2 янв. 2018 г.

El Cuegle

Grimm 6×4

"Foretold our fate, by the gods'
decree, all heard and none
believed the prophecy."

Virgil, «Aeneid»

Monroe: Nick was the one who had to become him so that he could do what your daddy couldn't do when he needed to... to... do something he couldn't really do. Because, well, you know...

Monroe: I mean, am I the only one who thinks that was a creepy look?
Rosalee: Don't go there.
Monroe: I've already gone there.

Meisner: ...And, by the way, Bonaparte says hi.

Monroe: Three eyes and three arms? You sure it wasn't a one-eyed, one-horned flying purple people eater?

Nick: Maybe it isn't Wesen.
Monroe: What do you mean, like a real monster? Please don't don't me you think they exist.

Rosalee: You know that saying, "Waiting for the other shoe to drop"?
Monroe: I do... It surfaced in the late 19th century when people started moving to big cities and living on top of each other in these massive apartment buildings, where night after night after night they had this shared experience where the tenants would hear their neighbors, like, by the thousands, come home after work, sit down, take off one shoe, drop it on the floor, right? Then there'd be this pause between the first shoe and the second, where the downstairs neighbor would cover their ears... Waiting...
Rosalee: Hmm.
Monroe: For the other shoe to drop.
Rosalee: Oh.
Monroe: Right? I mean, we live in a world full of, you know, people with shoes. I mean, several pairs each, and so we can't go through life with our ears covered or our eyes. We have to just be prepared for that... other shoe. No matter where we are.
Rosalee: I just want to live in a place without shoes, okay?

On the IMDb

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