25 апр. 2021 г.

South ParQ Vaccination Special, Part II

South Park 24×2

Robert White: Would you look at that? He ruined our entire country and now he's just back like nothing happened...

Garrison: Oh. Oh, I see. Look, every one, there's a gay man shopping! I happen to be the only teacher brave enough to teach your kids right now, so you better all get real woke real fast!

Robert White: Hey, uh, I'm not sure if you remember me. Bob White? I just want you to know I was always on your side. In fact, all of us Whites were really on your side.

Robert White: So, look, uh, what are we supposed to do now? You know, I'm a follower of QAnon. What are we supposed to do to stop the vaccinations? They're vaccinating people right now, seeding people with their microchips! Surely, you have a plan?! We're on the Internet every night waiting for word.

Robert White: Did you hear that, honey? He said "shit... out your dickhole"... He's trying to give us some kind of signal.

Mr. Mackey: Guess what, boys? I don't care. Ш come here and I listen to you kids bitch about your stupid problems everyday, and I'm 50 years old! I could die tomorrow from this Covid shit!

Mr. Mackey: It's not that simple. There's only one way you're getting your teacher back, and that's if teachers get their hands on the vaccine.
Eric Cartman: How do we do that?
Mr. Mackey: There's a place in town... Very hard to get into. Very exclusive... I've tried to get in many times... ...but they got security up the ass.

Eric Cartman: Yeah bros! Kommunity Kidz spelled with a K. Gets 'em every time.

Private Tutor from Tutornon: Alright, sit down. We don't have much time! Tom Hanks and Oprah are just two at the very top of an elite group of people who control everything we see and do. They feed upon children in order to maintain their elite status, and that isn't the worst of it. Do you know what pedophilia is? Here, let me show you...

Chris: Tom, I'm standing outside the ultra-exclusive Walgreens where earlier today vaccines were taken by that group of young Robin Hoods, the Kommunity Kids. These brave kids have taken it into their own hands to get people a shot. That's all people want, just a shot, and these boys have made it so you just might get that shot. And have a chance at hope and some happiness in this... in this shit world...
Tom: Okay, thank you, Chris. We'll get back...

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