22 янв. 2018 г.

The Way Out

Outlander 1×3

Claire: Darling, it will be all right. I'll be all right. I'm sure of it. You have to trust me on this.
Frank: Woe betide the man that stands between you and what you set your mind upon. And damned if that stubbornness, isn't what I find so attractive about you.

Frank: I should be the one leaving for the front lines.
Claire: Welcome to the 20th century.

Claire: I truly believe Father Bain would have preferred that boy die than me save him.
Geillis: Aye. I don't doubt that. A man's beliefs are how he makes sense of life, and if you take that away, what do you have left? Is it so different where you come from?
Claire: In that regard, I suppose not.

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