17 окт. 2017 г.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

Captain Salazar: No, no. No need to fear me boy. I always leave one man alive. To tell the tale.

Captain Jack Sparrow: Oh, I’ve got it! I’ve got it. I’m robbing the bank!

Captain Jack Sparrow: Were you part of the plan?
Carina Smyth: I am not looking for trouble.
Captain Jack Sparrow: What a horrible way to live.

Captain Jack Sparrow: May I please have a drink, please?

Henry Turner: I’ve spent years searching for... this? The great Jack Sparrow is not some drunk in a cell. Do you even have a ship? A crew? Pants?
Captain Jack Sparrow: A great pirate does not require such intricacies.

Shansa: Everyone pays, eventually.

Executioner: And how would you like to die, pirate? Hanging, firing squad or a new invention. The guillotine.
Captain Jack Sparrow: Guillotine? Sounds French. I love the French. Did you know they’ve invented mayonnaise? How bad could it be? It’s French, right?

Captain Jack Sparrow: Here’s an idea. Why don’t we try good old fashioned stoning? I’d kill to be stoned right now. Gets the crowd involved, doesn’t it?

Captain Jack Sparrow: I’m not the one who, complain normally, but this basket is full of heads.

Gibbs: Captain. Do you really think we can find the trident?
Captain Jack Sparrow: Master Gibbs, you’re worrywart. There is nothing to be concerned about. What could possibly go wrong, right?

Scrum: She’s a witch!
Carina Smyth: I’m an astronomer.
Scrum: She breeds donkeys.
Carina Smyth: What? No. An astronomer contemplates the sky.
Scrum: Yay, on a donkey.
Carina Smyth: No, there’s no donkey!
Scrum: Well then how do you breed then?

Henry Turner: Why did I bother coming to you? The dead are haunting us down and you do nothing.
Captain Jack Sparrow: Nothing?! You call this nothing?
Henry Turner: You’re drunk and you’re sleeping.
Captain Jack Sparrow: My point exactly, I am doing two things at once. You can’t save the unsavable mate.

Captain Jack Sparrow: Now, bit of discretion when goes into brunette. Never presume her sister. But if you can not avoid the charming sister, Kill the brother, savvy?

Pirate: It’s up to you now Jack. This compass... points towards what you want most. Never betray it.

Carina Smyth: My calculations are precise and true. I’m not just an astronomer. I’m also a horologist.
Captain Jack Sparrow: ... No shame in that, dear. We’ll all have to earn a living, eh?
Carina Smyth: No, I’m a horologist.
Scrum: So was my mum. Although she didn’t crow about it quite as loud as you.

Captain Jack Sparrow: So no one can find the X, but you, right?
Carina Smyth: No.
Scrum: And the donkey?

Captain Hector Barbossa: Tell me what you want.
Captain Jack Sparrow: I want me compass. 216 barrels of rum. And a monkey.
Captain Hector Barbossa: You want Jack?!
Captain Jack Sparrow: Dinner. I want to eat him. I want to eat that monkey.

Captain Jack Sparrow: Master Gibbs...
Gibbs: Aye, aye, Captain!
Captain Jack Sparrow: I have a rendezvous beyond my... beloved horizon.

+ Quotes on the IMDb

Σ nostradamvs: «Очередная серия приключений уже знакомых нам героев. Забавная. Достаточно динамичная. С очередным новым непобедимым капитаном-призраком (Хавьер Бардем). Алогичная: .... В общем, ничего особенного.»

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