cartman: Lil' QTies? With a "Q" and an apostrophe after the "L"? That's way better than Kommunity Kidz, guys. I told you... we're getting lazy.

Eric Cartman: Look, you guys have a right to say and believe whatever you want, okay? But what you believe is really stupid.

Chris: Tom, I'm standing outside South Park Elementary, where the Kommunity Kidz were set to distribute vaccines to the public. That's when a rival gang showed up and tried to stop them, and the fighting is still going on now. You can see behind me most of the damage is done, but it is still raging on, Tom. You can see this awful gang is trying to stop Kommunity Kidz just because Kommunity Kidz believe in something and actually... and actually care! They care enough to do something!
Tom: Yeah, that's basically what the Lil' QTies are doing too, right, Chris?
Chris: What do you mean, Tom?
Tom: Well, the Kommunity Kidz are acting on something they believe in and so are the Lil' QTies, am I right? What is the difference?
Chris: Oh, yeah, well, the difference, Tom, is that you are a giant piece of shit. That's the fucking difference!
Tom: Okay, let's just...
Chris: You're gonna even remotely defend these monsters when Kommunity Kidz are promoting change, just... Fuck you, Tom! I'm out!

Robert White: Come on! I can show you my Q headquarters!
Garrison: Jesus, you people really take this seriously...

Tom: At the center of it all... that amazing group of kids who are just taking the time for what they believe is right. I'm talking, of course, about the Lil' QTies. A group of youngsters that believe vaccines are harmful.
Chris: Yeah... Yeah, I see what you did there, Tom. That's real fucking cute.
Tom: I'm not trying to be cute. I'm saying if these kids really believe the horrific things they believe, then they'd be bad people not to go out and do something about it, wouldn't they?
Chris: Yes, that's totally true if you're a corrupt dickhead without morals. You gotta be fucking...
Tom: Okay, okay, Chris, let's just get back to the weather.

Garrison: Listen! Listen, whoever you are! I don't give a shit what you do! Please! I just want my old life back! I don't care what you do to kids, I just want people to like me again!

Eric Cartman: The 2-2-3, I agree. This way we don't have to be bros but Kenny still has the best possible life.
Stan Marsh: 2-2-3. That's so ridiculous... that it just might work.

Garrison: Listen! Listen, everybody. I... I think I owe you all a big apology. I came in here expecting everything to just go back to normal, but... we've all been through the proverbial butthole of hardships lately. I thought we could all just magically be friends again. But relationships are very fragile things, and in time of crises when we need each other most, it's sometimes when we grow furthest apart. But through it all, Mr. White here has taught me a very important lesson... Make sure you're on the side of the people with the most power. And so, I've worked out a deal with some pretty powerful people... Alright, boys, do your thing!..... It's Air Israel with enough vaccines for every adult in town!

Preacher: I think we should all take a moment to say... Hey! The rest of us made it, South Park! We're on the other side of this damn thing! And so it's time for adults to screw these masks and party like it's 2021!

Garrison: Nice doing business with you... you little child-murdering pedophiles.

On the IMDb

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