16 окт. 2017 г.

The Childhood of a Leader

"Не отпускает. Сильное кино. ... Многие ругали фильм: что, мол, хотел показать режиссёр, обычное детство, непонятно, почему мальчик вырос таким, каким — но в этом же и суть, в мизерных деталях, лидер не вырастает из замученного ребёнка, которого насилует отец и бьёт мать, он вырастает именно из такой изнеженной сопли, из непослушного мальчик, который умеет любить и ненавидеть, из крошечных деталей паззла собирается мужчина, говорящий шофёру «остановите здесь», и по его взгляду всё понятно без слов.«

The Father: The tragedy is not only that Pontius Pilate betrayed his self but that hundreds in the crowd before him did betray their selves.
Charles: And that’s what I wrote was the tragedy of war. Not that one man has the courage to be evil. But that so many have not the courage to be good.

Economist: Is anyone here actually concerned about a communist revolution? The Old Europe is quite strong, you know.
The Father: No, we do not know. Please enlighten us. If it were so strong, then why are we here?
American Gentleman: Marxism seems to have taken a stronghold over this part of the world.
Economist: Don’t confuse Marxism with Bolshevism. The Russians have recently ignored some significant sections of Marx’s texts. What he professed was that «Capitalism must come first...» This brings on industrialization, which in turn will bring up a working class. And that working class will inevitably rise up and an organic communism will take effect. As I see it, it was an attempt at fortune-telling and not a call to arms.

The Father: In Paris, delegates are coming to ask for countries, colonies. They are coming to ask for votes for women. But away from all that noise, what we must use this opportunity to discuss here quietly is coal. Go.
Economist: While I have addressed this in many of my prior presentations, it does not seem to be evident to those presiding over the negotiations to what extent Germany is reliant on her coal. If we go after the Saar basin, it will leave Germans with no way back and nothing to build upon. We go after their coal, it will give them no chance to repay their debts or rebuild their nation.
American Gentleman: Rebuild their nation?! What right do the enemy possibly have to rebuild while the rest of the continent is starving to death and dying of influenza? Wilson preaches peace without vengeance or victory, but it is just too emotionally removed, too intellectual. Where I am in step with my President, however, is that one way or another, we will force the world to be a better place. Mark my words.

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