23 янв. 2018 г.

Jason Bourne

Jason Bourne: I remember. I remember everything.

Aaron Kalloor: You don't get it, do you? Privacy is freedom. Maybe that's something you should think about defending.

Heather Lee: What if he's not coming for us? What if it's something else?

Director Dewey: What's that noise?
Asset: Multiple fire alarms.
Director Dewey: That's Bourne.

Director Dewey: People all across this country are safer because of what you did.
Jason Bourne: I'm trying to find another way.
Director Dewey: And how's that working out for you?.. You're never going to find any peace. Not until you admit to yourself who you really are.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Σ nostradamvs: «Абсолютно пустой фильм. Насколько первый после реинкарнации фильм про Борна был хорош, настолько этот превратился в бессмысленную шпионскую мешанину, каких мы уже видели тыщу со всем этим закулисьем и спутниковым наблюдением.»

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