1 янв. 2018 г.

Time for After

The Walking Dead 8×7

Rick: My offer still stands. You can join us... or you can die.

Rick: Why? Why the pictures?
Jadis: Sculpt you, after.
Rick: After what?
Jadis: After.

Eugene: I'm well-aware you're the fifth columner.

Eugene: Doesn't require Turing-grade decryption to grok the truth that you're the traitor creeping and colluding with AHK. It's an acronym I've concocted... Alexandria, Hilltop, Kingdom. I considered going with KAH, but it remains a hair too onomatopoeic.

Eugene: ...So I need you to cease and desist all betrayals and backstabbery, fronting and Judas-ness A.S.A.P.

Dwight: You don't got blood on your hands yet, but that's comin'. Once you do those things, you become those things, and there's no goin' back. No forgettin' it.

Eugene: Yes, I'm Negan... and it ain't perfect, but we are Saviors.

Gabriel: Sit. You look worse than me.
Eugene: Mm. I don't appreciate that, because you look like a potato and shit casserole.

Eugene: I am a small person who does not stick his neck out for anyone other than himself. I stick firmly within my lane without any need for a signal, hand or automatic.

Eugene: Right for some can be downright horrific for others, and knowing that has kept me vertical when so many have gone horizontal.

Gabriel: It requires faith, trusting yourself. Believing that God is inside of you... guiding you... and knowing that he has a plan for all of us. Is that so hard?
Eugene: It's absurd.

Eugene: I need it.
Tanya: You making it into jet fuel or something?
Eugene: I've taken to throwing 1.5 fluid ounces down my gullet most P.M.s is a necessary requirement to catching some increasingly elusive Z's. Ergo, I need the giggle juice.

Rosita: We're almost there.

Rosita: You think it's easier to come out here and risk than to stay back there and wait. And I get it... I used to believe that, too. Thing is sometimes, you just have to wait. Sometimes you don't get to know. I just wish it didn't take seeing Sasha walk out of that coffin to realize it.

Negan: I was going for a handshake.

Michonne: I wanted to know that things were gonna work. But you know what? I don't get to know that. None of us do. What I do know is that things are working now. So maybe... we just need to trust that things are gonna keep working, because this... what we're about to do... it's not worth risking us.

Tara: I'm here. I'm ready.

Eugene: They're former traveling companions, nothing more.

Eugene: Negan ain't the dyin' type.

Eugene: Now, judge me if you choose, but I'm seeing 20 for 20, I'm feeling 10 for 10, I'm receiving 5 by 5 that staying safe means staying alive, and I'm A-okay with doing whatever it takes to lock that down. So I will obey Negan. I will not cover for anyone's U-turn on loyalties, and I will damn well make sure that Dr. Carson stays cozy, comfy right here in case I ever require his healing expertise! And I won't feel bad about it. Because I will survive. It's in my biological imperative. It's all I know how to do.

Negan: Jesus, Eugene, you... are magnificent.
Eugene: I am.

Jadis: Time for after.

Rick: We done?

Rick: This is Rick Grimes. Does anybody copy?

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