8 янв. 2018 г.

Breakfast in Bed

Grimm 6×6

"Sleep is good, death is better;
but of course, the best thing would be
to have never been born at all."

Heinrich Heine

Eve: ...it is some kind of language.
Rosalee: Or languages.
Monroe: Yeah, if you speak hodgepodge. This appears to be alphabetic, logographic, symbolic, syllabic. I mean, we need our own Rosetta Stone to crack this mess.

Hank: The only Big Bang Theory I wanna deal with is the one from a gun.

Nick: So you're thinking this is just mental?
Hank: Nah. We're never just thinking that. But one could always hope.

Nick: As you said, I am a Grimm. One less Alpe in the world? Who's gonna lose any sleep over that?

Monroe: Well, like the man said, life is a nightmare that prevents one from sleeping, so... sleep well.

Eve: That looks right.
Rosalee: Oh. No, I went way too far forward.
Eve: No, what do you mean? It matches.
Rosalee: Yeah, but that's not in the past, that's in the future. March 24th.

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