20 янв. 2018 г.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Merlin: How important is that dinner?
Eggsy: .... Let me show you.

Poppy: It's easy to nod, isn't it?.. I don't like easy. I like proof.

Princess Tilde: You said you've never eaten at a palace before. And Pappa is sort of picky about table manners.
Eggsy: Well, as it happens, babe, I've got this shit on lock. I know what every single one of them knives and forks is for...

Harry Hart: This is a butter knife. It's the only one you need to remember, the rest of the cutlery is easy... You start from the outside, and you work your way in with each course... And never let anyone describe you as "H.K.L.P."...
Eggsy: What's that?
Harry Hart: "Holds knife like pen." A habit erroneously believed to be upper class dining etiquette. It is quite the opposite.

Harry Hart: White wine, pudding wine, red wine, water and pop. Or whatever tipple takes your fancy.

Eggsy: Am I supposed to wait for everyone else to be served before I start eating?
Harry Hart: Only if the dish being served is cold. Or if the Queen is present. Otherwise tuck in.

Eggsy: Hey, Merlin. Still fucking spectacular, eh?.... Come on, guys, loosen up. We saved the world.

Poppy: Kingsman is crumpets. Like toast, but British.

Poppy: I got you a present, Charlie. My guys made you this. Bigger, badder, better. I call it... ARMageddon.

Merlin: There's no time for emotion in this scenario. Now... as all surviving agents are present, we follow the doomsday protocol. When that's done, and only then... you may shed a tear in private.

Merlin: Whatever's in that safe is the answer to all our problems.... Huh.
Eggsy: Is that it?
Merlin: I suppose that must be upper-class humor. I don't get it.
Eggsy: Me neither. What the fuck are we supposed to do now?

Eggsy: Merlin.
Merlin: Aye?
Eggsy: I think we're going to Kentucky.
Merlin: Fried Chicken? I love fried chicken.
Eggsy: No, proper Kentucky. Look.
Merlin: You know what else I love? Country and western music.

Tequila: You know why the measurement of alcohol content's called "proof"?
Eggsy: Oh, fuck off!
Merlin: Oh, for Pete's sake.
Tequila: See, comes from back in the old days... when pirates wanted to test the strength of their rum. They used to pour a little bit out on gunpowder. That'll make you wanna slap your mama right there, boy. And if the gunpowder, if it burnt when they set it alight... they considered it proof... that their rum was good and strong.

Princess Tilde: Well, if you save the world... you know what that means.

Charlie: Poppy, would you pass the sugar, please?
Poppy: Okay. But it's really bad for you. Eight times more addictive than cocaine. Five times more likely to cause death. But it's legal... so, you go ahead. Knock yourself out... Don't get me started on tobacco and alcohol. Peddle that stuff and you're in Fortune 500.

Harry Hart: Manners... maketh... man.

Poppy: Save lives. Legalize.

Harry Hart: When I was shot... can you guess what the last thing was that flashed through my mind?.. It was absolutely nothing. I had no ties. No bittersweet memories. I was leaving nothing behind....

Harry Hart: Just know that having something to lose... is what makes life worth living.

Poppy: It's "Viva las vegan." Get it? "Viva las..."

Harry Hart: As one of our founding Kingsman once said... this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning...

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