4 апр. 2021 г.

The Ride

This Is Us 5×9

Jack: Uh, I was... I was just checking what the manufacturer...
Security Guard: Yeah, how come you got three car seats back there?
Jack: Three babies.
Security Guard: Oh, God. God bless ya.

Jack: Do we bring 'em inside?
Rebecca: Oh, no, no, no. They say never wake a sleeping baby.
Jack: Well, what do they say about three sleeping babies?
Rebecca: I think we just wait.

Kevin: How'd you manage?
Jack: Oh, that was easy. You kids and your mom... that was all I ever wanted. It was easy to do it when you, when you look at it like that.

Jack: They're beautiful, Kevin. Do 'em a favor. Stop trying to live up to me. I was terrified of being like my dad, and you are terrified of not being like yours. We both wasted a lot of time being quietly terrified. Close your eyes, decide what you want, and then you go and get it, son.

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+ Soundtrack

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